public static void stringToFile(String file, String string) { try { if (file.lastIndexOf('\\') != -1) { File par = new File(file.substring(0, file.lastIndexOf('\\'))); par.mkdirs(); } FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file); fw.write(string); fw.flush(); fw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Failed to save file."); } }
public static void storeImage(BufferedImage image, String s) { String ext; File f; try { ext = s.substring(s.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); f = new File(s); f.mkdirs(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); return; } if (!ext.equals("gif") && !ext.equals("jpg") && !ext.equals("png")) { System.out.println("Cannot write to file: Illegal extension " + ext); return; } try { ImageIO.write(image, ext, f); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } }
protected void saveToFile() { if (this.fileChooser == null) { this.fileChooser = new JFileChooser(); this.fileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File(Configuration.getUserHomeDirectory())); } this.fileChooser.setDialogTitle("Choose Directory to Place Airspaces"); this.fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); this.fileChooser.setMultiSelectionEnabled(false); int status = this.fileChooser.showSaveDialog(null); if (status != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) return; final File dir = this.fileChooser.getSelectedFile(); if (dir == null) return; if (!dir.exists()) { //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored dir.mkdirs(); } final Iterable<AirspaceEntry> entries = this.getModel().getEntries(); Thread t = new Thread( new Runnable() { public void run() { try { java.text.DecimalFormat f = new java.text.DecimalFormat("####"); f.setMinimumIntegerDigits(4); int counter = 0; for (AirspaceEntry entry : entries) { Airspace a = entry.getAirspace(); AirspaceAttributes currentAttribs = a.getAttributes(); a.setAttributes(entry.getAttributes()); String xmlString = a.getRestorableState(); if (xmlString != null) { try { PrintWriter of = new PrintWriter( new File( dir, a.getClass().getName() + "-" + entry.getName() + "-" + f.format(counter++) + ".xml")); of.write(xmlString); of.flush(); of.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } a.setAttributes(currentAttribs); } } finally { SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { setEnabled(true); getApp().setCursor(null); getApp().getWwd().redraw(); } }); } } }); this.setEnabled(false); getApp().setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); t.start(); }
private void process() { int width = Integer.parseInt(xres.getText()); int height = Integer.parseInt(yres.getText()); boolean preserveAspect = aspect.isSelected(); Color bg = new Color(red.getValue(), green.getValue(), blue.getValue()); String outDir = output.getText(); String suffix = ((String) format.getSelectedItem()).toLowerCase(); String preText = prepend.getText(); String appText = append.getText(); int scaleType = -1; String alg = (String) algorithm.getSelectedItem(); if (alg.equals("Smooth")) scaleType = Image.SCALE_SMOOTH; else if (alg.equals("Standard")) scaleType = Image.SCALE_DEFAULT; else if (alg.equals("Fast")) scaleType = Image.SCALE_FAST; else if (alg.equals("Replicate")) scaleType = Image.SCALE_REPLICATE; else if (alg.equals("Area averaging")) { scaleType = Image.SCALE_AREA_AVERAGING; } DefaultListModel model = (DefaultListModel) list.getModel(); int size = model.size(); progress.setValue(0); progress.setMaximum(4 * size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ThumbFile tf = (ThumbFile) model.elementAt(i); list.setSelectedValue(tf, true); String tail = " (" + (i + 1) + " of " + size + ")"; progress.setValue(4 * i); progress.setString("Reading" + tail); // construct input and output filenames String inFile = tf.getPath(); String outFile = outDir + SLASH + tf.getName(); int ndx = outFile.lastIndexOf(SLASH); String s1 = outFile.substring(0, ndx + SLASH.length()); String s2 = outFile.substring(ndx + SLASH.length()); int dot_ndx = s2.lastIndexOf("."); if (dot_ndx >= 0) s2 = s2.substring(0, dot_ndx); // make the thumbnail file name outFile = s1 + preText + s2 + appText + "." + suffix; // read in the file to an image BufferedImage image = null; try { image = File(inFile)); } catch (IOException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } progress.setValue(4 * i + 1); progress.setString("Resizing" + tail); // resize image int w, h; if (preserveAspect) { int ow = image.getWidth(); int oh = image.getHeight(); double oasp = (double) ow / oh; double tasp = (double) width / height; if (oasp > tasp) { w = width; h = (int) (w / oasp); } else { h = height; w = (int) (oasp * h); } } else { w = width; h = height; } Image resized = image.getScaledInstance(w, h, scaleType); progress.setValue(4 * i + 2); progress.setString("Painting" + tail); // create thumbnail BufferedImage thumb = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D g2d = thumb.createGraphics(); g2d.setColor(bg); g2d.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); g2d.drawImage(resized, (width - w) / 2, (height - h) / 2, this); g2d.dispose(); progress.setValue(4 * i + 3); progress.setString("Writing" + tail); // save thumbnail to disk File out = new File(outFile); File parent = out.getParentFile(); if (parent != null && !parent.exists()) parent.mkdirs(); try { ImageIO.write(thumb, suffix, out); } catch (IOException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } } list.setSelectedIndices(new int[0]); progress.setValue(4 * size); progress.setString("Complete"); }
