예제 #1
 /** Remove the transaction from transaction hash. */
 protected void removeTransactionHash(SIPTransaction sipTransaction) {
   SIPRequest sipRequest = sipTransaction.getOriginalRequest();
   if (sipRequest == null) return;
   if (sipTransaction instanceof SIPClientTransaction) {
     synchronized (clientTransactionTable) {
       String key = sipTransaction.getTransactionId();
   } else if (sipTransaction instanceof SIPServerTransaction) {
     synchronized (serverTransactionTable) {
       String key = sipTransaction.getTransactionId();
예제 #2
  * Put a dialog into the dialog table.
  * @param dialog -- dialog to put into the dialog table.
 public void putDialog(SIPDialog dialog) {
   String dialogId = dialog.getDialogId();
   synchronized (dialogTable) {
     if (dialogTable.containsKey(dialogId)) return;
   if (LogWriter.needsLogging) {
     logWriter.logMessage("putDialog dialogId=" + dialogId);
   // if (this.getDefaultRouteHeader() != null)
   //   dialog.addRoute(this.getDefaultRouteHeader(),false);
   if (LogWriter.needsLogging) logWriter.logStackTrace();
   synchronized (dialogTable) {
     dialogTable.put(dialogId, dialog);
예제 #3
   * Find the transaction corresponding to a given request.
   * @param sipMessage request for which to retrieve the transaction.
   * @param isServer search the server transaction table if true.
   * @return the transaction object corresponding to the request or null if no such mapping exists.
  public SIPTransaction findTransaction(SIPMessage sipMessage, boolean isServer) {
    SIPTransaction retval = null;

    if (isServer) {
      Via via = sipMessage.getTopmostVia();
      if (via.getBranch() != null) {
        String key = sipMessage.getTransactionId();

        synchronized (this.serverTransactionTable) {
          retval = (SIPTransaction) serverTransactionTable.get(key);
          if (LogWriter.needsLogging) logMessage("looking for key " + key);
          if (retval != null && retval.isMessagePartOfTransaction(sipMessage)) return retval;
      // Need to scan the table for old style transactions (RFC 2543
      // style)
      synchronized (this.serverTransactions) {
        Iterator<SIPServerTransaction> it = serverTransactions.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
          SIPServerTransaction sipServerTransaction = (SIPServerTransaction) it.next();
          if (sipServerTransaction.isMessagePartOfTransaction(sipMessage))
            return sipServerTransaction;
    } else {
      Via via = sipMessage.getTopmostVia();
      if (via.getBranch() != null) {
        String key = sipMessage.getTransactionId();
        synchronized (this.clientTransactionTable) {
          retval = (SIPTransaction) clientTransactionTable.get(key);
          if (retval != null && retval.isMessagePartOfTransaction(sipMessage)) return retval;
      // Need to scan the table for old style transactions (RFC 2543
      // style)
      synchronized (this.clientTransactions) {
        Iterator<SIPClientTransaction> it = clientTransactions.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
          SIPClientTransaction clientTransaction = (SIPClientTransaction) it.next();
          if (clientTransaction.isMessagePartOfTransaction(sipMessage)) return clientTransaction;
    return null;
예제 #4
 /** Remove transaction. */
 public void removeTransaction(SIPTransaction sipTransaction) {
   if (sipTransaction instanceof SIPServerTransaction) {
     synchronized (serverTransactions) {
     synchronized (serverTransactionTable) {
       String key = sipTransaction.getTransactionId();
   } else {
     synchronized (clientTransactions) {
     synchronized (clientTransactionTable) {
       String key = sipTransaction.getTransactionId();
예제 #5
 /** Hash table for quick lookup of transactions. */
 protected void addTransactionHash(SIPTransaction sipTransaction) {
   SIPRequest sipRequest = sipTransaction.getOriginalRequest();
   // Via via = sipRequest.getTopmostVia();
   // Cannot cache old style requests.
    * if (via.getBranch() == null || ! via.getBranch().toUpperCase().startsWith
    * (SIPConstants.BRANCH_MAGIC_COOKIE.toUpperCase())){ return; }
   if (sipTransaction instanceof SIPClientTransaction) {
     synchronized (clientTransactionTable) {
       String key = sipRequest.getTransactionId();
       clientTransactionTable.put(key, sipTransaction);
   } else {
     synchronized (serverTransactionTable) {
       String key = sipRequest.getTransactionId();
       serverTransactionTable.put(key, sipTransaction);
예제 #6
   * Handles a new SIP response. It finds a client transaction to handle this message. If none
   * exists, it sends the message directly to the superclass.
   * @param responseReceived Response to handle.
   * @param responseMessageChannel Channel that received message.
   * @return A client transaction.
  protected ServerResponseInterface newSIPServerResponse(
      SIPResponse responseReceived, MessageChannel responseMessageChannel) {
    //	System.out.println("response = " + responseReceived.encode());

    // Iterator through all client transactions
    Iterator<SIPClientTransaction> transactionIterator;
    // Next transaction in the set
    SIPClientTransaction nextTransaction;
    // Transaction to handle this request
    SIPClientTransaction currentTransaction;

