private Task mapTask( PuzzleDto puzzle, ChallengeTemplate challengeTemplate, Organization organization, Map<String, ByteArrayOutputStream> files, Duration gameDuration, Runner runner, Endpoint endpoint, Set<Language> languages) throws IOException { Task task = new Task(); task.setCanonicalName( fixCanonicalName(challengeTemplate.getCanonicalName() + "-" + puzzle.getCanonicalName())); task.setName(puzzle.getCanonicalName()); task.setEndpoint(endpoint); task.setDescription(puzzle.getCanonicalName()); task.setInstructions( storage.uploadPublic( instructionsBucket, instructionsFileName(challengeTemplate, puzzle.getInstructionsFile()), new ByteArrayInputStream(files.get(puzzle.getInstructionsFile()).toByteArray()), "application/pdf")); task.setDuration(gameDuration); task.setRunner(runner); task.setLanguages(languages); task.setOrganization(organization); return task; }
public static void sendModeration(String name, float point) { Task t = new Task(name, point); t.status = TaskStatus.PENDING; t.suggestedBy = SUser.findByEmail(Auth.connected());; thanks(); }
/* * Test method for '' */ public void testSetValidateByModel() { progtask.setValidateByModel(true); assert (progtask.isValidateByModel()); progtask.setValidateByModel(false); assert (!progtask.isValidateByModel()); }
/* * Test method for '' */ public void testSetFillInTask() { progtask.setFillInTask(true); assert (progtask.isFillInTask()); progtask.setFillInTask(false); assert (progtask.isProgrammingTask()); }
@Override protected void doHadoopWork() throws BuildException { Tuple tuple = ContextManager.getCurrentTuple(); if (tuple == null) { throw new BuildException( this.getTaskName() + " should be put inside task container which provides tuple to execution context"); } try { if (tuple.getType(fieldNumber) != DataType.TUPLE || !(tuple.get(fieldNumber) instanceof Tuple)) { throw new BuildException("Tuple field " + fieldNumber + " doesn't represent a Tuple"); } ContextManager.setCurrentTupleContext((Tuple) tuple.get(fieldNumber)); try { for (Task task : tasks) { task.perform(); } } finally { ContextManager.resetCurrentTupleContext(); } } catch (ExecException e) { throw new BuildException("Failed to check type of tuple field " + fieldNumber, e); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { A2 instance = new A2(); Task solver = Task(); solver.solve(); instance.out.close(); System.exit(0); }
private void doUpdate(@Nullable Runnable onComplete) { try { List<Task> issues = getIssuesFromRepositories( null, myConfig.updateIssuesCount, 0, false, new EmptyProgressIndicator()); if (issues == null) return; synchronized (myIssueCache) { myIssueCache.clear(); for (Task issue : issues) { myIssueCache.put(issue.getId(), issue); } } // update local tasks synchronized (myTasks) { for (Map.Entry<String, LocalTask> entry : myTasks.entrySet()) { Task issue = myIssueCache.get(entry.getKey()); if (issue != null) { entry.getValue().updateFromIssue(issue); } } } } finally { if (onComplete != null) {; } myUpdating = false; } }
/* * Test method for '' */ public void testSetHasSucceeded() { progtask.setHasSucceeded(true); assert (progtask.isHasSucceeded()); progtask.setHasSucceeded(false); assert (!progtask.isHasSucceeded()); }
private void verifyCurrentUserIsAuthorized(Process process, Task task) throws ForbiddenError, BadRequestError { if (process == null) throw new BadRequestError(Constants.ExceptionCodes.process_does_not_exist); String taskId = task != null ? task.getTaskInstanceId() : null; Entity principal = identityHelper.getPrincipal(); if (principal == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(principal.getEntityId())) { LOG.error( "Forbidden: Unauthorized user or user with no userId (e.g. system user) attempting to create a request for task: " + taskId); throw new ForbiddenError(); } if (!principal.hasRole(process, AuthorizationRole.OVERSEER)) { if (task != null && !task.isCandidateOrAssignee(principal)) { LOG.warn( "Forbidden: Unauthorized principal " + principal.toString() + " attempting to access task " + taskId); throw new ForbiddenError(); } } }
/* * Helper methods */ public static Activity activity(Process process, ProcessInstance instance, Task task) throws StatusCodeError { Activity activity = null; if (process.isAllowPerInstanceActivities() && task != null && task.getTaskDefinitionKey() != null && instance != null) { Map<String, Activity> activityMap = instance.getActivityMap(); if (activityMap != null) activity = activityMap.get(task.getTaskDefinitionKey()); if (activity != null) return activity; } ProcessDeployment deployment = process.getDeployment(); if (deployment == null) throw new InternalServerError(Constants.ExceptionCodes.process_is_misconfigured); String activityKey = deployment.getStartActivityKey(); if (task != null) activityKey = task.getTaskDefinitionKey(); if (activityKey != null) activity = deployment.getActivity(activityKey); if (activity != null) return activity; throw new InternalServerError(Constants.ExceptionCodes.process_is_misconfigured); }
public List<Task> doTaskSearch(String query, int user_id) { List<TaskEntry> list = taskEntryRepository.findByTitleOrDescription(query, query); List<Task> ret = new ArrayList<>(); for (TaskEntry entry : list) { System.out.println( "entry userID = " + entry.getUser_id() + " required UserID = " + Integer.toString(user_id)); System.out.println(entry.getType()); String type = entry.getType(); if ((type.equals("task") || type.equals("taskItem")) && entry.getUser_id().equals(Integer.toString(user_id))) { if (type.equals("task")) { Task task = OrganizerDAO.getTaskByTitle(user_id, entry.getTitle()); ret.add(task); } if (type.equals("taskItem")) { TaskItem item = OrganizerDAO.getTaskId(Integer.parseInt(entry.getObj_id())); Task task = OrganizerDAO.getTaskById(item.getTask_id()); List<TaskItem> taskList = OrganizerDAO.getTaskItems(task.getId()); if (taskList != null) { task.setTaskList(taskList); task.setTaskListSize(taskList.size()); } ret.add(task); } } } return ret; }
/** Create a task */ public static Task create(Integer project, String folder, String title) { Task task = new Task(); task.project = Project.find.ref(project); task.folder = folder; task.title = title;; return task; }
public void runTask(Class<? extends Task> clazz) { try { Task task = clazz.newInstance();; } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { handleException(e); } }
public void run() { if (!checkRealizeable()) { System.out.println("Project is not realizeable, quitting"); System.exit(1); } int t = 0; ArrayList<Task> active_tasks = findTaskWithIndegreeZero(); System.out.println("---------------- Starting project from"); for (Task task : active_tasks) { System.out.println(task.toString()); task.start(t); } boolean finished = false; while (true) { ArrayList<Task> to_be_removed = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Task> to_be_added = new ArrayList<>(); for (Task task : active_tasks) { if (task.isFinished(t)) { for (Edge edge : task.outEdges) { if (edge.w.tell_finished_prerequisite(t)) { to_be_added.add(edge.w); } } to_be_removed.add(task); } } active_tasks.removeAll(to_be_removed); active_tasks.addAll(to_be_added); int current_staff = 0; for (Task task : active_tasks) { current_staff += task.staff; } System.out.println("Current staff: " + Integer.toString(current_staff)); if (active_tasks.size() == 0) { for (Task task : tasks) { if (task.finished_at == -1) { System.out.println("Task " + Integer.toString( + " was not able to finish!"); } } break; } t++; System.out.println(" "); System.out.println("t: " + Integer.toString(t)); } minimum_completion_time = t; System.out.println( "*** Shortest possible execution time is " + Integer.toString(minimum_completion_time) + " ***"); setSlack(); }
// compare duedate and priority and ??duration?? public int compareTo(Task other) { if (duedate.compareTo(other.getDueDate()) != 0) { return duedate.compareTo(other.getDueDate()); } else if (priority != other.getPriority()) { return (int) (other.getPriority() - priority); } else { return (int) (other.getDuration() - duration); } }
