static void openURL( JopSession session, String name, boolean newFrame, String frameName, String bookmark) { System.out.println("openURL " + name); Object root = session.getRoot(); // Replace any URL symbol name = replaceUrlSymbol(session, name); try { String url_str = null; if (name.substring(0, 5).equals("http:")) { url_str = name; if (url_str.lastIndexOf(".html") == -1 && url_str.lastIndexOf(".shtml") == -1 && url_str.lastIndexOf(".htm") == -1 && url_str.lastIndexOf(".pdf") == -1) url_str = url_str + ".html"; } else if (name.startsWith("$pwr_doc/")) { URL current = ((JApplet) root).getDocumentBase(); String current_str = current.toString(); int idx1 = current_str.indexOf('/'); if (idx1 != -1 && current_str.length() > idx1 + 1) { idx1 = current_str.indexOf('/', idx1 + 1); if (idx1 != -1 && current_str.length() > idx1 + 1) { idx1 = current_str.indexOf('/', idx1 + 1); if (idx1 != -1 && current_str.length() > idx1 + 1) { url_str = current_str.substring(0, idx1 + 1) + "pwr_doc/" + name.substring(9); if (url_str.lastIndexOf(".html") == -1 && url_str.lastIndexOf(".shtml") == -1 && url_str.lastIndexOf(".htm") == -1 && url_str.lastIndexOf(".pdf") == -1) url_str = url_str + ".html"; } } } } else { URL current = ((JApplet) root).getCodeBase(); String current_str = current.toString(); int idx1 = current_str.lastIndexOf('/'); int idx2 = current_str.lastIndexOf(':'); int idx = idx1; if (idx2 > idx) idx = idx2; String path = current_str.substring(0, idx + 1); if (name.lastIndexOf(".html") == -1 && name.lastIndexOf(".shtml") == -1 && name.lastIndexOf(".htm") == -1 && name.lastIndexOf(".pdf") == -1) url_str = new String(path + name + ".html"); else url_str = new String(path + name); if (bookmark != null) url_str += "#" + bookmark; } System.out.println("Opening URL: " + url_str); URL url = new URL(url_str); AppletContext appCtx = ((JApplet) root).getAppletContext(); if (newFrame) appCtx.showDocument(url, "_blank"); else if (frameName != null) appCtx.showDocument(url, frameName); else appCtx.showDocument(url, "_self"); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { System.out.println("MalformedURL : " + name); } }
JarFile get(URL url, boolean useCaches) throws IOException { JarFile result = null; JarFile local_result = null; if (useCaches) { synchronized (this) { result = getCachedJarFile(url); } if (result == null) { local_result = URLJarFile.getJarFile(url); synchronized (this) { result = getCachedJarFile(url); if (result == null) { fileCache.put(url, local_result); urlCache.put(local_result, url); result = local_result; } else { if (local_result != null) { local_result.close(); } } } } } else { result = URLJarFile.getJarFile(url); } if (result == null) throw new FileNotFoundException(url.toString()); return result; }
public ArrayList<String> parseXML() throws Exception { ArrayList<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); handshake(); URL url = new URL( "" + cdn + "&cpn=book.xml&crcod=" + crcod + "&rid=" + (int) (Math.random() * 10000)); String page = DownloaderUtils.getPage(url.toString(), "UTF-8", cookies); DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); InputSource is = new InputSource(new StringReader(page)); Document d = builder.parse(is); Element doc = d.getDocumentElement(); NodeList pages = doc.getElementsByTagName("page"); total = pages.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < pages.getLength(); i++) { Element e = (Element) pages.item(i); ret.add(e.getAttribute("path")); } return (ret); }
/** Create a FILE object to read from the specified filename. */ public static FILE openFile(String filename) { try { FILE f = null; File file = new File(filename); if (file.isAbsolute()) { f = open(file); } else { if (documentBase != null) { String docBase = documentBase.toString(); if (docBase.startsWith("file:/")) { docBase = docBase.substring(6); file = new File(docBase, filename); f = open(file); } } if (f == null && codeBase != null) { String cBase = codeBase.toString(); if (cBase.startsWith("file:/")) { cBase = cBase.substring(6); file = new File(cBase, filename); f = open(file); } } if (f == null) { file = new File(filename); f = open(file); } } return f; } catch (Exception e) { setException(e); if (debug) { System.out.println("openFile: " + e); } return null; } }
