/** programId is ignored for now as oscar doesn't support it yet. */ public List<Prevention> getPreventionsByProgramProviderDemographicDate( LoggedInInfo loggedInInfo, Integer programId, String providerNo, Integer demographicId, Calendar updatedAfterThisDateExclusive, int itemsToReturn) { List<Prevention> results = preventionDao.findByProviderDemographicLastUpdateDate( providerNo, demographicId, updatedAfterThisDateExclusive.getTime(), itemsToReturn); LogAction.addLogSynchronous( loggedInInfo, "PreventionManager.getUpdatedAfterDate", "programId=" + programId + ", providerNo=" + providerNo + ", demographicId=" + demographicId + ", updatedAfterThisDateExclusive=" + updatedAfterThisDateExclusive.getTime()); return (results); }
public void testExpireBuffer() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException { DefaultTokenCacheStore store = (DefaultTokenCacheStore) setupItems(); ArrayList<TokenCacheItem> tokens = store.getTokensForUser("userid1"); Calendar expireTime = Calendar.getInstance(); Logger.d(TAG, "Time now: " + expireTime.getTime()); expireTime.add(Calendar.SECOND, 240); Logger.d(TAG, "Time modified: " + expireTime.getTime()); // Sets token to expire if less than this buffer AuthenticationSettings.INSTANCE.setExpirationBuffer(300); for (TokenCacheItem item : tokens) { item.setExpiresOn(expireTime.getTime()); assertTrue("Should say expired", TokenCacheItem.isTokenExpired(item.getExpiresOn())); } // Set expire time ahead of buffer 240 +100 secs more than 300secs // buffer expireTime.add(Calendar.SECOND, 100); for (TokenCacheItem item : tokens) { item.setExpiresOn(expireTime.getTime()); assertFalse( "Should not say expired since time is more than buffer", TokenCacheItem.isTokenExpired(item.getExpiresOn())); } }
public Offer createOffer( String offerName, OfferType offerType, OfferDiscountType discountType, double value, String customerRule, String orderRule, boolean stackable, boolean combinable, int priority) { Offer offer = offerDao.create(); offer.setName(offerName); offer.setStartDate(SystemTime.asDate()); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, -1); offer.setStartDate(calendar.getTime()); calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, 2); offer.setEndDate(calendar.getTime()); offer.setType(offerType); offer.setDiscountType(discountType); offer.setValue(BigDecimal.valueOf(value)); offer.setDeliveryType(OfferDeliveryType.CODE); offer.setStackable(stackable); offer.setAppliesToOrderRules(orderRule); offer.setAppliesToCustomerRules(customerRule); offer.setCombinableWithOtherOffers(combinable); offer.setPriority(priority); offer = offerService.save(offer); offer.setMaxUses(50); return offer; }
private long TimeDifference() { // need to check the alaram time and the triggring action time around 12 Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Log.d("settings.java ", " time before setting :" + cal.getTime()); Log.d("settings.java ", " calendertime in millisec: " + cal.getTimeInMillis()); Log.d("settings.java ", " system time in millisec :" + System.currentTimeMillis()); // cal.setTime(); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); // cal.set(Calendar.HOUR, 23); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); Log.d("settings.java", " time After setting day+1 and 00 hours :" + cal.getTime()); Log.d("settings.java", " set time in millis :" + cal.getTimeInMillis()); Log.d( "settings.java", " time of the system in millis" + Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()); long timediff = cal.getTimeInMillis() - Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); // +1000; Log.d( "settings.java", " current time: " + Calendar.getInstance() + " setted time in alaram should be 23.59.59 but is : " + cal.getTime() + "time diff in millisec :" + timediff); return timediff; }
@Test public void checkBooking() throws CabNotAvailableException { Cab one = new Cab("DL01HB001", 100020); Cab two = new Cab("DL01HB002", 100040); Cab three = new Cab("DL01HB003", 100060); Cab four = new Cab("DL01HB004", 100080); ICabBookingSystem system = new CabBookingSystemImpl(); system.addCab(one); system.addCab(two); system.addCab(three); system.addCab(four); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 10); String cab = system.requestForCab(new CabRequest("BR001", 100025, 100056, cal.getTime())); Assert.assertEquals(cab, "DL01HB001"); cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 11); cab = system.requestForCab(new CabRequest("BR002", 100056, 100022, cal.getTime())); Assert.assertEquals(cab, "DL01HB003"); cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 15); cab = system.requestForCab(new CabRequest("BR003", 100020, 100075, cal.getTime())); Assert.assertEquals(cab, "DL01HB003"); cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 15); cab = system.requestForCab(new CabRequest("BR004", 100040, 100056, cal.getTime())); Assert.assertEquals(cab, "DL01HB002"); }
