public void commandAction(Command command, Displayable displayable) { if ((displayable == D_MAIN) && D_MAIN.Responds()) { if (command == c_exit) { exitMIDlet(); } if (command == c_history) { switchDisplayable(null, getL_history()); Stack st = D_MAIN.getEqHS(); Enumeration en = st.elements(); l_history.deleteAll(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { l_history.append((String) en.nextElement(), null); } } if (command == c_tovars) { getL_vars().deleteAll(); StringBuffer sb; Enumeration values = D_MAIN.getEqVars().elements(); Enumeration names = D_MAIN.getEqVars().keys(); String name; Real value; while ((values.hasMoreElements()) && (names.hasMoreElements())) { name = String.valueOf(names.nextElement()); value = new Real(String.valueOf((values.nextElement()))); Real.NumberFormat n = new Real.NumberFormat(); n.maxwidth = 17; n.fse = Real.NumberFormat.FSE_NONE; sb = new StringBuffer(value.toString(n)); if (chartools.contains(sb, 'e')) { StringBuffer ev = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = sb.length() - 1; i > -1; --i) { if (sb.charAt(i) == 'e') { sb.deleteCharAt(i); break; } ev.append(sb.charAt(i)); sb.deleteCharAt(i); } ev.reverse(); sb.append(" * 10^(" + ev + ")"); if ((!(sb.equals(new StringBuffer("")))) && (!(name.equals(""))) && (!(sb.equals(new StringBuffer("null")))) && (!(name.equals("null")))) { l_vars.append(name + " = " + sb.toString(), null); } } else { if ((!(sb.equals(new StringBuffer("")))) && (!(name.equals(""))) && (!(sb.equals(new StringBuffer("null")))) && (!(name.equals("null")))) { getL_vars().append(name + " = " + sb.toString(), null); } } } switchDisplayable(null, getL_vars()); } } if (displayable == f_welcome) { if (command == c_canvas) { switchDisplayable(null, D_MAIN); } } else if (displayable == form) { if (command == c_history) { } else if (command == c_tovars) { } } else if (displayable == l_history) { if (command == List.SELECT_COMMAND) { l_historyAction(); } else if (command == c_canvas) { switchDisplayable(null, D_MAIN); } else if (command == c_insert) { if (l_history.size() != 0) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String his = l_history.getString(l_history.getSelectedIndex()); boolean p_end = false; for (int i = 0; i < his.length(); i++) { if (his.charAt(i) == '=') { break; } if (p_end) { sb.append(his.charAt(i)); } if (his.charAt(i) == ':') { p_end = true; } } sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); D_MAIN.appendDispCont(" " + sb.toString()); } switchDisplayable(null, D_MAIN); D_MAIN.repaint(); } } else if (displayable == l_vars) { if (command == List.SELECT_COMMAND) { l_varsAction(); } else if (command == c_canvas) { switchDisplayable(null, D_MAIN); } else if (command == c_delvar) { try { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String his = l_vars.getString(l_vars.getSelectedIndex()); for (int i = 0; i < his.length(); i++) { if (his.charAt(i) == '=') { break; } sb.append(his.charAt(i)); } D_MAIN.deletevar(sb.toString().trim()); l_vars.delete(l_vars.getSelectedIndex()); } catch (error er) { switchDisplayable(null, getA_error()); a_error.setString(er.getMessage()); } } else if (command == c_insert) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String his = l_vars.getString(l_vars.getSelectedIndex()); for (int i = 0; i < his.length(); i++) { if (his.charAt(i) == '=') { break; } sb.append(his.charAt(i)); } D_MAIN.appendDispCont(sb.toString()); switchDisplayable(null, D_MAIN); D_MAIN.repaint(); } } }
public KeyBindingsScreen(final Display display) { super("Key Bindings", IMPLICIT); this.display = display; keyBindings = KeyBindings.getInstance(); screenKeyBinder = new KeyBinderScreen(this); addCommand(CMD_RESET); setCommandListener(this); for (int i = 0; i < KeyBindings.actionNames.length; i++) append("", null); updateList(); alertKeyConflict = new Alert("Key already in use!"); alertKeyConflict.setType(AlertType.WARNING); alertKeyConflict.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); alertKeyConflict.addCommand(CMD.NO); alertKeyConflict.addCommand(CMD.YES); alertKeyConflict.setCommandListener(this); alertReset = new Alert("Please confirm:"); alertReset.setString("Reset to default key bindings?"); alertReset.setType(AlertType.WARNING); alertReset.addCommand(CMD.NO); alertReset.addCommand(CMD.YES); alertReset.setCommandListener(this); }
public void showException(Exception e) { Alert alert = new Alert("Error"); alert.setString(e.getMessage()); alert.setType(AlertType.ERROR); alert.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); display.setCurrent(alert); }
/** * Create a new Alert with the specified title, text, image, and alert type. * * @param title the title string * @param text the text string * @param image the image * @param type the alert type */ public Alert(String title, String text, Image image, AlertType type) { super(title); construct(); this.type = type; setImage(image); setString(text); setTimeout(getDefaultTimeout()); super.addCommand(DISMISS_COMMAND); super.setCommandListener(implicitListener); }