/** Does install of JRE */ public static void install() { // Hide the JNLP Clients installer window and show own Config.getInstallService().hideStatusWindow(); showInstallerWindow(); // Make sure the destination exists. String path = Config.getInstallService().getInstallPath(); if (Config.isWindowsInstall()) { String defaultLocation = "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\j2re" + Config.getJavaVersion() + "\\"; File defaultDir = new File(defaultLocation); if (!defaultDir.exists()) { defaultDir.mkdirs(); } if (defaultDir.exists() && defaultDir.canWrite()) { path = defaultLocation; // use default if you can } } File installDir = new File(path); if (!installDir.exists()) { installDir.mkdirs(); if (!installDir.exists()) { // The installFailed string is only for debugging. No localization needed installFailed("couldntCreateDirectory", null); return; } } // Show license if neccesary enableStep(STEP_LICENSE); if (!showLicensing()) { // The installFailed string is only for debugging. No localization needed installFailed("Licensing was not accepted", null); } ; // Make sure that the data JAR is downloaded enableStep(STEP_DOWNLOAD); if (!downloadInstallerComponent()) { // The installFailed string is only for debugging. No localization needed installFailed("Unable to download data component", null); } String nativeLibName = Config.getNativeLibName(); File installerFile = null; try { // Load native library into process if found if (nativeLibName != null && !Config.isSolarisInstall()) { System.loadLibrary(nativeLibName); } // Unpack installer enableStep(STEP_UNPACK); String installResource = Config.getInstallerResource(); Config.trace("Installer resource: " + installResource); installerFile = unpackInstaller(installResource); // To clean-up downloaded files Config.trace("Unpacked installer to: " + installerFile); if (installerFile == null) { // The installFailed string is only for debugging. No localization needed installFailed("Could not unpack installer components", null); return; } enableStep(STEP_INSTALL); setStepText(STEP_INSTALL, Config.getWindowStepWait(STEP_INSTALL)); boolean success = false; if (Config.isSolarisInstall()) { success = runSolarisInstaller(path, installerFile); } else { success = runWindowsInstaller(path, installerFile); } if (!success) { // The installFailed string is only for debugging. No localization needed installFailed("Could not run installer", null); return; } } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError ule) { // The installFailed string is only for debugging. No localization needed installFailed("Unable to load library: " + nativeLibName, null); return; } finally { if (installerFile != null) { installerFile.delete(); } } setStepText(STEP_INSTALL, Config.getWindowStep(STEP_INSTALL)); enableStep(STEP_DONE); String execPath = path + Config.getJavaPath(); Config.trace(execPath); /** Remove installer JAR from cache */ removeInstallerComponent(); // If we're running anything after 1.0.1 or not on Windows, just call // finishedInstall. Otherwise, deny ExitVM permission so that we can // return here and do a reboot. We have to do this because we need to // call ExtensionInstallerService.finishedInstall(), which registers // that our extension (the JRE) is installed. Unfortunately pre-1.2 it // also does not understand that we are requesting a reboot, and calls // System.exit(). So for pre 1.2 we want to deny the permission to // exit the VM so we can return here and perform a reboot. boolean ispre12 = false; String version = Config.getJavaWSVersion(); // get first tuple String v = version.substring(version.indexOf('-') + 1); int i2 = v.indexOf('.'); int v1 = Integer.parseInt(v.substring(0, i2)); // get second tuple v = v.substring(i2 + 1); i2 = v.indexOf('.'); if (i2 == -1) i2 = v.indexOf('-'); if (i2 == -1) i2 = v.indexOf('['); if (i2 == -1) i2 = v.length(); int v2 = Integer.parseInt(v.substring(0, i2)); // are we pre 1.2? if (v1 < 1 || (v1 == 1 && v2 < 2)) ispre12 = true; if (Config.isWindowsInstall() && ispre12 && Config.isHopper()) { // deny ExitVM permission then call finishedInstall ProtectionDomain pd = (new Object()).getClass().getProtectionDomain(); CodeSource cs = pd.getCodeSource(); AllPermissionExceptExitVM perm = new AllPermissionExceptExitVM(); PermissionCollection newpc = perm.newPermissionCollection(); newpc.add(perm); // run finishedInstall within the new context which excluded // just the ExitVM permission ProtectionDomain