public void addTask(int id, String name, int time, int staff, int[] dependencies) { Task tmp = new Task(id, this); if (!tasks.contains(tmp)) { addTask(tmp); } else { tmp = getTask(tmp); } tmp.setParameters(name, time, staff, dependencies); }
public FormRequest create( RequestDetails requestDetails, Process process, ProcessInstance processInstance, Task task, ActionType actionType, FormValidation validation) throws StatusCodeError { Activity activity = activity(process, processInstance, task); // Don't allow anyone to issue a create request for a task that's not open if (actionType == ActionType.CREATE && task != null && task.getTaskStatus() != null && !task.getTaskStatus().equals(Constants.TaskStatuses.OPEN)) actionType = ActionType.VIEW; FormRequest.Builder formRequestBuilder = new FormRequest.Builder() .processDefinitionKey(process.getProcessDefinitionKey()) .instance(processInstance) .task(task) .activity(activity) .action(actionType); if (requestDetails != null) { String contentType = requestDetails.getContentType() != null ? requestDetails.getContentType().toString() : null; formRequestBuilder .remoteAddr(requestDetails.getRemoteAddr()) .remoteHost(requestDetails.getRemoteHost()) .remotePort(requestDetails.getRemotePort()) .remoteUser(requestDetails.getRemoteUser()) .actAsUser(requestDetails.getActAsUser()) .certificateIssuer(requestDetails.getCertificateIssuer()) .certificateSubject(requestDetails.getCertificateSubject()) .contentType(contentType) .referrer(requestDetails.getReferrer()) .userAgent(requestDetails.getUserAgent()); List<MediaType> acceptableMediaTypes = requestDetails.getAcceptableMediaTypes(); if (acceptableMediaTypes != null) { for (MediaType acceptableMediaType : acceptableMediaTypes) { formRequestBuilder.acceptableMediaType(acceptableMediaType.toString()); } } } if (validation != null) { formRequestBuilder.messages(validation.getResults()); } return; }
public String suggestBranchName(Task task) { if (task.isIssue() && StringUtil.isNotEmpty(task.getNumber())) { return task.getId().replace(' ', '-'); } else { String summary = task.getSummary(); List<String> words = StringUtil.getWordsIn(summary); String[] strings = ArrayUtil.toStringArray(words); return StringUtil.join(strings, 0, Math.min(2, strings.length), "-"); } }
public void flip() { Task tmp = v; this.w.addEdge(this); this.v.removeEdge(this); this.v = w; this.w = tmp; w.addPredecessor(); v.removePredecessor(); }
public Task removeTask(String taskName) { for (int i = 0; i < tasks.size(); i++) { Task task = tasks.get(i); if (StringUtils.equals(task.getName(), taskName)) { tasks.remove(i); return task; } } return null; }
// Overriding the compare method to sort the dueDate public int compare(Task t1, Task t2) { int result = 1; Date d1 = t1.getDueDate(); Date d2 = t2.getDueDate(); if (d1 != null & d2 != null) { result = t1.getDueDate().compareTo(t2.getDueDate()); } else if (d1 == null) { result = -1; } return result; }
public Builder taskSubresources(String processDefinitionKey, Task task, ViewContext context) { this.assignment = context != null && task != null && task.getTaskInstanceId() != null ? context.getApplicationUri( Task.Constants.ROOT_ELEMENT_NAME, processDefinitionKey, task.getTaskInstanceId(), "assign") : null; this.task = task; return this; }
public void saveTask(Task task) { Task oldTask = findTask(task.getName()); if (oldTask == null) { tasks.add(task); } else { for (int i = 0; i < tasks.size(); i++) { if (StringUtils.equals(tasks.get(i).getName(), task.getName())) { tasks.set(i, task); } } } }
private UUID createChallengeTemplate( CodingContestGameDto dto, UUID organizationId, Map<String, ByteArrayOutputStream> files) throws IOException { ChallengeTemplate challengeTemplate = challengeTemplateRepository.findOneByCanonicalName(dto.getCanonicalName()); if (challengeTemplate != null) { return challengeTemplate.getId(); } Organization organization = organizationRepository.findOne(organizationId); if (organization == null) { throw new CodunoIllegalArgumentException("organization.invalid"); } if (dto.getPuzzles() .stream() .findAny() .filter(puzzleDto -> puzzleDto.getValidationClass() != null) .isPresent()) { throw new CodunoIllegalArgumentException(""); } Runner runner = getRunner("/io"); Endpoint taskEndpoint = getEndpoint("CCC general task", "ccc-io-task"); Set<Language> languages = new HashSet<>(languageRepository.findAll()); Duration gameDuration = parseGameDuration(dto.getTimeframe()); challengeTemplate = mapChallengeTemplate(dto, organization, gameDuration); for (PuzzleDto puzzle : dto.getPuzzles()) { Task task = mapTask( puzzle, challengeTemplate, organization, files, gameDuration, runner, taskEndpoint, languages); Map<String, ByteArrayOutputStream> testFiles = null; if (puzzle.getInputFilePath() != null) { testFiles = unzip(files.get(puzzle.getInputFilePath()).toByteArray()); } for (PuzzleTestDto puzzleTest : puzzle.getTests()) { Test test = mapTest(puzzleTest, runner, testFiles); task.addTest(test); } task =; challengeTemplate.addTask(task); } return; }
/* Devolve lista com o tipo de tarefas */ public List<String> listTask() { ArrayList<String> tasklist = new ArrayList<>(); lock.lock(); try { for (Task task : this.tasks.values()) { tasklist.add(task.getType()); } return tasklist; } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
private void setTimeBackwards(Task task, int t_) { int t = t_ - task.time; if (task.latest_start_suggestion == -1) task.latest_start_suggestion = t; else { if (t < task.latest_start_suggestion) { task.latest_start_suggestion = t; } } for (Edge edge : task.outEdges) { setTimeBackwards(edge.w, t); } return; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(""); // OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream("replaceme.out"); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// InputStream inputStream =; OutputStream outputStream = System.out; InputReader in = new InputReader(inputStream); OutputWriter out = new OutputWriter(outputStream); Task solver = new Task(); solver.solve(1, in, out); out.close(); System.exit(0); }
private boolean iterateTask(Task task) { if (task.on_stack) { System.out.println("Identified cycle containing task: " + Integer.toString(; return false; } task.on_stack = true; for (Edge edge : task.outEdges) { boolean retval = iterateTask(edge.w); task.on_stack = false; return retval; } task.on_stack = false; return true; }
protected final void releaseAllLocks(Component host_) { String old_ = state; setState(State_UNLOCKING); for (LockPack p_ = (LockPack) host_.locks; p_ != null; p_ = if (p_.holder == this) { // unlock(host_,, true); // below is copied from unlock() synchronized (p_) { p_.holder = null; p_.counter = -1; // p_.counter is not zero, see Note 1 above if (p_.lockReqCount == 0) { continue; } p_.lockReqCount--; synchronized (aruntime) { if (aruntime.getWorkforce()) { p_.notify(); // dont know who's going to wake up aruntime.nthreadsWaiting--; } else aruntime.newTask(Task.createNotify(p_), this); } } } setState(old_); }
// Notifies all the threads waiting on the object. protected final void notifyAll(Component host_, Object o_) { if (o_ == null) return; String old_ = state; setState(State_NOTIFYING); // sleepOn = o_; LockPack p_ = lookforLock(host_, o_); synchronized (o_) { // setState(State_NOTIFYING2); // sleepOn = null; if (p_.waitCount == 0) return; // runtime._notifyMany(o_, p_.waitCount, this); synchronized (aruntime) { if (aruntime.getWorkforce(p_.waitCount)) { o_.notifyAll(); // dont know who's going to wake up aruntime.nthreadsWaiting -= p_.waitCount; } else { int remainingWorkforce_ = aruntime.getRemainingWorkforce(); // notify "remainingWorkforce_" threads for (int i = 0; i < remainingWorkforce_; i++) o_.notify(); aruntime.nthreadsWaiting -= remainingWorkforce_; for (int i = p_.waitCount - remainingWorkforce_; i > 0; i--) aruntime.newTask(Task.createNotify(o_), this); } } p_.waitCount = 0; } setState(old_); }