/** * Initialize the backend systems, the log handler and the restrictor. A subclass can tune this * step by overriding {@link #createRestrictor(String)} and {@link * #createLogHandler(ServletConfig, boolean)} * * @param pServletConfig servlet configuration */ @Override public void init(ServletConfig pServletConfig) throws ServletException { super.init(pServletConfig); Configuration config = initConfig(pServletConfig); // Create a log handler early in the lifecycle, but not too early String logHandlerClass = config.get(ConfigKey.LOGHANDLER_CLASS); logHandler = logHandlerClass != null ? (LogHandler) ClassUtil.newInstance(logHandlerClass) : createLogHandler(pServletConfig, Boolean.valueOf(config.get(ConfigKey.DEBUG))); // Different HTTP request handlers httpGetHandler = newGetHttpRequestHandler(); httpPostHandler = newPostHttpRequestHandler(); if (restrictor == null) { restrictor = createRestrictor(NetworkUtil.replaceExpression(config.get(ConfigKey.POLICY_LOCATION))); } else { logHandler.info("Using custom access restriction provided by " + restrictor); } configMimeType = config.get(ConfigKey.MIME_TYPE); backendManager = new BackendManager(config, logHandler, restrictor); requestHandler = new HttpRequestHandler(config, backendManager, logHandler); initDiscoveryMulticast(config); }
// Examines servlet config and servlet context for configuration parameters. // Configuration from the servlet context overrides servlet parameters defined in web.xml Configuration initConfig(ServletConfig pConfig) { Configuration config = new Configuration(ConfigKey.AGENT_ID, NetworkUtil.getAgentId(hashCode(), "servlet")); // From ServletContext .... config.updateGlobalConfiguration(new ServletConfigFacade(pConfig)); // ... and ServletConfig config.updateGlobalConfiguration(new ServletContextFacade(getServletContext())); // Set type last and overwrite anything written config.updateGlobalConfiguration( Collections.singletonMap(ConfigKey.AGENT_TYPE.getKeyValue(), "servlet")); return config; }
// For war agent needs to be switched on private boolean listenForDiscoveryMcRequests(Configuration pConfig) { // Check for system props, system env and agent config boolean sysProp = System.getProperty("jolokia." + ConfigKey.DISCOVERY_ENABLED.getKeyValue()) != null; boolean env = System.getenv("JOLOKIA_DISCOVERY") != null; boolean config = pConfig.getAsBoolean(ConfigKey.DISCOVERY_ENABLED); return sysProp || env || config; }
private boolean startCrawl(ArchivalUnit au, boolean force, boolean deep) throws CrawlManagerImpl.NotEligibleException { CrawlManagerImpl cmi = (CrawlManagerImpl) crawlMgr; if (force) { RateLimiter limit = cmi.getNewContentRateLimiter(au); if (!limit.isEventOk()) { limit.unevent(); } } cmi.checkEligibleToQueueNewContentCrawl(au); String delayMsg = ""; String deepMsg = ""; try { cmi.checkEligibleForNewContentCrawl(au); } catch (CrawlManagerImpl.NotEligibleException e) { delayMsg = ", Start delayed due to: " + e.getMessage(); } Configuration config = ConfigManager.getCurrentConfig(); int pri = config.getInt(PARAM_CRAWL_PRIORITY, DEFAULT_CRAWL_PRIORITY); CrawlReq req; try { req = new CrawlReq(au); req.setPriority(pri); if (deep) { int d = Integer.parseInt(formDepth); if (d < 0) { errMsg = "Illegal refetch depth: " + d; return false; } req.setRefetchDepth(d); deepMsg = "Deep (" + req.getRefetchDepth() + ") "; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { errMsg = "Illegal refetch depth: " + formDepth; return false; } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Couldn't create CrawlReq: " + au, e); errMsg = "Couldn't create CrawlReq: " + e.toString(); return false; } cmi.startNewContentCrawl(req, null); statusMsg = deepMsg + "Crawl requested for " + au.getName() + delayMsg; return true; }
// Try to find an URL for system props or config private String findAgentUrl(Configuration pConfig) { // System property has precedence String url = System.getProperty("jolokia." + ConfigKey.DISCOVERY_AGENT_URL.getKeyValue()); if (url == null) { url = System.getenv("JOLOKIA_DISCOVERY_AGENT_URL"); if (url == null) { url = pConfig.get(ConfigKey.DISCOVERY_AGENT_URL); } } return NetworkUtil.replaceExpression(url); }
/** * Construct in a named directory. * * @param conf * @param dir * @throws IOException */ public NutchBean(Configuration conf, Path dir) throws IOException { this.conf = conf; this.fs = FileSystem.get(this.conf); if (dir == null) { dir = new Path(this.conf.get("searcher.dir", "crawl")); } final Path luceneConfig = new Path(dir, "search-servers.txt"); final Path solrConfig = new Path(dir, "solr-servers.txt"); if (fs.exists(luceneConfig) || fs.exists(solrConfig)) { searchBean = new DistributedSearchBean(conf, luceneConfig, solrConfig); } else { final Path indexDir = new Path(dir, "index"); final Path indexesDir = new Path(dir, "indexes"); searchBean = new LuceneSearchBean(conf, indexDir, indexesDir); } String tableName = conf.get("table.name", "webtable"); table = new HTable(tableName); summarizerFactory = new SummarizerFactory(conf); }
