private void getTrafficSpots() { controller.showProgressBar(); String uploadWebsite = "http://" + controller.selectedCity.URL + "/php/trafficstatus.cache?dummy=ert43"; String[] ArrayOfData = null; StreamConnection c = null; InputStream s = null; StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(); String url = uploadWebsite; System.out.print(url); try { c = (StreamConnection); s = c.openDataInputStream(); int ch; int k = 0; while ((ch = != -1) { System.out.print((char) ch); b.append((char) ch); } // System.out.println("b"+b); try { JSONObject ff1 = new JSONObject(b.toString()); String data1 = ff1.getString("locations"); JSONArray jsonArray1 = new JSONArray(data1); Vector TrafficStatus = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray1.length(); i++) { System.out.println(jsonArray1.getJSONArray(i).getString(3)); double aDoubleLat = Double.parseDouble(jsonArray1.getJSONArray(i).getString(1)); double aDoubleLon = Double.parseDouble(jsonArray1.getJSONArray(i).getString(2)); System.out.println(aDoubleLat + " " + aDoubleLon); TrafficStatus.addElement( new LocationPointer( jsonArray1.getJSONArray(i).getString(3), (float) aDoubleLon, (float) aDoubleLat, 1, true)); } controller.setCurrentScreen(controller.TrafficSpots(TrafficStatus)); } catch (Exception E) { controller.setCurrentScreen(traf); new Thread() { public void run() { controller.showAlert("Error in network connection.", Alert.FOREVER, AlertType.INFO); } }.start(); } } catch (Exception e) { controller.setCurrentScreen(traf); new Thread() { public void run() { controller.showAlert("Error in network connection.", Alert.FOREVER, AlertType.INFO); } }.start(); } }
/** Creates a new instance of AccountPicker */ public AccountSelect(Display display, boolean enableQuit) { super(); // this.display=display; setTitleItem(new Title(SR.MS_ACCOUNTS)); accountList = new Vector(); Account a; int index = 0; activeAccount = Config.getInstance().accountIndex; do { a = Account.createFromStorage(index); if (a != null) { accountList.addElement(a); = (activeAccount == index); index++; } } while (a != null); if (accountList.isEmpty()) { a = Account.createFromJad(); if (a != null) { // a.updateJidCache(); accountList.addElement(a); rmsUpdate(); } } attachDisplay(display); addCommand(cmdAdd); if (enableQuit) addCommand(cmdQuit); commandState(); setCommandListener(this); }
public void load(String resName, int width, int height) throws IOException { Image resImage = ImageList.loadImage(resName); if (null == resImage) { return; } int imgHeight = resImage.getHeight(); int imgWidth = resImage.getWidth(); if (width == -1) { width = Math.min(imgHeight, imgWidth); } if (height == -1) { height = imgHeight; } this.width = width; this.height = height; Vector<Icon> tmpIcons = new Vector<Icon>(); for (int y = 0; y < imgHeight; y += height) { for (int x = 0; x < imgWidth; x += width) { Icon icon = new Icon(resImage, x, y, width, height); tmpIcons.addElement(icon); } } icons = new Icon[tmpIcons.size()]; tmpIcons.copyInto(icons); }
public static void addAll(Vector to, Vector all) { synchronized (to) { for (int i = 0; i < all.size(); ++i) { to.addElement(all.elementAt(i)); } } }
public static void addNew(Vector to, Vector all) { synchronized (to) { for (int i = 0; i < all.size(); ++i) { if (0 <= Util.getIndex(to, all.elementAt(i))) continue; to.addElement(all.elementAt(i)); } } }
public static boolean hasURL(String msg) { if (null == msg) return false; Vector<String> result = new Vector<String>(); parseForUrl(result, msg, '.', URL_CHAR_PREV, URL_CHAR_OTHER, 1); parseForUrl(result, msg, ':', URL_CHAR_PROTOCOL, URL_CHAR_OTHER, 1); parseForUrl(result, msg, '+', URL_CHAR_NONE, URL_CHAR_DIGIT, 1); parseForUrl(result, msg, '@', URL_CHAR_PREV, URL_CHAR_OTHER, 1); return !result.isEmpty(); }
public static int getIndex(Vector v, Object o) { synchronized (v) { int size = v.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (v.elementAt(i) == o) { return i; } } } return -1; }
public static Vector parseMessageForURL(String msg) { if (null == msg) return null; // we are parsing 100 links only final int MAX_LINK_COUNT = 100; Vector<String> result = new Vector<String>(); parseForUrl(result, msg, '.', URL_CHAR_PREV, URL_CHAR_OTHER, MAX_LINK_COUNT); parseForUrl(result, msg, ':', URL_CHAR_PROTOCOL, URL_CHAR_OTHER, MAX_LINK_COUNT); parseForUrl(result, msg, '+', URL_CHAR_NONE, URL_CHAR_DIGIT, MAX_LINK_COUNT); parseForUrl(result, msg, '@', URL_CHAR_PREV, URL_CHAR_OTHER, MAX_LINK_COUNT); return result.isEmpty() ? null : result; }
private void moveCursor(int inc) { if (isMoveSelected()) { int newIndex = moveIndex + inc; if (newIndex >= moves.size()) { newIndex = 0; } if (newIndex < 0) { newIndex = moves.size() - 1; } setCursor(newIndex); } }
public static void sort(Vector subnodes) { for (int i = 1; i < subnodes.size(); ++i) { Sortable currNode = (Sortable) subnodes.elementAt(i); int j = i - 1; for (; j >= 0; --j) { Sortable itemJ = (Sortable) subnodes.elementAt(j); if (compareNodes(itemJ, currNode) <= 0) { break; } subnodes.setElementAt(itemJ, j + 1); } if (j + 1 != i) { subnodes.setElementAt(currNode, j + 1); } } }
private Move getSelectedMove() { if (isMoveSelected()) { return (Move) moves.elementAt(moveIndex); } else { return null; } }
private static void parseForUrl( Vector<String> result, String msg, char ch, int before, int after, int limit) { if (limit <= result.size()) { return; } int size = msg.length(); int findIndex = 0; int beginIdx; int endIdx; for (; ; ) { if (findIndex >= size) break; int ptIndex = msg.indexOf(ch, findIndex); if (ptIndex == -1) break; for (endIdx = ptIndex + 1; endIdx < size; ++endIdx) { if (!isURLChar(msg.charAt(endIdx), after)) { break; } } findIndex = endIdx; if (endIdx - ptIndex < 2) continue; if (URL_CHAR_NONE != before) { for (beginIdx = ptIndex - 1; beginIdx >= 0; --beginIdx) { if (!isURLChar(msg.charAt(beginIdx), before)) { break; } } if ((beginIdx == -1) || !isURLChar(msg.charAt(beginIdx), before)) { beginIdx++; } if (ptIndex == beginIdx) continue; } else { beginIdx = ptIndex; if ((0 < beginIdx) && !isURLChar(msg.charAt(beginIdx - 1), before)) { continue; } } if (endIdx - beginIdx < 5) continue; putUrl(result, msg.substring(beginIdx, endIdx)); if (limit < result.size()) { return; } } }
/* Divide text to array of parts using serparator charaster */ public static String[] explode(String text, char separator) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(text)) { return new String[0]; } Vector<String> tmp = new Vector<String>(); int start = 0; int end = text.indexOf(separator, start); while (end >= start) { tmp.addElement(text.substring(start, end)); start = end + 1; end = text.indexOf(separator, start); } tmp.addElement(text.substring(start)); String[] result = new String[tmp.size()]; tmp.copyInto(result); return result; }
public void stateChanged(State state) { BoardGame game = (BoardGame) getGame(); if ((state == game.STATE_THINKING) && (game.getCurrentPlayer() == this)) { it.reset(this, game.getBoard()); while (it.hasMoreElements()) { moves.addElement(it.nextElement()); } if (isMoveAvailable()) { setCursor(0); } } }