private static Date[] parseTimeDuration(final String[] period) throws ParseException { Date[] range = null; if (period.length == 2 || period.length == 3) { Date begin = null; Date end = null; // Check first to see if we have any duration value within TIME parameter if (period[0].toUpperCase().startsWith("P") || period[1].toUpperCase().startsWith("P")) { long durationOffset = Long.MIN_VALUE; // Attempt to parse a time or duration from the first portion of the if (period[0].toUpperCase().startsWith("P")) { durationOffset = parsePeriod(period[0]); } else { begin = beginning(getFuzzyDate(period[0])); } if (period[1].toUpperCase().startsWith("P") && !period[1].toUpperCase().startsWith("PRESENT")) { // Invalid time period of the format: // DURATION/DURATION[/PERIOD] if (durationOffset != Long.MIN_VALUE) { throw new ParseException( "Invalid time period containing duration with no paired time value: " + Arrays.toString(period), 0); } // Time period of the format: // DURATION/TIME[/PERIOD] else { durationOffset = parsePeriod(period[1]); final Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); calendar.setTimeInMillis(begin.getTime() + durationOffset); end = calendar.getTime(); } } // Time period of the format: // TIME/DURATION[/PERIOD] else { end = end(getFuzzyDate(period[1])); final Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); calendar.setTimeInMillis(end.getTime() - durationOffset); begin = calendar.getTime(); } } // Time period of the format: // TIME/TIME[/PERIOD] else { begin = beginning(getFuzzyDate(period[0])); end = end(getFuzzyDate(period[1])); } range = new Date[2]; range[0] = begin; range[1] = end; } return range; }
/** Returns a new Calendar object which is between start and end */ public static Calendar rand(Calendar start, Calendar end) { if (start.after(end)) { Calendar temp = start; start = end; end = temp; } long diff = end.getTime().getTime() - start.getTime().getTime(); long daysDiff = diff / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); int delta = rand(0, (int) daysDiff); Calendar newCal = Calendar.getInstance(); newCal.setTime(start.getTime()); newCal.setTimeZone(start.getTimeZone()); newCal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, delta); newCal.add(Calendar.HOUR, rand(0, 23)); newCal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, rand(0, 59)); newCal.add(Calendar.SECOND, rand(0, 59)); // check range cause we might random picked value // greater than the range. if (newCal.after(end)) { newCal.setTime(end.getTime()); newCal.setTimeZone(end.getTimeZone()); } if (newCal.before(start)) { newCal.setTime(start.getTime()); newCal.setTimeZone(start.getTimeZone()); } return newCal; }
public Object getNextValue() { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(value.getTime()); cal.add(calendarField, 1); Date next = cal.getTime(); return ((end == null) || (end.compareTo(next) >= 0)) ? next : null; }
public Object getPreviousValue() { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(value.getTime()); cal.add(calendarField, -1); Date prev = cal.getTime(); return ((start == null) || (start.compareTo(prev) <= 0)) ? prev : null; }
public void reset() { try { leaveStartCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); leaveStartCalendar.setTime(app.dateFormatDefault.parse(leave.getStartDate())); leaveEndCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); leaveEndCalendar.setTime(app.dateFormatDefault.parse(leave.getEndDate())); tempEndLeaveEndCalendar = null; if (Math.abs(leave.getDays() - 0.1) < 0.00001) tvNumDays.setText("AM"); else if (Math.abs(leave.getDays() - 0.2) < 0.00001) tvNumDays.setText("PM"); else tvNumDays.setText((int) leave.getDays() + ((leave.getDays() > 1) ? " Days" : " Day")); tvDurations.setText( app.dateFormatDefault.format(leaveStartCalendar.getTime()) + ((leave.getDays() > 1) ? " - " + app.dateFormatDefault.format(leaveEndCalendar.getTime()) : "")); tvRemDays.setText(remBalance + " Days Remaining"); tempLeaveDuration = leave.getDays(); tempRemBalance = remBalance; adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Toast.makeText(getActivity(), e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<RouteEntity> getRoutesByCityIds( String cityFrom, String cityTo, Date date, boolean is3days) { Query q = null; String sql = "SELECT r FROM RouteEntity r WHERE isActive = true AND (" + "(regFrom = :regFrom AND regTo = :regTo ) " + " OR (regFrom = :regFrom AND throughCities LIKE :throughTo) " + " OR (throughCities LIKE :throughFrom AND regTo = :regTo ) " + " OR (throughCities LIKE :throughFrom AND throughCities LIKE :throughTo ) )" + (is3days ? " AND (regDate BETWEEN :lowerDate AND :upperDate) " : " AND regDate = :date ") + " ORDER BY regDate, regTime"; q = em.createQuery(sql); q.setParameter("regFrom", cityFrom); q.setParameter("regTo", cityTo); if (!is3days) { q.setParameter("date", date); } else { Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTime(date); c.add(Calendar.DATE, -3); q.setParameter("lowerDate", c.getTime(), TemporalType.DATE); c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTime(date); c.add(Calendar.DATE, 3); q.setParameter("upperDate", c.getTime(), TemporalType.DATE); } q.setParameter("throughTo", "%" + cityTo + "%"); q.setParameter("throughFrom", "%" + cityFrom + "%"); return (List<RouteEntity>) q.getResultList(); }
