public void updateInterface() { ItemStack is = null; this.inventory.clear(); for (Integer card : this.recipe) { is = new ItemStack(Material.PAPER); Duelist.createOwnedCardInfo(is, Card.fromId(card).copy()); this.inventory.addItem(is); } is = new ItemStack(Material.PAPER); Main.setItemName(is, "Confirm"); Main.giveLore(is, 1); Main.setItemData(is, 0, "Initiate Fusion"); this.inventory.setItem(8, is); }
public void close(boolean fuse) { PluginVars.commu_mode.remove(this.editing); this.editing.closeInventory(); if (fuse) { if (!this.editing.isOnline()) { this.returnCards(); return; } else if (!this.receiver.isOnline()) { this.editing.sendMessage( "Player " + this.receiver.getDisplayName() + ChatColor.WHITE + " has gone offline"); this.returnCards(); return; } if (this.recipe.size() > 4 || this.recipe.size() < 3) { this.editing.sendMessage("You must use 3 or 4 cards in a commu fusion!"); this.returnCards(); return; } else { if (this.editing.getLocation().distance(this.receiver.getLocation()) > 6.0d) { this.editing.sendMessage("MISS!"); this.editing.sendMessage( "Player " + this.receiver.getDisplayName() + " has gone out of reach."); this.returnCards(); return; } this.editing .getWorld() .playSound(this.editing.getLocation(), Sound.FIREWORK_BLAST, 1.0f, 1.0f); this.receiver .getWorld() .playSound(this.receiver.getLocation(), Sound.FIREWORK_BLAST, 1.0f, 1.0f); try { int result = this.fuse(); Main.giveReward(this.receiver, result); this.receiver.sendMessage("Commu Fusion: " + Card.fromId(result).name); this.editing.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "SUCCESS!!!"); } catch (NoCardCreatedException e) { this.editing.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + "FAILED!!!\n" + ChatColor.YELLOW + "\nNo card created."); } } } else { this.editing.sendMessage("Cancelled fusion"); this.returnCards(); } }
public int fuse() throws NoCardCreatedException { HashMap<GuardianStar, Integer> stars = new HashMap<GuardianStar, Integer>(); HashMap<MonsterType, Integer> types = new HashMap<MonsterType, Integer>(); List<GuardianStar> mode_star = new ArrayList<GuardianStar>(); List<MonsterType> mode_type = new ArrayList<MonsterType>(); int avg_atk = 0; int avg_def = 0; int avg_lv = 0; int counter; Card c = null; MonsterCard mc = null; RitualCard rc = null; EquipCard ec = null; List<MonsterCard> monster_cards = new ArrayList<MonsterCard>(); List<SpellCard> spell_cards = new ArrayList<SpellCard>(); List<RitualCard> ritual_cards = new ArrayList<RitualCard>(); List<EquipCard> equip_cards = new ArrayList<EquipCard>(); List<FieldCard> field_cards = new ArrayList<FieldCard>(); List<TrapCard> trap_cards = new ArrayList<TrapCard>(); // sort the cards first for (Integer card : this.recipe) { c = Card.fromId(card).copy(); if (MonsterCard.class.isInstance(c)) { monster_cards.add(MonsterCard.class.cast(c)); } else if (EquipCard.class.isInstance(c)) { equip_cards.add(EquipCard.class.cast(c)); } else if (RitualCard.class.isInstance(c)) { ritual_cards.add(RitualCard.class.cast(c)); } else if (FieldCard.class.isInstance(c)) { field_cards.add(FieldCard.class.cast(c)); } else if (TrapCard.class.isInstance(c)) { trap_cards.add(TrapCard.class.cast(c)); } else if (SpellCard.class.isInstance(c)) { spell_cards.add(SpellCard.class.cast(c)); } } int i; for (i = 0; i < monster_cards.size(); i++) { mc = monster_cards.get(i); avg_atk += mc.atk; avg_def += mc.def; avg_lv += mc.level; for (counter = 0; counter < 2; counter++) { if (stars.get(mc.stars[counter]) == null) { stars.put(mc.stars[counter], mc.level); } else { stars.put(mc.stars[counter], stars.get(mc.stars[counter]) + mc.level); } } if (types.get(mc.type) == null) { types.put(mc.type, mc.level); } else { types.put(mc.type, types.get(mc.type) + mc.level); } } // calculate results if (monster_cards.size() > 0) { avg_atk /= monster_cards.size(); avg_def /= monster_cards.size(); avg_lv /= monster_cards.size(); } else { avg_atk = 0; avg_def = 0; avg_lv = 0; } int maxFreq = 0; // modes // get the max frequency first in case of multiple modes for (Map.Entry<GuardianStar, Integer> entry : stars.