public PlanetMap(String s, ChildForm parent, GameProxy gameProxy) { // super(false); this.parent = parent; this.gameProxy = gameProxy; // System.out.println("my p " + myPlanet); this.addCommand(cmdBack); // this.addCommand(cmdBuild); this.setCommandListener(this); setFullScreenMode(true); System.out.println("11111"); en = Ground.getEnvironment(gameProxy.getMap(), gameProxy.getSaveName()); System.out.println("21111"); System.out.println(en); ENV = en; cm = new CurserManager(en, getHeight(), getWidth(), gameProxy); um = new UnitManager(en, getHeight(), getWidth()); System.out.println("##1"); cm.setUm(um); exec = true; myThread = new Thread(this); System.out.println("##2"); try { JCageConfigurator.scoreTable = new Hashtable(); System.out.println("Starting..."); myThread.start(); System.out.println("started..."); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void run() { try { if (init) { Thread.sleep(500); disWidth = (getWidth() - 176) / 2; // 抓取螢幕的中心點 disHeight = (getHeight() - 208) / 2; // 抓取螢幕的中心點 drawDisplay(); systemShowInf("建立資料庫..."); new DataBaseWrite(); systemShowInf("設定音樂..."); = new BackupMusic(); music =; systemShowInf("設定遊戲環境..."); GameMain.roleData = new RoleDataValue(); roleData = GameMain.roleData; GameMain.gaminf = new GameInfString();"1"); spInterface.setFrame(1); drawDisplay(); changeMeun(); init = false; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) { if (c == cmdCancel) { destroyView(); return; } if (c == cmdOk) { try { int type = choiseType.getSelectedIndex(); String value = textValue.getString(); if (type == 2) value = PrivacyItem.subscrs[choiceSubscr.getSelectedIndex()]; if (type != PrivacyItem.ITEM_ANY) if (value.length() == 0) return; // int order=Integer.parseInt(textOrder.getString()); item.action = choiceAction.getSelectedIndex(); item.type = type; item.value = value; // item.order=order; choiseStanzas.getSelectedFlags(item.stanzasSet); if (targetList != null) if (!targetList.rules.contains(item)) { targetList.addRule(item); item.order = targetList.rules.indexOf(item) * 10; } destroyView(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
public void drawMenu() { try { if (page == 3) { setFont(16); g.drawString(nickname, disWidth + 80, disHeight + 15, 0); } // 判斷在遊戲說明時,防止文字超出螢幕,當超出螢幕時放到下一頁面 if (page == 1) { setFont(0); g.setColor(255, 255, 255); for (int i = 0; gameUserInfCount < gameUserInf.length; gameUserInfCount++, i += 17) { if (gameUserInfCount % 5 != 4) // 遊戲說明 g.drawString(gameUserInf[gameUserInfCount], disWidth + 10, disHeight + 70 + i, 0); else { // 顯示還有下一頁的文字 g.drawString(gameUserInf[gameUserInfCount], disWidth + 135, disHeight + 70 + i, 0); gameUserInfCount++; break; } } flushGraphics(); } changeMeun(); flushGraphics(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void showCamera() { try { releaseResources(); player = Manager.createPlayer("capture://video"); player.addPlayerListener(this); player.realize(); videoControl = (VideoControl) player.getControl("VideoControl"); aVideoCanvas = new VideoCanvas(); aVideoCanvas.initControls(videoControl, player); aVideoCanvas.addCommand(CMD_RECORD); aVideoCanvas.addCommand(CMD_EXIT); aVideoCanvas.setCommandListener(this); parentMidlet.getDisplay().setCurrent(aVideoCanvas); player.start(); contentType = player.getContentType(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) { if (c == cmdCancel) { destroyView(); } // if (c==cmdBookmarks) { new Bookmarks(display, null); } if (c == cmdJoin || c == cmdAdd) { String nick = nickField.getString().trim(); String host = hostField.getString().trim(); String room = roomField.getString().trim(); String pass = passField.getString(); int msgLimit = msgLimitField.getValue(); if (nick.length() == 0) return; if (room.length() == 0) return; if (host.length() == 0) return; StringBuffer gchat = new StringBuffer(room.trim()); gchat.append('@'); gchat.append(host.trim()); // sd.roster.mucContact(gchat.toString(), Contact.ORIGIN_GROUPCHAT); if (c == cmdAdd) new Bookmarks(display, new BookmarkItem(gchat.toString(), nick, pass)); else { try { gchat.append('/'); gchat.append(nick); join(gchat.toString(), pass, msgLimit); display.setCurrent(sd.roster); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // display.setCurrent(new Alert("Exception", e.toString(), null, AlertType.ERROR), // sd.roster); } } } }