/** * Gets the amount of storage on the device that this suite is using. This includes the JAD, JAR, * management data, and RMS. * * @return number of bytes of storage the suite is using */ public int getStorageUsed() { File file = new File(classSecurityToken); RandomAccessStream stream = new RandomAccessStream(classSecurityToken); Vector files; int storageUsed = 0; files = file.filenamesThatStartWith(getStorageRoot()); for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { try { stream.connect((String) files.elementAt(i), Connector.READ); try { storageUsed += stream.getSizeOf(); } finally { stream.disconnect(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { // just move on to the next file } } return storageUsed; }
public void commandAction(Command command, Displayable displayable) { if (command == cmdOk) { JabberDataBlock resultForm = new JabberDataBlock("x", null, null); resultForm.setNameSpace("jabber:x:data"); resultForm.setTypeAttribute("submit"); for (Enumeration e = items.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { JabberDataBlock ch = ((XDataField) e.nextElement()).constructJabberDataBlock(); if (ch != null) resultForm.addChild(ch); } XDataFormSubmit(resultForm); }; }
void commandState() { if (accountList.isEmpty()) { removeCommand(cmdEdit); removeCommand(cmdDel); removeCommand(cmdSelect); removeCommand(cmdLogin); removeCommand(cmdCancel); } else { addCommand(cmdEdit); addCommand(cmdDel); addCommand(cmdLogin); addCommand(cmdSelect); if (activeAccount >= 0) addCommand(cmdCancel); // нельзя выйти без активного аккаунта } }
public static void removeAll(Vector to, Vector all) { synchronized (to) { int current = 0; for (int index = 0; index < to.size(); ++index) { if (0 <= Util.getIndex(all, to.elementAt(index))) continue; if (current < index) { to.setElementAt(to.elementAt(index), current); current++; } } if (current < to.size()) to.setSize(current); } }
public void gameAction(int action) { BoardGame game = (BoardGame) getGame(); if ((game.getCurrentPlayer() == this) && (game.getState() == game.STATE_THINKING) && (getSelectedMove() != null)) { switch (action) { case Canvas.FIRE: game.queueMove(getSelectedMove()); moves.removeAllElements(); break; case Canvas.LEFT: case Canvas.UP: moveCursor(-1); break; case Canvas.DOWN: case Canvas.RIGHT: moveCursor(1); break; } } }
/** * Install a suite. * * @param selectedSuite index into the installList */ private void installSuite(int selectedSuite) { MIDletStateHandler midletStateHandler = MIDletStateHandler.getMidletStateHandler(); MIDletSuite midletSuite = midletStateHandler.getMIDletSuite(); SuiteDownloadInfo suite; String displayName; suite = (SuiteDownloadInfo) installList.elementAt(selectedSuite); midletSuite.setTempProperty(null, "arg-0", "I"); midletSuite.setTempProperty(null, "arg-1", suite.url); midletSuite.setTempProperty(null, "arg-2", suite.label); displayName = Resource.getString(ResourceConstants.INSTALL_APPLICATION); try { midletStateHandler.startMIDlet("com.sun.midp.installer.GraphicalInstaller", displayName); /* * Give the create MIDlet notification 1 second to get to * AMS. */ Thread.sleep(1000); notifyDestroyed(); } catch (Exception ex) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(displayName); sb.append("\n"); sb.append(Resource.getString(ResourceConstants.ERROR)); sb.append(": "); sb.append(ex.toString()); Alert a = new Alert( Resource.getString(ResourceConstants.AMS_CANNOT_START), sb.toString(), null, AlertType.ERROR); a.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); display.setCurrent(a, urlTextBox); } }
public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) { if (c == cmdQuit) { destroyView(); Bombus.getInstance().notifyDestroyed(); } if (c == cmdCancel) { destroyView(); // Account.launchAccount(); // StaticData.getInstance().account_index=0; } if (c == cmdLogin) switchAccount(true); if (c == cmdSelect) switchAccount(false); if (c == cmdEdit) new AccountForm(this, display, (Account) getFocusedObject()); if (c == cmdAdd) { new AccountForm(this, display, null); } if (c == cmdDel) { accountList.removeElement(getFocusedObject()); rmsUpdate(); moveCursorHome(); commandState(); redraw(); } }