/** * Sets the type of the Alert. * * @param type an AlertType or null if it doesn't have a specific type */ public void setType(AlertType type) { this.type = type; if (text == null) { // show default text setString(text); } if (image == null) { // show default image setImage(image); } }
/** Notify a success event */ public void notifySuccess(String message) { if (mActiveAlert != null) { if (mProgressActive) { System.out.println("Final progress message"); mActiveAlert.setTitle("Info"); mActiveAlert.setString(message); mActiveAlert.setIndicator(null); mProgressActive = false; } else { waitForNoAlert(); mActiveAlert = null; } } if (mActiveAlert == null) { mActiveAlert = mController.showInfo(message); mActiveAlert.setCommandListener(this); mAlertDisplayed = true; } }
/** Notify an error event inluding a possible message and exception object */ public void notifyError(String message, Throwable th) { String lErrorMsg = (th != null ? th.toString() : ""); if (mActiveAlert != null) { if (mProgressActive) { mActiveAlert.setTitle("Error"); mActiveAlert.setString(message + "\n" + lErrorMsg); mActiveAlert.setIndicator(null); mProgressActive = false; } else { waitForNoAlert(); mActiveAlert = null; } } if (mActiveAlert == null) { mActiveAlert = mController.showError(message + "\n" + lErrorMsg); mActiveAlert.setCommandListener(this); mAlertDisplayed = true; if (mListener != null) { mListener.notifyError(); } } }
public void commandAction(Command command, Displayable displayable) { if (command == cmdSave) { State.user = textUser.getString(); State.password = textPass.getString(); int period = Integer.parseInt(textPeriod.getString()); if (period < 1) period = 1; State.connectionPeriod = period * 1000; try { Tools.updateRecord(RecordTypes.USER, State.user); Tools.updateRecord(RecordTypes.PASSWORD, State.password); Tools.updateRecord(RecordTypes.CONNECTIONPERIOD, Integer.toString(State.connectionPeriod)); } catch (RecordStoreException rse) { Alert alertScreen = new Alert("Error"); alertScreen.setString("There was an error storing the data"); alertScreen.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER); } State.display.setCurrent(mainForm); } if (command == cmdCancel) { State.display.setCurrent(mainForm); } }
public void keyPressed(int key) { int actionOld; String keyName; if (key == 0 || key == keyBindings.getKeyForAction(actionToBind)) { display.setCurrent(this); } else if (keyBindings.isBound(key)) { selectedKey = key; actionOld = keyBindings.getActionForKey(key); keyName = screenKeyBinder.getKeyName(key); msgKeyConflict.delete(0, msgKeyConflict.length()); msgKeyConflict.append("Key ").append(keyName); msgKeyConflict.append(" is already in use for '"); msgKeyConflict.append(KeyBindings.actionNames[actionOld]).append("'."); msgKeyConflict.append("\nDo you want to unset it from '"); msgKeyConflict.append(KeyBindings.actionNames[actionOld]); msgKeyConflict.append("' and use it for '"); msgKeyConflict.append(KeyBindings.actionNames[actionToBind]).append("' ?"); alertKeyConflict.setString(msgKeyConflict.toString()); display.setCurrent(alertKeyConflict); } else { // key is valid and free keyBindings.bindKeyToAction(actionToBind, key); updateList(actionToBind); display.setCurrent(this); } }
public void showAlert(String title, String msg, Displayable next) { Alert alert = new Alert(title); alert.setString(msg);, next); }
public void displayAlert(String errorMessage, Form nextForm, MIDlet midlet) { image = null; alert.setString(errorMessage); alert.setTimeout(ConstantHelper.ALERT_TIMEOUT); Display.getDisplay(midlet).setCurrent(alert, nextForm); }
/** Respond to a commands issued on any Screen */ public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s) { if (c == undoCommand) { canvas.undoMove(); } else if (c == restartCommand) { canvas.restartLevel(); } else if (c == levelCommand) { levelScreen = canvas.getLevelScreen(); levelScreen.addCommand(okCommand); levelScreen.setCommandListener(this); display.setCurrent(levelScreen); } else if ((c == okCommand) && (s == levelScreen)) { if (!canvas.gotoLevel()) { alert.setString("Could not load level"); display.setCurrent(alert, canvas); } else { display.setCurrent(canvas); } } else if (c == scoresCommand) { scoreScreen = canvas.getScoreScreen(); scoreScreen.addCommand(okCommand); scoreScreen.setCommandListener(this); display.setCurrent(scoreScreen); } else if ((c == okCommand) && (s == scoreScreen)) { display.setCurrent(canvas); } else if (c == exitCommand) { destroyApp(false); notifyDestroyed(); } else if ((c == List.SELECT_COMMAND) && (s == canvas)) { // Solved the level scoreScreen = canvas.getScoreScreen(); scoreScreen.addCommand(okCommand); scoreScreen.setCommandListener(this); display.setCurrent(scoreScreen); // Read the next screen. canvas.nextLevel(1); } else if (c == nextCommand) { if (!canvas.nextLevel(1)) { alert.setString("Could not load level " + (canvas.getLevel() + 1)); display.setCurrent(alert, canvas); } else { display.setCurrent(canvas); } if (s == canvas) { canvas.repaint(); } } else if (c == prevCommand) { if (!canvas.nextLevel(-1)) { alert.setString("Could not load level " + (canvas.getLevel() - 1)); display.setCurrent(alert, canvas); } else { display.setCurrent(canvas); } if (s == canvas) { canvas.repaint(); } } else if (c == themeCommand) { canvas.changeTheme(); } }