public void runGame() { try {; display.setCurrent(new mapCanvars(display, roleData, midlet)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
// 建立圖片 public Image createImage(String pathImg) { img = null; try { img = Image.createImage(pathImg); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return img; }
private boolean handleInhabitantUnitCreation(int timer) { // handle building creation // if (timer % 1000 != 0) return; System.out.println("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% creatin IH U"); int k = Math.abs(Ground.rand.nextInt()) % 3; System.out.println("k " + k); Unit setU = null; String type = ""; if (k == 0) { type = JCageConfigurator.UNIT_GROUND_HUMAN_A; } else if (k == 1) { type = JCageConfigurator.UNIT_GROUND_HUMAN_B; } else { type = JCageConfigurator.UNIT_GROUND_HUMAN_C; } Enumeration e = JCageConfigurator.units.keys(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { String key = String.valueOf(e.nextElement()); Unit bu = (Unit) JCageConfigurator.units.get(key); System.out.println(bu.getType()); if (bu.getType().equals(type)) { setU = bu; break; } } // Point[] pts = en.getUnitInsetionPoints(); // Point point = pts[Math.abs(Ground.rand.nextInt()) % pts.length]; DynamicUnit bx = new DynamicUnit( en, gameProxy.getSaveName(), setU, MainMid.getClientConfigurator().user + "ene"); long x = Math.abs(Ground.rand.nextInt()) % (GroundCell.W * Ground.width); long y = Math.abs(Ground.rand.nextInt()) % (GroundCell.H * Ground.height); int x1 = (int) x; int y1 = (int) y; if (bx.isAllowedCell(x1, y1)) { // possitioning the newly created unit bx.setX(x1); bx.setY(y1); System.out.println("Saving iH unit"); try { BaseUnitService.getInstance().insert(bx); // System.out.println("Building saved"); // synchronized (Environment.unitHtLock) { en.units.put(bx.getUnitId(), bx); // } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File // Templates. } return true; } return false; }
public void run() { while (true) { checkTimestamps(); repaint(); try { synchronized (this) { wait(50L); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
// 鍵盤事件 protected void keyPressed(int keyCode) { if (!init & page != -2) { switch (keyCode) { case -5: // 按下FIRE; try { changeMeunStart(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } break; case -1: // 按下UP; if (page == 0 || page == -1) { if (menustate <= 0) menustate = menuNum; menustate--; } else if (page == 2) { if (menustate <= 1) menustate = menuNum; menustate--; } else { if (menustate <= 2) menustate = menuNum; menustate--; } break; case -2: // 按下DOWN; if (page == 0 || page == -1) { if (menustate >= menuNum - 1) menustate = -1; menustate++; } else if (page == 2) { if (menustate >= 3) menustate = 0; menustate++; } else { if (menustate >= 3) menustate = 1; menustate++; } break; case -4: // 按下RIGHT; if (menustate == 2) menustate = 3; else if (menustate == 3) menustate = 2; break; case -3: // 按下LEFT; if (menustate == 2) menustate = 3; else if (menustate == 3) menustate = 2; break; } changeMeun(); } }
public void run() { if (playSnd) { try { for (int i = 0; i < tone.length(); ) { int note = (tone.charAt(i++) - 'A') + 12 * (tone.charAt(i++) - '0'); int duration = 150; Manager.playTone(note, duration, 100); Thread.sleep(duration); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
// 畫面選單改變 public void changePage() { try { switch (page) { case -1: spName.setVisible(false); spInterface.setFrame(1); drawDisplay(); break; case 0: // 遊戲帳號輸入選單 menustate = 0; spName.setVisible(true); spInterface.setFrame(2); spName.setFrame(0); drawDisplay(); for (int i = 0; i < loginStr.length; i++) nowString[i] = loginStr[i]; menuNum = loginStr.length; // MENU 數量 // System.out.println(page); break; case 1: // 遊戲說明選單 spInterface.setFrame(2); spName.setFrame(1); drawDisplay(); for (int i = 2; i < nowString.length; i++) nowString[i] = gameInfo[i - 2]; menuNum = loginStr.length; menustate = 2; break; case 2: // 遊戲姓名輸入選單 spInterface.setFrame(2); spName.setFrame(2); spName.setVisible(true); drawDisplay(); for (int i = 1; i < nowString.length; i++) nowString[i] = gameNameInp[i - 1]; menuNum = loginStr.length; menustate = 1; break; case 3: // 遊戲角色建立成功選單 spName.setVisible(false); spInterface.setFrame(3); drawDisplay(); for (int i = 2; i < nowString.length; i++) nowString[i] = showGameUser[i - 2]; menuNum = loginStr.length; menustate = 2; break; } drawMenu(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void commandAction(Command command, Displayable displayable) { if (command == cmdBack) { exec = false; try { BaseUnitService.getInstance().insertOrUpdate(en.units); BaseBuildingService.getInstance().insertOrUpdate(en.buildings); Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File // Templates. } while (finished) {} ENV = null; MainMid.getClientConfigurator().displayParent(); } }
/** * Called by a system to indicated that a command has been invoked on a particular displayable. * * @param command the Command that was invoked * @param displayable the Displayable where the command was invoked */ public void commandAction(Command command, Displayable displayable) { // GEN-END:|7-commandAction|0|7-preCommandAction // write pre-action user code here if (displayable == inputForm) { // GEN-BEGIN:|7-commandAction|1|37-preAction if (command == exitCommand) { // GEN-END:|7-commandAction|1|37-preAction // write pre-action user code here exitMIDlet(); // GEN-LINE:|7-commandAction|2|37-postAction // write post-action user code here } else if (command == okCommand) { // GEN-LINE:|7-commandAction|3|25-preAction // write pre-action user code here int numInput = Integer.parseInt(getInputNumber().getString()); if (numInput > this.randomNum) { this.tip = "oh, looks like the number you chose is bigger than the one I have"; } else if (numInput < this.randomNum) { this.tip = "oh, looks like the number you chose is smaller than the one I have"; } else { this.tip = "Congratulations, you've got the right number (" + Integer.toString(this.randomNum) + ")! :D"; } this.attempts++; switchDisplayable(null, getResultForm()); // GEN-LINE:|7-commandAction|4|25-postAction // write post-action user code here try { resultText.setText(this.tip); attemptsText.setText("Number of attempts: " + Integer.toString(this.attempts)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // GEN-BEGIN:|7-commandAction|5|40-preAction } else if (displayable == resultForm) { if (command == backCommand) { // GEN-END:|7-commandAction|5|40-preAction // write pre-action user code here switchDisplayable(null, getInputForm()); // GEN-LINE:|7-commandAction|6|40-postAction // write post-action user code here } else if (command == exitCommand1) { // GEN-LINE:|7-commandAction|7|42-preAction // write pre-action user code here exitMIDlet(); // GEN-LINE:|7-commandAction|8|42-postAction // write post-action user code here } // GEN-BEGIN:|7-commandAction|9|7-postCommandAction } // GEN-END:|7-commandAction|9|7-postCommandAction // write post-action user code here } // GEN-BEGIN:|7-commandAction|10|