public ContactEdit(Display display, Contact c) { this.display = display; parentView = display.getCurrent(); StaticData sd = StaticData.getInstance(); roster = sd.roster; Vector groups = sd.roster.groups.getRosterGroupNames(); cf = Config.getInstance(); f = new Form(SR.MS_ADD_CONTACT); // locale tJid = new TextField(SR.MS_USER_JID, null, 150, TextField.EMAILADDR); tNick = new TextField("Name", null, 32, TextField.ANY); // locale tGroup = new TextField(SR.MS_GROUP, null, 32, TextField.ANY); // locale tGrpList = new ChoiceGroup(SR.MS_GROUP, ConstMIDP.CHOICE_POPUP); tTranspList = new ChoiceGroup(SR.MS_TRANSPORT, ConstMIDP.CHOICE_POPUP); tAskSubscrCheckBox = new ChoiceGroup(SR.MS_SUBSCRIPTION, ChoiceGroup.MULTIPLE); // locale tAskSubscrCheckBox.append(SR.MS_ASK_SUBSCRIPTION, null); // locale tGrpList.addCommand(cmdSet); tGrpList.setItemCommandListener(this); tTranspList.addCommand(cmdSet); tTranspList.setItemCommandListener(this); // Transport droplist tTranspList.append(sd.account.getServer(), null); for (Enumeration e = sd.roster.getHContacts().elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { Contact ct = (Contact) e.nextElement(); Jid transpJid = ct.jid; if (transpJid.isTransport()) tTranspList.append(transpJid.getBareJid(), null); } tTranspList.append(SR.MS_OTHER, null); // locale try { String jid; if (c instanceof MucContact) { jid = Jid.toBareJid(((MucContact) c).realJid); } else { jid = c.getBareJid(); } // edit contact tJid.setString(jid); tNick.setString(c.nick); if (c instanceof MucContact) { c = null; throw new Exception(); } if (c.getGroupType() != Groups.TYPE_NOT_IN_LIST && c.getGroupType() != Groups.TYPE_SEARCH_RESULT) { // edit contact f.setTitle(jid); cmdOk = new Command("Update", Command.OK, 1); // locale newContact = false; } else c = null; // adding not-in-list } catch (Exception e) { c = null; } // if MucContact does not contains realJid int sel = -1; ngroups = 0; String grpName = ""; if (c != null) grpName = c.getGroup().name; if (groups != null) { ngroups = groups.size(); for (int i = 0; i < ngroups; i++) { String gn = (String) groups.elementAt(i); tGrpList.append(gn, null); if (gn.equals(grpName)) sel = i; } } // if (sel==-1) sel=groups.size()-1; if (sel < 0) sel = 0; // tGroup.setString(group(sel)); if (c == null) { f.append(tJid); f.append(tTranspList); } updateChoise(tJid.getString(), tTranspList); f.append(tNick); tGrpList.append(SR.MS_NEWGROUP, null); tGrpList.setSelectedIndex(sel, true); grpFIndex = f.append(tGrpList); if (newContact) { f.append(tAskSubscrCheckBox); tAskSubscrCheckBox.setSelectedIndex(0, true); } f.addCommand(cmdOk); f.addCommand(cmdCancel); f.setCommandListener(this); f.setItemStateListener(this); display.setCurrent(f); }
private boolean isMoveAvailable() { return moves.size() > 0; }
void rmsUpdate() { DataOutputStream outputStream = NvStorage.CreateDataOutputStream(); for (int i = 0; i < accountList.size(); i++) ((Account) accountList.elementAt(i)).saveToDataOutputStream(outputStream); NvStorage.writeFileRecord(outputStream,, 0, true); }
protected int getItemCount() { return accountList.size(); }
public VirtualElement getItemRef(int Index) { return (VirtualElement) accountList.elementAt(Index); }
public void addElement(Object obj) { height = width = 0; // discarding cached values super.addElement(obj); }
