void setFormData(WObject.FormData formData) { if (!(formData.values.length == 0)) { List<String> attributes = new ArrayList<String>(); attributes = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(formData.values[0].split(";"))); if (attributes.size() == 6) { try { this.volume_ = Double.parseDouble(attributes.get(0)); } catch (RuntimeException e) { this.volume_ = -1; } try { this.current_ = Double.parseDouble(attributes.get(1)); } catch (RuntimeException e) { this.current_ = -1; } try { this.duration_ = Double.parseDouble(attributes.get(2)); } catch (RuntimeException e) { this.duration_ = -1; } this.playing_ = attributes.get(3).equals("0"); this.ended_ = attributes.get(4).equals("1"); try { this.readyState_ = intToReadyState(Integer.parseInt(attributes.get(5))); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new WException( "WAbstractMedia: error parsing: " + formData.values[0] + ": " + e.toString()); } } else { throw new WException("WAbstractMedia: error parsing: " + formData.values[0]); } } }
private void doDisableMetadataIndexing() { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { disableMetadataIndexing(au, false); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Can't disable metadata indexing", e); errMsg = "Error: " + e.toString(); } }
private void forceReindexMetadata() { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { startReindexingMetadata(au, true); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Can't reindex metadata", e); errMsg = "Error: " + e.toString(); } }
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { // session属于http范畴,所以要将ServletRequest转换成httpServletRequest try { HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) request; HttpSession session = req.getSession(); if (session.getAttribute("username") != null) { chain.doFilter(request, response); } else { request.getRequestDispatcher("error.jsp").forward(request, response); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private boolean startCrawl(ArchivalUnit au, boolean force, boolean deep) throws CrawlManagerImpl.NotEligibleException { CrawlManagerImpl cmi = (CrawlManagerImpl) crawlMgr; if (force) { RateLimiter limit = cmi.getNewContentRateLimiter(au); if (!limit.isEventOk()) { limit.unevent(); } } cmi.checkEligibleToQueueNewContentCrawl(au); String delayMsg = ""; String deepMsg = ""; try { cmi.checkEligibleForNewContentCrawl(au); } catch (CrawlManagerImpl.NotEligibleException e) { delayMsg = ", Start delayed due to: " + e.getMessage(); } Configuration config = ConfigManager.getCurrentConfig(); int pri = config.getInt(PARAM_CRAWL_PRIORITY, DEFAULT_CRAWL_PRIORITY); CrawlReq req; try { req = new CrawlReq(au); req.setPriority(pri); if (deep) { int d = Integer.parseInt(formDepth); if (d < 0) { errMsg = "Illegal refetch depth: " + d; return false; } req.setRefetchDepth(d); deepMsg = "Deep (" + req.getRefetchDepth() + ") "; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { errMsg = "Illegal refetch depth: " + formDepth; return false; } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Couldn't create CrawlReq: " + au, e); errMsg = "Couldn't create CrawlReq: " + e.toString(); return false; } cmi.startNewContentCrawl(req, null); statusMsg = deepMsg + "Crawl requested for " + au.getName() + delayMsg; return true; }
private OAuthAccessToken parseJsonToken(HttpMessage response) { com.google.gson.JsonObject root = new com.google.gson.JsonObject(); com.google.gson.JsonParseException pe = null; try { root = (com.google.gson.JsonObject) new com.google.gson.JsonParser().parse(response.getBody()); } catch (com.google.gson.JsonParseException error) { pe = error; } boolean ok = root != null; if (!ok) { logger.error( new StringWriter().append("parseJsonToken(): ").append(pe.toString()).toString()); throw new OAuthProcess.TokenError(WString.tr("Wt.Auth.OAuthService.badjson")); } else { if (response.getStatus() == 200) { try { String accessToken = root.get("access_token").getAsString(); int secs = JsonUtils.orIfNullInt(root.get("expires_in"), -1); WDate expires = null; if (secs > 0) { expires = new WDate(new Date()).addSeconds(secs); } String refreshToken = JsonUtils.orIfNullString(root.get("refreshToken"), ""); return new OAuthAccessToken(accessToken, expires, refreshToken); } catch (RuntimeException e) { logger.error( new StringWriter().append("token response error: ").append(e.toString()).toString()); throw new OAuthProcess.TokenError(WString.tr("Wt.Auth.OAuthService.badresponse")); } } else { throw new OAuthProcess.TokenError( WString.tr( "Wt.Auth.OAuthService." + JsonUtils.orIfNullString(root.get("error"), "missing error"))); } } }
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); try { Object accountObject = session.getValue(ACCOUNT); // If no account object was put in the session, or // if one exists but it is not a hashtable, then // redirect the user to the original login page if (accountObject == null) throw new RuntimeException("You need to log in to use this service!"); if (!(accountObject instanceof Hashtable)) throw new RuntimeException("You need to log in to use this service!"); Hashtable account = (Hashtable) accountObject; String userName = (String) account.get("name"); ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Display Messages for the user who logged in ////////////////////////////////////////////// out.println("<HTML>"); out.println("<HEAD>"); out.println("<TITLE>Contacts for " + userName + "</TITLE>"); out.println("</HEAD>"); out.println("<BODY BGCOLOR='#EFEFEF'>"); out.println("<H3>Welcome " + userName + "</H3>"); out.println("<CENTER>"); Connection con = null; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); con = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:mysql://localhost/contacts?user=kareena&password=kapoor"); stmt = con.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE userName='******' ORDER BY contactID"); out.println("<form name='deleteContactsForm' method='post' action='deleteContact'>"); out.println("<TABLE BGCOLOR='#EFEFFF' CELLPADDING='2' CELLSPACING='4' BORDER='1'>"); out.println("<TR BGCOLOR='#D6DFFF'>"); out.println("<TD ALIGN='center'><B>Contact ID</B></TD>"); out.println("<TD ALIGN='center'><B>Contact Name</B></TD>"); out.println("<TD ALIGN='center'><B>Comment</B></TD>"); out.println("<TD ALIGN='center'><B>Date</B></TD>"); out.println("<TD ALIGN='center'><B>Delete Contacts</B></TD>"); out.println("</TR>"); int nRows = 0; while (rs.next()) { nRows++; String messageID = rs.getString("contactID"); String fromUser = rs.getString("contactName"); String message = rs.getString("comments"); String messageDate = rs.getString("dateAdded"); out.println("<TR>"); out.println("<TD>" + messageID + "</TD>"); out.println("<TD>" + fromUser + "</TD>"); out.println("<TD>" + message + "</TD>"); out.println("<TD>" + messageDate + "</TD>"); out.println( "<TD><input type='checkbox' name='msgList' value='" + messageID + "'> Delete</TD>"); out.println("</TR>"); } out.println("<TR>"); out.println( "<TD COLSPAN='6' ALIGN='center'><input type='submit' value='Delete Selected Contacts'></TD>"); out.println("</TR>"); out.println("</TABLE>"); out.println("</FORM>"); } catch (Exception e) { out.println("Could not connect to the users database.<P>"); out.println("The error message was"); out.println("<PRE>"); out.println(e.getMessage()); out.println("</PRE>"); } finally { if (rs != null) { try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ignore) { } } if (stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ignore) { } } if (con != null) { try { con.close(); } catch (SQLException ignore) { } } } out.println("</CENTER>"); out.println("</BODY>"); out.println("</HTML>"); } catch (RuntimeException e) { out.println("<script language=\"javascript\">"); out.println("alert(\"You need to log in to use this service!\");"); out.println("</script>"); out.println("<a href='index.html'>Click Here</a> to go to the main page.<br><br>"); out.println( "Or Click on the button to exit<FORM><INPUT onClick=\"javascipt:window.close()\" TYPE=\"BUTTON\" VALUE=\"Close Browser\" TITLE=\"Click here to close window\" NAME=\"CloseWindow\" STYLE=\"font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica; font-size:smaller; font-weight:bold\"></FORM>"); log(e.getMessage()); return; } }
