private Collection<Token> performTest(String sourceCode, final int offset, boolean[] wasResolved) throws Exception { FileObject root = makeScratchDir(this); FileObject sourceDir = root.createFolder("src"); FileObject buildDir = root.createFolder("build"); FileObject cacheDir = root.createFolder("cache"); source = sourceDir.createFolder("test").createData(""); writeIntoFile(source, sourceCode); SourceUtilsTestUtil.prepareTest(sourceDir, buildDir, cacheDir, new FileObject[0]); DataObject od = DataObject.find(source); EditorCookie ec = od.getCookie(EditorCookie.class); Document doc = ec.openDocument(); doc.putProperty(Language.class, JavaTokenId.language()); doc.putProperty("mimeType", "text/x-java"); return InstantRenamePerformer.computeChangePoints( SourceUtilsTestUtil.getCompilationInfo(JavaSource.forFileObject(source), Phase.RESOLVED), offset, wasResolved); }
final void setPage(HtmlPage page) throws IOException { = page; final Document doc = textPane.getDocument(); doc.putProperty(Document.TitleProperty, page.getTitle()); // Clearing stream forces refresh. doc.putProperty(Document.StreamDescriptionProperty, null); textPane.setPage(page.getPath().toURI().toURL()); find(find.getText()); }
public void setPage(final URL page) throws IOException { if (page == null) { throw new IOException(Messages.getString("swing.03", "Page")); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } String url = page.toString(); String baseUrl = getBaseURL(url); Document oldDoc = getDocument(); if (baseUrl != null && oldDoc != null && baseUrl.equals(oldDoc.getProperty(Document.StreamDescriptionProperty))) { scrollToReference(page.getRef()); return; } InputStream stream = getStream(page); if (stream == null) { return; } Document newDoc = editorKit.createDefaultDocument(); // Perhaps, it is reasonable only for HTMLDocument... if (newDoc instanceof HTMLDocument) { newDoc.putProperty(Document.StreamDescriptionProperty, baseUrl); newDoc.putProperty(StringConstants.IGNORE_CHARSET_DIRECTIVE, new Boolean(false)); try { ((HTMLDocument) newDoc).setBase(new URL(baseUrl)); } catch (IOException e) { } } // TODO Asynch loading doesn't work with completely. // Also page property change event is written incorrectly now // (at the asynchrounous loading), because loading may not be // completed. // int asynchronousLoadPriority = getAsynchronousLoadPriority(newDoc); int asynchronousLoadPriority = -1; if (asynchronousLoadPriority >= 0) { setDocument(newDoc); AsynchLoad newThread = new AsynchLoad(asynchronousLoadPriority, stream, page); newThread.start(); if (newThread.successfulLoading) { changePage(page); } } else { try { documentLoading(stream, newDoc, page); stream.close(); setDocument(newDoc); changePage(page); } catch (IOException e) { } } }
@Override public void actionPerformed(PhpModule phpModule) { // Check CakePHP project if (!CakePhpUtils.isCakePHP(phpModule)) { return; } // get EditorCookie Lookup lookup = Utilities.actionsGlobalContext(); EditorCookie context = lookup.lookup(EditorCookie.class); if (context == null) { return; } Document doc = context.getDocument(); if (doc == null) { return; } reformat(doc); // Change line feed if (!BaseDocument.LS_LF.equals(doc.getProperty(BaseDocument.READ_LINE_SEPARATOR_PROP))) { doc.putProperty(BaseDocument.READ_LINE_SEPARATOR_PROP, BaseDocument.LS_LF); } }
private static OffsetsBag getBag(Document doc) { OffsetsBag bag = (OffsetsBag) doc.getProperty(RemoveSurroundingCodePanel.class); if (bag == null) { doc.putProperty(RemoveSurroundingCodePanel.class, bag = new OffsetsBag(doc)); } return bag; }
private static TokenSequence<SQLTokenId> getTokenSequence(String sql) throws BadLocationException { Document doc = new ModificationTextDocument(); doc.insertString(0, sql, null); doc.putProperty(Language.class, SQLTokenId.language()); TokenHierarchy<?> hi = TokenHierarchy.get(doc); TokenSequence<SQLTokenId> seq = hi.tokenSequence(SQLTokenId.language()); seq.moveStart(); return seq; }
public void read(final InputStream stream, final Object type) throws IOException { if (type instanceof String) { setContentType((String) type); } try { Document doc = getDocument(); doc.putProperty(StringConstants.IGNORE_CHARSET_DIRECTIVE, Boolean.TRUE); InputStreamReader(stream), doc, 0); } catch (BadLocationException e) { } }
