public void start() throws IOException { canvas.addGLEventListener(new DrawPanel()); setSize(800,600); animator.start(); canvas.requestFocus(); }
/** The entry main() method */ public static void main(String[] args) { // Create the OpenGL rendering canvas GLCanvas canvas = new GLCanvas(); // heavy-weight GLCanvas canvas.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT)); canvas.addGLEventListener(new JOGL2Nehe11Flag()); // Create a animator that drives canvas' display() at the specified FPS. final FPSAnimator animator = new FPSAnimator(canvas, FPS, true); // Create the top-level container frame final JFrame frame = new JFrame(); // Swing's JFrame or AWT's Frame frame.getContentPane().add(canvas); frame.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { // Use a dedicate thread to run the stop() to ensure that the // animator stops before program exits. new Thread() { @Override public void run() { animator.stop(); // stop the animator loop System.exit(0); } }.start(); } }); frame.setTitle(TITLE); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); animator.start(); // start the animation loop }
@BeforeClass public static void beforeClass() throws Exception { final GLCanvas canvas = new GLCanvas(); canvas.addGLEventListener(new RedSquareES2()); new AWTMouseAdapter(_testMouseListener, canvas).addTo(canvas); _testFrame = new JFrame("Event Modifier Test AWTCanvas"); _testFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait( new Runnable() { public void run() { _testFrame.getContentPane().add(canvas); _testFrame.setBounds(TEST_FRAME_X, TEST_FRAME_Y, TEST_FRAME_WIDTH, TEST_FRAME_HEIGHT); _testFrame.setVisible(true); } }); Assert.assertEquals(true, AWTRobotUtil.waitForVisible(_testFrame, true)); Assert.assertTrue(AWTRobotUtil.waitForVisible(canvas, true)); Assert.assertTrue(AWTRobotUtil.waitForRealized(canvas, true)); AWTRobotUtil.assertRequestFocusAndWait(null, canvas, canvas, null, null); // programmatic Assert.assertNotNull(_robot); AWTRobotUtil.requestFocus( _robot, canvas, false); // within unit framework, prev. tests (TestFocus02SwingAWTRobot) 'confuses' Windows // keyboard input }
public static void main(String[] args) { // 1. Configuración de OpenGL Version 2 GLProfile profile = GLProfile.get(GLProfile.GL2); GLCapabilities capabilities = new GLCapabilities(profile); // 2. Canvas es el aplicativo gráfico que se empotra en un JFrame - Ventana GLCanvas glcanvas = new GLCanvas(capabilities); glcanvas.addGLEventListener(new Renderer_Circulo()); glcanvas.setSize(600, 600); // 3. Crear la ventana para mostrar la aplicación de dibujo JFrame frame = new JFrame("Aplicación de OpenGL"); frame.getContentPane().add(glcanvas); // 4. Añadir el evento para cerrar la ventana frame.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent ev) { System.exit(0); } }); // 5. Cambiar el tamaño de la ventana y visualizarla frame.setSize(frame.getContentPane().getPreferredSize()); frame.setVisible(true); }
public static void main(String[] args) { // Initialization // Setting up GL GLProfile.initSingleton(); GLProfile glp = GLProfile.getDefault(); GLCapabilities caps = new GLCapabilities(glp); GLCanvas canvas = new GLCanvas(caps); // Making the AWT frame window Frame frame = new Frame("Assignment 1"); frame.setSize(800, 600); frame.add(canvas); frame.setVisible(true); // Adding a render listener canvas.addGLEventListener(new Assignment1()); // Fixes so the exit button exits the program frame.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); } }); }
@Override protected GLCanvas createDrawable() { GLCapabilities caps = new GLCapabilities(null); caps.setSampleBuffers(true); // GLCanvas panel = new GLCanvas(caps); panel.addGLEventListener(this); panel.addKeyListener(this); return panel; }
private void initGL() { GLProfile profile = GLProfile.getDefault(); GLCapabilities capabilities = new GLCapabilities(profile); canvas = new GLCanvas(capabilities); canvas.setSize(imageWidth, imageHeight); canvas.addGLEventListener(this); }
GLFrame(JTextArea outputArea) { this.outputArea = outputArea; GLCapabilities caps = new GLCapabilities(Configuration.getMaxCompatibleGLProfile()); caps.setAlphaBits(8); caps.setRedBits(8); caps.setGreenBits(8); caps.setBlueBits(8); GLCanvas glCanvas = new GLCanvas(caps); glCanvas.addGLEventListener(this); this.add(glCanvas); this.setSize(200, 200); }