newpd = new ProtectionDomain(cs, newpc); AccessControlContext newacc = new AccessControlContext(new ProtectionDomain[] {newpd}); final String fExecPath = execPath; try { AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedExceptionAction() { public Object run() throws SecurityException { finishedInstall(fExecPath); return null; } }, newacc); } catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) { // swallow the exception because we want ExitVM to fail silent } catch (SecurityException se) { // swallow the exception because we want ExitVM to fail silent } } else { // just call finished Install finishedInstall(execPath); } if (Config.isWindowsInstall() && WindowsInstaller.IsRebootNecessary()) { // reboot if (!WindowsInstaller.askUserForReboot()) System.exit(0); } else { System.exit(0); } }
/** Runs this thread. */ public void run() { CommonFileChooser file_chooser = new CommonFileChooser(); file_chooser.setDialogTitle("Choose a directory."); file_chooser.setMultiSelectionEnabled(false); file_chooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); if (file_chooser.showSaveDialog(pane) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { try { File directory = file_chooser.getSelectedFile(); directory.mkdirs(); // Outputs the variability XML file. String path = FileManager.unitePath(directory.getAbsolutePath(), "package.xml"); File file = new File(path); if (file.exists()) { String message = "Overwrite to " + file.getPath() + " ?"; if (0 != JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( pane, message, "Confirmation", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION)) { return; } } XmlVariabilityHolder holder = new XmlVariabilityHolder(); Variability[] records = getSelectedRecords(); for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { XmlVariability variability = new XmlVariability(records[i]); holder.addVariability(variability); } holder.write(file); // Copies the report XML document files. Hashtable hash_xml = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { XmlMagRecord[] mag_records = records[i].getMagnitudeRecords(); for (int j = 0; j < mag_records.length; j++) hash_xml.put(mag_records[j].getImageXmlPath(), this); } Vector failed_list = new Vector(); Enumeration keys = hash_xml.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { String xml_path = (String) keys.nextElement(); try { File src_file = desktop.getFileManager().newFile(xml_path); File dst_file = new File(FileManager.unitePath(directory.getAbsolutePath(), xml_path)); if (dst_file.exists() == false) FileManager.copy(src_file, dst_file); } catch (Exception exception) { failed_list.addElement(xml_path); } } if (failed_list.size() > 0) { String header = "Failed to copy the following XML files:"; MessagesDialog dialog = new MessagesDialog(header, failed_list);, "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } // Copies the image files. failed_list = new Vector(); keys = hash_xml.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { path = (String) keys.nextElement(); try { XmlInformation info = XmlReport.readInformation(desktop.getFileManager().newFile(path)); path = info.getImage().getContent(); File src_file = desktop.getFileManager().newFile(path); File dst_file = new File(FileManager.unitePath(directory.getAbsolutePath(), path)); if (dst_file.exists() == false) FileManager.copy(src_file, dst_file); } catch (Exception exception) { failed_list.addElement(path); } } if (failed_list.size() > 0) { String header = "Failed to copy the following image files:"; MessagesDialog dialog = new MessagesDialog(header, failed_list);, "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } // Creates the sub catalog database. try { DiskFileSystem file_system = new DiskFileSystem( new File( directory.getAbsolutePath(), net.aerith.misao.pixy.Properties.getDatabaseDirectoryName())); CatalogDBManager new_manager = new GlobalDBManager(file_system).getCatalogDBManager(); Hashtable hash_stars = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { CatalogStar star = records[i].getStar(); CatalogDBReader reader = new CatalogDBReader(desktop.getDBManager().getCatalogDBManager()); StarList list =, 0.5); for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) { CatalogStar s = (CatalogStar) list.elementAt(j); hash_stars.put(s.getOutputString(), s); } } keys = hash_stars.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { String string = (String) keys.nextElement(); CatalogStar star = (CatalogStar) hash_stars.get(string); new_manager.addElement(star); } } catch (Exception exception) { String message = "Failed to create sub catalog database."; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(pane, message, "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } String message = "Completed."; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(pane, message); } catch (IOException exception) { String message = "Failed."; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(pane, message, "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } }