/** * Set the xArchPath attribute on this object. * * @param xArchPath attribute value. */ public void setXArchPath(String xArchPath) { { String oldValue = getXArchPath(); if (oldValue == null ? xArchPath == null : oldValue.equals(xArchPath)) return; DOMUtils.removeAttribute(elt, ChangesetsConstants.NS_URI, X_ARCH_PATH_ATTR_NAME); IXArch _x = getXArch(); if (_x != null) { _x.fireXArchEvent( new XArchEvent( this, XArchEvent.CLEAR_EVENT, XArchEvent.ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED, "xArchPath", oldValue, XArchUtils.getDefaultXArchImplementation().isContainedIn(xArch, this), true)); } } DOMUtils.setAttribute(elt, ChangesetsConstants.NS_URI, X_ARCH_PATH_ATTR_NAME, xArchPath); IXArch _x = getXArch(); if (_x != null) { _x.fireXArchEvent( new XArchEvent( this, XArchEvent.SET_EVENT, XArchEvent.ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED, "xArchPath", xArchPath, XArchUtils.getDefaultXArchImplementation().isContainedIn(xArch, this))); } }
public void marshal(Node parent, String dsPrefix, DOMCryptoContext context) throws MarshalException { Document ownerDoc = DOMUtils.getOwnerDocument(parent); Element pdElem = DOMUtils.createElement(ownerDoc, "PGPData", XMLSignature.XMLNS, dsPrefix); // create and append PGPKeyID element if (keyId != null) { Element keyIdElem = DOMUtils.createElement(ownerDoc, "PGPKeyID", XMLSignature.XMLNS, dsPrefix); keyIdElem.appendChild(ownerDoc.createTextNode(Base64.encode(keyId))); pdElem.appendChild(keyIdElem); } // create and append PGPKeyPacket element if (keyPacket != null) { Element keyPktElem = DOMUtils.createElement(ownerDoc, "PGPKeyPacket", XMLSignature.XMLNS, dsPrefix); keyPktElem.appendChild(ownerDoc.createTextNode(Base64.encode(keyPacket))); pdElem.appendChild(keyPktElem); } // create and append any elements for (int i = 0, size = externalElements.size(); i < size; i++) { DOMUtils.appendChild( pdElem, ((javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMStructure) externalElements.get(i)).getNode()); } parent.appendChild(pdElem); }
public void addRepositoryLocation(IRepositoryLocation newRepositoryLocation) { if (!(newRepositoryLocation instanceof DOMBased)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot handle non-DOM-based xArch entities."); } Element newChildElt = (Element) (((DOMBased) newRepositoryLocation).getDOMNode()); newChildElt = DOMUtils.cloneAndRename( newChildElt, JavasourcecodeConstants.NS_URI, REPOSITORY_LOCATION_ELT_NAME); ((DOMBased) newRepositoryLocation).setDOMNode(newChildElt); synchronized (DOMUtils.getDOMLock(elt)) { elt.appendChild(newChildElt); DOMUtils.order(elt, getSequenceOrder()); } IXArch context = getXArch(); if (context != null) { context.fireXArchEvent( new XArchEvent( this, XArchEvent.ADD_EVENT, XArchEvent.ELEMENT_CHANGED, "repositoryLocation", newRepositoryLocation, XArchUtils.getDefaultXArchImplementation().isContainedIn(xArch, this))); } }
public void removeRepositoryLocation(IRepositoryLocation repositoryLocationToRemove) { if (!(repositoryLocationToRemove instanceof DOMBased)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot handle non-DOM-based xArch entities."); } NodeList nl = DOMUtils.getChildren(elt, JavasourcecodeConstants.NS_URI, REPOSITORY_LOCATION_ELT_NAME); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Node n = nl.item(i); if (n == ((DOMBased) repositoryLocationToRemove).getDOMNode()) { synchronized (DOMUtils.getDOMLock(elt)) { elt.removeChild(n); } IXArch context = getXArch(); if (context != null) { context.fireXArchEvent( new XArchEvent( this, XArchEvent.REMOVE_EVENT, XArchEvent.ELEMENT_CHANGED, "repositoryLocation", repositoryLocationToRemove, XArchUtils.getDefaultXArchImplementation().isContainedIn(xArch, this))); } return; } } }
/** * Set the generated attribute on this object. * * @param generated attribute value. */ public void setGenerated(String generated) { { String oldValue = getGenerated(); if (oldValue == null ? generated == null : oldValue.equals(generated)) return; DOMUtils.removeAttribute(elt, ChangesetsConstants.NS_URI, GENERATED_ATTR_NAME); IXArch _x = getXArch(); if (_x != null) { _x.fireXArchEvent( new XArchEvent( this, XArchEvent.CLEAR_EVENT, XArchEvent.ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED, "generated", oldValue, XArchUtils.getDefaultXArchImplementation().isContainedIn(xArch, this), true)); } } DOMUtils.setAttribute(elt, ChangesetsConstants.NS_URI, GENERATED_ATTR_NAME, generated); IXArch _x = getXArch(); if (_x != null) { _x.fireXArchEvent( new XArchEvent( this, XArchEvent.SET_EVENT, XArchEvent.ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED, "generated", generated, XArchUtils.getDefaultXArchImplementation().isContainedIn(xArch, this))); } }
/** For internal use only. */ private static Object makeDerivedWrapper(Element elt, String baseTypeName) { synchronized (DOMUtils.getDOMLock(elt)) { QName typeName = XArchUtils.getXSIType(elt); if (typeName == null) { return null; } else { if (!DOMUtils.hasXSIType( elt, "http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/arch/xArch/changesets.xsd", baseTypeName)) { try { String packageTitle = XArchUtils.getPackageTitle(typeName.getNamespaceURI()); String packageName = XArchUtils.getPackageName(packageTitle); String implName = XArchUtils.getImplName(packageName, typeName.getName()); Class c = Class.forName(implName); java.lang.reflect.Constructor con = c.getConstructor(new Class[] {Element.class}); Object o = con.newInstance(new Object[] {elt}); return o; } catch (Exception e) { // Lots of bad things could happen, but this // is OK, because this is best-effort anyway. } } return null; } } }
public void digest(XMLSignContext signContext) throws XMLSignatureException { Data data = null; if (appliedTransformData == null) { data = dereference(signContext); } else { data = appliedTransformData; } digestValue = transform(data, signContext); // insert digestValue into DigestValue element String encodedDV = Base64.encode(digestValue); if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.log(Level.FINE, "Reference object uri = " + uri); } Element digestElem = DOMUtils.getLastChildElement(refElem); if (digestElem == null) { throw new XMLSignatureException("DigestValue element expected"); } DOMUtils.removeAllChildren(digestElem); digestElem.appendChild(refElem.getOwnerDocument().createTextNode(encodedDV)); digested = true; if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.log(Level.FINE, "Reference digesting completed"); } }
public IJavaSourceCodeManager getSourceCodeManager() { NodeList nl = DOMUtils.getChildren(elt, JavasourcecodeConstants.NS_URI, SOURCE_CODE_MANAGER_ELT_NAME); if (nl.getLength() == 0) { return null; } else { Element el = (Element) nl.item(0); IXArch de = getXArch(); if (de != null) { IXArchElement cachedXArchElt = de.getWrapper(el); if (cachedXArchElt != null) { return (IJavaSourceCodeManager) cachedXArchElt; } } Object o = makeDerivedWrapper(el, "JavaSourceCodeManager"); if (o != null) { try { ((edu.uci.isr.xarch.IXArchElement) o).setXArch(getXArch()); if (de != null) { de.cacheWrapper(el, ((edu.uci.isr.xarch.IXArchElement) o)); } return (IJavaSourceCodeManager) o; } catch (Exception e) { } } JavaSourceCodeManagerImpl eltImpl = new JavaSourceCodeManagerImpl(el); eltImpl.setXArch(getXArch()); if (de != null) { de.cacheWrapper(el, ((edu.uci.isr.xarch.IXArchElement) eltImpl)); } return eltImpl; } }
private boolean equalsContent(List otherContent) { if (content.size() != otherContent.size()) { return false; } for (int i = 0, osize = otherContent.size(); i < osize; i++) { XMLStructure oxs = (XMLStructure) otherContent.get(i); XMLStructure xs = (XMLStructure) content.get(i); if (oxs instanceof javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMStructure) { if (!(xs instanceof javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMStructure)) { return false; } Node onode = ((javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMStructure) oxs).getNode(); Node node = ((javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMStructure) xs).getNode(); if (!DOMUtils.nodesEqual(node, onode)) { return false; } } else { if (!(xs.equals(oxs))) { return false; } } } return true; }
public edu.uci.isr.xarch.instance.IXMLLink getChangeSet() { NodeList nl = DOMUtils.getChildren(elt, ChangesetsConstants.NS_URI, CHANGE_SET_ELT_NAME); if (nl.getLength() == 0) { return null; } else { Element el = (Element) nl.item(0); IXArch de = getXArch(); if (de != null) { IXArchElement cachedXArchElt = de.getWrapper(el); if (cachedXArchElt != null) { return (edu.uci.isr.xarch.instance.IXMLLink) cachedXArchElt; } } Object o = makeDerivedWrapper(el, "XMLLink"); if (o != null) { try { ((edu.uci.isr.xarch.IXArchElement) o).setXArch(getXArch()); if (de != null) { de.cacheWrapper(el, ((edu.uci.isr.xarch.IXArchElement) o)); } return (edu.uci.isr.xarch.instance.IXMLLink) o; } catch (Exception e) { } } edu.uci.isr.xarch.instance.XMLLinkImpl eltImpl = new edu.uci.isr.xarch.instance.XMLLinkImpl(el); eltImpl.setXArch(getXArch()); if (de != null) { de.cacheWrapper(el, ((edu.uci.isr.xarch.IXArchElement) eltImpl)); } return eltImpl; } }
public IXArchElement cloneElement(int depth) { synchronized (DOMUtils.getDOMLock(elt)) { Document doc = elt.getOwnerDocument(); if (depth == 0) { Element cloneElt = (Element) elt.cloneNode(false); cloneElt = (Element) doc.importNode(cloneElt, true); AbstractChangeSetImpl cloneImpl = new AbstractChangeSetImpl(cloneElt); cloneImpl.setXArch(getXArch()); return cloneImpl; } else if (depth == 1) { Element cloneElt = (Element) elt.cloneNode(false); cloneElt = (Element) doc.importNode(cloneElt, true); AbstractChangeSetImpl cloneImpl = new AbstractChangeSetImpl(cloneElt); cloneImpl.setXArch(getXArch()); NodeList nl = elt.getChildNodes(); int size = nl.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Node n = nl.item(i); Node cloneNode = (Node) n.cloneNode(false); cloneNode = doc.importNode(cloneNode, true); cloneElt.appendChild(cloneNode); } return cloneImpl; } else /* depth = infinity */ { Element cloneElt = (Element) elt.cloneNode(true); cloneElt = (Element) doc.importNode(cloneElt, true); AbstractChangeSetImpl cloneImpl = new AbstractChangeSetImpl(cloneElt); cloneImpl.setXArch(getXArch()); return cloneImpl; } } }
public void setSourceCodeManager(IJavaSourceCodeManager value) { if (!(value instanceof DOMBased)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot handle non-DOM-based xArch entities."); } { IJavaSourceCodeManager oldElt = getSourceCodeManager(); DOMUtils.removeChildren(elt, JavasourcecodeConstants.NS_URI, SOURCE_CODE_MANAGER_ELT_NAME); IXArch context = getXArch(); if (context != null) { context.fireXArchEvent( new XArchEvent( this, XArchEvent.CLEAR_EVENT, XArchEvent.ELEMENT_CHANGED, "sourceCodeManager", oldElt, XArchUtils.getDefaultXArchImplementation().isContainedIn(xArch, this), true)); } } Element newChildElt = (Element) (((DOMBased) value).getDOMNode()); newChildElt = DOMUtils.cloneAndRename( newChildElt, JavasourcecodeConstants.NS_URI, SOURCE_CODE_MANAGER_ELT_NAME); ((DOMBased) value).setDOMNode(newChildElt); synchronized (DOMUtils.getDOMLock(elt)) { elt.appendChild(newChildElt); DOMUtils.order(elt, getSequenceOrder()); } IXArch context = getXArch(); if (context != null) { context.fireXArchEvent( new XArchEvent( this, XArchEvent.SET_EVENT, XArchEvent.ELEMENT_CHANGED, "sourceCodeManager", value, XArchUtils.getDefaultXArchImplementation().isContainedIn(xArch, this))); } }
public void setChangeSet(edu.uci.isr.xarch.instance.IXMLLink value) { if (!(value instanceof DOMBased)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot handle non-DOM-based xArch entities."); } { edu.uci.isr.xarch.instance.IXMLLink oldElt = getChangeSet(); DOMUtils.removeChildren(elt, ChangesetsConstants.NS_URI, CHANGE_SET_ELT_NAME); IXArch context = getXArch(); if (context != null) { context.fireXArchEvent( new XArchEvent( this, XArchEvent.CLEAR_EVENT, XArchEvent.ELEMENT_CHANGED, "changeSet", oldElt, XArchUtils.getDefaultXArchImplementation().isContainedIn(xArch, this), true)); } } Element newChildElt = (Element) (((DOMBased) value).getDOMNode()); newChildElt = DOMUtils.cloneAndRename(newChildElt, ChangesetsConstants.NS_URI, CHANGE_SET_ELT_NAME); ((DOMBased) value).setDOMNode(newChildElt); synchronized (DOMUtils.getDOMLock(elt)) { elt.appendChild(newChildElt); DOMUtils.order(elt, getSequenceOrder()); } IXArch context = getXArch(); if (context != null) { context.fireXArchEvent( new XArchEvent( this, XArchEvent.SET_EVENT, XArchEvent.ELEMENT_CHANGED, "changeSet", value, XArchUtils.getDefaultXArchImplementation().isContainedIn(xArch, this))); } }
/** * Creates an <code>XMLObject</code> from an element. * * @param objElem an Object element * @throws MarshalException if there is an error when unmarshalling */ public DOMXMLObject(Element objElem, XMLCryptoContext context, Provider provider) throws MarshalException { // unmarshal attributes this.encoding = DOMUtils.getAttributeValue(objElem, "Encoding"); Attr attr = objElem.getAttributeNodeNS(null, "Id"); if (attr != null) { this.id = attr.getValue(); objElem.setIdAttributeNode(attr, true); } else { this.id = null; } this.mimeType = DOMUtils.getAttributeValue(objElem, "MimeType"); NodeList nodes = objElem.getChildNodes(); int length = nodes.getLength(); List content = new ArrayList(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Node child = nodes.item(i); if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element childElem = (Element) child; String tag = childElem.getLocalName(); if (tag.equals("Manifest")) { content.add(new DOMManifest(childElem, context, provider)); continue; } else if (tag.equals("SignatureProperties")) { content.add(new DOMSignatureProperties(childElem)); continue; } else if (tag.equals("X509Data")) { content.add(new DOMX509Data(childElem)); continue; } // @@@FIXME: check for other dsig structures } content.add(new javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMStructure(child)); } if (content.isEmpty()) { this.content = Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } else { this.content = Collections.unmodifiableList(content); } }
public void marshal(Node parent, String dsPrefix, DOMCryptoContext context) throws MarshalException { Document ownerDoc = DOMUtils.getOwnerDocument(parent); Element propElem = DOMUtils.createElement(ownerDoc, "SignatureProperty", XMLSignature.XMLNS, dsPrefix); // set attributes DOMUtils.setAttributeID(propElem, "Id", id); DOMUtils.setAttribute(propElem, "Target", target); // create and append any elements and mixed content for (int i = 0, size = content.size(); i < size; i++) { javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMStructure property = (javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMStructure) content.get(i); DOMUtils.appendChild(propElem, property.getNode()); } parent.appendChild(propElem); }
/** * Creates a <code>DOMSignatureProperty</code> from an element. * * @param propElem a SignatureProperty element */ public DOMSignatureProperty(Element propElem) throws MarshalException { // unmarshal attributes target = DOMUtils.getAttributeValue(propElem, "Target"); if (target == null) { throw new MarshalException("target cannot be null"); } id = DOMUtils.getAttributeValue(propElem, "Id"); NodeList nodes = propElem.getChildNodes(); int length = nodes.getLength(); List content = new ArrayList(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { content.add(new javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMStructure(nodes.item(i))); } if (content.isEmpty()) { throw new MarshalException("content cannot be empty"); } else { this.content = Collections.unmodifiableList(content); } }
/** Removes the id attribute from this object. */ public void clearId() { String oldValue = getId(); if (oldValue == null) return; DOMUtils.removeAttribute(elt, ChangesetsConstants.NS_URI, ID_ATTR_NAME); IXArch _x = getXArch(); if (_x != null) { _x.fireXArchEvent( new XArchEvent( this, XArchEvent.CLEAR_EVENT, XArchEvent.ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED, "id", oldValue, XArchUtils.getDefaultXArchImplementation().isContainedIn(xArch, this))); } }