    String key = responseReceived.getTransactionId();

    currentTransaction = (SIPClientTransaction) clientTransactionTable.get(key);

    if (currentTransaction == null
        || !currentTransaction.isMessagePartOfTransaction(responseReceived)) {
      // Loop through all server transactions
      synchronized (clientTransactions) {
        transactionIterator = clientTransactions.iterator();
        currentTransaction = null;
        while (transactionIterator.hasNext() && currentTransaction == null) {

          nextTransaction = (SIPClientTransaction) transactionIterator.next();

          // If this transaction should handle this request,
          if (nextTransaction.isMessagePartOfTransaction(responseReceived)) {

            // Mark this transaction as the one to
            // handle this message
            currentTransaction = nextTransaction;

      // If no transaction exists to handle this message,
      if (currentTransaction == null) {

        // Pass the message directly to the TU
        return super.newSIPServerResponse(responseReceived, responseMessageChannel);

    // Set ths transaction's encapsulated response interface
    // from the superclass
        super.newSIPServerResponse(responseReceived, currentTransaction));
    return currentTransaction;
   * Initialize -- load password files etc. Password file format is name:authentication
   * domain:password
   * @param pwFileName is the password file name.
   * @param Exception is thrown when the password file is bad.
  public void initialize(String pwFileName) {
    try {
      XMLAuthenticationParser parser = new XMLAuthenticationParser(pwFileName);

      String def = parser.getRealm();
      if (def != null) DEFAULT_REALM = def;
          "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticationMethod, initialize()," + " the realm is:" + DEFAULT_REALM);
      Vector usersTagList = parser.getUsersTagList();
      if (usersTagList != null)
        for (int i = 0; i < usersTagList.size(); i++) {
          UserTag userTag = (UserTag) usersTagList.elementAt(i);
          String userName = userTag.getUserName();
          // String userRealm=userTag.getUserRealm();
          String userPassword = userTag.getUserPassword();
          if (userName != null) {

            if (userPassword == null) {
                  "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticationMethod, initialize(),"
                      + " the userPassword parameter does not exist for user: "******", we use the default: \""
                      + NULL_PASSWORD
                      + "\"");
              userPassword = NULL_PASSWORD;
            passwordTable.put(userName + "@" + DEFAULT_REALM, userPassword);
          } else {
                "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticationMethod, initialize(),"
                    + " the userName parameter does not exist, we skip this entry!!");
            "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticationMethod, initialize(),"
                + "Error during parsing the passwords file!");

    } catch (Exception e) {
      ProxyDebug.println("ERROR, DigestAuthenticationMethod, initialize()," + "exception raised:");
   * Check the response and answer true if authentication succeeds. We are making simplifying
   * assumptions here and assuming that the password is available to us for computation of the MD5
   * hash. We also dont cache authentications so that the user has to authenticate on each
   * registration.
   * @param user is the username
   * @param authHeader is the Authroization header from the SIP request.
   * @param requestLine is the SIP Request line from the SIP request.
   * @exception SIPAuthenticationException is thrown when authentication fails or message is bad
  public boolean doAuthenticate(String user, AuthorizationHeader authHeader, Request request) {
    String realm = authHeader.getRealm();
    String username = authHeader.getUsername();
    URI requestURI = request.getRequestURI();

    if (username == null) {
          "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticateMethod, doAuthenticate(): "
              + "WARNING: userName parameter not set in the header received!!!");
      username = user;
    if (realm == null) {
          "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticateMethod, doAuthenticate(): "
              + "WARNING: realm parameter not set in the header received!!! WE use the default one");
      realm = DEFAULT_REALM;

        "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticateMethod, doAuthenticate(): "
            + "Trying to authenticate user: "******" for "
            + " the realm: "
            + realm);

    String password = (String) passwordTable.get(username + "@" + realm);
    if (password == null) {
          "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticateMethod, doAuthenticate(): "
              + "ERROR: password not found for the user: "******"@"
              + realm);
      return false;

    String nonce = authHeader.getNonce();
    // If there is a URI parameter in the Authorization header,
    // then use it.
    URI uri = authHeader.getURI();
    // There must be a URI parameter in the authorization header.
    if (uri == null) {
          "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticateMethod, doAuthenticate(): "
              + "ERROR: uri paramater not set in the header received!");
      return false;

        "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticationMethod, doAuthenticate(), username:"******"!");
    ProxyDebug.println("DEBUG, DigestAuthenticationMethod, doAuthenticate(), realm:" + realm + "!");
        "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticationMethod, doAuthenticate(), password:"******"!");
    ProxyDebug.println("DEBUG, DigestAuthenticationMethod, doAuthenticate(), uri:" + uri + "!");
    ProxyDebug.println("DEBUG, DigestAuthenticationMethod, doAuthenticate(), nonce:" + nonce + "!");
        "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticationMethod, doAuthenticate(), method:" + request.getMethod() + "!");

    String A1 = username + ":" + realm + ":" + password;
    String A2 = request.getMethod().toUpperCase() + ":" + uri.toString();
    byte mdbytes[] = messageDigest.digest(A1.getBytes());
    String HA1 = ProxyUtilities.toHexString(mdbytes);

