/** Listener to handle button actions */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // Check if the user changed the service filter option if (e.getSource() == service_box) { service_list.setEnabled(service_box.isSelected()); service_list.clearSelection(); remove_service_button.setEnabled(false); add_service_field.setEnabled(service_box.isSelected()); add_service_field.setText(""); add_service_button.setEnabled(false); } // Check if the user pressed the add service button if ((e.getSource() == add_service_button) || (e.getSource() == add_service_field)) { String text = add_service_field.getText(); if ((text != null) && (text.length() > 0)) { service_data.addElement(text); service_list.setListData(service_data); } add_service_field.setText(""); add_service_field.requestFocus(); } // Check if the user pressed the remove service button if (e.getSource() == remove_service_button) { Object[] sels = service_list.getSelectedValues(); for (int i = 0; i < sels.length; i++) { service_data.removeElement(sels[i]); } service_list.setListData(service_data); service_list.clearSelection(); } }
private void onBatch() { final boolean b = useBatchInputCheckbox.isSelected(); orientationComboBox.setEnabled(b); lengthField.setEnabled(b); dpiXField.setEnabled(b); dpiYField.setEnabled(b); startDepthField.setEnabled(b); depthIncField.setEnabled(b); applyToAllButton.setEnabled(b); applyToSelectedButton.setEnabled(b); if (!b) { orientationLabel.setEnabled(b); lengthLabel.setEnabled(b); dpiXLabel.setEnabled(b); dpiYLabel.setEnabled(b); startDepthLabel.setEnabled(b); depthIncLabel.setEnabled(b); } else { orientationLabel.setEnabled(orientationComboBox.getSelectedIndex() != 2); // [Blank] lengthLabel.setEnabled(!lengthField.getText().equals("")); dpiXLabel.setEnabled(!dpiXField.getText().equals("")); dpiYLabel.setEnabled(!dpiYField.getText().equals("")); startDepthLabel.setEnabled(!startDepthField.getText().equals("")); depthIncLabel.setEnabled(!depthIncField.getText().equals("")); } }
/** Requests the list of all lost packages */ private void buttonShowLostActionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { this.packages = DataAdapter.getLostPackages(); this.jListPackages.setListData(new Vector(this.packages)); jButtonSetLost.setEnabled(false); jButtonSetFound.setEnabled(this.packages.size() > 0); jListScans.setListData(new Vector()); }
/** Stop talking to the server */ public void stop() { if (socket != null) { // Close all the streams and socket if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } out = null; } if (in != null) { try { in.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } in = null; } if (socket != null) { try { socket.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } socket = null; } } else { // Already stopped } // Make sure the right buttons are enabled start_button.setEnabled(true); stop_button.setEnabled(false); setStatus(STATUS_STOPPED); }
/** Start talking to the server */ public void start() { String codehost = getCodeBase().getHost(); if (socket == null) { try { // Open the socket to the server socket = new Socket(codehost, port); // Create output stream out = new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream()); out.flush(); // Create input stream and start background // thread to read data from the server in = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); new Thread(this).start(); } catch (Exception e) { // Exceptions here are unexpected, but we can't // really do anything (so just write it to stdout // in case someone cares and then ignore it) System.out.println("Exception! " + e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); setErrorStatus(STATUS_NOCONNECT); socket = null; } } else { // Already started } if (socket != null) { // Make sure the right buttons are enabled start_button.setEnabled(false); stop_button.setEnabled(true); setStatus(STATUS_ACTIVE); } }
/** Show the filter dialog */ public void showDialog() { empty_border = new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 0, 5); indent_border = new EmptyBorder(5, 25, 5, 5); include_panel = new ServiceFilterPanel("Include messages based on target service:", filter_include_list); exclude_panel = new ServiceFilterPanel("Exclude messages based on target service:", filter_exclude_list); status_box = new JCheckBox("Filter messages based on status:"); status_box.addActionListener(this); status_active = new JRadioButton("Active messages only"); status_active.setSelected(true); status_active.setEnabled(false); status_complete = new JRadioButton("Complete messages only"); status_complete.setEnabled(false); status_group = new ButtonGroup(); status_group.add(status_active); status_group.add(status_complete); if (filter_active || filter_complete) { status_box.setSelected(true); status_active.setEnabled(true); status_complete.setEnabled(true); if (filter_complete) { status_complete.setSelected(true); } } status_options = new JPanel(); status_options.setLayout(new BoxLayout(status_options, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); status_options.add(status_active); status_options.add(status_complete); status_options.setBorder(indent_border); status_panel = new JPanel(); status_panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); status_panel.add(status_box, BorderLayout.NORTH); status_panel.add(status_options, BorderLayout.CENTER); status_panel.setBorder(empty_border); ok_button = new JButton("Ok"); ok_button.addActionListener(this); cancel_button = new JButton("Cancel"); cancel_button.addActionListener(this); buttons = new JPanel(); buttons.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); buttons.add(ok_button); buttons.add(cancel_button); panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); panel.add(include_panel); panel.add(exclude_panel); panel.add(status_panel); panel.add(buttons); dialog = new JDialog(); dialog.setTitle("SOAP Monitor Filter"); dialog.setContentPane(panel); dialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); dialog.setModal(true); dialog.pack(); Dimension d = dialog.getToolkit().getScreenSize(); dialog.setLocation((d.width - dialog.getWidth()) / 2, (d.height - dialog.getHeight()) / 2); ok_pressed = false; dialog.show(); }
/** Listener to handle service list selection changes */ public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { if (service_list.getSelectedIndex() == -1) { remove_service_button.setEnabled(false); } else { remove_service_button.setEnabled(true); } }
/** * Constrcutor. Draws the dialog. * * @param parent the parent frame for this dialog. * @param oColour the starting colour to select; */ public UIColorChooserDialog(JFrame parent, Color oColour) { super(parent, true); setTitle("Colour Chooser"); oParent = parent; tcc = new JColorChooser(oColour); oContentPane = getContentPane(); JPanel mainpanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); mainpanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(10, 10, 10, 10)); mainpanel.add(tcc, BorderLayout.CENTER); JPanel buttonpanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); // Add export button pbSave = new UIButton("Save"); pbSave.addActionListener(this); getRootPane().setDefaultButton(pbSave); buttonpanel.add(pbSave); // Add close button pbCancel = new UIButton("Cancel"); pbCancel.addActionListener(this); buttonpanel.add(pbCancel); mainpanel.add(buttonpanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); oContentPane.add(mainpanel); pack(); }
public MapDesigner(int row, int col) { this.row = row; // 設置行數 this.col = col; // 設置列數 this.setTitle("3D迷宮重力球地圖設計器"); // 設置標題 icrystal = new ImageIcon("img/Diamond.png").getImage(); // 圓孔的標誌圖 mdp = new MapDesignPanel(row, col, this); // 創建地圖設計器面板 jsp = new JScrollPane(mdp); // 創建JScrollPane面板 this.add(jsp); // 添加JScrollPane面板 jp.add(jbGenerate); // 添加生成地圖按鈕 jp.add(jbGenerateD); // 添加生成圓孔按鈕 jp.add(jrBlack); bg.add(jrBlack); // 向jp中添加黑色單選按鈕 jp.add(jrWhite); bg.add(jrWhite); // 向jp中添加白色單選按鈕 jp.add(jrCrystal); bg.add(jrCrystal); // 向jp中添加圓孔單選按鈕 this.add(jp, BorderLayout.NORTH); // jp添加進窗體中 jbGenerate.addActionListener(this); // 生成地圖按鈕設置監聽 jbGenerateD.addActionListener(this); // 生成圓孔按鈕設置監聽 this.setBounds(10, 10, 800, 600); // 設置窗口大小 this.setVisible(true); // 設置可見 this.mdp.requestFocus(true); // MapDesignPanel獲取焦點 }
private void setComponentsEnabled(boolean enabled) { list.setEnabled(enabled); process.setEnabled(enabled); remove.setEnabled(enabled); xres.setEnabled(enabled); yres.setEnabled(enabled); aspect.setEnabled(enabled); boolean b = aspect.isSelected() && enabled; colorLabel.setEnabled(b); colorBox.setEnabled(b); redLabel.setEnabled(b); red.setEnabled(b); redValue.setEnabled(b); greenLabel.setEnabled(b); green.setEnabled(b); greenValue.setEnabled(b); blueLabel.setEnabled(b); blue.setEnabled(b); blueValue.setEnabled(b); format.setEnabled(enabled); algorithm.setEnabled(enabled); prepend.setEnabled(enabled); append.setEnabled(enabled); output.setEnabled(enabled); }