/** * Called by a system to indicated that a command has been invoked on a particular displayable. * * @param command the Command that was invoked * @param displayable the Displayable where the command was invoked */ public void commandAction( Command command, Displayable displayable) { // GEN-END:|7-commandAction|0|7-preCommandAction // write pre-action user code here if (displayable == LoginForm) { // GEN-BEGIN:|7-commandAction|1|65-preAction if (command == CreateAgentandJoin) { // GEN-END:|7-commandAction|1|65-preAction // write pre-action user code here String name = UserAgentNameTF.getString(); String strAgentClassName = ""; try { MicroRuntime.startAgent(name, strAgentClassName, null); // write post-action user code here } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // GEN-LINE:|7-commandAction|2|65-postAction // write post-action user code here } else if (command == CreateContainer) { // GEN-LINE:|7-commandAction|3|63-preAction // write pre-action user code here Thread t = new Thread() { public void run() { myStartGoOnline(); } }; t.start(); // GEN-LINE:|7-commandAction|4|63-postAction // write post-action user code here } else if (command == OfflineMode) { // GEN-LINE:|7-commandAction|5|28-preAction // write pre-action user code here // GEN-LINE:|7-commandAction|6|28-postAction // write post-action user code here } else if (command == exitCommand) { // GEN-LINE:|7-commandAction|7|17-preAction // write pre-action user code here exitMIDlet(); // GEN-LINE:|7-commandAction|8|17-postAction // write post-action user code here } else if (command == okCommand) { // GEN-LINE:|7-commandAction|9|20-preAction // write pre-action user code here // GEN-LINE:|7-commandAction|10|20-postAction // write post-action user code here } // GEN-BEGIN:|7-commandAction|11|7-postCommandAction } // GEN-END:|7-commandAction|11|7-postCommandAction // write post-action user code here } // GEN-BEGIN:|7-commandAction|12|
public void run() { long k = 0; long paintTimer = 0; boolean setTime = true; boolean setTimePaint = true; finished = false; while (exec) { try { timer++; if (timer >= 20000) { timer = 0; } // if ((timer) % ucTimer == 0) { // boolean created = false; // int ir = Math.abs(Ground.rand.nextInt()) % 2 + 1; // for (int i = 0; i < ir; i++) { // created = created || handleInhabitantUnitCreation(timer); // } // if (!created) { // System.out.println("No units created"); // timer = ucTimer - 100; // } // } handleBuildingCreation(); handleUnitCreation(); um.moveAndFireUnits(timer); repaint(); setTime = true; // } Thread.sleep(refreshPeriod); } catch (InterruptedException ex1) { ex1.printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File // Templates. } catch (Exception ex2) { ex2.printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File // Templates. } } finished = true; }
private void startSession() { SipClientConnection scc = null; try { // <i><b>start a listener for incoming requests</b></i> startListener(); // <i><b>open SIP connection with remote user</b></i> scc = (SipClientConnection); scc.setListener(this); // <i><b>initialize INVITE request</b></i> scc.initRequest("INVITE", scn); scc.setHeader("Content-Length", "" + sdp.length()); scc.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/sdp"); OutputStream os = scc.openContentOutputStream(); os.write(sdp.getBytes()); os.close(); // <i><b>close and send</b></i> str = new StringItem("Inviting... ", scc.getHeader("To")); form.append(str); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); // <i><b>handle IOException</b></i> } }
/** Metoda odpowiedzialna za wyswietlenie i animacje trojwymiarowego logo */ public void displayLogo() { try { int keys; int frames = 0; float angle = 10.0f; // kat o jaki obraca sie logo w animacji Graphics3D g3d = Graphics3D.getInstance(); Graphics g = getGraphics(); // setFullScreenMode(true); Thread.sleep(100); // zaladowanie obiektu zapisanego w pliku m3g Object3D[] objects = Loader.load("/res/blue_logo.m3g"); scene = (World) objects[0]; Camera camera = new Camera(); camera.setPerspective(30.0f, (float) getWidth() / (float) getHeight(), 1.0f, 1000.0f); camera.setTranslation(0.0f, 0.0f, 24.0f); scene.addChild(camera); scene.setActiveCamera(camera); scene.getChild(0).preRotate(180.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); keys = getKeyStates(); while (((keys & FIRE_PRESSED) == 0) && (frames < 36)) { // oczekiwanie na nacisniecie klawisza g3d.bindTarget(g); scene.getChild(0).preRotate(angle, 0.0f, 0.7f, 1.0f); // wyrenderowanie sceny g3d.render(scene); // zwolnienie kontekstu graficznego g3d.releaseTarget(); flushGraphics(); Thread.sleep(30); // uspienie watku na 30ms keys = getKeyStates(); frames++; } while (((getKeyStates() & FIRE_PRESSED) != 0) && (frames < 36)) {} // oczekiwanie na zwolnienie przycisku fire if ((keys & FIRE_PRESSED) == 0) // jesli przycisk nie zostal wcisniety, tylko animacja dobiegla konca Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {; System.out.println("Praca watku przerysowujacego zawartosc ekranu zostala przerwana!"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) {; System.out.println("Blad podczas wczytywania pliku z zasobow!"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) {; System.out.println("Nieznany wyjatek"); e.printStackTrace(); } }
// for initilization purpose and call in the Game() constructor public void init() { try { this.userWins = 0; this.compWins = 0; this.colSelected = 0; this.rowSelected = 0; // repaint() ; // Getting the maximum width and height of the Canvas this.maxX = this.getWidth(); this.maxY = this.getHeight(); this.alert = new Alert( "Score", "User " + String.valueOf(this.userWins) + "\nDevice " + String.valueOf(this.compWins), null, AlertType.INFO); this.animated = this.parent.getAnimate(); // Initilizing the Command this.score = new Command("Score", Command.ITEM, 2); this.addCommand(this.score); // this.setCommandListener( this ) ; this.newG = new Command("New", Command.ITEM, 1); this.addCommand(this.newG); this.addCommand(this.back); this.setCommandListener(this); this.random = new Random(); // Settings the framem variable this.frame = 0; this.sq = new int[3][4]; // Initializing the sq[][] array to -1 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { this.sq[i][j] = -1; } } // Setting the userSymbol if (this.userSymbol == -1) { this.userSymbol = 0; } else if (this.userSymbol == 0) { this.userSymbol = 1; } else if (this.userSymbol == 1) { this.userSymbol = 0; } // Setting the compSymbol if (this.compSymbol == -1) { this.compSymbol = 1; } else if (this.compSymbol == 0) { this.compSymbol = 1; } else if (this.compSymbol == 1) { this.compSymbol = 0; } // Declaring timer and timertask TimerTask task = new TimerTask() { public void run() { if (frame == 0) { if (animated == true) { frame = 1; } } else if (frame == 1) { if (animated == true) { frame = 0; } } // Checking whether all chances are finished int c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (sq[i][j] == -1) { c++; } } } if (c == 0) { alert = new Alert( "Draw !", "User " + String.valueOf(userWins) + "\nDevice " + String.valueOf(compWins), null, AlertType.INFO); parent.setDisplayable(alert); newGame(); } repaint(); } }; timer = new Timer(); timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, 400, 400); // Initialising images if (this.maxX < 150 && this.maxY < 150) { this.imgWidth = 16; this.imgHeight = 16; this.crossImage = Image.createImage("/cross16.png"); this.zeroImage = Image.createImage("/naught16.png"); } else { this.imgWidth = 32; this.imgHeight = 32; this.crossImage = Image.createImage("/cross32.png"); this.zeroImage = Image.createImage("/naught32.png"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void handleUnitCreation() { // handle building creation if (JCageConfigurator.currentSelectedUnit != null && JCageConfigurator.currentSelectedBaseBuilding != null) { DynamicUnit bu = new DynamicUnit( en, gameProxy.getSaveName(), JCageConfigurator.currentSelectedUnit, MainMid.getClientConfigurator().user); // possitioning the newly