public PickSquare() { super("picksquare"); GLProfile profile = GLProfile.get(GLProfile.GL2); caps = new GLCapabilities(profile); canvas = new GLCanvas(caps); canvas.addGLEventListener(this); canvas.addKeyListener(this); canvas.addMouseListener(this); getContentPane().add(canvas); }
public Issue326Test1() { super("TextTest"); this.setSize(800, 800); canvas = new GLCanvas(); canvas.addGLEventListener(this); add(canvas); setVisible(true); addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); } }); }
public static void main(String[] args) { // set argument 'NotFirstUIActionOnProcess' in the JNLP's application-desc tag for example // <application-desc main-class="demos.j2d.TextCube"/> // <argument>NotFirstUIActionOnProcess</argument> // </application-desc> boolean firstUIActionOnProcess = 0 == args.length || !args[0].equals("NotFirstUIActionOnProcess"); GLProfile.initSingleton(); Frame frame = new Frame(); GLCanvas canvas = new GLCanvas(); canvas.addGLEventListener(new Listener()); frame.setUndecorated(true); frame.add(canvas); frame.setSize(1, 1); frame.setVisible(true); }
public static void main(String[] args) { Frame frame = new Frame("Simple JOGL Application"); // use GL2 profile since we only use the old OpenGL 2.x fixed function pipeline GLCapabilities capabilities = new GLCapabilities(GLProfile.get(GLProfile.GL2)); // try to enable 2x anti aliasing - should be supported on most hardware // capabilities.setNumSamples(2); // capabilities.setSampleBuffers(true); GLCanvas canvas = new GLCanvas(capabilities); canvas.addGLEventListener(new SimpleJOGL()); frame.add(canvas); // use JOGL's Animator utility for rendering final Animator animator = new Animator(canvas); // stop the Animator when we receive a window closing event frame.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { // Run this on another thread than the AWT event queue to // make sure the call to Animator.stop() completes before // exiting new Thread( new Runnable() { public void run() { animator.stop(); System.exit(0); } }) .start(); } }); // Center frame, set its size and start rendering frame.setSize(640, 480); frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame.setVisible(true); animator.start(); }
public static void main(String[] args) { GLProfile glprofile = GLProfile.getDefault(); GLCapabilities glcapabilities = new GLCapabilities(glprofile); final GLCanvas glcanvas = new GLCanvas(glcapabilities); glcanvas.addGLEventListener(new ModelSnip()); glcanvas.setIgnoreRepaint(true); Animator anim = new Animator(glcanvas); anim.start(); JFrame jframe = new JFrame("Model GLEventListener"); jframe.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); jframe.getContentPane().add(glcanvas, BorderLayout.CENTER); jframe.setSize(640, 480); jframe.setVisible(true); }
public static void main(String[] args) { // set argument 'NotFirstUIActionOnProcess' in the JNLP's application-desc tag for example // <application-desc main-class="demos.j2d.TextCube"/> // <argument>NotFirstUIActionOnProcess</argument> // </application-desc> boolean firstUIActionOnProcess = 0 == args.length || !args[0].equals("NotFirstUIActionOnProcess"); GLProfile.initSingleton(firstUIActionOnProcess); GLCapabilities caps = new GLCapabilities(null); GLCanvas canvas = new GLCanvas(caps); FBCubes cubes = new FBCubes(); canvas.addMouseListener(cubes); canvas.addMouseMotionListener(cubes); canvas.addGLEventListener(cubes); Frame frame = new Frame("FBCubes Demo ES 1.1"); frame.add(canvas); frame.setSize(800, 480); final GLAnimatorControl animator = new FPSAnimator(canvas, 60); frame.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { // Run this on another thread than the AWT event queue to // make sure the call to Animator.stop() completes before // exiting new Thread( new Runnable() { public void run() { animator.stop(); System.exit(0); } }) .start(); } }); frame.setVisible(true); animator.start(); }
public static void main(String[] args) { final GLCanvas canvas = new GLCanvas(); final Frame frame = new Frame("Jogl Quad drawing"); final Animator animator = new Animator(canvas); canvas.addGLEventListener(new Test()); frame.add(canvas); frame.setSize(640, 480); frame.setResizable(false); frame.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { animator.stop(); frame.dispose(); System.exit(0); } }); frame.setVisible(true); animator.start(); canvas.requestFocus(); }
