public ServerObject serverFor(Object o) { ServerObject server = serving.get(o); if (server == null) { server = new ServerObject(objectsId.getAndIncrement(), o); serving.put(o, server); servingById.put(server.getId(), server); } return server; }
/** @param entry Entry to add. */ void onAdded(GridDhtCacheEntry entry) { GridDhtPartitionState state = state(); if (state == EVICTED) throw new GridDhtInvalidPartitionException( id, "Adding entry to invalid partition [part=" + id + ']'); map.put(entry.key(), entry); if (!entry.isInternal()) mapPubSize.increment(); }
protected Request request(long objectId, Method method, Object[] args, boolean expectsResponse) throws IOException { Request r = new Request(this, method, args); long requestId = -1; if (expectsResponse) { requestId = nextRequest.getAndIncrement(); requests.put(requestId, r); } sendRequest(objectId, requestId, r); return r; }
protected void handleTaskSubmittedRequest( Runnable runnable, Address source, long requestId, long threadId) { // We store in our map so that when that task is // finished so that we can send back to the owner // with the results _running.put(runnable, new Owner(source, requestId)); // We give the task to the thread that is now waiting for it to be returned // If we can't offer then we have to respond back to // caller that we can't handle it. They must have // gotten our address when we had a consumer, but // they went away between then and now. boolean received; try { _tasks.put(threadId, runnable); CyclicBarrier barrier = _taskBarriers.remove(threadId); if (received = (barrier != null)) { // Only wait 10 milliseconds, in case if the consumer was // stopped between when we were told it was available and now barrier.await(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Interrupted while handing off task"); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); received = false; } catch (BrokenBarrierException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "Consumer " + threadId + " has been interrupted, " + "must retry to submit elsewhere"); received = false; } catch (TimeoutException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Timeout waiting to hand off to barrier, consumer " + threadId + " must be slow"); // This should only happen if the consumer put the latch then got // interrupted but hadn't yet removed the latch, should almost never // happen received = false; } if (!received) { // Clean up the tasks request _tasks.remove(threadId); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Run rejected not able to pass off to consumer"); // If we couldn't hand off the task we have to tell the client // and also reupdate the coordinator that our consumer is ready sendRequest(source, Type.RUN_REJECTED, requestId, null); _running.remove(runnable); } }
protected void handleView(View view) { this.view = view; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("view=" + view); List<Address> members = view.getMembers(); _consumerLock.lock(); try { // This removes the consumers that were registered that are now gone Iterator<Owner> iterator = _consumersAvailable.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Owner owner =; if (!members.contains(owner.getAddress())) { iterator.remove(); sendRemoveConsumerRequest(owner); } } // This removes the tasks that those requestors are gone iterator = _runRequests.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Owner owner =; if (!members.contains(owner.getAddress())) { iterator.remove(); sendRemoveRunRequest(owner); } } synchronized (_awaitingReturn) { for (Entry<Owner, Runnable> entry : _awaitingReturn.entrySet()) { // The person currently servicing our request has gone down // without completing so we have to keep our request alive by // sending ours back to the coordinator Owner owner = entry.getKey(); if (!members.contains(owner.getAddress())) { Runnable runnable = entry.getValue(); // We need to register the request id before sending the request back to the coordinator // in case if our task gets picked up since another was removed _requestId.put(runnable, owner.getRequestId()); _awaitingConsumer.add(runnable); sendToCoordinator(RUN_REQUEST, owner.getRequestId(), local_addr); } } } } finally { _consumerLock.unlock(); } }
/** * Processes cache query request. * * @param sndId Sender node id. * @param req Query request. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override void processQueryRequest(UUID sndId, GridCacheQueryRequest req) { if (req.cancel()) { cancelIds.add(new CancelMessageId(, sndId)); if (req.fields()) removeFieldsQueryResult(sndId,; else removeQueryResult(sndId,; } else { if (!cancelIds.contains(new CancelMessageId(, sndId))) { if (!F.eq(req.cacheName(), { GridCacheQueryResponse res = new GridCacheQueryResponse( cctx.cacheId(),, new IgniteCheckedException( "Received request for incorrect cache [expected=" + + ", actual=" + req.cacheName())); sendQueryResponse(sndId, res, 0); } else { threads.put(, Thread.currentThread()); try { GridCacheQueryInfo info = distributedQueryInfo(sndId, req); if (info == null) return; if (req.fields()) runFieldsQuery(info); else runQuery(info); } catch (Throwable e) { U.error(log(), "Failed to run query.", e); sendQueryResponse( sndId, new GridCacheQueryResponse(cctx.cacheId(),, e.getCause()), 0); if (e instanceof Error) throw (Error) e; } finally { threads.remove(; } } } } }
