public void initialize(TinyViz tv, JPanel pluginPanel) { super.initialize(tv.getSimDriver()); = tv; this.cT = tv.getCoordTransformer(); this.motePanel = tv.getMotePanel(); this.pluginPanel = pluginPanel; }
public PluginInterface getLocalPluginInterface(Class plugin_class, String id) throws PluginException { try { Plugin p = (Plugin) plugin_class.newInstance(); // Discard from the properties, we want the // plugin ID we create to take priority - not a value // from the original plugin ID properties file. Properties local_props = new Properties(props); local_props.remove(""); if (id.endsWith("_v")) { throw (new Exception("Verified plugins must be loaded from a jar")); } PluginInterfaceImpl pi = new PluginInterfaceImpl( p, initialiser, initialiser_key, class_loader, null, key + "." + id, local_props, pluginDir, getPluginID() + "." + id, plugin_version); initialiser.fireCreated(pi); p.initialize(pi); children.add(pi); return (pi); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof PluginException) { throw ((PluginException) e); } throw (new PluginException("Local initialisation fails", e)); } }