public static void main(String _args[]) { final NBodyKernel kernel = new NBodyKernel(Range.create(Integer.getInteger("bodies", 8192), 256)); final JFrame frame = new JFrame("NBody"); final JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); final JPanel controlPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout()); panel.add(controlPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); final JButton startButton = new JButton("Start"); startButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { running = true; startButton.setEnabled(false); } }); controlPanel.add(startButton); controlPanel.add(new JLabel(kernel.getExecutionMode().toString())); controlPanel.add(new JLabel(" Particles")); controlPanel.add(new JTextField("" + kernel.range.getGlobalSize(0), 5)); controlPanel.add(new JLabel("FPS")); final JTextField framesPerSecondTextField = new JTextField("0", 5); controlPanel.add(framesPerSecondTextField); controlPanel.add(new JLabel("Score(")); final JLabel miniLabel = new JLabel("<html><small>calcs</small><hr/><small>µsec</small></html>"); controlPanel.add(miniLabel); controlPanel.add(new JLabel(")")); final JTextField positionUpdatesPerMicroSecondTextField = new JTextField("0", 5); controlPanel.add(positionUpdatesPerMicroSecondTextField); final GLCapabilities caps = new GLCapabilities(null); caps.setDoubleBuffered(true); caps.setHardwareAccelerated(true); final GLCanvas canvas = new GLCanvas(caps); final Dimension dimension = new Dimension(Integer.getInteger("width", 742), Integer.getInteger("height", 742)); canvas.setPreferredSize(dimension); canvas.addGLEventListener( new GLEventListener() { private double ratio; private final float xeye = 0f; private final float yeye = 0f; private final float zeye = 100f; private final float xat = 0f; private final float yat = 0f; private final float zat = 0f; public final float zoomFactor = 1.0f; private int frames; private long last = System.currentTimeMillis(); @Override public void dispose(GLAutoDrawable drawable) {} @Override public void display(GLAutoDrawable drawable) { final GL2 gl = drawable.getGL().getGL2(); gl.glLoadIdentity(); gl.glClear(GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); gl.glColor3f(1f, 1f, 1f); final GLU glu = new GLU(); glu.gluPerspective(45f, ratio, 0f, 1000f); glu.gluLookAt(xeye, yeye, zeye * zoomFactor, xat, yat, zat, 0f, 1f, 0f); if (running) { kernel.execute(kernel.range); if (kernel.isExplicit()) { kernel.get(; } final List<ProfileInfo> profileInfo = kernel.getProfileInfo(); if ((profileInfo != null) && (profileInfo.size() > 0)) { for (final ProfileInfo p : profileInfo) { System.out.print( " " + p.getType() + " " + p.getLabel() + ((p.getEnd() - p.getStart()) / 1000) + "us"); } System.out.println(); } } kernel.render(gl); final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long time = now - last; frames++; if (time > 1000) { // We update the frames/sec every second if (running) { final float framesPerSecond = (frames * 1000.0f) / time; final int updatesPerMicroSecond = (int) ((framesPerSecond * kernel.range.getGlobalSize(0) * kernel.range.getGlobalSize(0)) / 1000000); framesPerSecondTextField.setText(String.format("%5.2f", framesPerSecond)); positionUpdatesPerMicroSecondTextField.setText( String.format("%4d", updatesPerMicroSecond)); } frames = 0; last = now; } gl.glFlush(); } @Override public void init(GLAutoDrawable drawable) { final GL2 gl = drawable.getGL().getGL2(); gl.glShadeModel(GLLightingFunc.GL_SMOOTH); gl.glEnable(GL.GL_BLEND); gl.glBlendFunc(GL.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL.GL_ONE); try { final InputStream textureStream = Local.class.getResourceAsStream("particle.jpg"); final Texture texture = TextureIO.newTexture(textureStream, false, null); texture.enable(gl); } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (final GLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void reshape(GLAutoDrawable drawable, int x, int y, int _width, int _height) { width = _width; height = _height; final GL2 gl = drawable.getGL().getGL2(); gl.glViewport(0, 0, width, height); ratio = (double) width / (double) height; } }); panel.add(canvas, BorderLayout.CENTER); frame.getContentPane().add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); final FPSAnimator animator = new FPSAnimator(canvas, 100); animator.start(); }