created unit int tempX = JCageConfigurator.currentSelectedBaseBuilding.getX() + bu.getSizeX() / 2 + JCageConfigurator.currentSelectedBaseBuilding.getSizeX() / 2; int tempY = JCageConfigurator.currentSelectedBaseBuilding.getY() + bu.getSizeY() / 2 + JCageConfigurator.currentSelectedBaseBuilding.getSizeY() / 2; if (bu.isAllowedCell(tempX, tempY)) { bu.setX(tempX); bu.setY(tempY); } else { bu.setX(tempX + 10); bu.setY(tempY + 10); } int ra1 = Ground.rand.nextInt() % 2; int ra2 = Ground.rand.nextInt() % 2; if (ra1 == 0 && ra2 == 0) { ra1 = 1; ra2 = 1; } bu.registerMove( JCageConfigurator.currentSelectedBaseBuilding.getX() + bu.getSizeX() / 2 + ra1 * JCageConfigurator.currentSelectedBaseBuilding.getSizeX() / 2, JCageConfigurator.currentSelectedBaseBuilding.getY() + bu.getSizeY() / 2 + ra2 * JCageConfigurator.currentSelectedBaseBuilding.getSizeY() / 2); // save building try { BaseUnitService.getInstance().insert(bu); // System.out.println("Building saved"); // synchronized (Environment.unitHtLock) { en.units.put(bu.getUnitId(), bu); // } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File // Templates. } JCageConfigurator.currentSelectedBaseBuilding = null; JCageConfigurator.currentSelectedUnit = null; } }
// 判斷選取的選單選項 public void changeMeunStart() { try { if (page == -1) { switch (menustate) { case 0: page = 0; spName.setVisible(true); changePage(); break; case 1: page = 0; spName.setVisible(true); changePage(); break; case 2: // spWelcome.setVisible(false); spName.setVisible(false); spInterface.setFrame(4); drawDisplay();; exit(); break; } } else { switch (menustate) { case 0: try { new InputText(nowString[0]); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } break; case 1: new InputText(nowString[1]); break; case 2: // 登入 if (page == 0) { // 當在輸入帳號畫面時 // 未輸入帳號 if (username.equals("") || pass.equals("")) { g.drawString("「請 輸入帳號密碼」", disWidth + 75, disHeight + 140, 0); flushGraphics(); } else if (username.equals("xlinx") && pass.equals("x")) { runGame(); g.drawString("進入遊戲...", disWidth + 15, disHeight + 129, 0); flushGraphics(); } else { // 連到Server try { GameMain.conn.setLoginAccess(username, pass); // 送出帳號密碼 } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } g.setColor(255, 255, 255); g.drawString("「登入中」", disWidth + 95, disHeight + 140, 0); flushGraphics(); while (!ConnectionServer.connFin) ; // Server是否回傳完資訊 page = 0; drawDisplay(); g.setColor(255, 255, 255); gameUserInfCount = 0; // 成功登入將繼續到下一頁面(第一次進入遊戲) if (GameMain.conn.getConnSucess() == 1) { g.drawString("「登入成功」", disWidth + 95, disHeight + 140, 0); flushGraphics(); RoleDataValue.userpass = pass; page = 1; changePage(); } else if (GameMain.conn.getConnSucess() == 0) { // 登入,不是第一次遊戲 try { page = -2; g.drawString("「登入成功」", disWidth + 95, disHeight + 140, 0); flushGraphics(); RoleDataValue.userpass = pass; g.drawString("讀取使用者資料....", disWidth + 15, disHeight + 69, 0); flushGraphics(); GameMain.conn.setGameName(""); while (!ConnectionServer.connFin) ; // Server是否回傳完資訊 g.drawString("人物狀態初始化.....", disWidth + 15, disHeight + 89, 0); flushGraphics(); roleData.getFirstRoleStateForInternet(GameMain.conn.getRequestState()); roleData.loginSuccessStart(); g.drawString("地圖初始化..........", disWidth + 15, disHeight + 109, 0); flushGraphics(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } runGame(); g.drawString("進入遊戲...", disWidth + 15, disHeight + 129, 0); flushGraphics(); } else { g.drawString("「登入失敗」", disWidth + 95, disHeight + 140, 0); flushGraphics(); } } } else if (page == 1) { // 當畫面在遊戲說明時 if (gameUserInfCount < gameUserInf.length) // 如果遊戲說明未結速時 changePage(); else { // 遊戲說明完成,畫面改變為輸入遊戲名稱 page = 2; gameUserInfCount = 20; changePage(); } } else if (page == 2) { // 輸入名稱完成,畫面改變為角色建立完成 if (nickname.equals("")) g.drawString("「請輸入名稱」", disWidth + 90, disHeight + 140, 0); else { page = 3; changePage(); } } else if (page == 3) { // 第一進入遊戲,完成輸入名稱 