/** * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code> methods. * * @param request servlet request * @param response servlet response * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { XDebug xdebug = new XDebug(request); request.setAttribute(QueryBuilder.XDEBUG_OBJECT, xdebug); try { if (validate(request)) { setGeneticProfiles(request); } if (request.getAttribute(ERROR) != null) { forwardToErrorPage(request, response, (String) request.getAttribute(ERROR), xdebug); } else { RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/jsp/dashboard/dashboard.jsp"); dispatcher.forward(request, response); } } catch (DaoException e) { xdebug.logMsg(this, "Got Database Exception: " + e.getMessage()); forwardToErrorPage( request, response, "An error occurred while trying to connect to the database.", xdebug); } }
/** * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code> methods. * * @param request servlet request * @param response servlet response * @throws javax.servlet.ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs * @throws java.io.IOException if an I/O error occurs */ protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { XDebug xdebug = new XDebug(); xdebug.startTimer(); response.setContentType("application/json"); PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter(); try { List resultsList = new LinkedList(); // Get the gene list String geneList = request.getParameter(QueryBuilder.GENE_LIST); if (request instanceof XssRequestWrapper) { geneList = ((XssRequestWrapper) request).getRawParameter(QueryBuilder.GENE_LIST); } String cancerStudyIdListString = request.getParameter(QueryBuilder.CANCER_STUDY_LIST); String[] cancerStudyIdList = cancerStudyIdListString.split(","); // Get the priority Integer dataTypePriority; try { dataTypePriority = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter(QueryBuilder.DATA_PRIORITY).trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { dataTypePriority = 0; } // Cancer All Cancer Studies List<CancerStudy> cancerStudiesList = accessControl.getCancerStudies(); HashMap<String, Boolean> studyMap = new HashMap<>(); for (String studyId : cancerStudyIdList) { studyMap.put(studyId, Boolean.TRUE); } for (CancerStudy cancerStudy : cancerStudiesList) { String cancerStudyId = cancerStudy.getCancerStudyStableId(); if (!studyMap.containsKey(cancerStudyId)) { continue; } if (cancerStudyId.equalsIgnoreCase("all")) continue; Map cancerMap = new LinkedHashMap(); cancerMap.put("studyId", cancerStudyId); cancerMap.put("typeOfCancer", cancerStudy.getTypeOfCancerId()); // Get all Genetic Profiles Associated with this Cancer Study ID. ArrayList<GeneticProfile> geneticProfileList = GetGeneticProfiles.getGeneticProfiles(cancerStudyId); // Get all Patient Lists Associated with this Cancer Study ID. ArrayList<SampleList> sampleSetList = GetSampleLists.getSampleLists(cancerStudyId); // Get the default patient set AnnotatedSampleSets annotatedSampleSets = new AnnotatedSampleSets(sampleSetList, dataTypePriority); SampleList defaultSampleSet = annotatedSampleSets.getDefaultSampleList(); if (defaultSampleSet == null) { continue; } List<String> sampleIds = defaultSampleSet.getSampleList(); // Get the default genomic profiles CategorizedGeneticProfileSet categorizedGeneticProfileSet = new CategorizedGeneticProfileSet(geneticProfileList); HashMap<String, GeneticProfile> defaultGeneticProfileSet = null; switch (dataTypePriority) { case 2: defaultGeneticProfileSet = categorizedGeneticProfileSet.getDefaultCopyNumberMap(); break; case 1: defaultGeneticProfileSet = categorizedGeneticProfileSet.getDefaultMutationMap(); break; case 0: default: defaultGeneticProfileSet = categorizedGeneticProfileSet.getDefaultMutationAndCopyNumberMap(); } String mutationProfile = "", cnaProfile = ""; for (GeneticProfile geneticProfile : defaultGeneticProfileSet.values()) { GeneticAlterationType geneticAlterationType = geneticProfile.getGeneticAlterationType(); if (geneticAlterationType.equals(GeneticAlterationType.COPY_NUMBER_ALTERATION)) { cnaProfile = geneticProfile.getStableId(); } else if (geneticAlterationType.equals(GeneticAlterationType.MUTATION_EXTENDED)) { mutationProfile = geneticProfile.getStableId(); } } cancerMap.put("mutationProfile", mutationProfile); cancerMap.put("cnaProfile", cnaProfile); cancerMap.put("caseSetId", defaultSampleSet.getStableId()); cancerMap.put("caseSetLength", sampleIds.size()); ProfileDataSummary genomicData = getGenomicData( cancerStudyId, defaultGeneticProfileSet, defaultSampleSet, geneList, sampleSetList, request, response); ArrayList<GeneWithScore> geneFrequencyList = genomicData.getGeneFrequencyList(); ArrayList<String> genes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (GeneWithScore geneWithScore : geneFrequencyList) genes.add(geneWithScore.getGene()); int noOfMutated = 0, noOfCnaUp = 0, noOfCnaDown = 0, noOfCnaLoss = 0, noOfCnaGain = 0, noOfOther = 0, noOfAll = 0; boolean skipStudy = defaultGeneticProfileSet.isEmpty(); if (!skipStudy) { for (String sampleId : sampleIds) { if (sampleId == null) { continue; } if (!genomicData.isCaseAltered(sampleId)) continue; boolean isAnyMutated = false, isAnyCnaUp = false, isAnyCnaDown = false, isAnyCnaLoss = false, isAnyCnaGain = false; for (String gene : genes) { isAnyMutated |= genomicData.isGeneMutated(gene, sampleId); GeneticTypeLevel cnaLevel = genomicData.getCNALevel(gene, sampleId); boolean isCnaUp = cnaLevel != null && cnaLevel.equals(GeneticTypeLevel.Amplified); isAnyCnaUp |= isCnaUp; boolean isCnaDown = cnaLevel != null && cnaLevel.equals(GeneticTypeLevel.HomozygouslyDeleted); isAnyCnaDown |= isCnaDown; boolean isCnaLoss = cnaLevel != null && cnaLevel.equals(GeneticTypeLevel.HemizygouslyDeleted); isAnyCnaLoss |= isCnaLoss; boolean isCnaGain = cnaLevel != null && cnaLevel.equals(GeneticTypeLevel.Gained); isAnyCnaGain |= isCnaGain; } boolean isAnyCnaChanged = isAnyCnaUp || isAnyCnaDown; if (isAnyMutated && !isAnyCnaChanged) noOfMutated++; else if (isAnyMutated && isAnyCnaChanged) noOfOther++; else if (isAnyCnaUp) noOfCnaUp++; else if (isAnyCnaDown) noOfCnaDown++; else if (isAnyCnaGain) noOfCnaGain++; else if (isAnyCnaLoss) noOfCnaLoss++; noOfAll++; } } Map alterations = new LinkedHashMap(); cancerMap.put("alterations", alterations); alterations.put("all", noOfAll); alterations.put("mutation", noOfMutated); alterations.put("cnaUp", noOfCnaUp); alterations.put("cnaDown", noOfCnaDown); alterations.put("cnaLoss", noOfCnaLoss); alterations.put("cnaGain", noOfCnaGain); alterations.put("other", noOfOther); cancerMap.put("genes", genes); cancerMap.put("skipped", skipStudy); resultsList.add(cancerMap); } JSONValue.writeJSONString(resultsList, writer); } catch (DaoException e) { throw new ServletException(e); } catch (ProtocolException e) { throw new ServletException(e); } finally { writer.close(); } }