    ProxyDebug.println("DEBUG, DigestAuthenticationMethod, doAuthenticate(), HA1:" + HA1 + "!");
    mdbytes = messageDigest.digest(A2.getBytes());
    String HA2 = ProxyUtilities.toHexString(mdbytes);
    ProxyDebug.println("DEBUG, DigestAuthenticationMethod, doAuthenticate(), HA2:" + HA2 + "!");
    String cnonce = authHeader.getCNonce();
    String KD = HA1 + ":" + nonce;
    if (cnonce != null) {
      KD += ":" + cnonce;
    KD += ":" + HA2;
    mdbytes = messageDigest.digest(KD.getBytes());
    String mdString = ProxyUtilities.toHexString(mdbytes);
    String response = authHeader.getResponse();
        "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticateMethod, doAuthenticate(): "
            + "we have to compare his response: "
            + response
            + " with our computed"
            + " response: "
            + mdString);

    int res = (mdString.compareTo(response));
    if (res == 0) {
          "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticateMethod, doAuthenticate(): " + "User authenticated...");
    } else {
          "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticateMethod, doAuthenticate(): " + "User not authenticated...");

    return res == 0;
예제 #9
   * Handles a new SIP request. It finds a server transaction to handle this message. If none
   * exists, it creates a new transaction.
   * @param requestReceived Request to handle.
   * @param requestMessageChannel Channel that received message.
   * @return A server transaction.
  protected ServerRequestInterface newSIPServerRequest(
      SIPRequest requestReceived, MessageChannel requestMessageChannel) {

    // Iterator through all server transactions
    Iterator<SIPServerTransaction> transactionIterator;
    // Next transaction in the set
    SIPServerTransaction nextTransaction;
    // Transaction to handle this request
    SIPServerTransaction currentTransaction;

    String key = requestReceived.getTransactionId();

    currentTransaction = (SIPServerTransaction) serverTransactionTable.get(key);
    if (currentTransaction == null
        || !currentTransaction.isMessagePartOfTransaction(requestReceived)) {

      // Loop through all server transactions
      synchronized (serverTransactions) {
        transactionIterator = serverTransactions.iterator();
        currentTransaction = null;
        while (transactionIterator.hasNext() && currentTransaction == null) {

          nextTransaction = (SIPServerTransaction) transactionIterator.next();

          // If this transaction should handle this request,
          if (nextTransaction.isMessagePartOfTransaction(requestReceived)) {
            // Mark this transaction as the one
            // to handle this message
            currentTransaction = nextTransaction;

        // If no transaction exists to handle this message
        if (currentTransaction == null) {
          currentTransaction = findPendingTransaction(requestReceived);
          if (currentTransaction != null) return currentTransaction;
          currentTransaction = createServerTransaction(requestMessageChannel);
          if (!isDialogCreated(requestReceived.getMethod())) {
            // Dialog is not created - can we find the state?
            // If so, then create a transaction and add it.
            String dialogId = requestReceived.getDialogId(true);
            SIPDialog dialog = getDialog(dialogId);
            // Sequence numbers are supposed to increment.
            // avoid processing old sequence numbers and
            // delivering the same request up to the
            // application if the request has already been seen.
            // Special handling applies to ACK processing.
            if (dialog != null
                && (requestReceived.getMethod().equals(Request.ACK)
                    || requestReceived.getCSeq().getSequenceNumber()
                        > dialog.getRemoteSequenceNumber())) {
              // Found a dialog.
              if (LogWriter.needsLogging)
                logWriter.logMessage("adding server transaction " + currentTransaction);
              serverTransactions.add(0, currentTransaction);
              currentTransaction.isMapped = true;
          } else {
            // Create the transaction but dont map it.
            String dialogId = requestReceived.getDialogId(true);
            SIPDialog dialog = getDialog(dialogId);
            // This is a dialog creating request that is part of an
            // existing dialog (eg. re-Invite). Re-invites get a non
            // null server transaction Id (unlike the original
            // invite).
            if (dialog != null
                && requestReceived.getCSeq().getSequenceNumber()
                    > dialog.getRemoteSequenceNumber()) {
              if (LogWriter.needsLogging)
                logWriter.logMessage("adding server transaction " + currentTransaction);
              serverTransactions.add(0, currentTransaction);
              currentTransaction.toListener = true;

    // Set ths transaction's encapsulated request
    // interface from the superclass
        super.newSIPServerRequest(requestReceived, currentTransaction));
    return currentTransaction;
예제 #10
  * Return the dialog for a given dialog ID. If compatibility is enabled then we do not assume the
  * presence of tags and hence need to add a flag to indicate whether this is a server or client
  * transaction.
  * @param dialogId is the dialog id to check.
 public SIPDialog getDialog(String dialogId) {
   if (LogWriter.needsLogging) logWriter.logMessage("Getting dialog for " + dialogId);
   synchronized (dialogTable) {
     return (SIPDialog) dialogTable.get(dialogId);
예제 #11
 /** This is for debugging. */
 public Iterator<SIPDialog> getDialogs() {
   return dialogTable.values().iterator();