page = -2; GameMain.conn.setGameName(nickname); while (!ConnectionServer.connFin) ; // Server是否回傳完資訊 try { roleData.getFirstRoleStateForInternet(GameMain.conn.getRequestState()); roleData.loginSuccessStart(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } runGame(); } break; case 3: // 回主選單,上一頁 if (page == 0) { page = -1; menustate = 0; menuNum = 3; } // 判斷當為GameInformation時,要回輸入帳號密碼 if (page == 1 && gameUserInfCount == 5) page--; else if (page == 2 || page == 3) // 判斷當不是GameInformation時 page--; // 切換GameInformaion的頁面 if (page == 1) { gameUserInfCount -= 5 * gameUserInfPage; gameUserInfPage++; if (gameUserInfPage >= 3) gameUserInfPage = 2; changePage(); } // 回到輸入姓名部份 else if (page == 2) { // rolesprite=true; Thread.sleep(300); gameUserInfPage = 2; changePage(); } else changePage(); break; } showBufferString(); } } catch (Exception e) { } }
public GuiSetupGui(ShareNavDisplayable parent, boolean initialSetup) { super(Locale.get("guisetupgui.GUIOptions") /*GUI Options*/); this.parent = parent; this.initialSetup = initialSetup; try { long mem = Configuration.getPhoneAllTimeMaxMemory(); if (mem == 0) { mem = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory(); } mem = mem / 1024; memField = new TextField( Locale.get("guisetupgui.DefineMaxMem") /*Define maxMem (kbyte)*/, Long.toString(mem), 8, TextField.DECIMAL); append(memField); String[] imenu = new String[7]; imenu[0] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.UseIconMenu") /*Use icon menu*/; imenu[1] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.UseSetupIconMenu") /*Use icon menu for settings*/; imenu[2] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.FullscreenIconMenu") /*Fullscreen icon menu*/; imenu[3] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.SplitscreenIconMenu") /*Split screen icon menu*/; imenu[4] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.LargeTabButtons") /*Large tab buttons*/; imenu[5] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.IconsMappedOnKeys") /*Icons mapped on keys*/; // imenu[5] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.OptimiseForRouting")/*Optimise for routing*/; imenu[6] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.FavoritesInRouteIconMenu") /*Favorites in route icon menu*/; imenuOpts = new ChoiceGroup( Locale.get("guisetupgui.IconMenu") /*Icon Menu:*/, Choice.MULTIPLE, imenu, null); imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex( 0, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS)); imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex( 1, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_SETUP)); imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex( 2, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_FULLSCREEN)); imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex( 3, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_SPLITSCREEN)); imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex( 4, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_BIG_TAB_BUTTONS)); imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex( 5, Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_MAPPED_ICONS)); // imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex(5, // Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ICONMENUS_ROUTING_OPTIMIZED)); imenuOpts.setSelectedIndex( 6, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_FAVORITES_IN_ROUTE_ICON_MENU)); append(imenuOpts); if (Configuration.getHasPointerEvents()) { String[] touch = new String[4]; int i = 0; touch[i++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.longMapTap"); touch[i++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.doubleMapTap"); touch[i++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.singleMapTap"); touch[i++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.clickableMarkers"); mapTapFeatures = new