public Sculptnect() { // Set up Kinect kinectContext = Freenect.createContext(); if (kinectContext.numDevices() > 0) { kinect = kinectContext.openDevice(0); } else { System.err.println("Error, no Kinect detected."); } GLProfile.initSingleton(); GLProfile glp = GLProfile.getDefault(); // Set the OpenGL canvas creation parameters GLCapabilities caps = new GLCapabilities(glp); caps.setRedBits(8); caps.setGreenBits(8); caps.setBlueBits(8); caps.setDepthBits(32); final SculptScene scene = new SculptScene(); final Frame frame = new Frame(); final GLCanvas canvas = new GLCanvas(caps); canvas.addGLEventListener(scene); // Add and start a display link final FPSAnimator animator = new FPSAnimator(canvas, 60, true); frame.add(canvas); frame.setSize(800, 800); GraphicsEnvironment environment = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); GraphicsDevice device = environment.getDefaultScreenDevice(); frame.setUndecorated(true); device.setFullScreenWindow(frame); frame.setVisible(true); canvas.requestFocus(); animator.start(); // Add listener to respond to window closing frame.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { super.windowClosing(e); exit(0); } }); // Add key listener canvas.addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter() { @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent event) { switch (event.getKeyCode()) { case KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE: exit(0); break; case KeyEvent.VK_SPACE: dump = true; break; case 'R': if (depthRecord == null) { try { String file = new Date().getTime() + ".raw.gz"; depthRecord = new KinectDepthRecord(file); System.out.println("Recording started to " + file); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { depthRecord.close(); depthRecord = null; System.out.println("Recording stopped"); } break; case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: scene.modifyModelRotationY(-1.0f); break; case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: scene.modifyModelRotationY(1.0f); break; case KeyEvent.VK_UP: scene.modifyModelRotationX(1.0f); break; case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: scene.modifyModelRotationX(-1.0f); break; case 'O': scene.removeRandomSphere(); break; case 'K': scene.resetModel(); break; case 'F': GraphicsEnvironment environment = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); GraphicsDevice device = environment.getDefaultScreenDevice(); if (device.getFullScreenWindow() != null) { device.setFullScreenWindow(null); frame.dispose(); frame.setUndecorated(false); frame.setVisible(true); } else { frame.dispose(); frame.setUndecorated(true); device.setFullScreenWindow(frame); } canvas.requestFocus(); break; case 'T': scene.toggleTurningMode(); break; case 'I': insertKinectPlaceholder(scene); break; case 'M': scene.toggleRenderMode(); break; case 'D': scene.dumpMesh(); break; } } }); // Create mouse listener MouseAdapter mouseAdapter = new MouseAdapter() { int prevX, prevY; @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { prevX = e.getX(); prevY = e.getY(); } @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { scene.mouseDragged(prevX, prevY, e.getX(), e.getY()); prevX = e.getX(); prevY = e.getY(); } }; // Add the mouse listener canvas.addMouseMotionListener(mouseAdapter); canvas.addMouseListener(mouseAdapter); if (kinect != null) { kinect.setDepthFormat(DepthFormat.D10BIT); kinect.startDepth( new DepthHandler() { @Override public void onFrameReceived(FrameMode arg0, ByteBuffer arg1, int arg2) { if (dump) { // Dump a raw depth image arg1.rewind(); FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(new Date().getTime() + ".raw"); while (arg1.remaining() > 0) { fos.write(arg1.get()); } fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } dump = false; } scene.updateKinect(arg1); if (depthRecord != null) { try { depthRecord.addFrame(arg1); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }); } else { insertKinectPlaceholder(scene); } // Set up Playstation 2 controller Joystick joystick = JoystickManager.getJoystick(Controller.Type.STICK); if (joystick != null) { joystick.setJoystickListener(scene); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { GLCanvas canvas = new GLCanvas(); canvas.addGLEventListener(new Engine(canvas)); }