public void evaluate() { try { // clear problems and console messages problemsView.setText(""); consoleView.setText(""); // update status view statusView.setText(" Parsing ..."); tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(0); LispExpr root = Parser.parse(textView.getText()); statusView.setText(" Running ..."); tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(1); // update run button runButton.setIcon(stopImage); runButton.setActionCommand("Stop"); // start run thread runThread = new RunThread(root); runThread.start(); } catch (SyntaxError e) { tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(0); System.err.println( "Syntax Error at " + e.getLine() + ", " + e.getColumn() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } catch (Error e) { // parsing error System.err.println(e.getMessage()); statusView.setText(" Errors."); } }
// Create the primary panel with sub panels. private void createMainPanel() { // Create the panels in each tab. JPanel capturePanel = createCapturePanel(); JPanel replayPanel = createReplayPanel(); // Create the tabs and add the new panels to them. JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); tabbedPane.addTab("Capture", capturePanel); tabbedPane.addTab("Replay", replayPanel); // Create the buttons that always show to select app. JPanel topButtons = new JPanel(); topButtons.setLayout(new BoxLayout(topButtons, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); JButton selectApp = new JButton("Select Application"); JLabel selectedApp = new JLabel("Selected App: "); appName = new JLabel(); topButtons.add(selectApp); topButtons.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(10, 0))); topButtons.add(selectedApp); topButtons.add(appName); selectApp.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { displayAppFrame(); } }); // Add the buttons and tab structure. add(topButtons, BorderLayout.NORTH); add(tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); }
// Add JButton and JList components to the panel. public ScribblePane3() { // Implicit super() call here invokes the superclass constructor // Add a "Clear" button to the panel. // Handle button events with an action listener JButton clear = new JButton("Clear"); clear.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { clear(); } }); this.add(clear); // Add a JList to allow color choices. // Handle list selection events with a ListSelectionListener. final JList colorList = new JList(colorNames); colorList.addListSelectionListener( new ListSelectionListener() { public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { setColor(colors[colorList.getSelectedIndex()]); } }); this.add(colorList); }
/* * The following method creates the textfield to change the text * and the button to update the label. * postcondition: returns the panel containing the textfield and button. */ public JPanel createUpdateButton() { JLabel textLabel = new JLabel(new String("Change text to: ")); textField = new JTextField(new String("Big Java"), 20); textField.setFont(new Font(("Times"), Font.PLAIN, 12)); update = new JButton(new String("Update")); update.setDefaultCapable(true); // This class is used to create a special ActionListener for this menu item class ButtonListener implements ActionListener { /* * This method is called when the update button is clicked */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { // Call the method to change the text on the screen. setSampleFont(); } // end actionPerformed method } ActionListener listener = new ButtonListener(); update.addActionListener(listener); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.add(textLabel); panel.add(textField); panel.add(update); return panel; } // end createUpdateButton method
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public void setEnabled(boolean b) { if (b != isEnabled()) { super.setEnabled(b); if ((selectedComponents & DISPLAY_DATE) > 0) { yearDecrButton.setEnabled(b); monthDecrButton.setEnabled(b); monthYearLabel.setEnabled(b); monthIncrButton.setEnabled(b); yearIncrButton.setEnabled(b); for (int day = 0; day < 7; day++) { dayOfWeekLabels[day].setEnabled(b); } for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) { for (int day = 0; day < 7; day++) { if (dayButtons[row][day].getText().length() > 0) { dayButtons[row][day].setEnabled(b); } } } } if ((selectedComponents & DISPLAY_TIME) > 0) { spinner.setEnabled(b); } } }
/* * The following method creates the color chooser dialog box */ public void createColorDialog() { colorDialog = new JDialog(this, new String("Choose a color"), true); colorDialog.getContentPane().add(createColorPicker(), BorderLayout.CENTER); JButton okButton = new JButton("OK"); // This class is used to create a special ActionListener for // the ok button class ButtonListener implements ActionListener { /* * This method is called whenever the ok button is clicked */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { currentChoice.changeColor(color_panel.getColor()); currentChoice.repaint(); fontColor = color_panel.getColor(); colorDialog.hide(); } // end actionPerformed method } ActionListener listener = new ButtonListener(); okButton.addActionListener(listener); // Add the four font control panels to one big panel using // a grid layout JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); buttonPanel.add(okButton); // Add the button panel to the content pane of the ColorDialogue colorDialog.getContentPane().add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); colorDialog.pack(); }
public CreInvChecker(Component parent) { typeButtons = new JCheckBox[CHECKTYPES.length]; JPanel boxPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 1)); for (int i = 0; i < typeButtons.length; i++) { typeButtons[i] = new JCheckBox(CHECKTYPES[i], true); boxPanel.add(typeButtons[i]); } bstart.setMnemonic('s'); bcancel.setMnemonic('c'); bstart.addActionListener(this); bcancel.addActionListener(this); selectframe.getRootPane().setDefaultButton(bstart); selectframe.setIconImage(Icons.getIcon("Find16.gif").getImage()); boxPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Select test to check:")); JPanel bpanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); bpanel.add(bstart); bpanel.add(bcancel); JPanel mainpanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); mainpanel.add(boxPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); mainpanel.add(bpanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); mainpanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(3, 3, 3, 3)); JPanel pane = (JPanel) selectframe.getContentPane(); pane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); pane.add(mainpanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); selectframe.pack(); Center.center(selectframe, parent.getBounds()); selectframe.setVisible(true); }
public void createColorPanel() { JPanel colorPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 1)); int curRow = 0; for (int i = 0; i < colorString.length / 5; i++) { JPanel row = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 0, 2, 1)); row.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(2, 2, 2, 2)); for (int j = curRow; j < curRow + 5; j++) { final JLabel colorLabel = new JLabel(null, new ColoredIcon(color[j], 14, 14), JLabel.CENTER); colorLabel.setOpaque(true); final Border emb = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(2, 1, 2, 1); final Border lnb = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.black); final Border cmb = BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(lnb, emb); colorLabel.setBorder(emb); colorLabel.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { JButton btn = (JButton) getTarget(); Color selColor = ((ColoredIcon) colorLabel.getIcon()).getCurrentColor(); btn.setIcon(new ColoredIcon(selColor)); setVisible(false); btn.doClick(); oldLabel.setBackground(null); colorLabel.setBackground(new Color(150, 150, 200)); colorLabel.setBorder(emb); oldLabel = colorLabel; } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { colorLabel.setBorder(cmb); colorLabel.setBackground(new Color(150, 150, 200)); } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { colorLabel.setBorder(emb); colorLabel.setBackground(null); } }); row.add(colorLabel); } colorPanel.add(row); curRow += row.getComponentCount(); // System.out.println(curRow); } add(colorPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); // More Colors Button moreColors = new JButton(new ColorChooserAction((JButton) target)); moreColors.setText("More Colors..."); moreColors.setIcon(null); moreColors.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 10)); // JPanel c = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); c.add(moreColors); add(c, BorderLayout.SOUTH); }
/** Handle changes to the text field */ public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { String text = add_service_field.getText(); if ((text != null) && (text.length() > 0)) { add_service_button.setEnabled(true); } else { add_service_button.setEnabled(false); } }
/** * Handles the <tt>ActionEvent</tt> which occurred when user clicks the Search button. * * @param e the <tt>ActionEvent</tt> that notified us of the button click */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JButton button = (JButton) e.getSource(); String buttonName = button.getName(); if (buttonName.equalsIgnoreCase("search")) { historyWindow.showHistoryByKeyword(searchTextField.getText()); } }
private JButton makeToolbarButton(String name, String toolTipText, String action) { // Create and initialize the button. JButton button = new JButton(makeImageIcon(name)); button.setToolTipText(toolTipText); button.setActionCommand(action); button.addActionListener(this); return button; }
public ButtonsPanel() { super(); setOpaque(true); for (JButton b : buttons) { b.setFocusable(false); b.setRolloverEnabled(false); add(b); } }
/** Simple convenience routine for adding a button/icon to a Toolbar */ public static JButton addTool(JToolBar toolBar, String name) { JButton b; b = new JButton(new ImageIcon("images/" + name + ".gif", name)); toolBar.add(b); b.setToolTipText(name); b.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); b.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleName(name); return b; }
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { JButton jbutton = (JButton) e.getSource(); int comm = Integer.parseInt(jbutton.getActionCommand()); int today = getNowCalendar().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); if (comm == today) { jbutton.setBackground(todayBtnColor); } else { jbutton.setBackground(palletTableColor); } }
public MenuedButton(Icon icon, JPopupMenu menu) { JButton iconBut = new JButton(icon); iconBut.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); // iconBut. setMainButton(iconBut); setPopupMenu(menu); setShdPopupOnBtnClick(true); setPopupLocation(BELOW); }
// Stop recording a test case. private void stopRecord() { // Update the text pane. updateGUI("Stopped Recording."); recordButton.setEnabled(true); stopButton.setEnabled(false); // Stop recording user actions. efgtstCapture.stop(); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (cChooser == null) { cChooser = new JColorChooser(); } Color color = cChooser.showDialog( target, "Available Colors", ((ColoredIcon) target.getIcon()).getCurrentColor()); target.setIcon(new ColoredIcon(color)); target.doClick(); }
// Listener method for list selection changes. public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { if (e.getValueIsAdjusting() == false) { if (list.getSelectedIndex() == -1) { // No selection: disable delete, up, and down buttons. deleteButton.setEnabled(false); upButton.setEnabled(false); downButton.setEnabled(false); nameField.setText(""); } else if (list.getSelectedIndices().length > 1) { // Multiple selection: disable up and down buttons. deleteButton.setEnabled(true); upButton.setEnabled(false); downButton.setEnabled(false); } else { // Single selection: permit all operations. deleteButton.setEnabled(true); upButton.setEnabled(true); downButton.setEnabled(true); nameField.setText(list.getSelectedValue().toString()); } } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource().equals(pausePlay)) { if (pausePlay.getText().equals("Play")) { pausePlay.setText("Pause"); LifeSimulation.timer().start(); } else { pausePlay.setText("Play"); LifeSimulation.timer().stop(); } } }
public void setPlayerControlsVisible(boolean b) { boolean oldValue = forwardButton.isVisible(); if (oldValue != b) { forwardButton.setVisible(b); rewindButton.setVisible(b); startButton.setVisible(b); slider.setVisible(b); spacer.setVisible(!b); revalidate(); } }