ChoiceGroup( Locale.get("guisetupgui.MapTapFeatures") /*Map Touch Features*/, Choice.MULTIPLE, touch, null); i = 0; mapTapFeatures.setSelectedIndex( i++, Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_MAPTAP_LONG)); mapTapFeatures.setSelectedIndex( i++, Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_MAPTAP_DOUBLE)); mapTapFeatures.setSelectedIndex( i++, Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_MAPTAP_SINGLE)); mapTapFeatures.setSelectedIndex( i++, Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_CLICKABLE_MAPOBJECTS)); append(mapTapFeatures); } // search options int iMax = 3; if (Configuration.getHasPointerEvents()) { iMax++; } // #if iMax++; // #endif String[] search = null; search = new String[iMax]; int searchnum = 0; search[searchnum++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.scroll") /*Scroll result under cursor*/; search[searchnum++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.scrollall") /*Scroll all results*/; if (Configuration.getHasPointerEvents()) { search[searchnum++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.numberkeypad") /*Enable virtual keypad*/; } search[searchnum++] = Locale.get( "guisetupgui.SuppressSearchWarning") /*Suppress warning about exceeding max results*/; // #if search[searchnum++] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.ShowNativeKeyboard") /*Show native keyboard in search*/; // #endif searchSettings = new ChoiceGroup( Locale.get("guisetupgui.searchopts") /*Search options:*/, Choice.MULTIPLE, search, null); /* only display search settings available on the device */ // maximum search option entries searchnum = 0; searchSettings.setSelectedIndex( searchnum++, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_TICKER_ISEARCH)); searchSettings.setSelectedIndex( searchnum++, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_TICKER_ISEARCH_ALL)); if (Configuration.getHasPointerEvents()) { searchSettings.setSelectedIndex( searchnum++, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_SEARCH_TOUCH_NUMBERKEYPAD)); } searchSettings.setSelectedIndex( searchnum++, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_SUPPRESS_SEARCH_WARNING)); // #if searchSettings.setSelectedIndex( searchnum++, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_SEARCH_SHOW_NATIVE_KEYBOARD)); // #endif append(searchSettings); String[] searchLayout = new String[2]; searchLayout[0] = Locale.get("guidiscover.SearchWholeNames") /*Search for whole names*/; searchLayout[1] = Locale.get("guidiscover.SearchWords") /*Search for words*/; searchLayoutGroup = new ChoiceGroup( Locale.get("guidiscover.SearchStyle") /*Search style*/, Choice.EXCLUSIVE, searchLayout, null); searchLayoutGroup.setSelectedIndex( Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState(Configuration.CFGBIT_WORD_ISEARCH) ? 1 : 0, true); append(searchLayoutGroup); int searchMax = Configuration.getSearchMax(); searchField = new TextField( Locale.get("guisetupgui.DefineMaxSearch") /*Max # of search results*/, Integer.toString(searchMax), 8, TextField.DECIMAL); append(searchField); float dist = Configuration.getPoiSearchDistance(); poiSearchDistance = new TextField( Locale.get("guisetupgui.PoiDistance") /*POI Distance: */, Float.toString(dist), 8, TextField.ANY); append(poiSearchDistance); String[] otherSettings = new String[1]; otherSettings[0] = Locale.get("guisetupgui.ExitWithBackButton") /* Back button exits application*/; otherGroup = new ChoiceGroup( Locale.get("guisetupgui.otherOptions") /* Other options */, Choice.MULTIPLE, otherSettings, null); otherGroup.setSelectedIndex( 0, Configuration.getCfgBitSavedState( Configuration.CFGBIT_EXIT_APPLICATION_WITH_BACK_BUTTON)); append(otherGroup); addCommand(CMD_SAVE); addCommand(CMD_CANCEL); // Set up this Displayable to listen to command events setCommandListener(this); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }