@Override protected Transferable createTransferable(JComponent c) { JTextPane aTextPane = (JTextPane) c; HTMLEditorKit kit = ((HTMLEditorKit) aTextPane.getEditorKit()); StyledDocument sdoc = aTextPane.getStyledDocument(); int sel_start = aTextPane.getSelectionStart(); int sel_end = aTextPane.getSelectionEnd(); int i = sel_start; StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); while (i < sel_end) { Element e = sdoc.getCharacterElement(i); Object nameAttr = e.getAttributes().getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute); int start = e.getStartOffset(), end = e.getEndOffset(); if (nameAttr == HTML.Tag.BR) { output.append("\n"); } else if (nameAttr == HTML.Tag.CONTENT) { if (start < sel_start) { start = sel_start; } if (end > sel_end) { end = sel_end; } try { String str = sdoc.getText(start, end - start); output.append(str); } catch (BadLocationException ble) { Debug.error(me + "Copy-paste problem!\n%s", ble.getMessage()); } } i = end; } return new StringSelection(output.toString()); }
private static int getNSVisualPosition(EditorPane txt, int pos, int direction) { Element root = txt.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement(); int numLines = root.getElementIndex(txt.getDocument().getLength() - 1) + 1; int line = root.getElementIndex(pos) + 1; int tarLine = direction == SwingConstants.NORTH ? line - 1 : line + 1; try { if (tarLine <= 0) { return 0; } if (tarLine > numLines) { return txt.getDocument().getLength(); } Rectangle curRect = txt.modelToView(pos); Rectangle tarEndRect; if (tarLine < numLines) { tarEndRect = txt.modelToView(txt.getLineStartOffset(tarLine) - 1); } else { tarEndRect = txt.modelToView(txt.getDocument().getLength() - 1); } Debug.log(9, "curRect: " + curRect + ", tarEnd: " + tarEndRect); if (curRect.x > tarEndRect.x) { pos = txt.viewToModel(new Point(tarEndRect.x, tarEndRect.y)); } else { pos = txt.viewToModel(new Point(curRect.x, tarEndRect.y)); } } catch (BadLocationException e) { Debug.error(me + "Problem getting next visual position\n%s", e.getMessage()); } return pos; }
/** Clear the log panel. */ public void clearLogPanel() { try { logPane.getDocument().remove(1, logPane.getDocument().getLength() - 1); } catch (BadLocationException e) { LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProcessUIPanel.class).error(e.getMessage()); } }
// ---------------------------------------------------- // return last location found public int searchBackward(String lastFindStr) { try { // backward if (isFindAgain) { // otherwise you find same string int foo = lastFindIndex; // begining of word if (foo >= 0) { editor1.setCaretPosition(foo); } // System.out.println("Debug:TextViewer:searchBackward: lastFindIndex: "+foo); } int carPos = editor1.getCaretPosition(); // search backward // todo: should we use the getText(pos,len,segment); String chunk1 = editor1.getDocument().getText(0, carPos); int lastFindIndexTemp = chunk1.lastIndexOf(lastFindStr); if (lastFindIndexTemp == -1) { boolean okPressed = okCancelPopup.display("TextViewer:string not found. Try forward?"); // handle forward if (okPressed) { forwardFindDirection = true; lastFindIndex = searchForward(lastFindStr); } } else { lastFindIndex = lastFindIndexTemp; editor1.setCaretPosition(lastFindIndex); // ready to type in body editor1.moveCaretPosition(lastFindIndex + lastFindStr.length()); // ready to type in body } } catch (BadLocationException badexception) { String errstr = "TextViewer:searchBackward: " + badexception.getMessage(); warningPopup.display(errstr); return (-1); } return (lastFindIndex); }
@Override @SuppressWarnings("SleepWhileHoldingLock") public void run() { try { // initialize the statusbar status.removeAll(); JProgressBar progress = new JProgressBar(); progress.setMinimum(0); progress.setMaximum(doc.getLength()); status.add(progress); status.revalidate(); // start writing Writer out = new FileWriter(f); Segment text = new Segment(); text.setPartialReturn(true); int charsLeft = doc.getLength(); int offset = 0; while (charsLeft > 0) { doc.getText(offset, Math.min(4096, charsLeft), text); out.write(text.array, text.offset, text.count); charsLeft -= text.count; offset += text.count; progress.setValue(offset); try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Logger.getLogger(FileSaver.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e); } } out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { final String msg = e.getMessage(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( getFrame(), "Could not save file: " + msg, "Error saving file", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } }); } catch (BadLocationException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } // we are done... get rid of progressbar status.removeAll(); status.revalidate(); }
