예제 #1
  * Called as part of connecting a block when the new block results in a different chain having
  * higher total work.
 private void handleNewBestChain(StoredBlock newChainHead)
     throws BlockStoreException, VerificationException {
   // This chain has overtaken the one we currently believe is best. Reorganize is required.
   // Firstly, calculate the block at which the chain diverged. We only need to examine the
   // chain from beyond this block to find differences.
   StoredBlock splitPoint = findSplit(newChainHead, chainHead);
   log.info("Re-organize after split at height {}", splitPoint.getHeight());
   log.info("Old chain head: {}", chainHead.getHeader().getHashAsString());
   log.info("New chain head: {}", newChainHead.getHeader().getHashAsString());
   log.info("Split at block: {}", splitPoint.getHeader().getHashAsString());
   // Then build a list of all blocks in the old part of the chain and the new part.
   List<StoredBlock> oldBlocks = getPartialChain(chainHead, splitPoint);
   List<StoredBlock> newBlocks = getPartialChain(newChainHead, splitPoint);
   // Now inform the wallet. This is necessary so the set of currently active transactions (that we
   // can spend)
   // can be updated to take into account the re-organize. We might also have received new coins we
   // didn't have
   // before and our previous spends might have been undone.
   wallet.reorganize(oldBlocks, newBlocks);
   // Update the pointer to the best known block.