예제 #1
   * Render the View to the given graphic context. This implementation render the interior first,
   * then the outline.
  public void paint(Graphics2D g, Rectangle2D a) {
    if (!a.intersects(getBounds())) return;
    if (image != null) { // paint bitmap
      g.drawImage(image, text2ModelTr, null);
      // debug:
      super.paint(g, a); // possibly paint framebox if non-null
    } else { // paint textlayout
      super.paint(g, a); // possibly paint framebox if non-null

      AffineTransform oldAT = g.getTransform();
      // paint text in black
      // from now on, we work in Y-direct (<0) coordinates to avoid inextricable problems with font
      // being mirrored...
      g.transform(text2ModelTr); // also include rotation
      textLayout.draw(g, 0.0f, 0.0f);
      // [pending] ajouter un cadre si areDimensionsComputed (wysiwyg du pauvre)
      // get back to previous transform
      if (DEBUG) {
예제 #2
   * Give notification from the model that a change occured to the text this view is responsible for
   * rendering.
   * <p>
  public void changedUpdate(DrawingEvent.EventType eventType) {
    PicText text = (PicText) element;
    if (textLayout == null) {
      // new *************************** begin (by ss & bp)
      textLayout =
          new TextLayout(
              text.getText(text.getTextMode()).length() == 0
                  ? " "
                  : text.getText(text.getTextMode()),
              // new *************************** end (by ss & bp)
              DefaultViewFactory.textFont, // static field
              new FontRenderContext(null, false, false));
    if (eventType == DrawingEvent.EventType.TEXT_CHANGE) {
      // new *************************** begin (by ss & bp)
      textLayout =
          new TextLayout(
              text.getText(text.getTextMode()).length() == 0
                  ? " "
                  : text.getText(text.getTextMode()),
              // new *************************** end (by ss & bp)
              new FontRenderContext(null, false, false));

      // first try to create a bitmap
      image =
          null; // aka "reset" image => we might temporarily resort to TextLayout until the image is
                // ready
      areDimensionsComputed = false;
      // reset dimensions to the textlayout dimensions
          textLayout.getBounds().getWidth(), textLayout.getAscent(), textLayout.getDescent());

      // new *************************** begin (by ss & bp)
      if (wantToComputeLatexDimensions && text.getText(text.getTextMode()).length() > 0) {
        // new *************************** end (by ss & bp)
        // don't produce a bitmap for an empty string (LaTeX might not like it)
        // [pending] this should be made dependent on a preference's option
        new Thread(this).start();
      if (image == null) super.changedUpdate(null); // ie resort to TextLayout (update all)
    } else {
예제 #3
  /** Synchronizes bounding box with the model ; */
  protected void syncBounds() {
    PicText te = (PicText) element;
    // [pending] Il faut tenir compte de la rotation !

    Rectangle2D latexBB =
        null; // BB relative to latex dimensions (including rotation) (without frame)
    Rectangle2D textLayoutBB =
        null; // BB relative to textLayout dimensions (including rotation) (without frame)
    Rectangle2D textBB = null; // BB of the text (including rotation), without frame

    if (areDimensionsComputed) { // compute latexBB
      Rectangle2D nonRotated =
          new Rectangle2D.Double(
              te.getLeftX(), te.getBottomY(), te.getWidth(), te.getHeight() + te.getDepth());
      AffineTransform tr =
          new AffineTransform(); // maps Image coordinates to Model coordinates (see paint)
      tr.setToIdentity(); // reset
      PicPoint anchor = te.getCtrlPt(TextEditable.P_ANCHOR, ptBuf);
      tr.rotate(getRotation(), anchor.x, anchor.y); // rotate along P_ANCHOR !
      latexBB = tr.createTransformedShape(nonRotated).getBounds2D();

    if (image == null) { // compute textLayoutBB
      Rectangle2D nonRotated = textLayout.getBounds();
      textLayoutBB = text2ModelTr.createTransformedShape(nonRotated).getBounds2D();

    // use textLayoutBB or latexBB or their union
    if (image != null) textBB = latexBB;
    else {
      if (!areDimensionsComputed) textBB = textLayoutBB;
      else {
        textBB = latexBB.createUnion(textLayoutBB);

    // union with frame BB
    if (te.isFramed()) {
      super.syncBounds(); // update bounds of the frame if necessary
      Rectangle2D.union(super.bounds, textBB, this.bounds);
    } else this.bounds = textBB;