@Override public void run() { try { // initialize the statusbar status.removeAll(); JProgressBar progress = new JProgressBar(); progress.setMinimum(0); progress.setMaximum((int) f.length()); status.add(progress); status.revalidate(); // try to start reading Reader in = new FileReader(f); char[] buff = new char[4096]; int nch; while ((nch = in.read(buff, 0, buff.length)) != -1) { doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), new String(buff, 0, nch), null); progress.setValue(progress.getValue() + nch); } } catch (IOException e) { final String msg = e.getMessage(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( getFrame(), "Could not open file: " + msg, "Error opening file", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } }); } catch (BadLocationException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } doc.addUndoableEditListener(undoHandler); // we are done... get rid of progressbar status.removeAll(); status.revalidate(); resetUndoManager(); if (elementTreePanel != null) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { elementTreePanel.setEditor(getEditor()); } }); } }
public void actionPerformed(JTextComponent text) { indentationLogic = ((EditorPane) text).getIndentationLogic(); StyledDocument doc = (StyledDocument) text.getDocument(); Element map = doc.getDefaultRootElement(); Caret c = text.getCaret(); int dot = c.getDot(); int mark = c.getMark(); int line1 = map.getElementIndex(dot); if (dot != mark) { int line2 = map.getElementIndex(mark); int begin = Math.min(line1, line2); int end = Math.max(line1, line2); Element elem; try { for (line1 = begin; line1 < end; line1++) { elem = map.getElement(line1); handleDecreaseIndent(line1, elem, doc); } elem = map.getElement(end); int start = elem.getStartOffset(); if (Math.max(c.getDot(), c.getMark()) != start) { handleDecreaseIndent(end, elem, doc); } } catch (BadLocationException ble) { Debug.error(me + "Problem while de-indenting line\n%s", ble.getMessage()); UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(text); } } else { Element elem = map.getElement(line1); try { handleDecreaseIndent(line1, elem, doc); } catch (BadLocationException ble) { Debug.error(me + "Problem while de-indenting line\n%s", ble.getMessage()); UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(text); } } }
@Override protected void exportDone(JComponent source, Transferable data, int action) { if (action == TransferHandler.MOVE) { JTextPane aTextPane = (JTextPane) source; int sel_start = aTextPane.getSelectionStart(); int sel_end = aTextPane.getSelectionEnd(); Document doc = aTextPane.getDocument(); try { doc.remove(sel_start, sel_end - sel_start); } catch (BadLocationException e) { Debug.error(me + "exportDone: Problem while trying to remove text\n%s", e.getMessage()); } } }
private int parseRange(int start, int end) { if (!showThumbs) { // do not show any thumbnails return end; } try { end = parseLine(start, end, patCaptureBtn); end = parseLine(start, end, patPatternStr); end = parseLine(start, end, patRegionStr); end = parseLine(start, end, patPngStr); } catch (BadLocationException e) { Debug.error(me + "parseRange: Problem while trying to parse line\n%s", e.getMessage()); } return end; }
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="content insert append"> public void insertString(String str) { int sel_start = getSelectionStart(); int sel_end = getSelectionEnd(); if (sel_end != sel_start) { try { getDocument().remove(sel_start, sel_end - sel_start); } catch (BadLocationException e) { Debug.error(me + "insertString: Problem while trying to insert\n%s", e.getMessage()); } } int pos = getCaretPosition(); insertString(pos, str); int new_pos = getCaretPosition(); int end = parseRange(pos, new_pos); setCaretPosition(end); }
public void run() { try { // initialize the statusbar status.removeAll(); JProgressBar progress = new JProgressBar(); progress.setMinimum(0); progress.setMaximum((int) f2.length()); status.add(progress); status.revalidate(); // try to start reading Reader in = new FileReader(f2); char[] buff = new char[4096]; int nch; while ((nch = in.read(buff, 0, buff.length)) != -1) { doc2.insertString(doc2.getLength(), new String(buff, 0, nch), null); progress.setValue(progress.getValue() + nch); } // we are done... get rid of progressbar // doc2.addUndoableEditListener(undoHandler); status.removeAll(); status.revalidate(); // resetUndoManager(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("TextViewer:FileLoader " + e.toString()); } catch (BadLocationException e) { System.err.println("TextViewer:FileLoader " + e.getMessage()); } /* aa if (elementTreePanel != null) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { elementTreePanel.setEditor(getEditor()); } }); } */ }
// ---------------------- // return last location found public int searchForward(String lastFindStr) { try { // forward // System.out.println("Debug:TextViewer:in searchForward"); int carPos = editor1.getCaretPosition(); // System.out.println("Debug:TextViewer: carPos "+carPos); // int strLength=editor1.getDocument().getEndPosition().getOffset(); int strLength = editor1.getDocument().getLength(); // if ((strLength-carPos)<0) { // System.out.println("Debug:TextViewer: carPos "+carPos); // System.out.println("Debug:TextViewer: strLength "+strLength); // } // search Forward // todo: should we use the getText(pos,len,segment); String chunk1 = editor1.getDocument().getText(carPos, (strLength - carPos)); // offset,length int lastFindIndexTemp = chunk1.indexOf(lastFindStr); if (lastFindIndexTemp == -1) { boolean okPressed = okCancelPopup.display("TextViewer:string not found. Try backward?"); // handle backward if (okPressed) { forwardFindDirection = false; lastFindIndex = searchBackward(lastFindStr); // System.out.println("Debug:TextViewer: lastFindIndex "+lastFindIndex); } } else { lastFindIndex = carPos + lastFindIndexTemp; // System.out.println("Debug:TextViewer: lastFindIndex "+lastFindIndex); editor1.setCaretPosition(lastFindIndex); // ready to type in body editor1.moveCaretPosition(lastFindIndex + lastFindStr.length()); // ready to type in body } } catch (BadLocationException badexception) { String errstr = "TextViewer:searchForward: " + badexception.getMessage(); warningPopup.display(errstr); return (-1); } return (lastFindIndex); }
public void actionPerformed(JTextComponent text) { indentationLogic = ((EditorPane) text).getIndentationLogic(); boolean indentError = false; Document doc = text.getDocument(); Element map = doc.getDefaultRootElement(); String tabWhitespace = PreferencesUser.getInstance().getTabWhitespace(); Caret c = text.getCaret(); int dot = c.getDot(); int mark = c.getMark(); int dotLine = map.getElementIndex(dot); int markLine = map.getElementIndex(mark); if (dotLine != markLine) { int first = Math.min(dotLine, markLine); int last = Math.max(dotLine, markLine); Element elem; int start; try { for (int i = first; i < last; i++) { elem = map.getElement(i); start = elem.getStartOffset(); doc.insertString(start, tabWhitespace, null); } elem = map.getElement(last); start = elem.getStartOffset(); if (Math.max(c.getDot(), c.getMark()) != start) { doc.insertString(start, tabWhitespace, null); } } catch (BadLocationException ble) { Debug.error(me + "Problem while indenting line\n%s", ble.getMessage()); UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(text); } } else { text.replaceSelection(tabWhitespace); } }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JTextComponent textArea = (JTextComponent) e.getSource(); Caret caret = textArea.getCaret(); int dot = caret.getDot(); /* * Move to the beginning/end of selection on a "non-shifted" * left- or right-keypress. We shouldn't have to worry about * navigation filters as, if one is being used, it let us get * to that position before. */ if (!select) { switch (direction) { case SwingConstants.EAST: int mark = caret.getMark(); if (dot != mark) { caret.setDot(Math.max(dot, mark)); return; } break; case SwingConstants.WEST: mark = caret.getMark(); if (dot != mark) { caret.setDot(Math.min(dot, mark)); return; } break; default: } } Position.Bias[] bias = new Position.Bias[1]; Point magicPosition = caret.getMagicCaretPosition(); try { if (magicPosition == null && (direction == SwingConstants.NORTH || direction == SwingConstants.SOUTH)) { Rectangle r = textArea.modelToView(dot); magicPosition = new Point(r.x, r.y); } NavigationFilter filter = textArea.getNavigationFilter(); if (filter != null) { dot = filter.getNextVisualPositionFrom( textArea, dot, Position.Bias.Forward, direction, bias); } else { if (direction == SwingConstants.NORTH || direction == SwingConstants.SOUTH) { dot = getNSVisualPosition((EditorPane) textArea, dot, direction); } else { dot = textArea .getUI() .getNextVisualPositionFrom( textArea, dot, Position.Bias.Forward, direction, bias); } } if (select) { caret.moveDot(dot); } else { caret.setDot(dot); } if (magicPosition != null && (direction == SwingConstants.NORTH || direction == SwingConstants.SOUTH)) { caret.setMagicCaretPosition(magicPosition); } } catch (BadLocationException ble) { Debug.error(me + "Problem while trying to move caret\n%s", ble.getMessage()); } }
private void insertNewlineWithAutoIndent(JTextComponent text) { try { int caretPos = text.getCaretPosition(); StyledDocument doc = (StyledDocument) text.getDocument(); Element map = doc.getDefaultRootElement(); int lineNum = map.getElementIndex(caretPos); Element line = map.getElement(lineNum); int start = line.getStartOffset(); int end = line.getEndOffset() - 1; int len = end - start; String s = doc.getText(start, len); String leadingWS = PythonIndentation.getLeadingWhitespace(doc, start, caretPos - start); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("\n"); sb.append(leadingWS); // TODO better control over automatic indentation indentationLogic.checkIndent(leadingWS, lineNum + 1); // If there is only whitespace between the caret and // the EOL, pressing Enter auto-indents the new line to // the same place as the previous line. int nonWhitespacePos = PythonIndentation.atEndOfLine(doc, caretPos, start, s, len); if (nonWhitespacePos == -1) { if (leadingWS.length() == len) { // If the line was nothing but whitespace, select it // so its contents get removed. text.setSelectionStart(start); } else { // Select the whitespace between the caret and the EOL // to remove it text.setSelectionStart(caretPos); } text.setSelectionEnd(end); text.replaceSelection(sb.toString()); // auto-indentation for python statements like if, while, for, try, // except, def, class and auto-deindentation for break, continue, // pass, return analyseDocument(doc, lineNum, indentationLogic); // auto-completion: add colon if it is obvious if (indentationLogic.shouldAddColon()) { doc.insertString(caretPos, ":", null); indentationLogic.setLastLineEndsWithColon(); } int lastLineChange = indentationLogic.shouldChangeLastLineIndentation(); int nextLineChange = indentationLogic.shouldChangeNextLineIndentation(); if (lastLineChange != 0) { Debug.log(5, "change line %d indentation by %d columns", lineNum + 1, lastLineChange); changeIndentation((DefaultStyledDocument) doc, lineNum, lastLineChange); // nextLineChange was determined based on indentation of last line before // the change nextLineChange += lastLineChange; } if (nextLineChange != 0) { Debug.log(5, "change line %d indentation by %d columns", lineNum + 2, nextLineChange); changeIndentation((DefaultStyledDocument) doc, lineNum + 1, nextLineChange); } } // If there is non-whitespace between the caret and the // EOL, pressing Enter takes that text to the next line // and auto-indents it to the same place as the last // line. Additional auto-indentation or dedentation for // specific python statements is only done for the next line. else { text.setCaretPosition(nonWhitespacePos); doc.insertString(nonWhitespacePos, sb.toString(), null); analyseDocument(doc, lineNum, indentationLogic); int nextLineChange = indentationLogic.shouldChangeNextLineIndentation(); if (nextLineChange != 0) { Debug.log(5, "change line %d indentation by %d columns", lineNum + 2, nextLineChange); changeIndentation((DefaultStyledDocument) doc, lineNum + 1, nextLineChange); } } } catch (BadLocationException ble) { text.replaceSelection("\n"); Debug.error(me + "Problem while inserting new line with auto-indent\n%s", ble.getMessage()); } }