public static void disconnectClient(SocketChannel sc) { String clientName = getNickFromSocket(sc); if (clientName == null) { Utils.printErrorAndExit("Error: it could not happen"); } sendMessage(sc, MessageUtils.bye()); clients.remove(clientName); Utils.tryClose(sc); notifyAllClients(clientName + " leave this chatroom"); System.out.println(clientName + " leave this chatroom"); }
static void disconnect(boolean mustSendByeMessage) { try { if (mustSendByeMessage) { send(curSocketChannel, MessageUtils.bye()); } if (curSocketChannel != null) { curSocketChannel.close(); servers.remove(curHost); isConnected = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("You have successfully disconnected from the server"); }
static void exit() { try { Iterator it = servers.entrySet().iterator(); Map.Entry me; while (it.hasNext()) { me = (Map.Entry); SocketChannel scToClose = (SocketChannel) me.getValue(); if (scToClose != null) { send(scToClose, MessageUtils.bye()); scToClose.close(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } servers.clear(); System.out.println("Exit successfully."); System.exit(0); }
public static void kill(StringTokenizer st) { try { if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String clientName = st.nextToken(); if (clients.containsKey(clientName)) { SocketChannel clientChannel = clients.get(clientName); clients.remove(clientName); sendMessage(clientChannel, MessageUtils.bye()); notifyAllClients(clientName + " leave this chatroom"); System.out.println(clientName + " leave this chatroom"); Utils.tryClose(clientChannel); } else { System.err.println("kill: no such client"); } } else { System.err.println("kill: no client name"); } } catch (Exception expt) { Utils.printErrorAndExit(expt.getMessage()); } }
public static void stop() { try { if (port[0] != -1) { for (Entry<String, SocketChannel> client : clients.entrySet()) { if (client.getValue().isConnected()) { sendMessage(client.getValue(), MessageUtils.bye()); Utils.tryClose(client.getValue()); } } Utils.tryClose(serverSocket); clients.clear(); port[0] = -1; } else { System.err.println("stop: already stopped"); } } catch (Exception expt) { Utils.printErrorAndExit(expt.getMessage()); } }
public static void checkClients(List<SocketChannel> anonymousClients) { try { if (selector.selectNow() == 0) { return; } Set<SelectionKey> keys = selector.selectedKeys(); for (SelectionKey key : keys) { if ((key.readyOps() & SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT) == SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT) { SocketChannel clientSocket = serverSocket.accept(); if (clientSocket == null) { System.err.println("Error: can not accept"); continue; } anonymousClients.add(clientSocket); clientSocket.configureBlocking(false); clientSocket.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ); } else if ((key.readyOps() & SelectionKey.OP_READ) == SelectionKey.OP_READ) { SocketChannel clientSocket = (SocketChannel); ByteBuffer bytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(4096); if ( != -1) { byte[] message = bytes.array(); switch (message[0]) { case 1: { String nick = MessageUtils.parseMessage(message).first; if (!checkMessage(nick, "", clientSocket)) { continue; } if (clients.containsKey(nick) || nick.length() > 32) { if (nick.length() > 32) { sendMessage( clientSocket, MessageUtils.error("<server>: your nick is too long")); } else { sendMessage( clientSocket, MessageUtils.error("<server>: another user is using this nick")); } sendMessage(clientSocket, MessageUtils.bye()); anonymousClients.remove(clientSocket); Utils.tryClose(clientSocket); } else { System.out.println(nick + " enter this chatroom"); notifyAllClients(nick + " enter this chatroom"); sendMessage( clientSocket, MessageUtils.message("<server>", "Wellcome, your nick is " + nick)); anonymousClients.remove(clientSocket); clients.put(nick, clientSocket); } break; } case 2: { String nick = getNickFromSocket(clientSocket); if (nick == null) { Utils.printErrorAndExit("Error: it could not happen"); } Utils.Pair<String, String> pair = MessageUtils.parseMessage(message); if (!checkMessage(pair.first, pair.second, clientSocket)) { continue; } if (!pair.first.equals(nick)) { System.out.println("Cheater: " + nick); sendMessage(clientSocket, MessageUtils.message("<server>", "do not cheat")); } for (Entry<String, SocketChannel> client : clients.entrySet()) { if (!clientSocket.equals(client.getValue())) { sendMessage(client.getValue(), MessageUtils.message(nick, pair.second)); } } break; } case 3: disconnectClient(clientSocket); break; case 127: { String nick = getNickFromSocket(clientSocket); Utils.Pair<String, String> pair = MessageUtils.parseMessage(message); if (!checkMessage(pair.first, pair.second, clientSocket)) { continue; } if (!pair.first.equals(nick)) { System.out.println("Cheater: " + nick); sendMessage(clientSocket, MessageUtils.message("<server>", "do not cheat")); } System.out.println(nick + ": " + pair.second); break; } default: System.out.println("Bad message from " + getNickFromSocket(clientSocket)); sendMessage(clientSocket, MessageUtils.message("<server>", "bad message")); break; } } else { disconnectClient(clientSocket); } } } keys.clear(); } catch (Exception expt) { expt.printStackTrace(); Utils.printErrorAndExit(expt.getMessage()); } }