/** * Safe version of setElementAt Sets the component at the specified index of this vector to be the * specified object. The previous component at that position is discarded. If index is greater or * equal to the current size of the vector, size will be automatically enlarged * * @param obj * @param index */ public void setElementAt(Object obj, int index) { height = width = 0; // discarding cached values if (index >= elementCount) this.setSize(index + 1); super.setElementAt(obj, index); }
public XDataForm(JabberDataBlock data, String id, String from) { = id; this.from = from; cmdOk = new Command(SR.get(SR.MS_SEND), Command.OK /*Command.SCREEN*/, 1); cmdCancel = new Command(SR.get(SR.MS_BACK), Command.BACK, 99); // #ifdef DEBUG_CONSOLE // # midlet.BombusQD.debug.add("captcha<<< " + data.toString(),10); // #endif JabberDataBlock challenge = data.findNamespace("captcha", "urn:xmpp:captcha"); JabberDataBlock xdata = challenge.findNamespace("x", "jabber:x:data"); JabberDataBlock oob = data.findNamespace("x", "jabber:x:oob"); String url = oob.getChildBlockText("url"); String title = xdata.getChildBlockText("title"); Vector xData = xdata.getChildBlocks(); if (null == title) title = ""; f = new Form(title); items = new Vector(0); if (url.length() > 0) { TextField formItem = new TextField("URL", url, url.length(), TextField.UNEDITABLE); f.append(formItem); } XDataField field; String msgcid = ""; int size = xData.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { JabberDataBlock ch = (JabberDataBlock) xData.elementAt(i); if (ch.getTagName().equals("instructions")) { f.append(ch.getText()); f.append("\n"); continue; } ; if (!ch.getTagName().equals("field")) continue; field = new XDataField(ch); items.addElement(field); if (field.hidden) continue; if ( != null) msgcid = field.mediaUri.substring(4); f.append(field.formItem); } JabberDataBlock dataImage = data.findNamespace("data", "urn:xmpp:bob"); String cid = dataImage.getAttribute("cid"); if (cid.indexOf(msgcid) == 0) { try { byte[] bytes = Strconv.fromBase64(dataImage.getText()); Image img = Image.createImage(bytes, 0, bytes.length); f.append(new ImageItem(null, img, Item.LAYOUT_CENTER, null)); } catch (OutOfMemoryError eom) { // #ifdef DEBUG_CONSOLE // # midlet.BombusQD.debug.add("XDataForm OutOfMem",10); // #endif } catch (Exception e) { } } f.setCommandListener(this); f.addCommand(cmdOk); f.addCommand(cmdCancel); this.parentView =; BombusQD.setCurrentView(f); }
private static void putUrl(Vector<String> urls, String url) { final String skip = "?!;:,."; final String openDelemiters = "{[(«"; final String delemiters = "}])»"; int cutIndex = url.length() - 1; for (; cutIndex >= 0; --cutIndex) { char lastChar = url.charAt(cutIndex); if (-1 != skip.indexOf(lastChar)) { continue; } int delemiterIndex = delemiters.indexOf(lastChar); if (-1 != delemiterIndex) { if (-1 == url.indexOf(openDelemiters.charAt(delemiterIndex))) { continue; } } break; } if (cutIndex <= 0) { return; } else if (cutIndex != url.length() - 1) { url = url.substring(0, cutIndex + 1); } if (-1 == url.indexOf(':')) { boolean isPhone = ('+' == url.charAt(0)); boolean hasDot = false; boolean nonDigit = false; for (int i = isPhone ? 1 : 0; i < url.length(); ++i) { char ch = url.charAt(i); if ('.' == ch) { hasDot = true; } else if (!Character.isDigit(ch)) { nonDigit = true; break; } } if (isPhone) { if (!nonDigit && !hasDot && (7 <= url.length())) { url = "tel:" + url; } else { return; } } else { if (nonDigit) { if (-1 == url.indexOf('/')) { if (-1 == url.indexOf('@')) return; // jid or email } else { url = "http:\57\57" + url; } } else { return; } } } int protoEnd = url.indexOf(':'); if (-1 != protoEnd) { if (url.length() <= protoEnd + 5) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < protoEnd; ++i) { if (!isURLChar(url.charAt(i), URL_CHAR_PROTOCOL)) { return; } } } if (!urls.contains(url)) { urls.addElement(url); } }