public void clearSourceCodeManager() { IJavaSourceCodeManager oldElt = getSourceCodeManager(); DOMUtils.removeChildren(elt, JavasourcecodeConstants.NS_URI, SOURCE_CODE_MANAGER_ELT_NAME); IXArch context = getXArch(); if (context != null) { context.fireXArchEvent( new XArchEvent( this, XArchEvent.CLEAR_EVENT, XArchEvent.ELEMENT_CHANGED, "sourceCodeManager", oldElt, XArchUtils.getDefaultXArchImplementation().isContainedIn(xArch, this))); } }
public void clearChangeSet() { edu.uci.isr.xarch.instance.IXMLLink oldElt = getChangeSet(); DOMUtils.removeChildren(elt, ChangesetsConstants.NS_URI, CHANGE_SET_ELT_NAME); IXArch context = getXArch(); if (context != null) { context.fireXArchEvent( new XArchEvent( this, XArchEvent.CLEAR_EVENT, XArchEvent.ELEMENT_CHANGED, "changeSet", oldElt, XArchUtils.getDefaultXArchImplementation().isContainedIn(xArch, this))); } }
public Collection getAllRepositoryLocations() { NodeList nl = DOMUtils.getChildren(elt, JavasourcecodeConstants.NS_URI, REPOSITORY_LOCATION_ELT_NAME); int nlLength = nl.getLength(); ArrayList v = new ArrayList(nlLength); IXArch de = getXArch(); for (int i = 0; i < nlLength; i++) { Element el = (Element) nl.item(i); boolean found = false; if (de != null) { IXArchElement cachedXArchElt = de.getWrapper(el); if (cachedXArchElt != null) { v.add((IRepositoryLocation) cachedXArchElt); found = true; } } if (!found) { Object o = makeDerivedWrapper(el, "RepositoryLocation"); if (o != null) { try { ((edu.uci.isr.xarch.IXArchElement) o).setXArch(getXArch()); if (de != null) { de.cacheWrapper(el, ((edu.uci.isr.xarch.IXArchElement) o)); } v.add((IRepositoryLocation) o); } catch (Exception e) { RepositoryLocationImpl eltImpl = new RepositoryLocationImpl((Element) nl.item(i)); eltImpl.setXArch(getXArch()); if (de != null) { de.cacheWrapper(el, ((edu.uci.isr.xarch.IXArchElement) eltImpl)); } v.add(eltImpl); } } else { RepositoryLocationImpl eltImpl = new RepositoryLocationImpl((Element) nl.item(i)); eltImpl.setXArch(getXArch()); if (de != null) { de.cacheWrapper(el, ((edu.uci.isr.xarch.IXArchElement) eltImpl)); } v.add(eltImpl); } } } return v; }
/** * Creates a <code>DOMReference</code> from an element. * * @param refElem a Reference element */ public DOMReference(Element refElem, XMLCryptoContext context) throws MarshalException { // unmarshal Transforms, if specified Element nextSibling = DOMUtils.getFirstChildElement(refElem); List transforms = new ArrayList(5); if (nextSibling.getLocalName().equals("Transforms")) { Element transformElem = DOMUtils.getFirstChildElement(nextSibling); while (transformElem != null) { transforms.add(new DOMTransform(transformElem, context)); transformElem = DOMUtils.getNextSiblingElement(transformElem); } nextSibling = DOMUtils.getNextSiblingElement(nextSibling); } // unmarshal DigestMethod Element dmElem = nextSibling; this.digestMethod = DOMDigestMethod.unmarshal(dmElem); // unmarshal DigestValue try { Element dvElem = DOMUtils.getNextSiblingElement(dmElem); this.digestValue = Base64.decode(dvElem); } catch (Base64DecodingException bde) { throw new MarshalException(bde); } // unmarshal attributes this.uri = DOMUtils.getAttributeValue(refElem, "URI"); this.id = DOMUtils.getAttributeValue(refElem, "Id"); this.type = DOMUtils.getAttributeValue(refElem, "Type"); this.here = refElem.getAttributeNodeNS(null, "URI"); this.refElem = refElem; if (transforms.isEmpty()) { this.transforms = Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } else { this.transforms = Collections.unmodifiableList(transforms); } this.appliedTransforms = Collections.EMPTY_LIST; this.allTransforms = transforms; this.appliedTransformData = null; }
