public UserCacheRecord next() { try { UserCacheRecord returnBean = null; while (returnBean == null && this.storageKeyIterator.hasNext()) { UserCacheService.StorageKey key =; returnBean = userCacheService.readStorageKey(key); if (returnBean != null) { if (returnBean.getCacheTimestamp() == null) { LOGGER.debug( PwmConstants.REPORTING_SESSION_LABEL, "purging record due to missing cache timestamp: " + JsonUtil.serialize(returnBean)); userCacheService.removeStorageKey(key); } else if (TimeDuration.fromCurrent(returnBean.getCacheTimestamp()) .isLongerThan(settings.getMaxCacheAge())) { LOGGER.debug( PwmConstants.REPORTING_SESSION_LABEL, "purging record due to old age timestamp: " + JsonUtil.serialize(returnBean)); userCacheService.removeStorageKey(key); } else { return returnBean; } } } } catch (LocalDBException e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "unexpected iterator traversal error while reading LocalDB: " + e.getMessage()); } return null; }
protected ConfigSaveState updatePartial(String xmlPartial, final String md5) throws Exception { LOGGER.debug("[Config Save] Updating partial"); org.dom4j.Document document = documentRoot(); Element root = document.getRootElement(); Element configElement = ((Element) root.selectSingleNode(getXpath())); List nodes = configElement.getParent().content(); int index = nodes.indexOf(configElement); LOGGER.debug("[Config Save] Converting to object"); Element newConfigElement = StringReader(xmlPartial)).getRootElement(); nodes.set(index, newConfigElement); return saveConfig(document.asXML(), md5); }
protected Audit waitForAuditToComplete(Audit audit) { LOGGER.debug( "WAIT FOR AUDIT TO COMPLETE:" + audit + "," + (long) (audit.getDateOfCreation().getTime() / 1000)); Long token = new Date().getTime(); this.getAuditExecutionList().put(audit, token); // while the audit is not seen as completed or crashed while (!this.getAuditCompletedList().containsKey(token) && !this.getAuditCrashedList().containsKey(token)) { try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { LOGGER.error("", ex); } } if ((audit = this.getAuditCompletedList().get(token)) != null) { this.getAuditCompletedList().remove(token); return audit; } if ((audit = this.getAuditCrashedList().get(token).getKey()) != null) { this.getAuditCrashedList().remove(token); return audit; } return null; }
@Override public void auditCompleted(Audit audit) { LOGGER.debug( "AUDIT COMPLETED:" + audit + "," + audit.getSubject().getURL() + "," + (long) (audit.getDateOfCreation().getTime() / 1000) + audit.getId()); Audit auditCompleted = null; for (Audit auditRunning : this.auditExecutionList.keySet()) { if (auditRunning.getId().equals(audit.getId()) && (long) (auditRunning.getDateOfCreation().getTime() / 1000) == (long) (audit.getDateOfCreation().getTime() / 1000)) { auditCompleted = auditRunning; break; } } if (auditCompleted != null) { Long token = this.auditExecutionList.get(auditCompleted); this.auditExecutionList.remove(auditCompleted); this.auditCompletedList.put(token, audit); } }
public void process(WatchedEvent event) { LOGGER.debug( "Watcher fired on path: " + event.getPath() + " state: " + event.getState() + " type " + event.getType()); latchIfNoChange.countDown(); // ignore any children except valid children for a queue if (keyHandler.hasValidName(ZkUtils.getPathEnd(event.getPath()))) { if (highestPriorityChanged == null) { highestPriorityChanged = keyHandler.getPriority(event.getPath()); } else { synchronized (highestPriorityChanged) { PRIORITY changedPriority = keyHandler.getPriority(event.getPath()); if (changedPriority != null && changedPriority.compareTo(highestPriorityChanged) < 0) { highestPriorityChanged = changedPriority; } } } } }
protected ConfigSaveState saveConfig(final String xmlString, final String md5) throws Exception { LOGGER.debug("[Config Save] Started saving XML"); final MagicalGoConfigXmlLoader configXmlLoader = new MagicalGoConfigXmlLoader(configCache, registry); LOGGER.debug("[Config Save] Updating config"); final CruiseConfig deserializedConfig = configXmlLoader.deserializeConfig(xmlString); ConfigSaveState configSaveState = systemEnvironment.optimizeFullConfigSave() ? saveConfigNewFlow(deserializedConfig, md5) : saveConfigOldFlow(deserializedConfig, md5); LOGGER.debug("[Config Save] Finished saving XML"); return configSaveState; }
private ConfigSaveState saveConfigOldFlow( final CruiseConfig deserializedConfig, final String md5) { LOGGER.debug("[Config Save] Updating config using the old flow"); return goConfigDao.updateConfig( new NoOverwriteUpdateConfigCommand() { public CruiseConfig update(CruiseConfig cruiseConfig) throws Exception { deserializedConfig.setPartials(cruiseConfig.getPartials()); return deserializedConfig; } public String unmodifiedMd5() { return md5; } }); }
/** * Since the columns should only be read once, copy them into a HashMap and consider that to be * the "record" * * @return a HashMap mapping column names with values */ public Map<String, Object> getColumnValues() throws SQLException { ResultSetMetaData mdata = rs.getMetaData(); int count = mdata.getColumnCount(); Map<String, Object> nativeItem = new HashMap<String, Object>(count); for (int i = 1; i <= count; ++i) { String fieldName = new StringBuilder() .append(mdata.getTableName(i)) .append(".") .append(mdata.getColumnName(i)) .toString(); nativeItem.put(fieldName, rs.getObject(i)); LOGGER.debug(fieldName + "=" + nativeItem.get(fieldName)); } return nativeItem; }
private ConfigSaveState saveConfigNewFlow(CruiseConfig cruiseConfig, String md5) { LOGGER.debug("[Config Save] Updating config using the new flow"); return goConfigDao.updateFullConfig(new FullConfigUpdateCommand(cruiseConfig, md5)); }
private void reduceWordDB() throws LocalDBException { if (localDB == null || localDB.status() != LocalDB.Status.OPEN) { return; } final long oldestEntryAge = System.currentTimeMillis() - oldestEntry; if (oldestEntryAge < settings.maxAgeMs) { LOGGER.debug( "skipping wordDB reduce operation, eldestEntry=" + TimeDuration.asCompactString(oldestEntryAge) + ", maxAge=" + TimeDuration.asCompactString(settings.maxAgeMs)); return; } final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final int initialSize = size(); int removeCount = 0; long localOldestEntry = System.currentTimeMillis(); LOGGER.debug( "beginning wordDB reduce operation, examining " + initialSize + " words for entries older than " + TimeDuration.asCompactString(settings.maxAgeMs)); LocalDB.LocalDBIterator<String> keyIterator = null; try { keyIterator = localDB.iterator(WORDS_DB); while (status == STATUS.OPEN && keyIterator.hasNext()) { final String key =; final String value = localDB.get(WORDS_DB, key); final long timeStamp = Long.parseLong(value); final long entryAge = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeStamp; if (entryAge > settings.maxAgeMs) { localDB.remove(WORDS_DB, key); removeCount++; if (removeCount % 1000 == 0) { LOGGER.trace( "wordDB reduce operation in progress, removed=" + removeCount + ", total=" + (initialSize - removeCount)); } } else { localOldestEntry = timeStamp < localOldestEntry ? timeStamp : localOldestEntry; } sleeper.sleep(); } } finally { try { if (keyIterator != null) { keyIterator.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("error returning LocalDB iterator: " + e.getMessage()); } } // update the oldest entry if (status == STATUS.OPEN) { oldestEntry = localOldestEntry; localDB.put(META_DB, KEY_OLDEST_ENTRY, Long.toString(oldestEntry)); } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("completed wordDB reduce operation"); sb.append(", removed=").append(removeCount); sb.append(", totalRemaining=").append(size()); sb.append(", oldestEntry=").append(TimeDuration.asCompactString(oldestEntry)); sb.append(" in ") .append(TimeDuration.asCompactString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); LOGGER.debug(sb.toString()); }