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); try { Object accountObject = session.getValue(ACCOUNT); // If no account object was put in the session, or // if one exists but it is not a hashtable, then // redirect the user to the original login page if (accountObject == null) throw new RuntimeException("You need to log in to use this service!"); if (!(accountObject instanceof Hashtable)) throw new RuntimeException("You need to log in to use this service!"); Hashtable account = (Hashtable) accountObject; String userName = (String) account.get("name"); ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Display Messages for the user who logged in ////////////////////////////////////////////// Connection con = null; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String lookupID = request.getParameter("LookupMemberID"); out.println("<HTML>"); out.println("<HEAD>"); out.println("<TITLE>Searching for member: lookupID</TITLE>"); out.println("</HEAD>"); out.println("<BODY BGCOLOR='#EFEFEF'>"); out.println("<H3><u>Searching for Member ID: " + lookupID + "</u></H3>"); out.println("<CENTER>"); try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); con = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:mysql://localhost/contacts?user=kareena&password=kapoor"); stmt = con.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM userstable WHERE UserID=" + Integer.parseInt(lookupID)); out.println("<TABLE BGCOLOR='#EFEFFF' CELLPADDING='2' CELLSPACING='4' BORDER='1'>"); out.println("<TR BGCOLOR='#D6DFFF'>"); out.println("<TD ALIGN='center'><B>Picture</B></TD>"); out.println("<TD ALIGN='center'><B>User Name</B></TD>"); out.println("<TD ALIGN='center'><B>Gender</B></TD>"); out.println("<TD ALIGN='center'><B>City / State</B></TD>"); out.println("<TD ALIGN='center'><B>Country</B></TD>"); out.println("<TD ALIGN='center'><B>About User</B></TD>"); out.println("<TD ALIGN='center'><B>User Profile</B></TD>"); out.println("<TD ALIGN='center'><B>Add to Contact List</B></TD>"); out.println("</TR>"); int i = 0; String formName = "form"; String buttonName = "button"; while (rs.next()) { String picture = rs.getString("FileLocation"); String user = rs.getString("UserName"); String city = rs.getString("City"); String state = rs.getString("State"); String country = rs.getString("Country"); String aboutUser = rs.getString("AboutMe1"); String gender = rs.getString("Gender"); formName += i; buttonName += i; out.println("<form name='" + formName + "' method='post' action='addContact'>"); out.println("<TR>"); out.println("<TD><img src='" + picture + "'</TD>"); out.println("<TD>" + user + "</TD>"); out.println("<TD>" + gender + "</TD>"); out.println("<TD>" + city + " / " + state + "</TD>"); out.println("<TD>" + country + "</TD>"); out.println("<TD>" + aboutUser + "</TD>"); out.println( "<TD><A href='details.jsp?type=1&data=" + lookupID + "'><IMG SRC='images/detail.jpg'></A></TD>"); out.println( "<TD><input type='submit' value='Add to Contact List' name='" + buttonName + "'></TD>"); out.println("<input type='hidden' value='" + user + "' name='hiddenUser'>"); out.println("</TR>"); out.println("</form>"); i++; } out.println("</TABLE>"); } catch (Exception e) { out.println("Could not connect to the users database.<P>"); out.println("The error message was"); out.println("<PRE>"); out.println(e.getMessage()); out.println("</PRE>"); } finally { if (rs != null) { try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ignore) { } } if (stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ignore) { } } if (con != null) { try { con.close(); } catch (SQLException ignore) { } } } out.println("</CENTER>"); out.println("</BODY>"); out.println("</HTML>"); } catch (RuntimeException e) { out.println("<script language=\"javascript\">"); out.println("alert(\"You need to log in to use this service!\");"); out.println("</script>"); out.println("<a href='index.html'>Click Here</a> to go to the main page.<br><br>"); out.println( "Or Click on the button to exit<FORM><INPUT onClick=\"javascipt:window.close()\" TYPE=\"BUTTON\" VALUE=\"Close Browser\" TITLE=\"Click here to close window\" NAME=\"CloseWindow\" STYLE=\"font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica; font-size:smaller; font-weight:bold\"></FORM>"); log(e.getMessage()); return; } }