private void documentLoading(final InputStream str, final Document doc, final URL url) throws IOException { try {, doc, 0); } catch (ChangedCharSetException e) { try { doc.putProperty(StringConstants.IGNORE_CHARSET_DIRECTIVE, Boolean.TRUE); doc.remove(0, doc.getLength()); final String htmlAttribute = e.getCharSetSpec(); final int charSetIndex = htmlAttribute.lastIndexOf("charset="); if (charSetIndex >= 0) { String charSet = htmlAttribute.substring(charSetIndex + 8); InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(url.openStream(), Charset.forName(charSet));, doc, 0); } } catch (BadLocationException e1) { } } catch (BadLocationException e) { } }
public static void refresh() throws IOException { log_out.flush(); Document doc = messOut.getDocument(); doc.putProperty(Document.StreamDescriptionProperty, null); messOut.setPage(logfileURL); }
/** @throws java.lang.Exception */ @RandomlyFails public void testDocumentModification() throws Exception { // 1) register tasks and parsers MockServices.setServices(MockMimeLookup.class, MyScheduler.class); final CountDownLatch latch1 = new CountDownLatch(1); final CountDownLatch latch2 = new CountDownLatch(2); final CountDownLatch latch3 = new CountDownLatch(3); final int[] fooParser = {1}; final int[] fooParserResult = {1}; final int[] fooEmbeddingProvider = {1}; final int[] fooTask = {1}; final int[] booParser = {1}; final int[] booParserResult = {1}; final int[] booTask = {1}; final TestComparator test = new TestComparator( "1 - reschedule all schedulers\n" + "foo get embeddings 1 (Snapshot 1), \n" + "Snapshot 1: Toto je testovaci file, na kterem se budou delat hnusne pokusy!!!, \n" + "Snapshot 2: stovaci fi, \n" + "foo parse 1 (Snapshot 1, FooParserResultTask 1, SourceModificationEvent -1:-1), \n" + "foo get result 1 (FooParserResultTask 1), \n" + "foo task 1 (FooResult 1 (Snapshot 1), SchedulerEvent 1), \n" + "foo invalidate 1, \n" + "boo parse 1 (Snapshot 2, BooParserResultTask 1, SourceModificationEvent -1:-1), \n" + "boo get result 1 (BooParserResultTask 1), \n" + "boo task 1 (BooResult 1 (Snapshot 2), SchedulerEvent 1), \n" + "boo invalidate 1, \n" + "2 - insert 14 chars on offset 22\n" + "foo get embeddings 1 (Snapshot 3), \n" + "Snapshot 3: Toto je testovaci file (druha verze), na kterem se budou delat hnusne pokusy!!!, \n" + "Snapshot 4: stovaci fi, \n" + "foo parse 1 (Snapshot 3, FooParserResultTask 1, SourceModificationEvent 18:37), \n" + "foo get result 1 (FooParserResultTask 1), \n" + "foo task 1 (FooResult 2 (Snapshot 3), SchedulerEvent 1), \n" + "foo invalidate 2, \n" + "boo parse 1 (Snapshot 4, BooParserResultTask 1, SourceModificationEvent -1:-1), \n" + // !! source unchanged "boo get result 1 (BooParserResultTask 1), \n" + "boo task 1 (BooResult 2 (Snapshot 4), SchedulerEvent 1), \n" + "boo invalidate 2, \n" + "3 - remove 5 chars on offset 44\n" + "foo get embeddings 1 (Snapshot 5), \n" + "Snapshot 5: Toto je testovaci file (druha verze), na ktee budou delat hnusne pokusy!!!, \n" + "Snapshot 6: stovaci fi, \n" + "foo parse 1 (Snapshot 5, FooParserResultTask 1, SourceModificationEvent 41:45), \n" + "foo get result 1 (FooParserResultTask 1), \n" + "foo task 1 (FooResult 3 (Snapshot 5), SchedulerEvent 2), \n" + "foo invalidate 3, \n" + "boo parse 1 (Snapshot 6, BooParserResultTask 1, SourceModificationEvent -1:-1), \n" + // !! source unchanged "boo get result 1 (BooParserResultTask 1), \n" + "boo task 1 (BooResult 3 (Snapshot 6), SchedulerEvent 2), \n" + "boo invalidate 3, \n" + "4 - end\n"); MockMimeLookup.setInstances( MimePath.get("text/foo"), new ParserFactory() { public Parser createParser(Collection<Snapshot> snapshots2) { return new Parser() { private Snapshot last; private int i = fooParser[0]++; public void parse(Snapshot snapshot, Task task, SourceModificationEvent event) throws ParseException { test.check( "foo parse " + i + " (Snapshot " + test.get(snapshot) + ", " + task + ", " + event + "), \n"); last = snapshot; } public Result getResult(Task task) throws ParseException { test.check("foo get result " + i + " (" + task + "), \n"); return new Result(last) { public void invalidate() { test.check("foo invalidate " + i + ", \n"); } private int i = fooParserResult[0]++; @Override public String toString() { return "FooResult " + i + " (Snapshot " + test.get(getSnapshot()) + ")"; } }; } public void