public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { DefaultMutableTreeNode curTreeNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) treWhere.getLastSelectedPathComponent(); if (curTreeNode == null) { new MessageBox(calcColumnDialog, "请选择树节点!", MessageBox.MESSAGE, MessageBox.BUTTON_OK) .show(); return; } if (!curTreeNode.isLeaf()) return; int row = treWhere.getSelectionRows()[0]; DefaultMutableTreeNode nextTreeNode = curTreeNode.getNextNode(); if (!nextTreeNode.isLeaf()) return; DefaultTreeModel model = (DefaultTreeModel) treWhere.getModel(); DefaultMutableTreeNode parTreeNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) curTreeNode.getParent(); int index = parTreeNode.getIndex(curTreeNode); model.removeNodeFromParent(curTreeNode); model.insertNodeInto(curTreeNode, parTreeNode, index + 1); // 刷新节点中文名称 if (curTreeNode != null) refreshNodeChName(curTreeNode); if (curTreeNode.getPreviousSibling() != null) refreshNodeChName(curTreeNode.getPreviousSibling()); model.nodeChanged(curTreeNode); model.nodeChanged(curTreeNode.getPreviousSibling()); treWhere.repaint(); treWhere.setSelectionRow(row + 1); }
/** * Draw all primitives in this layer but do not draw modified ones (they are drawn by the edit * layer). Draw nodes last to overlap the ways they belong to. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void paint(final Graphics2D g, final MapView mv, Bounds bounds) { updateCount =; DefaultMutableTreeNode root =; if (root == null || root.getChildCount() == 0) return; PaintVisitor paintVisitor = new PaintVisitor(g, mv); DefaultMutableTreeNode severity = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) root.getLastChild(); while (severity != null) { Enumeration<DefaultMutableTreeNode> errorMessages = severity.breadthFirstEnumeration(); while (errorMessages.hasMoreElements()) { Object tn = errorMessages.nextElement().getUserObject(); if (tn instanceof TestError) { paintVisitor.visit(((TestError) tn)); } } // Severities in inverse order severity = severity.getPreviousSibling(); } paintVisitor.clearPaintedObjects(); }