/* */ public Object animate(Animation paramAnimation) /* */ { /* 108 */ SequentialTransition localSequentialTransition = new SequentialTransition(); /* 109 */ localSequentialTransition.getChildren().add(paramAnimation); /* 110 */ localSequentialTransition.setOnFinished(this); /* */ /* 112 */ if (this.activeTimeLines.isEmpty()) start(); /* */ /* 114 */ this.activeTimeLines.put(localSequentialTransition, localSequentialTransition); /* */ /* 116 */ localSequentialTransition.play(); /* 117 */ return localSequentialTransition; /* */ }
public void readyToGoAnimation() { // Sync progress bar slides out ... TranslateTransition leave = new TranslateTransition(Duration.millis(600), syncBox); leave.setByY(80.0); // Buttons slide in and clickable address appears simultaneously. TranslateTransition arrive = new TranslateTransition(Duration.millis(600), controlsBox); arrive.setToY(0.0); FadeTransition reveal = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis(500), addressControl); reveal.setToValue(1.0); ParallelTransition group = new ParallelTransition(arrive, reveal); // Slide out happens then slide in/fade happens. SequentialTransition both = new SequentialTransition(leave, group); both.setCycleCount(1); both.setInterpolator(Interpolator.EASE_BOTH); both.play(); }
private SequentialTransition createTransition( final Point2D pntStartPoint, final Point2D pntEndPoint, ImageView imView) { imView = new ImageView( new Image(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/res/img/b1fh.png"), 75, 75, true, true)); imView.setX(pntStartPoint.getX()); imView.setY(pntStartPoint.getY() - 30); APMainScreen.getChildren().add(imView); TranslateTransition translateTransition = new TranslateTransition(Duration.millis(300), imView); translateTransition.setFromX(0); translateTransition.setToX(pntEndPoint.getX() - pntStartPoint.getX()); translateTransition.setFromY(0); translateTransition.setToY(pntEndPoint.getY() - pntStartPoint.getY()); translateTransition.setCycleCount(1); translateTransition.setAutoReverse(false); int rnd = randInt(1, 3); RotateTransition rotateTransition = new RotateTransition(Duration.millis(150), imView); rotateTransition.setByAngle(90F); rotateTransition.setCycleCount(rnd); rotateTransition.setAutoReverse(false); ParallelTransition parallelTransition = new ParallelTransition(); parallelTransition.getChildren().addAll(translateTransition, rotateTransition); SequentialTransition seqTrans = new SequentialTransition(); seqTrans.getChildren().addAll(parallelTransition); final ImageView ivRemove = imView; seqTrans.setOnFinished( new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent arg0) { APMainScreen.getChildren().remove(ivRemove); } }); return seqTrans; }
protected void addAnimation(Transition transition, Animation child) { if (transition instanceof SequentialTransition) { ((SequentialTransition) transition).getChildren().add(child); } else if (transition instanceof ParallelTransition) { ((ParallelTransition) transition).getChildren().add(child); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Main transition must be either a Parallel or Sequential Transition"); } }
private void snapshotTweet(final Parent tweetContainer) throws InterruptedException { final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); // render the chart in an offscreen scene (scene is used to allow css processing) and snapshot // it to an image. // the snapshot is done in runlater as it must occur on the javafx application thread. Platform.runLater( () -> { // animation obsFadeOutWords.stream().forEach(w -> parallelWords.getChildren().add(fadeOut(w))); obsFadeInWords.stream().forEach(w -> parallelTexts.getChildren().add(fadeIn(w))); sequential.setOnFinished( e -> { parallelWords.getChildren().clear(); parallelTexts.getChildren().clear(); latch.countDown(); }); sequential.play(); }); latch.await(); }
private SequentialTransition CalculateTransition( Card c, HBox PlayerCardBox, ImageView imView, int iCardDrawn) { // This is the card that is going to be dealt to the player. String strCard = "/res/img/" + c.getCardImg(); ImageView imgvCardDealt = new ImageView(new Image(getClass().getResourceAsStream(strCard), 96, 71, true, true)); // imgvCardFaceDown - There's already a place holder card // sitting in // the player's hbox. It's face down. Find it // and then determine it's bounds and top left hand handle. ImageView imgvCardFaceDown = (ImageView) PlayerCardBox.getChildren().get(iCardDrawn - 1); Bounds bndCardDealt = imgvCardFaceDown.localToScene(imgvCardFaceDown.getBoundsInLocal()); Point2D pntCardDealt = new Point2D(bndCardDealt.getMinX(), bndCardDealt.getMinY()); // imgvDealerDeck = the card in the common area, where dealer's // card // is located. Find the boundary top left point. ImageView imgvDealerDeck = (ImageView) HboxCommonArea.getChildren().get(0); Bounds bndCardDeck = imgvDealerDeck.localToScene(imgvDealerDeck.getBoundsInLocal()); Point2D pntCardDeck = new Point2D(bndCardDeck.getMinX(), bndCardDeck.getMinY()); // Add a sequential transition to the card (move, rotate) SequentialTransition transMoveRotCard = createTransition(pntCardDeck, pntCardDealt, imView); // Add a parallel transition to the card (fade in/fade out). final ParallelTransition transFadeCardInOut = createFadeTransition( imgvCardFaceDown, new Image(getClass().getResourceAsStream(strCard), 75, 75, true, true)); SequentialTransition transAllActions = new SequentialTransition(); transAllActions.getChildren().addAll(transMoveRotCard, transFadeCardInOut); return transAllActions; }
public LiveScatterChartApp() { // create animation Timeline timeline1 = new Timeline(); timeline1 .getKeyFrames() .add( new KeyFrame( Duration.millis(20), (ActionEvent actionEvent) -> { series .getData() .add( new XYChart.Data<Number, Number>( nextX, Math.sin(Math.toRadians(nextX)) * 100)); nextX += 10; })); timeline1.setCycleCount(200); Timeline timeline2 = new Timeline(); timeline2 .getKeyFrames() .add( new KeyFrame( Duration.millis(50), (ActionEvent actionEvent) -> { series .getData() .add( new XYChart.Data<Number, Number>( nextX, Math.sin(Math.toRadians(nextX)) * 100)); if (series.getData().size() > 54) { series.getData().remove(0); } nextX += 10; })); timeline2.setCycleCount(Animation.INDEFINITE); animation = new SequentialTransition(); animation.getChildren().addAll(timeline1, timeline2); }
@FXML private void handleDraw() { if (this.mainApp.getiGameType() == null) { displayWarning("you must select a game to play from the menu"); return; } iCardDrawn++; iDrawCount++; ImageView imView = null; eGameState = eGameState.PlayOfGame; // Disable the button in case of double-click SetGameControls(eGameState.DrawingCard); // Create the parent transition SequentialTransition tranDealCards = new SequentialTransition(); // Figure the action based on the game, state of game Action act = new Action(gme, iCardDrawnPlayer, iCardDrawnCommon, iDrawCount); if (act.geteDrawAction() == eDrawAction.DrawPlayer) { // Draw a card for each player seated for (int iDraw = 0; iDraw < act.getiCardDrawn(); iDraw++) { iCardDrawnPlayer++; for (Player p : mainApp.GetSeatedPlayers()) { Card c = gme.getGameDeck().drawFromDeck(); HBox PlayerCardBox = null; switch (p.getiPlayerPosition()) { case 1: PlayerCardBox = hBoxP1Cards; imView = imgTransCardP1; break; case 2: PlayerCardBox = hBoxP2Cards; imView = imgTransCardP2; break; case 3: PlayerCardBox = hBoxP3Cards; imView = imgTransCardP3; break; case 4: PlayerCardBox = hBoxP4Cards; imView = imgTransCardP4; break; } gme.FindPlayerGame(gme, p).addCardToHand(c); tranDealCards .getChildren() .add(CalculateTransition(c, PlayerCardBox, imView, iCardDrawnPlayer)); } } } else if (act.geteDrawAction() == eDrawAction.DrawCommon) { for (int iDraw = 0; iDraw < act.getiCardDrawn(); iDraw++) { iCardDrawnCommon++; imView = imgTransCardCommon; Card c = gme.getGameDeck().drawFromDeck(); gme.FindCommonHand(gme).addCardToHand(c); tranDealCards .getChildren() .add(CalculateTransition(c, HboxCommunityCards, imView, iCardDrawnCommon)); } } // tranDealCards is the master transition... it has deals for every card // to every player. Play it. tranDealCards.play(); // If bEvalHand is true, it's time to evaluate the Hand... if (act.isbEvaluateHand()) { ArrayList<GamePlayPlayerHand> AllPlayersHands = new ArrayList<GamePlayPlayerHand>(); ArrayList<Hand> BestPlayerHands = new ArrayList<Hand>(); HashMap hsPlayerHand = new HashMap(); for (Player p : mainApp.GetSeatedPlayers()) { GamePlayPlayerHand GPPH = gme.FindPlayerGame(gme, p); Hand PlayerHand = GPPH.getHand(); GamePlayPlayerHand GPCH = gme.FindCommonHand(gme); ArrayList<Hand> AllHands = Hand.ListHands(GPPH.getHand(), GPCH.getHand(), GPPH.getGame()); Hand hBestHand = Hand.PickBestHand(AllHands); GPPH.setBestHand(hBestHand); hsPlayerHand.put(hBestHand, GPPH.getPlayer()); BestPlayerHands.add(hBestHand); } Hand WinningHand = Hand.PickBestHand(BestPlayerHands); Player WinningPlayer = (Player) hsPlayerHand.get(WinningHand); System.out.println( "Winning Player Position: " + WinningPlayer.getiPlayerPosition() + "(" + WinningPlayer.getPlayerName() + ")"); displayWinner( "Winning Player Position: " + WinningPlayer.getiPlayerPosition() + " (" + WinningPlayer.getPlayerName() + ")"); SetGameControls(eGameState.EndOfGame); } else { if (iCardDrawnPlayer + iCardDrawnCommon + 2 >= gme.getRule().getTotalCardsToDraw()) { for (Player p : mainApp.GetSeatedPlayers()) { Hand hPlayer = gme.FindPlayerGame(gme, p).getHand(); for (int a = hPlayer.getCards().size(); a < gme.getRule().GetPlayerNumberOfCards(); a++) { hPlayer.AddCardToHand(new Card(eSuit.JOKER, eRank.JOKER, 0)); } Hand hCommon = gme.FindCommonHand(gme).getHand(); if (hCommon.getCards() == null) { for (int a = 0; a < gme.getRule().GetCommunityCardsCount(); a++) { hCommon.AddCardToHand(new Card(eSuit.JOKER, eRank.JOKER, 0)); } } else { for (int a = hCommon.getCards().size(); a < gme.getRule().GetCommunityCardsCount(); a++) { hCommon.AddCardToHand(new Card(eSuit.JOKER, eRank.JOKER, 0)); } } ArrayList<Hand> AllHands = Hand.ListHands(hPlayer, hCommon, gme); System.out.println(AllHands.get(0).getHandStrength()); } } // Re-enable the draw button SetGameControls(eGameState); } }
@Override public void stop() { animation.pause(); }
public void play() { animation.play(); }