public void marshal(Node parent, String dsPrefix, DOMCryptoContext context) throws MarshalException { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.log(Level.FINE, "Marshalling Reference"); } Document ownerDoc = DOMUtils.getOwnerDocument(parent); refElem = DOMUtils.createElement(ownerDoc, "Reference", XMLSignature.XMLNS, dsPrefix); // set attributes DOMUtils.setAttributeID(refElem, "Id", id); DOMUtils.setAttribute(refElem, "URI", uri); DOMUtils.setAttribute(refElem, "Type", type); // create and append Transforms element if (!transforms.isEmpty() || !appliedTransforms.isEmpty()) { Element transformsElem = DOMUtils.createElement(ownerDoc, "Transforms", XMLSignature.XMLNS, dsPrefix); refElem.appendChild(transformsElem); for (int i = 0, size = appliedTransforms.size(); i < size; i++) { DOMStructure transform = (DOMStructure) appliedTransforms.get(i); transform.marshal(transformsElem, dsPrefix, context); } for (int i = 0, size = transforms.size(); i < size; i++) { DOMStructure transform = (DOMStructure) transforms.get(i); transform.marshal(transformsElem, dsPrefix, context); } } // create and append DigestMethod element ((DOMDigestMethod) digestMethod).marshal(refElem, dsPrefix, context); // create and append DigestValue element if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.log(Level.FINE, "Adding digestValueElem"); } Element digestValueElem = DOMUtils.createElement(ownerDoc, "DigestValue", XMLSignature.XMLNS, dsPrefix); if (digestValue != null) { digestValueElem.appendChild(ownerDoc.createTextNode(Base64.encode(digestValue))); } refElem.appendChild(digestValueElem); parent.appendChild(refElem); here = refElem.getAttributeNodeNS(null, "URI"); }
public void marshal(Node parent, String dsPrefix, DOMCryptoContext context) throws MarshalException { Document ownerDoc = DOMUtils.getOwnerDocument(parent); Element objElem = DOMUtils.createElement(ownerDoc, "Object", XMLSignature.XMLNS, dsPrefix); // set attributes DOMUtils.setAttributeID(objElem, "Id", id); DOMUtils.setAttribute(objElem, "MimeType", mimeType); DOMUtils.setAttribute(objElem, "Encoding", encoding); // create and append any elements and mixed content, if necessary for (int i = 0, size = content.size(); i < size; i++) { XMLStructure object = (XMLStructure) content.get(i); if (object instanceof DOMStructure) { ((DOMStructure) object).marshal(objElem, dsPrefix, context); } else { javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMStructure domObject = (javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMStructure) object; DOMUtils.appendChild(objElem, domObject.getNode()); } } parent.appendChild(objElem); }
/** * Determines if this object's generated attribute has the given value. * * @param generated value to test. * @return <code>true</code> if the values match, <code>false</code> otherwise. Matching is done * by string-matching. */ public boolean hasGenerated(String generated) { return DOMUtils.objNullEq(getGenerated(), generated); }
/** * Gets the value of the generated attribute on this object. * * @return generated attribute's value or <code>null</code> if that attribute is not set. */ public String getGenerated() { return DOMUtils.getAttributeValue(elt, ChangesetsConstants.NS_URI, GENERATED_ATTR_NAME); }
/** * Determines if this object's id attribute has the given value. * * @param id value to test. * @return <code>true</code> if the values match, <code>false</code> otherwise. Matching is done * by string-matching. */ public boolean hasId(String id) { return DOMUtils.objNullEq(getId(), id); }
/** * Gets the value of the id attribute on this object. * * @return id attribute's value or <code>null</code> if that attribute is not set. */ public String getId() { return DOMUtils.getAttributeValue(elt, ChangesetsConstants.NS_URI, ID_ATTR_NAME); }
/** * Gets the value of the xArchPath attribute on this object. * * @return xArchPath attribute's value or <code>null</code> if that attribute is not set. */ public String getXArchPath() { return DOMUtils.getAttributeValue(elt, ChangesetsConstants.NS_URI, X_ARCH_PATH_ATTR_NAME); }
/** * Determines if this object's xArchPath attribute has the given value. * * @param xArchPath value to test. * @return <code>true</code> if the values match, <code>false</code> otherwise. Matching is done * by string-matching. */ public boolean hasXArchPath(String xArchPath) { return DOMUtils.objNullEq(getXArchPath(), xArchPath); }