private static CtMethod delegator0(CtMethod delegate, CtClass declaring) throws CannotCompileException, NotFoundException { MethodInfo deleInfo = delegate.getMethodInfo2(); String methodName = deleInfo.getName(); String desc = deleInfo.getDescriptor(); ConstPool cp = declaring.getClassFile2().getConstPool(); MethodInfo minfo = new MethodInfo(cp, methodName, desc); minfo.setAccessFlags(deleInfo.getAccessFlags()); ExceptionsAttribute eattr = deleInfo.getExceptionsAttribute(); if (eattr != null) minfo.setExceptionsAttribute((ExceptionsAttribute) eattr.copy(cp, null)); Bytecode code = new Bytecode(cp, 0, 0); boolean isStatic = Modifier.isStatic(delegate.getModifiers()); CtClass deleClass = delegate.getDeclaringClass(); CtClass[] params = delegate.getParameterTypes(); int s; if (isStatic) { s = code.addLoadParameters(params, 0); code.addInvokestatic(deleClass, methodName, desc); } else { code.addLoad(0, deleClass); s = code.addLoadParameters(params, 1); code.addInvokespecial(deleClass, methodName, desc); } code.addReturn(delegate.getReturnType()); code.setMaxLocals(++s); code.setMaxStack(s < 2 ? 2 : s); // for a 2-word return value minfo.setCodeAttribute(code.toCodeAttribute()); return new CtMethod(minfo, declaring); }
private CodeCoverage(ClassLoader classLoader, MethodExclusion exclusion, String... classes) throws Exception { for (String clazz : classes) { Map<Tuple, Set<CodeLine>> map = new TreeMap<>(); report.put(clazz, map); List<Tuple> mds = new ArrayList<>(); descriptors.put(clazz, mds); InputStream is = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(clazz.replace(".", "/") + ".class"); ClassFile classFile = getClassFile(clazz, is); List<MethodInfo> methods = classFile.getMethods(); for (MethodInfo m : methods) { if (exclusion.exclude(classFile, m) == false) { String descriptor = m.getDescriptor(); Tuple tuple = new Tuple(m.getName(), descriptor); map.put(tuple, new TreeSet<CodeLine>()); mds.add(tuple); } } if (isAccessFlagSet(classFile.getAccessFlags(), AccessFlag.ANNOTATION)) { boolean hasAttributes = methods.size() > 0; annotations.put(clazz, hasAttributes); if (hasAttributes == false) { map.put(TYPE_USAGE, new TreeSet<CodeLine>()); mds.add(TYPE_USAGE); } } else { fillSupers(classFile); } } }
/** * add a bogus constructor call to a bytecode sequence so a constructor can pass bytecode * validation * * @param bytecode */ public static boolean addBogusConstructorCall(ClassFile file, Bytecode code) { MethodInfo constructorToCall = null; for (Object meth : file.getMethods()) { MethodInfo m = (MethodInfo) meth; if (m.getName().equals("<init>")) { constructorToCall = m; break; } } if (constructorToCall == null) { return false; } // push this onto the stack code.add(Bytecode.ALOAD_0); String[] params = DescriptorUtils.descriptorStringToParameterArray(constructorToCall.getDescriptor()); for (String p : params) { // int char short boolean byte if (p.equals("I") || p.equals("C") || p.equals("S") || p.equals("Z") || p.equals("B")) { // push integer 0 code.add(Opcode.ICONST_0); } // long else if (p.equals("J")) { code.add(Opcode.LCONST_0); } // double else if (p.equals("D")) { code.add(Opcode.DCONST_0); } // float else if (p.equals("F")) { code.add(Opcode.FCONST_0); } // arrays and reference types else { code.add(Opcode.ACONST_NULL); } } // all our args should be pushed onto the stack, call the constructor code.addInvokespecial(file.getName(), "<init>", constructorToCall.getDescriptor()); code.add(Opcode.RETURN); return true; }
public BaseClassData(ClassFile file, ClassLoader loader, boolean replaceable) { className = file.getName(); this.replaceable = replaceable; internalName = Descriptor.toJvmName(file.getName()); this.loader = loader; superClassName = file.getSuperclass(); boolean finalMethod = false; Set<MethodData> meths = new HashSet<MethodData>(); for (Object o : file.getMethods()) { String methodClassName = className; MethodInfo m = (MethodInfo) o; MemberType type = MemberType.NORMAL; if ((m.getDescriptor().equals(Constants.ADDED_METHOD_DESCRIPTOR) && m.getName().equals(Constants.ADDED_METHOD_NAME)) || (m.getDescriptor().equals(Constants.ADDED_STATIC_METHOD_DESCRIPTOR) && m.getName().equals(Constants.ADDED_STATIC_METHOD_NAME)) || (m.getDescriptor().equals(Constants.ADDED_CONSTRUCTOR_DESCRIPTOR))) { type = MemberType.ADDED_SYSTEM; } else if (m.getAttribute(Constants.FINAL_METHOD_ATTRIBUTE) != null) { finalMethod = true; } MethodData md = new MethodData( m.getName(), m.getDescriptor(), methodClassName, type, m.getAccessFlags(), finalMethod); meths.add(md); } this.methods = Collections.unmodifiableSet(meths); Set<FieldData> fieldData = new HashSet<FieldData>(); for (Object o : file.getFields()) { FieldInfo m = (FieldInfo) o; MemberType mt = MemberType.NORMAL; fieldData.add(new FieldData(m, mt, className, m.getAccessFlags())); } this.fields = Collections.unmodifiableSet(fieldData); }
@Override public boolean transform( ClassLoader loader, String className, Class<?> classBeingRedefined, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain, ClassFile file) throws IllegalClassFormatException, BadBytecode { /** * Hack up the proxy factory so it stores the proxy ClassFile. We need this to regenerate * proxies. */ if (file.getName().equals("org.jboss.weld.bean.proxy.ProxyFactory")) { for (final MethodInfo method : (List<MethodInfo>) file.getMethods()) { if (method.getName().equals("createProxyClass")) { final MethodInvokationManipulator methodInvokationManipulator = new MethodInvokationManipulator(); methodInvokationManipulator.replaceVirtualMethodInvokationWithStatic( ClassLoader.class.getName(), WeldProxyClassLoadingDelegate.class.getName(), "loadClass", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;", "(Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;", loader); methodInvokationManipulator.replaceVirtualMethodInvokationWithStatic( "org.jboss.weld.util.bytecode.ClassFileUtils", WeldProxyClassLoadingDelegate.class.getName(), "toClass", "(Ljavassist/bytecode/ClassFile;Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;Ljava/security/ProtectionDomain;)Ljava/lang/Class;", "(Ljavassist/bytecode/ClassFile;Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;Ljava/security/ProtectionDomain;)Ljava/lang/Class;", loader); HashSet<MethodInfo> modifiedMethods = new HashSet<MethodInfo>(); methodInvokationManipulator.transformClass(file, loader, true, modifiedMethods); for (MethodInfo m : modifiedMethods) { m.rebuildStackMap(ClassPool.getDefault()); } return true; } else if (method.getName().equals("<init>")) { Integer beanArgument = null; int count = 0; for (final String paramType : DescriptorUtils.descriptorStringToParameterArray(method.getDescriptor())) { if (paramType.equals("javax/enterprise/inject/spi/Bean")) { beanArgument = count; break; } else if (paramType.equals("D") || paramType.equals("J")) { count += 2; } else { count++; } } if (beanArgument == null) { log.error( "Constructor org.jboss.weld.bean.proxy.ProxyFactory.<init>" + method.getDescriptor() + " does not have a bean parameter, proxies produced by this factory will not be reloadable"); continue; } // similar to other tracked instances // but we need a strong ref Bytecode code = new Bytecode(file.getConstPool()); code.addAload(0); code.addAload(beanArgument); code.addInvokestatic( WeldClassChangeAware.class.getName(), "addProxyFactory", "(Lorg/jboss/weld/bean/proxy/ProxyFactory;)V"); CodeIterator it = method.getCodeAttribute().iterator(); it.skipConstructor(); it.insert(code.get()); } } } return false; }
public boolean match(String filename, ClassFile classFile, ClassMap tempClassMap) { for (Object o : classFile.getMethods()) { MethodInfo methodInfo = (MethodInfo) o; classMod.methodInfo = methodInfo; CodeAttribute codeAttribute = methodInfo.getCodeAttribute(); if (codeAttribute == null) { continue; } if (getClassMap().hasMap(deobfMethod)) { MethodRef obfTarget = (MethodRef) getClassMap().map(deobfMethod); if (!methodInfo.getName().equals(obfTarget.getName())) { continue; } } ArrayList<String> deobfTypes = null; ArrayList<String> obfTypes = null; if (deobfMethod != null && deobfMethod.getType() != null) { deobfTypes = ConstPoolUtils.parseDescriptor(deobfMethod.getType()); obfTypes = ConstPoolUtils.parseDescriptor(methodInfo.getDescriptor()); if (!isPotentialTypeMatch(deobfTypes, obfTypes)) { continue; } } ConstPool constPool = methodInfo.getConstPool(); CodeIterator codeIterator = codeAttribute.iterator(); initMatcher(); ArrayList<JavaRef> tempMappings = new ArrayList<JavaRef>(); try { match: for (int offset = 0; offset < codeIterator.getCodeLength() && matcher.match(methodInfo, offset); offset = { tempMappings.clear(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, JavaRef> entry : xrefs.entrySet()) { int captureGroup = entry.getKey(); JavaRef xref = entry.getValue(); byte[] code = matcher.getCaptureGroup(captureGroup); int index = Util.demarshal(code, 1, 2); ConstPoolUtils.matchOpcodeToRefType(code[0], xref); ConstPoolUtils.matchConstPoolTagToRefType(constPool.getTag(index), xref); JavaRef newRef = ConstPoolUtils.getRefForIndex(constPool, index); if (!isPotentialTypeMatch(xref.getType(), newRef.getType())) { if (deobfMethod != null) { Logger.log( Logger.LOG_METHOD, "method %s %s matches %s %s, but", methodInfo.getName(), methodInfo.getDescriptor(), deobfMethod.getName(), deobfMethod.getType()); } Logger.log( Logger.LOG_METHOD, "method %s %s failed xref #%d %s %s -> %s %s", methodInfo.getName(), methodInfo.getDescriptor(), captureGroup, xref.getName(), xref.getType(), newRef.getName(), newRef.getType()); continue match; } tempMappings.add(xref); tempMappings.add(newRef); } for (int i = 0; i + 1 < tempMappings.size(); i += 2) { tempClassMap.addMap(tempMappings.get(i), tempMappings.get(i + 1)); } if (deobfMethod != null) { String deobfName = classMod.getDeobfClass(); tempClassMap.addClassMap(deobfName, ClassMap.filenameToClassName(filename)); tempClassMap.addMethodMap( deobfName, deobfMethod.getName(), methodInfo.getName(), methodInfo.getDescriptor()); if (deobfTypes != null && obfTypes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < deobfTypes.size(); i++) { String desc = ClassMap.descriptorToClassName(deobfTypes.get(i)); String obf = ClassMap.descriptorToClassName(obfTypes.get(i)); if (!obf.equals(desc)) { tempClassMap.addClassMap(desc, obf); } } } } afterMatch(classFile, methodInfo); classMod.methodInfo = null; return true; } } catch (BadBytecode e) { Logger.log(e); } } classMod.methodInfo = null; return false; }
protected void checkClassFile(ClassFile file) throws Exception { Map<Integer, Triple> calls = new HashMap<>(); ConstPool pool = file.getConstPool(); for (int i = 1; i < pool.getSize(); ++i) { // we have a method call BytecodeUtils.Ref ref = BytecodeUtils.getRef(pool, i); String className = ref.getClassName(pool, i); if (className != null) { String methodName = ref.getName(pool, i); String methodDesc = ref.getDesc(pool, i); fillCalls(i, className, methodName, methodDesc, calls); } } if (calls.isEmpty() && annotations.isEmpty()) { return; } String className = file.getName(); AnnotationsAttribute faa = (AnnotationsAttribute) file.getAttribute(AnnotationsAttribute.visibleTag); checkAnnotations(className, TYPE_USAGE.getMethodName(), faa, -1); List<MethodInfo> methods = file.getMethods(); for (MethodInfo m : methods) { try { // ignore abstract methods if (m.getCodeAttribute() == null) { continue; } AnnotationsAttribute maa = (AnnotationsAttribute) m.getAttribute(AnnotationsAttribute.visibleTag); boolean annotationsChecked = false; int firstLine = -1; CodeIterator it = m.getCodeAttribute().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { // loop through the bytecode final int index =; final int line = m.getLineNumber(index); if (annotationsChecked == false) { annotationsChecked = true; firstLine = line; checkAnnotations( className, m.getName(), maa, line - 2); // -2 to get the line above the method } int op = it.byteAt(index); // if the bytecode is a method invocation if (op == CodeIterator.INVOKEVIRTUAL || op == CodeIterator.INVOKESTATIC || op == CodeIterator.INVOKEINTERFACE || op == CodeIterator.INVOKESPECIAL) { int val = it.s16bitAt(index + 1); Triple triple = calls.get(val); if (triple != null) { Map<Tuple, Set<CodeLine>> map = report.get(triple.className); Set<CodeLine> set = map.get(triple.tuple); CodeLine cl = new CodeLine(className, m.getName(), line); set.add(cl.modify()); // check for .jsp, etc } } } if (BaseMethodExclusion.isBridge(m) == false) { SignatureAttribute.MethodSignature signature = SignatureAttribute.toMethodSignature(m.getDescriptor()); handleMethodSignature(className, m.getName(), firstLine - 1, signature.getReturnType()); handleMethodSignature( className, m.getName(), firstLine - 1, signature.getParameterTypes()); handleMethodSignature( className, m.getName(), firstLine - 1, signature.getExceptionTypes()); } ParameterAnnotationsAttribute paa = (ParameterAnnotationsAttribute) m.getAttribute(ParameterAnnotationsAttribute.visibleTag); if (paa != null) { Annotation[][] paas = paa.getAnnotations(); if (paas != null) { for (Annotation[] params : paas) { for (Annotation a : params) { for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> entry : annotations.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().equals(a.getTypeName())) { checkAnnotation( className, m.getName(), firstLine - 1, entry.getValue(), entry.getKey(), a); } } } } } } m.getCodeAttribute().computeMaxStack(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }