private String getAvgTimePerTick(SortedMap<Long, Record> records) { long sum = 0; for (Map.Entry<Long, Record> en : records.entrySet()) { sum += en.getValue().getLastCallDiff(); } long globalavg = sum / records.size(); sum = 0; Set<Map.Entry<Long, Record>> subset = records.tailMap(System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(15)).entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<Long, Record> en : subset) { sum += en.getValue().getLastCallDiff(); } long min15avg = sum / subset.size(); sum = 0; subset = records.tailMap(System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(10)).entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<Long, Record> en : subset) { sum += en.getValue().getLastCallDiff(); } long min10avg = sum / subset.size(); sum = 0; subset = records.tailMap(System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(5)).entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<Long, Record> en : subset) { sum += en.getValue().getLastCallDiff(); } long min5avg = sum / subset.size(); sum = 0; subset = records.tailMap(System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(1)).entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<Long, Record> en : subset) { sum += en.getValue().getLastCallDiff(); } long min1avg = sum / subset.size(); return globalavg + " " + ChatColor.GRAY + min15avg + " " + ChatColor.YELLOW + min10avg + " " + ChatColor.GOLD + min5avg + " " + ChatColor.GREEN + min1avg; }
/** * rename named record into newName * * @param oldName current name of record/collection * @param newName new name of record/collection * @throws NoSuchElementException if oldName does not exist */ public synchronized void rename(String oldName, String newName) { if (oldName.equals(newName)) return; Map<String, Object> sub = catalog.tailMap(oldName); List<String> toRemove = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String param : sub.keySet()) { if (!param.startsWith(oldName)) break; String suffix = param.substring(oldName.length()); catalog.put(newName + suffix, catalog.get(param)); toRemove.add(param); } if (toRemove.isEmpty()) throw new NoSuchElementException("Could not rename, name does not exist: " + oldName); WeakReference old = namesInstanciated.remove(oldName); if (old != null) { Object old2 = old.get(); if (old2 != null) { namesLookup.remove(old2); namedPut(newName, old2); } } for (String param : toRemove) catalog.remove(param); }
public boolean next(SubRequest request) { MOScope scope = request.getQuery().getScope(); SortedMap<OID, Variable> tail = vbs.tailMap(scope.getLowerBound()); OID first = tail.firstKey(); if (scope.getLowerBound().equals(first) && (!scope.isLowerIncluded())) { if (tail.size() > 1) { Iterator<OID> it = tail.keySet().iterator();; first =; } else { return false; } } if (first != null) { Variable vb = vbs.get(first); if (vb == null) { request.getVariableBinding().setVariable(Null.noSuchInstance); } request.getVariableBinding().setOid(first); request.getVariableBinding().setVariable(vb); request.completed(); return true; } return false; }
/** Creates a sub map by using the given range (both ends inclusive). */ public static <V> SortedMap<Integer, V> filter( SortedMap<Integer, V> map, String from, String to) { if (from == null && to == null) return map; if (to == null) return map.headMap(Integer.parseInt(from) - 1); if (from == null) return map.tailMap(Integer.parseInt(to)); return map.subMap(Integer.parseInt(to), Integer.parseInt(from) - 1); }
@Override public SeekStatus seekCeil(BytesRef text) throws IOException { iterator = terms.tailMap(text).entrySet().iterator(); if (!iterator.hasNext()) { return SeekStatus.END; } else { return next().equals(text) ? SeekStatus.FOUND : SeekStatus.NOT_FOUND; } }
public List<ChatMessage> getAllRoomMessagesAfter(final ChatMessage aLastMsg) { final SortedMap<Date, ChatMessage> map = getMapForRoom(aLastMsg.getRoom()); synchronized (map) { final List<ChatMessage> ret = sanitizeMap(map.tailMap(aLastMsg.getDate())); if (ret.get(0).getDate().equals(aLastMsg.getDate())) { ret.remove(0); } return ret; } }
public T get(Object key) { if (circle.isEmpty()) { return null; } int hash = hashFunction.hash(key); if (!circle.containsKey(hash)) { SortedMap<Integer, T> tailMap = circle.tailMap(hash); hash = tailMap.isEmpty() ? circle.firstKey() : tailMap.firstKey(); } return circle.get(hash); }
private OperationsNodeInfo getNearest(byte[] hash) { if (circle.isEmpty()) { return null; } if (circle.size() == 1) { return circle.get(circle.firstKey()); } SortedMap<byte[], OperationsNodeInfo> tailMap = circle.tailMap(hash); hash = tailMap.isEmpty() ? circle.firstKey() : tailMap.firstKey(); return circle.get(hash); }
public OID find(MOScope range) { SortedMap<OID, Variable> tail = vbs.tailMap(range.getLowerBound()); OID first = tail.firstKey(); if (range.getLowerBound().equals(first) && (!range.isLowerIncluded())) { if (tail.size() > 1) { Iterator<OID> it = tail.keySet().iterator();; return; } } else { return first; } return null; }
public IContainer next() { String key = containers.firstKey(); IContainer result = containers.get(key); containers.remove(key); key += "/"; // Remove child containers SortedMap<String, IContainer> childs = containers.tailMap(key); for (Iterator<String> it = childs.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { if ( it.remove(); else break; } return result; }
@Override public SocketAddress getServer(Object key) { int keyHashCode = getNormalizedHash(key); if (keyHashCode == Integer.MIN_VALUE) keyHashCode += 1; int hash = Math.abs(keyHashCode); SortedMap<Integer, SocketAddress> candidates = positions.tailMap(hash % hashSpace); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.tracef("Found possible candidates: %s", candidates); } return (candidates.size() > 0 ? candidates : positions) .entrySet() .iterator() .next() .getValue(); }
protected Token getOrAddTerminalNode(int index) throws MaltChainedException { Token node = null; if (!terminalNodes.containsKey(index)) { if (index > 0) { node = terminalPool.checkOut(); node.setIndex(index); node.setBelongsToGraph(this); if (index > 1) { Token prev = terminalNodes.get(index - 1); if (prev == null) { try { prev = terminalNodes.get(terminalNodes.headMap(index).lastKey()); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { } } if (prev != null) { prev.setSuccessor(node); node.setPredecessor(prev); } if (terminalNodes.lastKey() > index) { Token succ = terminalNodes.get(index + 1); if (succ == null) { try { succ = terminalNodes.get(terminalNodes.tailMap(index).firstKey()); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { } } if (succ != null) { succ.setPredecessor(node); node.setSuccessor(succ); } } } } terminalNodes.put(index, node); numberOfComponents++; } else { node = terminalNodes.get(index); } return node; }
/** headMap returns map with keys in requested range */ public void testDescendingTailMapContents() { ConcurrentNavigableMap map = dmap5(); SortedMap sm = map.tailMap(m2); assertFalse(sm.containsKey(m1)); assertTrue(sm.containsKey(m2)); assertTrue(sm.containsKey(m3)); assertTrue(sm.containsKey(m4)); assertTrue(sm.containsKey(m5)); Iterator i = sm.keySet().iterator(); Object k; k = (Integer) (; assertEquals(m2, k); k = (Integer) (; assertEquals(m3, k); k = (Integer) (; assertEquals(m4, k); k = (Integer) (; assertEquals(m5, k); assertFalse(i.hasNext()); Iterator ei = sm.entrySet().iterator(); Map.Entry e; e = (Map.Entry) (; assertEquals(m2, e.getKey()); assertEquals("B", e.getValue()); e = (Map.Entry) (; assertEquals(m3, e.getKey()); assertEquals("C", e.getValue()); e = (Map.Entry) (; assertEquals(m4, e.getKey()); assertEquals("D", e.getValue()); e = (Map.Entry) (; assertEquals(m5, e.getKey()); assertEquals("E", e.getValue()); assertFalse(i.hasNext()); SortedMap ssm = sm.tailMap(m4); assertEquals(m4, ssm.firstKey()); assertEquals(m5, ssm.lastKey()); assertEquals("D", ssm.remove(m4)); assertEquals(1, ssm.size()); assertEquals(3, sm.size()); assertEquals(4, map.size()); }
/** headMap returns map with keys in requested range */ public void testTailMapContents() { ConcurrentNavigableMap map = map5(); SortedMap sm = map.tailMap(two); assertFalse(sm.containsKey(one)); assertTrue(sm.containsKey(two)); assertTrue(sm.containsKey(three)); assertTrue(sm.containsKey(four)); assertTrue(sm.containsKey(five)); Iterator i = sm.keySet().iterator(); Object k; k = (Integer) (; assertEquals(two, k); k = (Integer) (; assertEquals(three, k); k = (Integer) (; assertEquals(four, k); k = (Integer) (; assertEquals(five, k); assertFalse(i.hasNext()); Iterator ei = sm.entrySet().iterator(); Map.Entry e; e = (Map.Entry) (; assertEquals(two, e.getKey()); assertEquals("B", e.getValue()); e = (Map.Entry) (; assertEquals(three, e.getKey()); assertEquals("C", e.getValue()); e = (Map.Entry) (; assertEquals(four, e.getKey()); assertEquals("D", e.getValue()); e = (Map.Entry) (; assertEquals(five, e.getKey()); assertEquals("E", e.getValue()); assertFalse(i.hasNext()); SortedMap ssm = sm.tailMap(four); assertEquals(four, ssm.firstKey()); assertEquals(five, ssm.lastKey()); assertEquals("D", ssm.remove(four)); assertEquals(1, ssm.size()); assertEquals(3, sm.size()); assertEquals(4, map.size()); }
/** * Caches. Fails silently. * * @param event matching this event only, case sensitive * @param since since this time, 0 for all * @return non-null, Map of times to (possibly empty) info strings, sorted, earliest first, * unmodifiable */ public synchronized SortedMap<Long, String> getEvents(String event, long since) { SortedMap<Long, String> rv = _cache.get(event); if (rv != null) { Long cacheTime = _cacheTime.get(event); if (cacheTime != null) { if (since >= cacheTime.longValue()) return rv.tailMap(Long.valueOf(since)); } } rv = new TreeMap<Long, String>(); BufferedReader br = null; try { br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(_file), "UTF-8")); String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { try { String[] s = line.split(" ", 3); if (!s[1].equals(event)) continue; long time = Long.parseLong(s[0]); if (time <= since) continue; Long ltime = Long.valueOf(time); String info = s.length > 2 ? s[2] : ""; rv.put(ltime, info); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe) { } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } rv = Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap(rv); _cache.put(event, rv); _cacheTime.put(event, Long.valueOf(since)); } catch (IOException ioe) { } finally { if (br != null) try { br.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } } return rv; }
@Override public boolean isCriteriaViolated() { if (memoryLog.isEmpty() || memoryLog.firstKey() > System.currentTimeMillis() - SmartRestart.getInstance().getConf().getTickSamplePeriod()) { return false; } float val = 0; SortedMap<Long, Float> subset = memoryLog.tailMap( System.currentTimeMillis() - SmartRestart.getInstance().getConf().getMemorySamplePeriod()); for (Float f : subset.values()) { val += f; } val /= subset.size(); return MemoryInterface.getUsedMemoryPercent() >= val; }
private <K, V> void verify( SortedMap<K, V> immutableMap, SortedMap<K, V> mutableMap, K key1, K key2, V value) { try { immutableMap.clear(); Assert.assertTrue(mutableMap.isEmpty()); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { Assert.assertFalse(mutableMap.isEmpty()); } Assert.assertEquals(immutableMap.containsKey(key1), mutableMap.containsKey(key1)); Assert.assertEquals(immutableMap.containsKey(key2), mutableMap.containsKey(key2)); Assert.assertEquals(immutableMap.containsValue(value), mutableMap.containsValue(value)); Assert.assertEquals(immutableMap.containsValue(null), mutableMap.containsValue(null)); Assert.assertEquals(immutableMap.entrySet(), mutableMap.entrySet()); Assert.assertEquals(immutableMap.get(key1), mutableMap.get(key1)); Assert.assertEquals(immutableMap.get(key2), mutableMap.get(key2)); Assert.assertEquals(immutableMap.isEmpty(), mutableMap.isEmpty()); Assert.assertEquals(immutableMap.keySet(), mutableMap.keySet()); try { immutableMap.put(key1, value);; } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { } try { immutableMap.putAll(java.util.Collections.singletonMap(key1, value));; } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { } try { immutableMap.remove(key1); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { } Assert.assertEquals(immutableMap.size(), mutableMap.size()); // Is it OK that this fails? // Assert.assertEquals(immutableMap.values(), mutableMap.values()); Assert.assertEquals(immutableMap.values().size(), mutableMap.values().size()); if (!mutableMap.isEmpty()) { Assert.assertEquals( immutableMap.values().iterator().next(), mutableMap.values().iterator().next()); } Assert.assertSame(immutableMap.comparator(), mutableMap.comparator()); if (!mutableMap.isEmpty()) { Assert.assertEquals(immutableMap.firstKey(), mutableMap.firstKey()); Assert.assertEquals(immutableMap.lastKey(), mutableMap.lastKey()); } else { try { immutableMap.firstKey();; } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { } try { immutableMap.lastKey();; } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { } } Assert.assertEquals(immutableMap.headMap(key1), mutableMap.headMap(key1)); Assert.assertEquals(immutableMap.headMap(key2), mutableMap.headMap(key2)); Assert.assertEquals(immutableMap.subMap(key1, key2), mutableMap.subMap(key1, key2)); Assert.assertEquals(immutableMap.tailMap(key1), mutableMap.tailMap(key1)); Assert.assertEquals(immutableMap.tailMap(key2), mutableMap.tailMap(key2)); }
private <K, V> void checkOpenRanges( Transaction txn, int i, EntityIndex<K, V> index, SortedMap<Integer, SortedSet<Integer>> expected, Getter<K> kGetter, Getter<V> vGetter) throws DatabaseException { SortedMap<K, V> map = index.sortedMap(); SortedMap<Integer, SortedSet<Integer>> rangeExpected; K k = kGetter.fromInt(i); K kPlusOne = kGetter.fromInt(i + 1); /* Head range exclusive. */ rangeExpected = expected.headMap(i); checkCursor( index.keys(txn, null, false, k, false, null), map.headMap(k).keySet(), true, expandKeys(rangeExpected), kGetter); checkCursor( index.entities(txn, null, false, k, false, null), map.headMap(k).values(), false, expandValues(rangeExpected), vGetter); /* Head range inclusive. */ rangeExpected = expected.headMap(i + 1); checkCursor( index.keys(txn, null, false, k, true, null), map.headMap(kPlusOne).keySet(), true, expandKeys(rangeExpected), kGetter); checkCursor( index.entities(txn, null, false, k, true, null), map.headMap(kPlusOne).values(), false, expandValues(rangeExpected), vGetter); /* Tail range exclusive. */ rangeExpected = expected.tailMap(i + 1); checkCursor( index.keys(txn, k, false, null, false, null), map.tailMap(kPlusOne).keySet(), true, expandKeys(rangeExpected), kGetter); checkCursor( index.entities(txn, k, false, null, false, null), map.tailMap(kPlusOne).values(), false, expandValues(rangeExpected), vGetter); /* Tail range inclusive. */ rangeExpected = expected.tailMap(i); checkCursor( index.keys(txn, k, true, null, false, null), map.tailMap(k).keySet(), true, expandKeys(rangeExpected), kGetter); checkCursor( index.entities(txn, k, true, null, false, null), map.tailMap(k).values(), false, expandValues(rangeExpected), vGetter); }
public TuningResDTO buildTuningRes( Date startDate, Date endDate, Stock stock, String analyseName, SortedMap<Date, double[]> calcOutput, EventInfo evtDef, Observer observer, Boolean isEventsPersisted) throws NotEnoughDataException { if (calcOutput == null) calcOutput = new TreeMap<Date, double[]>(); if (!calcOutput.isEmpty() && calcOutput.firstKey().before(startDate)) calcOutput = calcOutput.tailMap(startDate); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy MM dd"); String noResMsg = "No estimate is available for " + stock.getName() + " between " + dateFormat.format(startDate) + " and " + dateFormat.format(endDate) + " with " + evtDef + ".\n"; try { Date endCalcRes = (calcOutput.size() > 0 && calcOutput.lastKey().after(endDate)) ? calcOutput.lastKey() : endDate; // Grab calculated events HashSet<EventInfo> eventDefinitions = new HashSet<EventInfo>(); eventDefinitions.add(evtDef); SymbolEvents eventsCalculated = EventsResources.getInstance() .crudReadEventsForStock( stock, startDate, endCalcRes, isEventsPersisted, eventDefinitions, analyseName); // Init event def list NavigableSet<EventValue> eventListForEvtDef = new TreeSet<EventValue>( new Comparator<EventValue>() { @Override public int compare(EventValue o1, EventValue o2) { return o1.getDate().compareTo(o2.getDate()); } }); eventListForEvtDef.addAll(eventsCalculated.getDataResultMap().values()); return buildTuningRes( stock, startDate, endDate, endCalcRes, analyseName, calcOutput, eventListForEvtDef, noResMsg,, observer); } catch (NoQuotationsException e) { LOGGER.warn(noResMsg, e); throw new NotEnoughDataException(stock, noResMsg, e); } catch (NotEnoughDataException e) { LOGGER.warn(noResMsg, e); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(noResMsg, e); throw new NotEnoughDataException(stock, noResMsg, e); } }
private void updateChartIndicator( final Stock selectedShare, boolean recalculationGranted, boolean needsUpdate) { SortedMap<Date, double[]> outputCache = chartTarget .getHightlitedEventModel() .getOutputCache(selectedShare, chartTarget.getChartedEvtDef()); if (outputCache == null || outputCache.isEmpty()) { // No indic found despite recalc if (!recalculationGranted && !needsUpdate) { String errMsg = "No output data are available for display within the period you have selected share " + selectedShare.getFriendlyName() + " and " + chartTarget.getChartedEvtDef().getEventReadableDef() + ".\n" + "If you just cleared the calculations results, you may want to Force and Update calculations."; String addMsg = "This may also happen if calculations failed, or if there is not enough quotations for the period.\n" + // "Check the calculators in "+TRENDBUTTXT+" as well as the date boundaries against // the available quotations.\n" + "You may want to check the date boundaries against the available quotations.\n" + "Also note that some calculators need full OLHC and Volume in order to be calculated.\n" + "If '" + chartTarget.getChartedEvtDef().getEventReadableDef() + "' is a calculator created by you, you may also want to check the formula."; showPopupDialog(errMsg, "Ok", addMsg, null); } // Thats all good, we display } else { SortedMap<Date, double[]> subMap = new TreeMap<Date, double[]>(); if (!outputCache.isEmpty()) { Calendar instance = Calendar.getInstance(); instance.setTime(chartTarget.getSlidingEndDate()); QuotationsFactories.getFactory().incrementDate(instance, 1); Date endPlus1 = instance.getTime(); if (endPlus1.after(outputCache.lastKey())) { subMap = outputCache.tailMap(this.chartTarget.getSlidingStartDate()); } else { subMap = outputCache.subMap(this.chartTarget.getSlidingStartDate(), endPlus1); } if (!subMap.isEmpty()) chartTarget .getMainChartWraper() .updateIndicDataSet( chartTarget.getChartedEvtDef(), subMap, chartTarget.getPlotChartDimensions()); } if (chartSettingsPopup != null && !chartSettingsPopup.getSelectionShell().isDisposed()) { initChartSettingsPopup(false); } } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.out.println(new Date() + " Starting."); /* Iterate over extra-info descriptors to learn about bandwidth * histories. Append 15-minute intervals of written bytes to * status/written-bytes/$fingerprint. */ System.out.println(new Date() + " Reading in/extra-infos/* ..."); DescriptorReader extraInfoReader = DescriptorSourceFactory.createDescriptorReader(); extraInfoReader.addDirectory(new File("in/extra-infos")); extraInfoReader.setExcludeFiles(new File("status/extra-info-history")); Iterator<DescriptorFile> extraInfoFiles = extraInfoReader.readDescriptors(); while (extraInfoFiles.hasNext()) { DescriptorFile extraInfoFile =; if (extraInfoFile.getDescriptors() != null) { for (Descriptor descriptor : extraInfoFile.getDescriptors()) { ExtraInfoDescriptor extraInfoDescriptor = (ExtraInfoDescriptor) descriptor; BandwidthHistory writeHistory = extraInfoDescriptor.getWriteHistory(); if (writeHistory == null) { continue; } String fingerprint = extraInfoDescriptor.getFingerprint(); File writtenBytesFile = new File("status/written-bytes/" + fingerprint); writtenBytesFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(writtenBytesFile, true)); for (Map.Entry<Long, Long> e : writeHistory.getBandwidthValues().entrySet()) { long intervalEndMillis = e.getKey(); long bytesWritten = e.getValue(); bw.write(String.valueOf(intervalEndMillis) + " " + String.valueOf(bytesWritten) + "\n"); } bw.close(); } } } /* Iterate over exit lists to learn about exit IP addresses. Append * lines to status/exit-addresses/$fingerprint. */ System.out.println(new Date() + " Reading in/exit-lists/* ..."); DescriptorReader exitListReader = DescriptorSourceFactory.createDescriptorReader(); exitListReader.addDirectory(new File("in/exit-lists")); exitListReader.setExcludeFiles(new File("status/exit-list-history")); Iterator<DescriptorFile> exitListFiles = exitListReader.readDescriptors(); while (exitListFiles.hasNext()) { DescriptorFile exitListFile =; if (exitListFile.getDescriptors() != null) { for (Descriptor descriptor : exitListFile.getDescriptors()) { ExitList exitList = (ExitList) descriptor; if (exitList.getExitListEntries() == null) { continue; } for (ExitListEntry exitListEntry : exitList.getExitListEntries()) { String fingerprint = exitListEntry.getFingerprint(); File exitAddressesFile = new File("status/exit-addresses/" + fingerprint); exitAddressesFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); long scanMillis = exitListEntry.getScanMillis(); String address = exitListEntry.getExitAddress(); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(exitAddressesFile, true)); bw.write(String.valueOf(scanMillis) + " " + address + "\n"); bw.close(); } } } } /* Iterate over consensuses to learn about OR addresses of relays with * the Exit flag. Append lines to * status/or-addresses/$fingerprint. */ System.out.println(new Date() + " Reading in/consensuses/* ..."); DescriptorReader consensusReader = DescriptorSourceFactory.createDescriptorReader(); consensusReader.addDirectory(new File("in/consensuses")); consensusReader.setExcludeFiles(new File("status/consensus-history")); Iterator<DescriptorFile> consensusFiles = consensusReader.readDescriptors(); while (consensusFiles.hasNext()) { DescriptorFile consensusFile =; if (consensusFile.getDescriptors() != null) { for (Descriptor descriptor : consensusFile.getDescriptors()) { RelayNetworkStatusConsensus consensus = (RelayNetworkStatusConsensus) descriptor; if (consensus.getStatusEntries() == null) { continue; } long validAfterMillis = consensus.getValidAfterMillis(); for (NetworkStatusEntry statusEntry : consensus.getStatusEntries().values()) { if (!statusEntry.getFlags().contains("Exit")) { continue; } String fingerprint = statusEntry.getFingerprint(); File orAddressesFile = new File("status/or-addresses/" + fingerprint); orAddressesFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); String address = statusEntry.getAddress(); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(orAddressesFile, true)); bw.write(String.valueOf(validAfterMillis) + " " + address + "\n"); bw.close(); } } } } /* Make sure not to overwrite existing results, and prepare writing * results otherwise. */ File differentExitAddressFile = new File("out/different-exit-address.csv"); if (differentExitAddressFile.exists()) { return; } else { differentExitAddressFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(differentExitAddressFile)); bw.write("timestamp,differentaddress,writtenbytes\n"); bw.close(); } /* Iterate over OR addresses of relays with the Exit flag. */ System.out.println(new Date() + " Writing " + "out/different-exit-address.csv ..."); for (File orAddressesFile : new File("status/or-addresses").listFiles()) { String fingerprint = orAddressesFile.getName(); /* For every relay, read OR addresses, bandwidth histories, and * exit addresses to memory. */ SortedMap<Long, String> orAddresses = new TreeMap<Long, String>(); SortedMap<Long, Long> writtenBytes = new TreeMap<Long, Long>(); SortedMap<Long, String> exitAddresses = new TreeMap<Long, String>(); String line; BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(orAddressesFile)); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { String[] parts = line.split(" "); long validAfterMillis = Long.parseLong(parts[0]); String address = parts[1]; orAddresses.put(validAfterMillis, address); } br.close(); File writtenBytesFile = new File("status/written-bytes/" + fingerprint); if (!writtenBytesFile.exists()) { continue; } br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(writtenBytesFile)); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { String[] parts = line.split(" "); long intervalEndMillis = Long.parseLong(parts[0]); long bytes = Long.parseLong(parts[1]); writtenBytes.put(intervalEndMillis, bytes); } br.close(); File exitAddressesFile = new File("status/exit-addresses/" + fingerprint); if (exitAddressesFile.exists()) { br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(exitAddressesFile)); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { String[] parts = line.split(" "); long scanMillis = Long.parseLong(parts[0]); String address = parts[1]; exitAddresses.put(scanMillis, address); } br.close(); } /* Go through consensuses containing this relay as Exit relay in * chronological order, sum up written bytes in the hour after the * consensuses' valid-after time, and look up any exit addresses * found up to 23 hours before up to 1 hour after the valid-after * time. */ BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(differentExitAddressFile, true)); for (Map.Entry<Long, String> e : orAddresses.entrySet()) { long validAfterMillis = e.getKey(); String currentOrAddress = e.getValue(); long currentWrittenBytes = 0L; for (long currentBytes : writtenBytes .tailMap(validAfterMillis) .headMap(validAfterMillis + 1L * 60L * 60L * 1000L) .values()) { currentWrittenBytes += currentBytes; } if (currentWrittenBytes < 1L) { continue; } Set<String> currentExitAddresses = new HashSet<String>(); for (String currentExitAddress : exitAddresses .tailMap(validAfterMillis - 23L * 60L * 60L * 1000L) .headMap(validAfterMillis + 1L * 60L * 60L * 1000L) .values()) { if (!currentExitAddress.equals(currentOrAddress)) { currentExitAddresses.add(currentExitAddress); } } boolean usedOtherAddress = !currentExitAddresses.isEmpty(); bw.write( String.valueOf(validAfterMillis / 1000L) + "," + (usedOtherAddress ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") + "," + currentWrittenBytes + "\n"); } bw.close(); } System.out.println(new Date() + " Terminating."); }
/** * @see net.sf.hajdbc.invocation.InvocationStrategy#invoke(net.sf.hajdbc.sql.SQLProxy, * net.sf.hajdbc.invocation.Invoker) */ @Override public <Z, D extends Database<Z>, T, R, E extends Exception> SortedMap<D, R> invoke( SQLProxy<Z, D, T, E> proxy, Invoker<Z, D, T, R, E> invoker) throws E { Map.Entry<SortedMap<D, R>, SortedMap<D, E>> results = this.collectResults(proxy, invoker); SortedMap<D, R> resultMap = results.getKey(); SortedMap<D, E> exceptionMap = results.getValue(); if (!exceptionMap.isEmpty()) { ExceptionFactory<E> exceptionFactory = proxy.getExceptionFactory(); DatabaseCluster<Z, D> cluster = proxy.getDatabaseCluster(); Dialect dialect = cluster.getDialect(); List<D> failedDatabases = new ArrayList<D>(exceptionMap.size()); // Determine which exceptions are due to failures for (Map.Entry<D, E> entry : exceptionMap.entrySet()) { if (exceptionFactory.indicatesFailure(entry.getValue(), dialect)) { failedDatabases.add(entry.getKey()); } } StateManager stateManager = cluster.getStateManager(); // Deactivate failed databases, unless all failed if (!resultMap.isEmpty() || (failedDatabases.size() < exceptionMap.size())) { for (D failedDatabase : failedDatabases) { E exception = exceptionMap.remove(failedDatabase); if (cluster.deactivate(failedDatabase, stateManager)) { logger.error( "" + exception + "" + Messages.DATABASE_DEACTIVATED.getMessage(), failedDatabase, cluster); } } } if (!exceptionMap.isEmpty()) { // If primary database threw exception if (resultMap.isEmpty() || !exceptionMap.headMap(resultMap.firstKey()).isEmpty()) { D primaryDatabase = exceptionMap.firstKey(); E primaryException = exceptionMap.get(primaryDatabase); // Deactivate databases with non-matching exceptions for (Map.Entry<D, E> entry : exceptionMap.tailMap(primaryDatabase).entrySet()) { E exception = entry.getValue(); if (!exceptionFactory.equals(exception, primaryException)) { D database = entry.getKey(); if (cluster.deactivate(database, stateManager)) { logger.error("" + exception + " " + Messages.DATABASE_INCONSISTENT.getMessage()); } } } // Deactivate databases with results for (Map.Entry<D, R> entry : resultMap.entrySet()) { D database = entry.getKey(); if (cluster.deactivate(database, stateManager)) { logger.error(Messages.DATABASE_INCONSISTENT.getMessage()); } } throw primaryException; } } // Else primary was successful // Deactivate databases with exceptions for (Map.Entry<D, E> entry : exceptionMap.entrySet()) { D database = entry.getKey(); E exception = entry.getValue(); if (cluster.deactivate(database, stateManager)) { logger.error(Messages.DATABASE_DEACTIVATED.getMessage(), database, cluster); } } } return resultMap; }
public SortedMap<K, V> tailMap(K k) { checkInit(); return delegate.tailMap(k); }