/** * output the prediction probabilities for each tree * * @param trees the trees to predict * @return the prediction probabilities for each tree */ public List<FloatMatrix> output(List<Tree> trees) { List<FloatMatrix> ret = new ArrayList<>(); for (Tree t : trees) { forwardPropagateTree(t); ret.add(t.prediction()); } return ret; }
/** * output the top level labels for each tree * * @param trees the trees to predict * @return the prediction labels for each tree */ public List<Integer> predict(List<Tree> trees) { List<Integer> ret = new ArrayList<>(); for (Tree t : trees) { forwardPropagateTree(t); ret.add(SimpleBlas.iamax(t.prediction())); } return ret; }
private void backpropDerivativesAndError( Tree tree, MultiDimensionalMap<String, String, FloatMatrix> binaryTD, MultiDimensionalMap<String, String, FloatMatrix> binaryCD, MultiDimensionalMap<String, String, FloatTensor> binaryFloatTensorTD, Map<String, FloatMatrix> unaryCD, Map<String, FloatMatrix> wordVectorD, FloatMatrix deltaUp) { if (tree.isLeaf()) { return; } FloatMatrix currentVector = tree.vector(); String category = tree.label(); category = basicCategory(category); // Build a vector that looks like 0,0,1,0,0 with an indicator for the correct class FloatMatrix goldLabel = new FloatMatrix(numOuts, 1); int goldClass = tree.goldLabel(); if (goldClass >= 0) { goldLabel.put(goldClass, 1.0f); } Float nodeWeight = classWeights.get(goldClass); if (nodeWeight == null) nodeWeight = 1.0f; FloatMatrix predictions = tree.prediction(); // If this is an unlabeled class, set deltaClass to 0. We could // make this more efficient by eliminating various of the below // calculations, but this would be the easiest way to handle the // unlabeled class FloatMatrix deltaClass = goldClass >= 0 ? SimpleBlas.scal(nodeWeight, predictions.sub(goldLabel)) : new FloatMatrix(predictions.rows, predictions.columns); FloatMatrix localCD = deltaClass.mmul(appendBias(currentVector).transpose()); float error = -(MatrixFunctions.log(predictions).muli(goldLabel).sum()); error = error * nodeWeight; tree.setError(error); if (tree.isPreTerminal()) { // below us is a word vector unaryCD.put(category, unaryCD.get(category).add(localCD)); String word = tree.children().get(0).label(); word = getVocabWord(word); FloatMatrix currentVectorDerivative = activationFunction.apply(currentVector); FloatMatrix deltaFromClass = getUnaryClassification(category).transpose().mmul(deltaClass); deltaFromClass = deltaFromClass.get(interval(0, numHidden), interval(0, 1)).mul(currentVectorDerivative); FloatMatrix deltaFull = deltaFromClass.add(deltaUp); wordVectorD.put(word, wordVectorD.get(word).add(deltaFull)); } else { // Otherwise, this must be a binary node String leftCategory = basicCategory(tree.children().get(0).label()); String rightCategory = basicCategory(tree.children().get(1).label()); if (combineClassification) { unaryCD.put("", unaryCD.get("").add(localCD)); } else { binaryCD.put( leftCategory, rightCategory, binaryCD.get(leftCategory, rightCategory).add(localCD)); } FloatMatrix currentVectorDerivative = activationFunction.applyDerivative(currentVector); FloatMatrix deltaFromClass = getBinaryClassification(leftCategory, rightCategory).transpose().mmul(deltaClass); FloatMatrix mult = deltaFromClass.get(interval(0, numHidden), interval(0, 1)); deltaFromClass = mult.muli(currentVectorDerivative); FloatMatrix deltaFull = deltaFromClass.add(deltaUp); FloatMatrix leftVector = tree.children().get(0).vector(); FloatMatrix rightVector = tree.children().get(1).vector(); FloatMatrix childrenVector = appendBias(leftVector, rightVector); // deltaFull 50 x 1, childrenVector: 50 x 2 FloatMatrix add = binaryTD.get(leftCategory, rightCategory); FloatMatrix W_df = deltaFromClass.mmul(childrenVector.transpose()); binaryTD.put(leftCategory, rightCategory, add.add(W_df)); FloatMatrix deltaDown; if (useFloatTensors) { FloatTensor Wt_df = getFloatTensorGradient(deltaFull, leftVector, rightVector); binaryFloatTensorTD.put( leftCategory, rightCategory, binaryFloatTensorTD.get(leftCategory, rightCategory).add(Wt_df)); deltaDown = computeFloatTensorDeltaDown( deltaFull, leftVector, rightVector, getBinaryTransform(leftCategory, rightCategory), getBinaryFloatTensor(leftCategory, rightCategory)); } else { deltaDown = getBinaryTransform(leftCategory, rightCategory).transpose().mmul(deltaFull); } FloatMatrix leftDerivative = activationFunction.apply(leftVector); FloatMatrix rightDerivative = activationFunction.apply(rightVector); FloatMatrix leftDeltaDown = deltaDown.get(interval(0, deltaFull.rows), interval(0, 1)); FloatMatrix rightDeltaDown = deltaDown.get(interval(deltaFull.rows, deltaFull.rows * 2), interval(0, 1)); backpropDerivativesAndError( tree.children().get(0), binaryTD, binaryCD, binaryFloatTensorTD, unaryCD, wordVectorD, leftDerivative.mul(leftDeltaDown)); backpropDerivativesAndError( tree.children().get(1), binaryTD, binaryCD, binaryFloatTensorTD, unaryCD, wordVectorD, rightDerivative.mul(rightDeltaDown)); } }