protected void runTestGL( final GLCapabilities caps, final FrameLayout frameLayout, final boolean twoCanvas, final boolean resizeByComp) throws InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException { final JFrame frame = new JFrame("Bug816: " + this.getTestMethodName()); Assert.assertNotNull(frame); final Container framePane = frame.getContentPane(); final GLCanvas glCanvas1 = new GLCanvas(caps); Assert.assertNotNull(glCanvas1); final GLCanvas glCanvas2; if (twoCanvas) { glCanvas2 = new GLCanvas(caps); Assert.assertNotNull(glCanvas2); } else { glCanvas2 = null; } final Dimension glcDim = new Dimension(width / 2, height); final Dimension frameDim = new Dimension(twoCanvas ? width + 64 : width / 2 + 64, height + 64); setComponentSize(null, glCanvas1, glcDim, glCanvas2, glcDim); switch (frameLayout) { case None: { framePane.add(glCanvas1); } break; case Flow: { final Container c = new Container(); c.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 0, 0)); c.add(glCanvas1); if (twoCanvas) { c.add(glCanvas2); } framePane.add(c); } break; case DoubleBorderCenterSurrounded: { final Container c = new Container(); c.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); c.add(new Button("north"), BorderLayout.NORTH); c.add(new Button("south"), BorderLayout.SOUTH); c.add(new Button("east"), BorderLayout.EAST); c.add(new Button("west"), BorderLayout.WEST); if (twoCanvas) { final Container c2 = new Container(); c2.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2)); c2.add(glCanvas1); c2.add(glCanvas2); c.add(c2, BorderLayout.CENTER); } else { c.add(glCanvas1, BorderLayout.CENTER); } framePane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); framePane.add(new Button("NORTH"), BorderLayout.NORTH); framePane.add(new Button("SOUTH"), BorderLayout.SOUTH); framePane.add(new Button("EAST"), BorderLayout.EAST); framePane.add(new Button("WEST"), BorderLayout.WEST); framePane.add(c, BorderLayout.CENTER); } break; case Box: { final Container c = new Container(); c.setLayout(new BoxLayout(c, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); c.add(glCanvas1); if (twoCanvas) { c.add(glCanvas2); } framePane.add(c); } break; case Split: { final Dimension sbDim = new Dimension(16, 16); final JScrollPane vsp = new JScrollPane( ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS, ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER); { final JScrollBar vsb = vsp.getVerticalScrollBar(); vsb.setPreferredSize(sbDim); final BoundedRangeModel model = vsb.getModel(); model.setMinimum(0); model.setMaximum(100); model.setValue(50); model.setExtent(1); vsb.setEnabled(true); } final JScrollPane hsp = new JScrollPane( ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER, ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); { final JScrollBar hsb = hsp.getHorizontalScrollBar(); hsb.setPreferredSize(sbDim); final BoundedRangeModel model = hsb.getModel(); model.setMinimum(0); model.setMaximum(100); model.setValue(50); model.setExtent(1); hsb.setEnabled(true); } final JSplitPane horizontalSplitPane = new JSplitPane( JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, true, twoCanvas ? glCanvas2 : vsp, glCanvas1); horizontalSplitPane.setResizeWeight(0.5); final JSplitPane verticalSplitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT, true, horizontalSplitPane, hsp); verticalSplitPane.setResizeWeight(0.5); framePane.add(verticalSplitPane); } break; } final GearsES2 demo1 = new GearsES2(swapInterval); glCanvas1.addGLEventListener(demo1); if (twoCanvas) { final RedSquareES2 demo2 = new RedSquareES2(swapInterval); glCanvas2.addGLEventListener(demo2); } final Animator animator = new Animator(); animator.add(glCanvas1); if (twoCanvas) { animator.add(glCanvas2); } final QuitAdapter quitAdapter = new QuitAdapter(); new AWTWindowAdapter(new TraceWindowAdapter(quitAdapter), glCanvas1).addTo(frame); javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (resizeByComp) { frame.pack(); } else { setFrameSize(frame, true, frameDim); } frame.setVisible(true); } }); Assert.assertEquals(true, AWTRobotUtil.waitForVisible(frame, true)); Assert.assertEquals(true, AWTRobotUtil.waitForRealized(glCanvas1, true)); if (twoCanvas) { Assert.assertEquals(true, AWTRobotUtil.waitForRealized(glCanvas2, true)); } animator.start(); Assert.assertTrue(animator.isStarted()); Assert.assertTrue(animator.isAnimating()); System.err.println( "canvas1 pos/siz: " + glCanvas1.getX() + "/" + glCanvas1.getY() + " " + glCanvas1.getSurfaceWidth() + "x" + glCanvas1.getSurfaceHeight()); if (twoCanvas) { System.err.println( "canvas2 pos/siz: " + glCanvas2.getX() + "/" + glCanvas2.getY() + " " + glCanvas2.getSurfaceWidth() + "x" + glCanvas2.getSurfaceHeight()); } Thread.sleep(Math.max(1000, duration / 2)); if (null != rwsize) { final Dimension compRSizeHalf = new Dimension(rwsize.width / 2, rwsize.height); final Dimension frameRSizeHalf = new Dimension(twoCanvas ? rwsize.width + 64 : rwsize.width / 2 + 64, rwsize.height + 64); if (resizeByComp) { setComponentSize(frame, glCanvas1, compRSizeHalf, glCanvas2, compRSizeHalf); } else { setFrameSize(frame, true, frameRSizeHalf); } System.err.println( "resize canvas1 pos/siz: " + glCanvas1.getX() + "/" + glCanvas1.getY() + " " + glCanvas1.getSurfaceWidth() + "x" + glCanvas1.getSurfaceHeight()); if (twoCanvas) { System.err.println( "resize canvas2 pos/siz: " + glCanvas2.getX() + "/" + glCanvas2.getY() + " " + glCanvas2.getSurfaceWidth() + "x" + glCanvas2.getSurfaceHeight()); } } final long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); long t1 = t0; while (!quitAdapter.shouldQuit() && t1 - t0 < duration) { Thread.sleep(100); t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); } Assert.assertNotNull(frame); Assert.assertNotNull(glCanvas1); if (twoCanvas) { Assert.assertNotNull(glCanvas2); } else { Assert.assertNull(glCanvas2); } Assert.assertNotNull(animator); animator.stop(); Assert.assertFalse(animator.isAnimating()); Assert.assertFalse(animator.isStarted()); javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait( new Runnable() { public void run() { frame.setVisible(false); } }); Assert.assertEquals(false, frame.isVisible()); javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait( new Runnable() { public void run() { frame.remove(glCanvas1); if (twoCanvas) { frame.remove(glCanvas2); } frame.dispose(); } }); }
/** Set the renderer to provide animation. */ public void setRenderer(GLEventListener renderer) { if (_renderer != null) _canvas.removeGLEventListener(_renderer); _renderer = renderer; if (_renderer != null) _canvas.addGLEventListener(_renderer); }
@Test public void compileShader() throws InterruptedException { GLProfile glp = GLProfile.get(GLProfile.GL2GL3); GLCapabilities caps = new GLCapabilities(glp); // commenting out this line makes it work caps.setStencilBits(8); // commenting in this line also makes it work // caps.setSampleBuffers(true); final Frame frame = new Frame("Bug 459 shader compilation test"); Assert.assertNotNull(frame); final GLCanvas glCanvas = new GLCanvas(caps); Assert.assertNotNull(glCanvas); frame.add(glCanvas); glCanvas.addGLEventListener( new GLEventListener() { /* @Override */ public void init(GLAutoDrawable drawable) { String code = "void main(void){gl_Position = vec4(0,0,0,1);}"; GL2GL3 gl = drawable.getGL().getGL2GL3(); int id = gl.glCreateShader(GL2GL3.GL_VERTEX_SHADER); try { gl.glShaderSource(id, 1, new String[] {code}, (int[]) null, 0); gl.glCompileShader(id); int[] compiled = new int[1]; gl.glGetShaderiv(id, GL2GL3.GL_COMPILE_STATUS, compiled, 0); if (compiled[0] == GL2GL3.GL_FALSE) { int[] logLength = new int[1]; gl.glGetShaderiv(id, GL2GL3.GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, logLength, 0); byte[] log = new byte[logLength[0]]; gl.glGetShaderInfoLog(id, logLength[0], (int[]) null, 0, log, 0); System.err.println("Error compiling the shader: " + new String(log)); gl.glDeleteShader(id); } else { System.out.println("Shader compiled: id=" + id); } } catch (GLException e) { glexception = e; } } /* @Override */ public void dispose(GLAutoDrawable drawable) {} /* @Override */ public void display(GLAutoDrawable drawable) {} /* @Override */ public void reshape(GLAutoDrawable drawable, int x, int y, int width, int height) {} }); Animator animator = new Animator(glCanvas); try { javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait( new Runnable() { public void run() { frame.setSize(512, 512); frame.setVisible(true); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } animator.setUpdateFPSFrames(1, null); animator.start(); while (animator.isAnimating() && animator.getTotalFPSDuration() < duration) { Thread.sleep(100); } Assert.assertTrue(glexception != null ? glexception.getMessage() : "", glexception == null); Assert.assertNotNull(frame); Assert.assertNotNull(glCanvas); Assert.assertNotNull(animator); animator.stop(); Assert.assertEquals(false, animator.isAnimating()); try { javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait( new Runnable() { public void run() { frame.setVisible(false); frame.remove(glCanvas); frame.dispose(); } }); } catch (Throwable throwable) { throwable.printStackTrace(); Assume.assumeNoException(throwable); } }
public GLRenderPanel() { canvas = new GLCanvas(); GLEventListener eventListener = new GLRenderContextEventListener(this); canvas.addGLEventListener(eventListener); }