public void setFddObjectModel(FddObjectModel fddObjectModel) { logger.entry(); if (fddObjectModel != null) { fddObjectModel .getInteractionClasses() .values() .stream() .forEach( (value) -> { interactions.add(new InteractionState(value)); }); InteractionTableView.setItems(interactions); interactions.forEach( (interaction) -> { interaction .onProperty() .addListener( (observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { if (!newValue) { cb.setSelected(false); } else if ( -> a.isOn())) { cb.setSelected(true); } }); }); InteractionTableColumn.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("interactionName")); CheckTableColumn.setCellValueFactory( new Callback< TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<InteractionState, Boolean>, ObservableValue<Boolean>>() { @Override public ObservableValue<Boolean> call( TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<InteractionState, Boolean> param) { return param.getValue().onProperty(); } }); CheckTableColumn.setCellFactory(CheckBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(CheckTableColumn)); cb.setUserData(CheckTableColumn); cb.setOnAction( (ActionEvent event) -> { CheckBox cb1 = (CheckBox) event.getSource(); TableColumn tc = (TableColumn) cb1.getUserData(); InteractionTableView.getItems() .stream() .forEach( (item) -> { item.setOn(cb1.isSelected()); }); }); CheckTableColumn.setGraphic(cb); } logger.exit(); }
/** * Create the active column, which holds the activity state and also creates a callback to the * string property behind it. */ private void setUpActiveColumn(TableView<FilterInput> tableView) { // Set up active column final TableColumn<FilterInput, Boolean> activeColumn = new TableColumn<>("Active"); activeColumn.setMinWidth(50); activeColumn.setPrefWidth(50); tableView.getColumns().add(activeColumn); activeColumn.setSortable(false); activeColumn.setCellFactory( CheckBoxTableCell.forTableColumn( (Callback<Integer, ObservableValue<Boolean>>) param -> { final FilterInput input = tableView.getItems().get(param); input .getActiveProperty() .addListener( l -> { notifyUpdateCommand(input); }); return input.getActiveProperty(); })); }
/** * Create the color column, which holds the color and also creates a callback to the string * property behind it. */ private void setUpColorColumn(TableView<FilterInput> tableView) { final TableColumn<FilterInput, Color> colorColumn = new TableColumn<>("Color"); colorColumn.setMinWidth(50); colorColumn.setPrefWidth(50); colorColumn.setSortable(false); tableView.getColumns().add(colorColumn); // Set the cell value factory for the color colorColumn.setCellValueFactory(p -> p.getValue().getColorProperty()); // Set the cell factory for the color colorColumn.setCellFactory( param -> new TableCell<FilterInput, Color>() { final Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(); @Override public void updateItem(Color item, boolean empty) { // Add the color to the row if (item != null) { HBox hBox = new HBox(); hBox.getChildren().add(rectangle); rectangle.setHeight(20); rectangle.setWidth(30); hBox.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); rectangle.setFill(item); setGraphic(hBox); } // Remove the color if the row has been removed if (empty) { setGraphic(null); } } }); }