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() > maxFreq) maxFreq = entry.getValue(); } for (Map.Entry<GuardianStar, Integer> entry : stars.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() == maxFreq) mode_star.add(entry.getKey()); } maxFreq = 0; // and then types for (Map.Entry<MonsterType, Integer> entry : types.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() > maxFreq) maxFreq = entry.getValue(); } for (Map.Entry<MonsterType, Integer> entry : types.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() == maxFreq) mode_type.add(entry.getKey()); } // magics remove star/type limitation if (spell_cards.size() > 0) { mode_type = null; mode_star = null; } // traps remove level limitation if (trap_cards.size() > 0) { avg_lv = -1; } // equips add half bonus to avg atk/def for every working monster for (i = 0; i < equip_cards.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < monster_cards.size(); j++) { mc = monster_cards.get(j); ec = equip_cards.get(i); if (mc.canEquip(ec)) { avg_atk += (ec.incrementBy / 2); avg_def += (ec.incrementBy / 2); } } } // and finally get result cards int min_atk = avg_atk - 250; int max_atk = avg_atk + 250; int min_def = avg_def - 250; int max_def = avg_def + 250; List<Integer> results = new ArrayList<Integer>(); boolean get_ritual = false; boolean get_trap = false; boolean get_equip = false; boolean get_spell = false; List<Integer> rm = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (ritual_cards.size() > 0) { // Ritual cards can override result rm.clear(); for (i = 0; i < ritual_cards.size(); i++) { rc = ritual_cards.get(i); for (int j : rc.materials) { rm.add(j); } for (int j = 0; j < recipe.size(); j++) { if (rm.contains(recipe.get(j))) { rm.remove(recipe.get(j)); } } if (rm.isEmpty()) { // SUCCESS return rc.result; } } } if (min_atk <= 0 && min_def <= 0) { // magic cards possible if (spell_cards.size() >= 2) { get_ritual = true; } if (spell_cards.size() >= 3) { get_spell = true; } if (trap_cards.size() >= 2) { get_trap = true; } if (equip_cards.size() >= 3) { get_equip = true; get_trap = true; } } /*this.editing.sendMessage("ATK: " + avg_atk + " (" + min_atk + " - " + max_atk + ")" + "\n DEF: " + avg_def + " (" + min_def + " - " + max_def + ")" + "\n LV: " + avg_lv + "\n STAR: " + mode_star.get(0).name + "\n TYPE: " + mode_type.get(0).name);*/ for (i = 0; i <; i++) { c =[i]; if (get_ritual) { if (RitualCard.class.isInstance(c)) { results.add(; } } if (get_spell) { if (SpellCard.class.isInstance(c) && !RitualCard.class.isInstance(c) && !EquipCard.class.isInstance(c) && !TrapCard.class.isInstance(c)) { results.add(; } } if (get_trap) { if (TrapCard.class.isInstance(c)) { results.add(; } } if (get_equip) { if (EquipCard.class.isInstance(c)) { results.add(; } } if (MonsterCard.class.isInstance(c)) { mc = MonsterCard.class.cast(c); if ((mc.atk >= min_atk && mc.atk <= max_atk) && (mc.def >= min_def && mc.def <= max_def) && (avg_lv == -1 || mc.level == avg_lv) && (mode_type == null || mode_type.contains(mc.type)) && (mode_star == null || mode_star.contains(mc.stars[0]) || mode_star.contains(mc.stars[1]))) { results.add(; } } } // Now finally get a result if (results.isEmpty()) { throw new NoCardCreatedException(); } else { return results.get(PluginVars.random.nextInt(results.size())); } }