public static void parse(String fileNameOrURL, RDFParser parser, Model model) throws IOException, SAXException, MalformedURLException, ModelException { URL url = new URL(normalizeURI(fileNameOrURL)); // maybe this model is loaded as schema... // Model model = factory.registry().get(url.toString()); // if(model != null) // return model; // Prepare input source model.setSourceURI(url.toString()); InputStream in = url.openStream(); InputSource source = new InputSource(in); source.setSystemId(url.toString()); parser.parse(source, new ModelConsumer(model)); in.close(); }
/** * Load grid configuration for specified node type. * * @param type Node type to load configuration for. * @return Grid configuration for specified node type. */ static IgniteConfiguration getConfig(String type) { String path = NODE_CFG.get(type); if (path == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported node type: " + type); URL url = U.resolveIgniteUrl(path); BeanFactory ctx = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext(url.toString()); return (IgniteConfiguration) ctx.getBean("grid.cfg"); }
private T requestInfo(URI baseUrl, RenderingContext context) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException { URL url = loader.createURL(baseUrl, context); GetMethod method = null; try { final InputStream stream; if ((url.getProtocol().equals("http") || url.getProtocol().equals("https")) && context.getConfig().localHostForwardIsFrom(url.getHost())) { String scheme = url.getProtocol(); final String host = url.getHost(); if (url.getProtocol().equals("https") && context.getConfig().localHostForwardIsHttps2http()) { scheme = "http"; } URL localUrl = new URL(scheme, "localhost", url.getPort(), url.getFile()); HttpURLConnection connexion = (HttpURLConnection) localUrl.openConnection(); connexion.setRequestProperty("Host", host); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : context.getHeaders().entrySet()) { connexion.setRequestProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } stream = connexion.getInputStream(); } else { method = new GetMethod(url.toString()); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : context.getHeaders().entrySet()) { method.setRequestHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } context.getConfig().getHttpClient(baseUrl).executeMethod(method); int code = method.getStatusCode(); if (code < 200 || code >= 300) { throw new IOException( "Error " + code + " while reading the Capabilities from " + url + ": " + method.getStatusText()); } stream = method.getResponseBodyAsStream(); } final T result; try { result = loader.parseInfo(stream); } finally { stream.close(); } return result; } finally { if (method != null) { method.releaseConnection(); } } }
@Override public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId) { if (systemId != null && systemId.endsWith("dtd")) { URL url = FileFuncs.getResource(RuntimeProperties.PACKAGE_DTD, true); if (url != null) { return new InputSource(url.toString()); } // if unable to find dtd in local fs, try getting it from web return new InputSource(RuntimeProperties.SCHEMA_LOC + RuntimeProperties.PACKAGE_DTD); } return null; }
private void buildUrlSets(String url) { try { outputMessage("\nFetching " + url, TEST_SUMMARY_MESSAGE); URL srcUrl = new URL(url); // URLConnection conn = srcUrl.openConnection(); // String type = conn.getContentType(); // type = conn.getHeaderField("content-type"); // InputStream istr = conn.getInputStream(); LockssUrlConnection conn = UrlUtil.openConnection(url, connectionPool); if (proxyHost != null) { conn.setProxy(proxyHost, proxyPort); } if (userAgent != null) { conn.setRequestProperty("user-agent", userAgent); } try { conn.execute(); int resp = conn.getResponseCode(); if (resp != 200) { outputMessage("Resp: " + resp + ": " + conn.getResponseMessage(), TEST_SUMMARY_MESSAGE); return; } depth_fetched[m_curDepth - 1]++; String cookies = conn.getResponseHeaderValue("Set-Cookie"); if (cookies != null) { outputMessage("Cookies: " + cookies, PLAIN_MESSAGE); } String type = conn.getResponseContentType(); if (type == null || !type.toLowerCase().startsWith("text/html")) { outputMessage("Type: " + type + ", not parsing", URL_SUMMARY_MESSAGE); return; } outputMessage("Type: " + type + ", extracting Urls", URL_SUMMARY_MESSAGE); InputStream istr = conn.getResponseInputStream(); InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(istr); // MyMockCachedUrl mcu = new MyMockCachedUrl(srcUrl.toString(), reader); GoslingHtmlLinkExtractor extractor = new GoslingHtmlLinkExtractor(); extractor.extractUrls(null, istr, null, srcUrl.toString(), new MyLinkExtractorCallback()); istr.close(); depth_parsed[m_curDepth - 1]++; } finally { conn.release(); } } catch (MalformedURLException murle) { murle.printStackTrace(); outputErrResults(url, "Malformed URL:" + murle.getMessage()); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); outputErrResults(url, "IOException: " + ex.getMessage()); } }
@Test( description = "Verify the downloads links return 200 rather than 404", groups = {"functional"}) public void DownloadsTab_02() throws HarnessException { // Determine which links should be present List<String> locators = new ArrayList<String>(); if (ZimbraSeleniumProperties.zimbraGetVersionString().contains("NETWORK")) { locators.addAll(Arrays.asList(NetworkOnlyLocators)); locators.addAll(Arrays.asList(CommonLocators)); } else if (ZimbraSeleniumProperties.zimbraGetVersionString().contains("FOSS")) { locators.addAll(Arrays.asList(FossOnlyLocators)); locators.addAll(Arrays.asList(CommonLocators)); } else { throw new HarnessException( "Unable to find NETWORK or FOSS in version string: " + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.zimbraGetVersionString()); } for (String locator : locators) { String href = app.zPageDownloads.sGetAttribute("xpath=" + locator + "@href"); String page = ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getBaseURL() + href; HttpURLConnection connection = null; try { URL url = new URL(page); connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("HEAD"); int code = connection.getResponseCode(); // TODO: why is 400 returned for the PDF links? // 200 and 400 are acceptable ZAssert.assertStringContains( "200 400", "" + code, "Verify the download URL is valid: " + url.toString()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new HarnessException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new HarnessException(e); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.disconnect(); connection = null; } } } }
private ExternalizableMap loadMap(String extMapName, ClassLoader loader) throws FileNotFoundException { String first = null; String next = extMapName; List<String> urls = new ArrayList<String>(); ExternalizableMap res = null; while (next != null) { // convert the plugin class name to an xml file name String mapFile = next.replace('.', '/') + MAP_SUFFIX; URL url = loader.getResource(mapFile); if (url != null && urls.contains(url.toString())) { throw new PluginException.InvalidDefinition("Plugin inheritance loop: " + next); } // load into map ExternalizableMap oneMap = new ExternalizableMap(); oneMap.loadMapFromResource(mapFile, loader); urls.add(url.toString()); // apply overrides one plugin at a time in inheritance chain processOverrides(oneMap); if (res == null) { res = oneMap; } else { for (Map.Entry ent : oneMap.entrySet()) { String key = (String) ent.getKey(); Object val = ent.getValue(); if (!res.containsKey(key)) { res.setMapElement(key, val); } } } if (oneMap.containsKey(KEY_PLUGIN_PARENT)) { next = oneMap.getString(KEY_PLUGIN_PARENT); } else { next = null; } } loadedFromUrls = urls; return res; }
public static String normalizeURI(String uri) { // normalise uri URL url = null; try { url = new URL(uri); } catch (Exception e) { try { if (uri.indexOf(':') == -1) url = new URL("file", null, uri); } catch (Exception e2) { } } return url != null ? url.toString() : uri; }
private static String[] findStandardMBeans(URL codeBase) throws Exception { Set<String> names; if (codeBase.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("file") && codeBase.toString().endsWith("/")) names = findStandardMBeansFromDir(codeBase); else names = findStandardMBeansFromJar(codeBase); Set<String> standardMBeanNames = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String name : names) { if (name.endsWith("MBean")) { String prefix = name.substring(0, name.length() - 5); if (names.contains(prefix)) standardMBeanNames.add(prefix); } } return standardMBeanNames.toArray(new String[0]); }
private void initDriverList() { try { Thread thread = Thread.currentThread(); ClassLoader loader = thread.getContextClassLoader(); Enumeration iter = loader.getResources("META-INF/services/java.sql.Driver"); while (iter.hasMoreElements()) { URL url = (URL) iter.nextElement(); ReadStream is = null; try { is = Vfs.lookup(url.toString()).openRead(); String filename; while ((filename = is.readLine()) != null) { int p = filename.indexOf('#'); if (p >= 0) filename = filename.substring(0, p); filename = filename.trim(); if (filename.length() == 0) continue; try { Class cl = Class.forName(filename, false, loader); Driver driver = null; if (Driver.class.isAssignableFrom(cl)) driver = (Driver) cl.newInstance(); if (driver != null) { log.fine(L.l("DatabaseManager adding driver '{0}'", driver.getClass().getName())); _driverList.add(driver); } } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e); } finally { if (is != null) is.close(); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e); } }
/** Remove data component data JAR from cache */ public static void removeInstallerComponent() { DownloadService downloadService = Config.getDownloadService(); if (downloadService != null) { String component = Config.getInstallerLocation(); String version = Config.getInstallerVersion(); try { URL codebase = Config.getBasicService().getCodeBase(); URL url = new URL(codebase, component); component = url.toString(); Config.trace("Removing: " + component + "/" + version); downloadService.removeResource(url, version); } catch (IOException ioe) { Config.trace("Unable to remove " + component + "/" + version); } } else { Config.trace("No download service found"); } }
/** ** Sets the 'port' */ public boolean setPort(int _port) { String uri = this.getURI(); if ((_port > 0) && URIArg.isAbsoluteURL(uri)) { try { URL oldURI = new URL(uri); String proto = oldURI.getProtocol(); String host = oldURI.getHost(); int port = _port; String file = oldURI.getFile(); URL newURI = new URL(proto, host, port, file); this._setURI(newURI.toString()); return true; } catch (MalformedURLException mue) { // error } } return false; }
/** Download data component JAR */ public static boolean downloadInstallerComponent() { DownloadService downloadService = Config.getDownloadService(); DownloadServiceListener listener = downloadService.getDefaultProgressWindow(); String compName = Config.getInstallerLocation(); String compVer = Config.getInstallerVersion(); try { URL codebase = Config.getBasicService().getCodeBase(); URL url = new URL(codebase, compName); String urlstr = url.toString(); if (!downloadService.isResourceCached(url, compVer)) { // The installFailed string is only for debugging. No localization needed Config.trace("Downloading: " + urlstr); // Do download downloadService.loadResource(url, compVer, listener); } } catch (IOException ioe) { Config.trace("Unable to download: " + compName + "/" + compVer); return false; } return true; }
