public int doEndTag() { try { JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut(); out.print("</SPAN></TABLE>"); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println("Error in HeadingTag: " + ioe); } return (EVAL_PAGE); // Continue with rest of JSP page }
public void doTag() throws JspException, IOException { JspContext ctx = getJspContext(); JspWriter out = ctx.getOut(); int sum = num1 + num2; ctx.setAttribute("sum", Integer.toString(sum)); out.println(num1 + " + " + num2 + " = " + sum); }
public int doStartTag() throws JspException { StringBuffer results = new StringBuffer(); results.append(this.createStartTagBody()); JspWriter writer = pageContext.getOut(); try { writer.print(results.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new JspException(e.toString()); } return (EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE); }
/** doStartTag is called by the JSP container when the tag is encountered */ public int doStartTag() { try { JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut(); String tag = "<input type=\"radio\""; if (name != null) tag += " name=\"" + name + "\""; tag += " value=\"" + value + "\""; if (value.equals(compare)) tag += " checked"; tag += " />"; // System.out.println(compare); out.print(tag); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Error("All is not well in the world."); } // Must return SKIP_BODY because we are not supporting a body for this tag. return SKIP_BODY; }
public int doEndTag() throws JspException { if ((jspFile.indexOf("..") >= 0) || (jspFile.toUpperCase().indexOf("/WEB-INF/") != 0) || (jspFile.toUpperCase().indexOf("/META-INF/") != 0)) throw new JspTagException("Invalid JSP file " + jspFile); InputStream in = pageContext.getServletContext().getResourceAsStream(jspFile); if (in == null) throw new JspTagException("Unable to find JSP file: " + jspFile); InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(in); JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut(); try { out.println("<body>"); out.println("<pre>"); for (int ch =; ch != -1; ch = if (ch == '<') out.print("<"); else out.print((char) ch); out.println("</pre>"); out.println("</body>"); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new JspTagException("IOException: " + ex.toString()); } return super.doEndTag(); }
public int doStartTag() { try { JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut(); out.print( "<TABLE BORDER=" + border + " BGCOLOR=\"" + bgColor + "\"" + " ALIGN=\"" + align + "\""); if (width != null) { out.print(" WIDTH=\"" + width + "\""); } out.print("><TR><TH>"); out.print( "<SPAN STYLE=\"" + "font-size: " + fontSize + "px; " + "font-family: " + fontList + "; "); if (color != null) { out.println("color: " + color + ";"); } out.print("\"> "); // End of <SPAN ...> } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println("Error in HeadingTag: " + ioe); } return (EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE); // Include tag body }
public int doEndTag() throws JspException { try { HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) (pageContext.getRequest()); String file_ext = pageContext.getServletContext().getInitParameter("FileExtention"); String dbfs_ext = pageContext.getServletContext().getInitParameter("DatabaseExtention"); String db_name = pageContext.getServletContext().getInitParameter("DatabaseName"); String db_query = pageContext.getServletContext().getInitParameter("DatabaseQuery"); JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut(); int KEEP_CACHE_TIME = 300; long current_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (pagebody != null || pageurl != null || dbfsurl != null) { VariableTable vt = new VariableTable(); vt.loadContent(FileCache.getFileContent(getPhysicalPath("/global" + file_ext))); vt.loadContent(FileCache.getFileContent(getPhysicalPath("default" + file_ext))); if (pageurl != null) vt.loadContent(FileCache.getFileContent(getPhysicalPath(pageurl))); if (dbfsurl != null) { VariableTable dbparam = new VariableTable(); dbparam.add("path", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); dbparam.setValue("path", dbfsurl); String pagebody = TextCache.getTextContent("source::" + dbfsurl); if (pagebody == null) { try { DBPooledConnection dbconn = DBLogicalManager.getPoolConnection(db_name); try { pagebody = DBOperation.getString(dbconn, db_query, dbparam); vt.loadContent(pagebody); TextCache.putContent( System.currentTimeMillis(), "source::" + dbfsurl, pagebody, 20); } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) { } dbconn.close(); } catch (java.lang.Exception sqle) { } } else { vt.loadContent(pagebody); } } if (pagebody != null) vt.loadContent(pagebody); getEnv(vt); vt.add("JSP.TAG", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); vt.setValue("JSP.TAG", "YES"); vt.add("REQUEST.URL", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); vt.setValue("REQUEST.URL", request.getRequestURI()); if (vt.exists("WEBCHART.KEEP_CACHE_TIME")) { KEEP_CACHE_TIME = vt.getInt("WEBCHART.KEEP_CACHE_TIME", 300); if (KEEP_CACHE_TIME < 5) KEEP_CACHE_TIME = 5; } xsl_file = null; if (vt.getString("WEBCHART.XSLDOC") != null) xsl_file = new"WEBCHART.XSLDOC"))); String cachekey = vt.parseString(vt.getString("WEBCHART.CACHE")); String cache_content = null; if (cachekey != null && !vt.exists("WEBCHART.FORCECACHE")) cache_content = TextCache.getTextContent(cachekey); if (cache_content == null) { xmlbuf = new; writeXMLHeader(xmlbuf, vt); xmlbuf.write("<root>\n"); WebChart2.generateChart(xmlbuf, null, vt, file_ext); xmlbuf.write("</root>\n"); htmlbuf = new; if (xsl_file != null && xsl_file.exists()) BaseServlet.XML2HTML( htmlbuf, new, new, FileCache.getFileContent(xsl_file)); else BaseServlet.XML2HTML( htmlbuf, new, new"defaultxsl")), StaticResource.getTextResource("defaultxsl")); cache_content = htmlbuf.toString(); out.write(cache_content); if (cachekey != null) TextCache.putContent(current_time, cachekey, cache_content, KEEP_CACHE_TIME); } else { out.write(cache_content); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new JspException("Error: " + ioe.getMessage()); } return EVAL_PAGE; }