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { Map root = new HashMap(); Connection conn = null; conn = ConFact.getInstance().makeConnection(); String id = req.getParameter("id"); String sql = "select title,description,language_id from film where film_id=" + id + ";"; java.sql.PreparedStatement pst; try { pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { java.sql.PreparedStatement pst1; String sql1 = "select name from language where language_id=" + rs.getString(3) + ";"; pst1 = conn.prepareStatement(sql1); ResultSet rs1 = pst1.executeQuery(); while (rs1.next()) { Template t = cfg.getTemplate("test.ftl"); root.put("title", rs.getString(1)); root.put("description", rs.getString(2)); root.put("language", rs1.getString(1)); resp.setContentType("text/html; charset=" + t.getEncoding()); Writer out = resp.getWriter(); t.process(root, out); } rs1.close(); } rs.close(); pst.close(); conn.close(); } catch (TemplateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } }
/** Set the session timeout to the configured value */ protected void setSessionTimeout(HttpSession session) { Configuration config = CurrentConfig.getCurrentConfig(); setSessionTimeout( session, config.getTimeInterval(PARAM_UI_SESSION_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_UI_SESSION_TIMEOUT)); }
public void init() { cfg = new Configuration(); cfg.setServletContextForTemplateLoading(getServletContext(), "WEB-INF/templates"); }
public void generateFileChunks(JspWriter out, HttpServletRequest req, Configuration conf) throws IOException, InterruptedException { long startOffset = 0; int datanodePort = 0; int chunkSizeToView = 0; String namenodeInfoPortStr = req.getParameter("namenodeInfoPort"); int namenodeInfoPort = -1; if (namenodeInfoPortStr != null) namenodeInfoPort = Integer.parseInt(namenodeInfoPortStr); String filename = HtmlQuoting.unquoteHtmlChars(req.getParameter("filename")); if (filename == null) { out.print("Invalid input (filename absent)"); return; } String blockIdStr = null; long blockId = 0; blockIdStr = req.getParameter("blockId"); if (blockIdStr == null) { out.print("Invalid input (blockId absent)"); return; } blockId = Long.parseLong(blockIdStr); String tokenString = req.getParameter(JspHelper.DELEGATION_PARAMETER_NAME); UserGroupInformation ugi = JspHelper.getUGI(req, conf); final DFSClient dfs = JspHelper.getDFSClient(ugi, jspHelper.nameNodeAddr, conf); Token<BlockTokenIdentifier> accessToken = BlockTokenSecretManager.DUMMY_TOKEN; if (conf.getBoolean(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_BLOCK_ACCESS_TOKEN_ENABLE_KEY, false)) { List<LocatedBlock> blks = dfs.namenode.getBlockLocations(filename, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE).getLocatedBlocks(); if (blks == null || blks.size() == 0) { out.print("Can't locate file blocks"); dfs.close(); return; } for (int i = 0; i < blks.size(); i++) { if (blks.get(i).getBlock().getBlockId() == blockId) { accessToken = blks.get(i).getBlockToken(); break; } } } String blockGenStamp = null; long genStamp = 0; blockGenStamp = req.getParameter("genstamp"); if (blockGenStamp == null) { out.print("Invalid input (genstamp absent)"); return; } genStamp = Long.parseLong(blockGenStamp); String blockSizeStr; long blockSize = 0; blockSizeStr = req.getParameter("blockSize"); if (blockSizeStr == null) { out.print("Invalid input (blockSize absent)"); return; } blockSize = Long.parseLong(blockSizeStr); String chunkSizeToViewStr = req.getParameter("chunkSizeToView"); if (chunkSizeToViewStr != null && Integer.parseInt(chunkSizeToViewStr) > 0) chunkSizeToView = Integer.parseInt(chunkSizeToViewStr); else chunkSizeToView = JspHelper.getDefaultChunkSize(conf); String startOffsetStr = req.getParameter("startOffset"); if (startOffsetStr == null || Long.parseLong(startOffsetStr) < 0) startOffset = 0; else startOffset = Long.parseLong(startOffsetStr); String datanodePortStr = req.getParameter("datanodePort"); if (datanodePortStr == null) { out.print("Invalid input (datanodePort absent)"); return; } datanodePort = Integer.parseInt(datanodePortStr); out.print("<h3>File: "); JspHelper.printPathWithLinks( HtmlQuoting.quoteHtmlChars(filename), out, namenodeInfoPort, tokenString); out.print("</h3><hr>"); String parent = new File(filename).getParent(); JspHelper.printGotoForm(out, namenodeInfoPort, tokenString, HtmlQuoting.quoteHtmlChars(parent)); out.print("<hr>"); out.print( "<a href=\"http://" + req.getServerName() + ":" + req.getServerPort() + "/browseDirectory.jsp?dir=" + URLEncoder.encode(parent, "UTF-8") + "&namenodeInfoPort=" + namenodeInfoPort + "\"><i>Go back to dir listing</i></a><br>"); out.print("<a href=\"#viewOptions\">Advanced view/download options</a><br>"); out.print("<hr>"); // Determine the prev & next blocks long nextStartOffset = 0; long nextBlockSize = 0; String nextBlockIdStr = null; String nextGenStamp = null; String nextHost = req.getServerName(); int nextPort = req.getServerPort(); int nextDatanodePort = datanodePort; // determine data for the next link if (startOffset + chunkSizeToView >= blockSize) { // we have to go to the next block from this point onwards List<LocatedBlock> blocks = dfs.namenode.getBlockLocations(filename, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE).getLocatedBlocks(); for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++) { if (blocks.get(i).getBlock().getBlockId() == blockId) { if (i != blocks.size() - 1) { LocatedBlock nextBlock = blocks.get(i + 1); nextBlockIdStr = Long.toString(nextBlock.getBlock().getBlockId()); nextGenStamp = Long.toString(nextBlock.getBlock().getGenerationStamp()); nextStartOffset = 0; nextBlockSize = nextBlock.getBlock().getNumBytes(); DatanodeInfo d = jspHelper.bestNode(nextBlock); String datanodeAddr = d.getName(); nextDatanodePort = Integer.parseInt( datanodeAddr.substring(datanodeAddr.indexOf(':') + 1, datanodeAddr.length())); nextHost = InetAddress.getByName(d.getHost()).getCanonicalHostName(); nextPort = d.getInfoPort(); } } } } else { // we are in the same block nextBlockIdStr = blockIdStr; nextStartOffset = startOffset + chunkSizeToView; nextBlockSize = blockSize; nextGenStamp = blockGenStamp; } String nextUrl = null; if (nextBlockIdStr != null) { nextUrl = "http://" + nextHost + ":" + nextPort + "/browseBlock.jsp?blockId=" + nextBlockIdStr + "&blockSize=" + nextBlockSize + "&startOffset=" + nextStartOffset + "&genstamp=" + nextGenStamp + "&filename=" + URLEncoder.encode(filename, "UTF-8") + "&chunkSizeToView=" + chunkSizeToView + "&datanodePort=" + nextDatanodePort + "&namenodeInfoPort=" + namenodeInfoPort + JspHelper.getDelegationTokenUrlParam(tokenString); out.print("<a href=\"" + nextUrl + "\">View Next chunk</a> "); } // determine data for the prev link String prevBlockIdStr = null; String prevGenStamp = null; long prevStartOffset = 0; long prevBlockSize = 0; String prevHost = req.getServerName(); int prevPort = req.getServerPort(); int prevDatanodePort = datanodePort; if (startOffset == 0) { List<LocatedBlock> blocks = dfs.namenode.getBlockLocations(filename, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE).getLocatedBlocks(); for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++) { if (blocks.get(i).getBlock().getBlockId() == blockId) { if (i != 0) { LocatedBlock prevBlock = blocks.get(i - 1); prevBlockIdStr = Long.toString(prevBlock.getBlock().getBlockId()); prevGenStamp = Long.toString(prevBlock.getBlock().getGenerationStamp()); prevStartOffset = prevBlock.getBlock().getNumBytes() - chunkSizeToView; if (prevStartOffset < 0) prevStartOffset = 0; prevBlockSize = prevBlock.getBlock().getNumBytes(); DatanodeInfo d = jspHelper.bestNode(prevBlock); String datanodeAddr = d.getName(); prevDatanodePort = Integer.parseInt( datanodeAddr.substring(datanodeAddr.indexOf(':') + 1, datanodeAddr.length())); prevHost = InetAddress.getByName(d.getHost()).getCanonicalHostName(); prevPort = d.getInfoPort(); } } } } else { // we are in the same block prevBlockIdStr = blockIdStr; prevStartOffset = startOffset - chunkSizeToView; if (prevStartOffset < 0) prevStartOffset = 0; prevBlockSize = blockSize; prevGenStamp = blockGenStamp; } String prevUrl = null; if (prevBlockIdStr != null) { prevUrl = "http://" + prevHost + ":" + prevPort + "/browseBlock.jsp?blockId=" + prevBlockIdStr + "&blockSize=" + prevBlockSize + "&startOffset=" + prevStartOffset + "&filename=" + URLEncoder.encode(filename, "UTF-8") + "&chunkSizeToView=" + chunkSizeToView + "&genstamp=" + prevGenStamp + "&datanodePort=" + prevDatanodePort + "&namenodeInfoPort=" + namenodeInfoPort + JspHelper.getDelegationTokenUrlParam(tokenString); out.print("<a href=\"" + prevUrl + "\">View Prev chunk</a> "); } out.print("<hr>"); out.print("<textarea cols=\"100\" rows=\"25\" wrap=\"virtual\" style=\"width:100%\" READONLY>"); try { jspHelper.streamBlockInAscii( new InetSocketAddress(req.getServerName(), datanodePort), blockId, accessToken, genStamp, blockSize, startOffset, chunkSizeToView, out, conf); } catch (Exception e) { out.print(e); } out.print("</textarea>"); dfs.close(); }