@Test(groups = {"pulse"}) // test method public void testUserTx() throws Exception { try { String testurl = "http://" + host + ":" + port + "/" + strContextRoot + "/MyServlet?testcase=usertx"; URL url = new URL(testurl); echo("Connecting to: " + url.toString()); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.connect(); int responseCode = conn.getResponseCode(); InputStream is = conn.getInputStream(); BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); String line = null; boolean result = false; String testLine = null; String EXPECTED_RESPONSE = "user-tx-commit:true"; String EXPECTED_RESPONSE2 = "user-tx-rollback:true"; while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { // echo(line); if (line.indexOf(EXPECTED_RESPONSE) != -1 && line.indexOf(EXPECTED_RESPONSE2) != -1) { testLine = line; echo(testLine); result = true; break; } } Assert.assertEquals(result, true, "Unexpected Results"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new Exception(e); } }
public void run(String arg) { if (arg.equals("menus")) { updateMenus(); return; } if (IJ.getApplet() != null) return; URL url = getClass().getResource("/ij/IJ.class"); String ij_jar = url == null ? null : url.toString().replaceAll("%20", " "); if (ij_jar == null || !ij_jar.startsWith("jar:file:")) { error("Could not determine location of ij.jar"); return; } int exclamation = ij_jar.indexOf('!'); ij_jar = ij_jar.substring(9, exclamation); if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("Updater (jar loc): " + ij_jar); File file = new File(ij_jar); if (!file.exists()) { error("File not found: " + file.getPath()); return; } if (!file.canWrite()) { String msg = "No write access: " + file.getPath(); error(msg); return; } String[] list = openUrlAsList(IJ.URL + "/download/jars/list.txt"); int count = list.length + 3; String[] versions = new String[count]; String[] urls = new String[count]; String uv = getUpgradeVersion(); if (uv == null) return; versions[0] = "v" + uv; urls[0] = IJ.URL + "/upgrade/ij.jar"; if (versions[0] == null) return; for (int i = 1; i < count - 2; i++) { String version = list[i - 1]; versions[i] = version.substring(0, version.length() - 1); // remove letter urls[i] = IJ.URL + "/download/jars/ij" + version.substring(1, 2) + version.substring(3, 6) + ".jar"; } versions[count - 2] = "daily build"; urls[count - 2] = IJ.URL + "/ij.jar"; versions[count - 1] = "previous"; urls[count - 1] = IJ.URL + "/upgrade/ij2.jar"; int choice = showDialog(versions); if (choice == -1 || !Commands.closeAll()) return; // System.out.println("choice: "+choice); // for (int i=0; i<urls.length; i++) System.out.println(" "+i+" "+urls[i]); byte[] jar = null; if ("daily build".equals(versions[choice]) && notes != null && notes.contains(" </title>")) jar = getJar(""); if (jar == null) jar = getJar(urls[choice]); if (jar == null) { error("Unable to download ij.jar from " + urls[choice]); return; } Prefs.savePreferences(); // System.out.println("saveJar: "+file); saveJar(file, jar); if (choice < count - 2) // force macro Function Finder to download fresh list new File(IJ.getDirectory("macros") + "functions.html").delete(); System.exit(0); }
public void run(String arg) { if (arg.equals("menus")) { updateMenus(); return; } if (IJ.getApplet() != null) return; // File file = new File(Prefs.getHomeDir() + File.separator + "ij.jar"); // if (isMac() && !file.exists()) // file = new File(Prefs.getHomeDir() + File.separator + // ""); URL url = getClass().getResource("/ij/IJ.class"); String ij_jar = url == null ? null : url.toString().replaceAll("%20", " "); if (ij_jar == null || !ij_jar.startsWith("jar:file:")) { error("Could not determine location of ij.jar"); return; } int exclamation = ij_jar.indexOf('!'); ij_jar = ij_jar.substring(9, exclamation); if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("Updater: " + ij_jar); File file = new File(ij_jar); if (!file.exists()) { error("File not found: " + file.getPath()); return; } if (!file.canWrite()) { String msg = "No write access: " + file.getPath(); if (IJ.isVista()) msg += Prefs.vistaHint; error(msg); return; } String[] list = openUrlAsList(IJ.URL + "/download/jars/list.txt"); int count = list.length + 2; String[] versions = new String[count]; String[] urls = new String[count]; String uv = getUpgradeVersion(); if (uv == null) return; versions[0] = "v" + uv; urls[0] = IJ.URL + "/upgrade/ij.jar"; if (versions[0] == null) return; for (int i = 1; i < count - 1; i++) { String version = list[i - 1]; versions[i] = version.substring(0, version.length() - 1); // remove letter urls[i] = IJ.URL + "/download/jars/ij" + version.substring(1, 2) + version.substring(3, 6) + ".jar"; } versions[count - 1] = "daily build"; urls[count - 1] = IJ.URL + "/ij.jar"; int choice = showDialog(versions); if (choice == -1) return; if (!versions[choice].startsWith("daily") && versions[choice].compareTo("v1.39") < 0 && Menus.getCommands().get("ImageJ Updater") == null) { String msg = "This command is not available in versions of ImageJ prior\n" + "to 1.39 so you will need to install the plugin version at\n" + "<" + IJ.URL + "/plugins/imagej-updater.html>."; if (!IJ.showMessageWithCancel("Update ImageJ", msg)) return; } byte[] jar = getJar(urls[choice]); // file.renameTo(new File(file.getParent()+File.separator+"ij.bak")); if (version().compareTo("1.37v") >= 0) Prefs.savePreferences(); // if (!renameJar(file)) return; // doesn't work on Vista saveJar(file, jar); if (choice < count - 1) // force macro Function Finder to download fresh list new File(IJ.getDirectory("macros") + "functions.html").delete(); System.exit(0); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { for (URL url : discoverWsDevicesAsUrls()) { System.out.println("Device discovered: " + url.toString()); } }
/** Retourne le Stream associé à une URL */ public InputStream get(URL url) throws Exception { return get(url.toString()); }
public static Image getImage(JopSession session, String image) { String fullName; if (session.getRoot() instanceof JopApplet) { String name; try { URL current = ((JApplet) session.getRoot()).getCodeBase(); String current_str = current.toString(); int idx1 = current_str.lastIndexOf('/'); int idx2 = current_str.lastIndexOf(':'); int idx = idx1; if (idx2 > idx) idx = idx2; String path = current_str.substring(0, idx + 1); String url_str; // String url_str = new String( path + name); if (image.substring(0, 5).compareTo("jpwr/") == 0) { idx = image.lastIndexOf('/'); name = image.substring(5, idx); url_str = new String("jar:" + path + "pwr_" + name + ".jar!/" + image); } else { idx = image.lastIndexOf('/'); if (idx == -1) name = new String(image); else name = image.substring(idx + 1); url_str = new String("jar:" + path + "pwrp_" + systemName + "_web.jar!/" + name); } System.out.println("Opening URL: " + url_str); URL url = new URL(url_str); return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(url); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { } return null; } else { // Add default directory /pwrp/img System.out.println("Image: " + image); // int idx = image.lastIndexOf('/'); // if ( idx == -1) // fullName = new String("/pwrp/img/" + image); // else fullName = new String(image); // return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage( fullName); try { String name; String url_str; int idx; String path = new String("file://"); if (image.substring(0, 5).compareTo("jpwr/") == 0) { idx = image.lastIndexOf('/'); name = image.substring(5, idx); url_str = new String("$pwr_lib/pwr_" + name + ".jar"); url_str = Gdh.translateFilename(url_str); url_str = new String("jar:" + path + url_str + "!/" + image); } else { idx = image.lastIndexOf('/'); if (idx == -1) name = new String(image); else name = image.substring(idx + 1); url_str = new String("$pwrp_lib/pwrp_" + systemName + ".jar"); System.out.println("java: " + url_str); url_str = Gdh.translateFilename(url_str); url_str = new String("jar:" + path + url_str + "!/" + name); } System.out.println("Opening URL: " + url_str); URL url = new URL(url_str); return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(url); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { } } return null; }
private static Set<String> findStandardMBeansFromDir(URL codeBase) throws Exception { File dir = new File(new URI(codeBase.toString())); Set<String> names = new TreeSet<String>(); scanDir(dir, "", names); return names; }