예제 #1
  /* Check that all descriptors have been returned */
  private static void checkDescriptors(
      ModelMBeanInfo modelMBeanInfo, Descriptor[] descriptors, String string) {
    int errCount = 0;
    final ArrayList<Descriptor> list = new ArrayList<Descriptor>(descriptors.length);
    System.out.println("Got " + list.size() + " descriptors for " + string);

    // checks that MBean's descriptor is returned.
    final Descriptor mbd = ((MBeanInfo) modelMBeanInfo).getDescriptor();
    if (!mbd.equals(remove(list, mbd))) {
      System.err.println("modelMBeanInfo.getDescriptor(): not found");

    // checks that MBean's attributes descriptors are returned.
    final MBeanAttributeInfo[] attrs = modelMBeanInfo.getAttributes();
    for (MBeanAttributeInfo att : attrs) {
      final Descriptor ad = att.getDescriptor();
      final String name = att.getName();
      if (!ad.equals(remove(list, ad))) {
        System.err.println("attInfo.getDescriptor(): not found for " + name);

    // checks that MBean's operations descriptors are returned.
    final MBeanOperationInfo[] ops = modelMBeanInfo.getOperations();
    for (MBeanOperationInfo op : ops) {
      final Descriptor od = op.getDescriptor();
      final String name = op.getName();
      if (!od.equals(remove(list, od))) {
        System.err.println("opInfo.getDescriptor(): not found for " + name);

    // checks that MBean's notifications descriptors are returned.
    final MBeanNotificationInfo[] ntfs = modelMBeanInfo.getNotifications();
    for (MBeanNotificationInfo ntf : ntfs) {
      final Descriptor nd = ntf.getDescriptor();
      final String name = ntf.getName();
      if (!nd.equals(remove(list, nd))) {
        System.err.println("notifInfo.getDescriptor(): not found for " + name);
    if (errCount > 0) {
      throw new RuntimeException(string + ": failed with " + errCount + " errors");
    } else if (list.size() != 0) {
      // Check that there are no additional descriptors
      throw new RuntimeException(string + ": Unexpected remaining descriptors: " + list);
    } else System.out.println(string + ": PASSED");
예제 #2
  * Compare this MBeanNotificationInfo to another.
  * @param o the object to compare to.
  * @return true if and only if <code>o</code> is an MBeanNotificationInfo such that its {@link
  *     #getName()}, {@link #getDescription()}, {@link #getDescriptor()}, and {@link
  *     #getNotifTypes()} values are equal (not necessarily identical) to those of this
  *     MBeanNotificationInfo. Two notification type arrays are equal if their corresponding
  *     elements are equal. They are not equal if they have the same elements but in a different
  *     order.
 public boolean equals(Object o) {
   if (o == this) return true;
   if (!(o instanceof MBeanNotificationInfo)) return false;
   MBeanNotificationInfo p = (MBeanNotificationInfo) o;
   return (p.getName().equals(getName())
       && p.getDescription().equals(getDescription())
       && p.getDescriptor().equals(getDescriptor())
       && Arrays.equals(p.fastGetNotifTypes(), fastGetNotifTypes()));