cancel() {} public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener changeListener) {} public void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener changeListener) {} }; } }, new TaskFactory() { public Collection<SchedulerTask> create(Snapshot snapshot) { return Arrays.asList( new SchedulerTask[] { new EmbeddingProvider() { private int i = fooEmbeddingProvider[0]++; public List<Embedding> getEmbeddings(Snapshot snapshot) { test.check( "foo get embeddings " + i + " (Snapshot " + test.get(snapshot) + "), \n"); test.check( "Snapshot " + test.get(snapshot) + ": " + snapshot.getText() + ", \n"); Embedding embedding = snapshot.create(10, 10, "text/boo"); test.get(embedding.getSnapshot()); test.check( "Snapshot " + test.get(embedding.getSnapshot()) + ": " + embedding.getSnapshot().getText() + ", \n"); return Arrays.asList(new Embedding[] {embedding}); } public int getPriority() { return 10; } public void cancel() {} }, new ParserResultTask() { public void run(Result result, SchedulerEvent event) { test.check( "foo task " + i + " (" + result + ", SchedulerEvent " + test.get(event) + "), \n"); } public int getPriority() { return 100; } public Class<? extends Scheduler> getSchedulerClass() { return Scheduler.EDITOR_SENSITIVE_TASK_SCHEDULER; } public void cancel() {} private int i = fooTask[0]++; @Override public String toString() { return "FooParserResultTask " + i; } } }); } }); MockMimeLookup.setInstances( MimePath.get("text/boo"), new ParserFactory() { public Parser createParser(Collection<Snapshot> snapshots2) { return new Parser() { private Snapshot last; private int i = booParser[0]++; public void parse(Snapshot snapshot, Task task, SourceModificationEvent event) throws ParseException { test.check( "boo parse " + i + " (Snapshot " + test.get(snapshot) + ", " + task + ", " + event + "), \n"); last = snapshot; } public Result getResult(Task task) throws ParseException { test.check("boo get result " + i + " (" + task + "), \n"); return new Result(last) { public void invalidate() { test.check("boo invalidate " + i + ", \n"); latch1.countDown(); latch2.countDown(); latch3.countDown(); } private int i = booParserResult[0]++; @Override public String toString() { return "BooResult " + i + " (Snapshot " + test.get(getSnapshot()) + ")"; } }; } public void cancel() {} public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener changeListener) {} public void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener changeListener) {} }; } }, new TaskFactory() { public Collection<SchedulerTask> create(Snapshot snapshot) { return Arrays.asList( new SchedulerTask[] { new ParserResultTask() { private int i = booTask[0]++; public void run(Result result, SchedulerEvent event) { test.check( "boo task " + i + " (" + result + ", SchedulerEvent " + test.get(event) + "), \n"); } public int getPriority() { return 150; } public Class<? extends Scheduler> getSchedulerClass() { return Scheduler.EDITOR_SENSITIVE_TASK_SCHEDULER; } public void cancel() {} @Override public String toString() { return "BooParserResultTask " + i; } } }); } }); // 2) create source file clearWorkDir(); FileObject workDir = FileUtil.toFileObject(getWorkDir()); FileObject testFile = FileUtil.createData(workDir, ""); FileUtil.setMIMEType("foo", "text/foo"); OutputStream outputStream = testFile.getOutputStream(); OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream); writer.append("Toto je testovaci file, na kterem se budou delat hnusne pokusy!!!"); writer.close(); Source source = Source.create(testFile); Document document = source.getDocument(true); document.putProperty("mimeType", "text/foo"); document.putProperty(Language.class, new ALanguageHierarchy().language()); TokenHierarchy th = TokenHierarchy.get(document); TokenSequence ts = th.tokenSequence(); ts.tokenCount(); test.check("1 - reschedule all schedulers\n"); // 3) shcedulle CurrentDocumentScheduler for (Scheduler scheduler : Schedulers.getSchedulers()) if (scheduler instanceof CurrentDocumentScheduler) ((CurrentDocumentScheduler) scheduler).schedule(source); latch1.await(); test.check("2 - insert 14 chars on offset 22\n"); document.insertString(22, " (druha verze)", null); latch2.await(); test.check("3 - remove 5 chars on offset 44\n"); document.remove(44, 5); latch3.await(); test.check("4 - end\n"); assertEquals("", test.getResult()); }