/** * The method is an implementation of appropriate layout manager method. The method performs * layouting of the child layoutable components for the specified target component. * * @param target the specified layoutable container. */ public void layout(LayoutContainer target) { Insets targetInsets = getInsets(); int y = 0, x = 0, w = 0, h = 0; if (label != null && label.isVisible()) { Dimension ps = label.getPreferredSize(); y = (getTitleAlignment() == LwToolkit.BOTTOM) ? (height - targetInsets.bottom - ps.height) : targetInsets.top; x = (xAlignment == LwToolkit.LEFT) ? targetInsets.left + INDENT : ((xAlignment == LwToolkit.RIGHT) ? width - targetInsets.right - ps.width - INDENT : (width - ps.width) / 2); w = ps.width; h = ps.height; label.setSize(w, h); label.setLocation(x, y); } if (center != null && center.isVisible()) { center.setLocation( targetInsets.left + hGap, (getTitleAlignment() == LwToolkit.BOTTOM ? targetInsets.top : targetInsets.top + h) + vGap); center.setSize( width - targetInsets.right - targetInsets.left - 2 * hGap, height - targetInsets.top - targetInsets.bottom - h - 2 * vGap); } }
/** * The method computes a preferred size for the specified target component. * * @param target the specified layoutable container. */ public Dimension calcPreferredSize(LayoutContainer target) { Dimension ps = center != null && center.isVisible() ? center.getPreferredSize() : new Dimension(); if (label != null && label.isVisible()) { Dimension lps = label.getPreferredSize(); lps.width += INDENT; ps.height += lps.height; ps.width = Math.max(ps.width, lps.width); } ps.width += (hGap * 2); ps.height += (vGap * 2); return ps; }