private HostConnectionPool addHost(Host host) { try { HostDistance distance = loadBalancer.distance(host); if (distance == HostDistance.IGNORED) { return pools.get(host); } else { logger.debug("Adding {} to list of queried hosts", host); return pools.put(host, new HostConnectionPool(host, distance, this)); } } catch (AuthenticationException e) { logger.error("Error creating pool to {} ({})", host, e.getMessage()); host.getMonitor() .signalConnectionFailure(new ConnectionException(e.getHost(), e.getMessage())); return pools.get(host); } catch (ConnectionException e) { logger.debug("Error creating pool to {} ({})", host, e.getMessage()); host.getMonitor().signalConnectionFailure(e); return pools.get(host); } }
public Object down(Event evt) { switch (evt.getType()) { case ExecutorEvent.TASK_SUBMIT: Runnable runnable = evt.getArg(); // We are limited to a number of concurrent request id's // equal to 2^63-1. This is quite large and if it // overflows it will still be positive long requestId = Math.abs(counter.getAndIncrement()); if (requestId == Long.MIN_VALUE) { // TODO: need to fix this it isn't safe for concurrent modifications counter.set(0); requestId = Math.abs(counter.getAndIncrement()); } // Need to make sure to put the requestId in our map before // adding the runnable to awaiting consumer in case if // coordinator sent a consumer found and their original task // is no longer around // see _requestId.put(runnable, requestId); _awaitingConsumer.add(runnable); sendToCoordinator(RUN_REQUEST, requestId, local_addr); break; case ExecutorEvent.CONSUMER_READY: Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); long threadId = currentThread.getId(); _consumerId.put(threadId, PRESENT); try { for (; ; ) { CyclicBarrier barrier = new CyclicBarrier(2); _taskBarriers.put(threadId, barrier); // We only send to the coordinator that we are ready after // making the barrier, wait for request to come and let // us free sendToCoordinator(Type.CONSUMER_READY, threadId, local_addr); try { barrier.await(); break; } catch (BrokenBarrierException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "Producer timed out before we picked up" + " the task, have to tell coordinator" + " we are still good."); } } // This should always be non nullable since the latch // was freed runnable = _tasks.remove(threadId); _runnableThreads.put(runnable, currentThread); return runnable; } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Consumer " + threadId + " stopped via interrupt"); sendToCoordinator(Type.CONSUMER_UNREADY, threadId, local_addr); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } finally { // Make sure the barriers are cleaned up as well _taskBarriers.remove(threadId); _consumerId.remove(threadId); } break; case ExecutorEvent.TASK_COMPLETE: Object arg = evt.getArg(); Throwable throwable = null; if (arg instanceof Object[]) { Object[] array = (Object[]) arg; runnable = (Runnable) array[0]; throwable = (Throwable) array[1]; } else { runnable = (Runnable) arg; } Owner owner = _running.remove(runnable); // This won't remove anything if owner doesn't come back _runnableThreads.remove(runnable); Object value = null; boolean exception = false; if (throwable != null) { // InterruptedException is special telling us that // we interrupted the thread while waiting but still got // a task therefore we have to reject it. if (throwable instanceof InterruptedException) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Run rejected due to interrupted exception returned"); sendRequest(owner.address, Type.RUN_REJECTED, owner.requestId, null); break; } value = throwable; exception = true; } else if (runnable instanceof RunnableFuture<?>) { RunnableFuture<?> future = (RunnableFuture<?>) runnable; boolean interrupted = false; boolean gotValue = false; // We have the value, before we interrupt at least get it! while (!gotValue) { try { value = future.get(); gotValue = true; } catch (InterruptedException e) { interrupted = true; } catch (ExecutionException e) { value = e.getCause(); exception = true; gotValue = true; } } if (interrupted) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } if (owner != null) { final Type type; final Object valueToSend; if (value == null) { type = Type.RESULT_SUCCESS; valueToSend = value; } // Both serializable values and exceptions would go in here else if (value instanceof Serializable || value instanceof Externalizable || value instanceof Streamable) { type = exception ? Type.RESULT_EXCEPTION : Type.RESULT_SUCCESS; valueToSend = value; } // This would happen if the value wasn't serializable, // so we have to send back to the client that the class // wasn't serializable else { type = Type.RESULT_EXCEPTION; valueToSend = new NotSerializableException(value.getClass().getName()); } if (local_addr.equals(owner.getAddress())) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace( "[redirect] <--> [" + local_addr + "] " + + " [" + value + (owner.requestId != -1 ? " request id: " + owner.requestId : "") + "]"); if (type == Type.RESULT_SUCCESS) { handleValueResponse(local_addr, owner.requestId, valueToSend); } else if (type == Type.RESULT_EXCEPTION) { handleExceptionResponse(local_addr, owner.requestId, (Throwable) valueToSend); } } else { sendRequest(owner.getAddress(), type, owner.requestId, valueToSend); } } else { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Could not return result - most likely because it was interrupted"); } } break; case ExecutorEvent.TASK_CANCEL: Object[] array = evt.getArg(); runnable = (Runnable) array[0]; if (_awaitingConsumer.remove(runnable)) { _requestId.remove(runnable); ExecutorNotification notification = notifiers.remove(runnable); if (notification != null) { notification.interrupted(runnable); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("Cancelled task " + runnable + " before it was picked up"); return Boolean.TRUE; } // This is guaranteed to not be null so don't take cost of auto unboxing else if (array[1] == Boolean.TRUE) { owner = removeKeyForValue(_awaitingReturn, runnable); if (owner != null) { Long requestIdValue = _requestId.remove(runnable); // We only cancel if the requestId is still available // this means the result hasn't been returned yet and // we still have a chance to interrupt if (requestIdValue != null) { if (requestIdValue != owner.getRequestId()) { log.warn("Cancelling requestId didn't match waiting"); } sendRequest(owner.getAddress(), Type.INTERRUPT_RUN, owner.getRequestId(), null); } } else { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.warn("Couldn't interrupt server task: " + runnable); } ExecutorNotification notification = notifiers.remove(runnable); if (notification != null) { notification.interrupted(runnable); } return Boolean.TRUE; } else { return Boolean.FALSE; } case ExecutorEvent.ALL_TASK_CANCEL: array = evt.getArg(); // This is a RunnableFuture<?> so this cast is okay @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Set<Runnable> runnables = (Set<Runnable>) array[0]; Boolean booleanValue = (Boolean) array[1]; List<Runnable> notRan = new ArrayList<>(); for (Runnable cancelRunnable : runnables) { // Removed from the consumer if (!_awaitingConsumer.remove(cancelRunnable) && booleanValue == Boolean.TRUE) { synchronized (_awaitingReturn) { owner = removeKeyForValue(_awaitingReturn, cancelRunnable); if (owner != null) { Long requestIdValue = _requestId.remove(cancelRunnable); if (requestIdValue != owner.getRequestId()) { log.warn("Cancelling requestId didn't match waiting"); } sendRequest(owner.getAddress(), Type.INTERRUPT_RUN, owner.getRequestId(), null); } ExecutorNotification notification = notifiers.remove(cancelRunnable); if (notification != null) { log.trace("Notifying listener"); notification.interrupted(cancelRunnable); } } } else { _requestId.remove(cancelRunnable); notRan.add(cancelRunnable); } } return notRan; case Event.SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS: local_addr = evt.getArg(); break; case Event.VIEW_CHANGE: handleView(evt.getArg()); break; } return down_prot.down(evt); }
public void setVersion(InetAddress address, int version) { Integer old = versions.put(address, version); EndpointState state = endpointStateMap_.get(address); if (state == null) addSavedEndpoint(address); }
/** * Grabs local events and detects if events was lost since last poll. * * @param ignite Target grid. * @param evtOrderKey Unique key to take last order key from node local map. * @param evtThrottleCntrKey Unique key to take throttle count from node local map. * @param evtTypes Event types to collect. * @param evtMapper Closure to map grid events to Visor data transfer objects. * @return Collections of node events */ public static Collection<VisorGridEvent> collectEvents( Ignite ignite, String evtOrderKey, String evtThrottleCntrKey, final int[] evtTypes, IgniteClosure<Event, VisorGridEvent> evtMapper) { assert ignite != null; assert evtTypes != null && evtTypes.length > 0; ConcurrentMap<String, Long> nl = ignite.cluster().nodeLocalMap(); final long lastOrder = getOrElse(nl, evtOrderKey, -1L); final long throttle = getOrElse(nl, evtThrottleCntrKey, 0L); // When we first time arrive onto a node to get its local events, // we'll grab only last those events that not older than given period to make sure we are // not grabbing GBs of data accidentally. final long notOlderThan = System.currentTimeMillis() - EVENTS_COLLECT_TIME_WINDOW; // Flag for detecting gaps between events. final AtomicBoolean lastFound = new AtomicBoolean(lastOrder < 0); IgnitePredicate<Event> p = new IgnitePredicate<Event>() { /** */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; @Override public boolean apply(Event e) { // Detects that events were lost. if (!lastFound.get() && (lastOrder == e.localOrder())) lastFound.set(true); // Retains events by lastOrder, period and type. return e.localOrder() > lastOrder && e.timestamp() > notOlderThan && F.contains(evtTypes, e.type()); } }; Collection<Event> evts =; // Update latest order in node local, if not empty. if (!evts.isEmpty()) { Event maxEvt = Collections.max(evts, EVTS_ORDER_COMPARATOR); nl.put(evtOrderKey, maxEvt.localOrder()); } // Update throttle counter. if (!lastFound.get()) nl.put(evtThrottleCntrKey, throttle == 0 ? EVENTS_LOST_THROTTLE : throttle - 1); boolean lost = !lastFound.get() && throttle == 0; Collection<VisorGridEvent> res = new ArrayList<>(evts.size() + (lost ? 1 : 0)); if (lost) res.add(new VisorGridEventsLost(ignite.cluster().localNode().id())); for (Event e : evts) { VisorGridEvent visorEvt = evtMapper.apply(e); if (visorEvt != null) res.add(visorEvt); } return res; }