public void setUpTest() { periodService = (PeriodService) getBean(PeriodService.ID); periodType = periodService.getPeriodTypeByName(MonthlyPeriodType.NAME); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.clear(); calendar.set(2000, 0, 1); dateA = calendar.getTime(); calendar.set(2000, 1, 1); dateB = calendar.getTime(); calendar.set(2000, 2, 1); dateC = calendar.getTime(); calendar.set(2000, 3, 1); dateD = calendar.getTime(); batchHandlerFactory = (BatchHandlerFactory) getBean(BatchHandlerFactory.ID); batchHandler = batchHandlerFactory.createBatchHandler(PeriodBatchHandler.class); batchHandler.init(); periodA = createPeriod(periodType, dateA, dateB); periodB = createPeriod(periodType, dateB, dateC); periodC = createPeriod(periodType, dateC, dateD); }
@Cacheable(value = "KLineBuss.querySeriesByCode") public Series querySeriesByCode(String code, int month) { Futures prod = productBuss.queryFuturesByCode(code); if (prod == null) { return Series.EMPTY; } else { List<KLine> kLineList = null; if (month < 0) { kLineList = this.queryAscByCode(code); } else { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Date endDt = cal.getTime(); cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, -month); Date startDt = cal.getTime(); kLineList = kLineRepos.findByCodeAndDtBetweenOrderByDtAsc(code, startDt, endDt); } List<Price> prices = kLineList .stream() .map( kLine -> { return new Price(kLine.getDt(), kLine.getEndPrice()); }) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return new Series(prod.getCode(), prod.getName(), prices); } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.adibrata.smartdealer.service.othertransactions.OtherReceive#Save(com.adibrata.smartdealer.model.OtherRcvHdr, com.adibrata.smartdealer.model.OtherRcvDtl) */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Override public void Save(String usrupd, OtherRcvHdr otherRcvHdr, List<OtherRcvDtl> lstotherRcvDtl) throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub session.getTransaction().begin(); try { String transno = TransactionNo( session, TransactionType.otherreceive, otherRcvHdr.getPartner().getPartnerCode(), otherRcvHdr.getOffice().getId()); otherRcvHdr.setOtherRcvNo(transno); otherRcvHdr.setDtmCrt(dtmupd.getTime()); otherRcvHdr.setDtmUpd(dtmupd.getTime()); session.save(otherRcvHdr); for (OtherRcvDtl arow : lstotherRcvDtl) { OtherRcvDtl otherRcvDtl = new OtherRcvDtl(); otherRcvDtl.setOtherRcvHdr(otherRcvHdr); otherRcvDtl.setDtmCrt(dtmupd.getTime()); otherRcvDtl.setDtmUpd(dtmupd.getTime()); session.save(otherRcvDtl); } session.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (Exception exp) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); ExceptionEntities lEntExp = new ExceptionEntities(); lEntExp.setJavaClass(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getClassName()); lEntExp.setMethodName(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName()); ExceptionHelper.WriteException(lEntExp, exp); } }
/** * desc:获取相距时间time参数为年月日时分秒的时间 * * @param int...time 年月日时分秒顺序输入参数,允许部分参数 * @return 返回时间 如:DateUtil.getTimeAfterTime(2007,12,26) */ public static Date getTimeAfterTime(int... time) { Calendar now = new GregorianCalendar(); if ((time == null) || (time.length == 0)) { return now.getTime(); } int len = time.length; int[] times = time; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: now.add(Calendar.YEAR, times[i]); break; case 1: now.add(Calendar.MONTH, times[i]); break; case 2: now.add(Calendar.DATE, times[i]); break; case 3: now.add(Calendar.HOUR, times[i]); break; case 4: now.add(Calendar.MINUTE, times[i]); case 5: now.add(Calendar.SECOND, times[i]); break; } } return now.getTime(); }
public boolean isCustomHoliday(Calendar date) { if (isHolidayWorking) { SharedPreferences handle = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("CUSTOM_HOLIDAYS", 0); long startL = handle.getLong("START_DATE", 0); long endL = handle.getLong("END_DATE", 0); if (startL > 0 && endL > 0) { Calendar calStart = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar calEnd = Calendar.getInstance(); calStart.setTimeInMillis(startL); calEnd.setTimeInMillis(endL); int n = (int) ((calEnd.getTime().getTime() - calStart.getTime().getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { if (date.compareTo(calStart) == 0) { Log.i("Holiday", date.getTime().toString()); return true; } else { calStart.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); } } } } return false; }
/** * 按周获得某几周周一 00:00:00 到周六 的时间范围 * * <p>它会根据给定的 offL 和 offR 得到一个时间范围 * * <p>对本函数来说 week(-3,-5) 和 week(-5,-3) 是一个意思 * * @param base 基础时间,毫秒 * @param offL 从本周偏移几周, 0 表示本周,-1 表示上一周,1 表示下一周 * @param offR 从本周偏移几周, 0 表示本周,-1 表示上一周,1 表示下一周 * @return 时间范围(毫秒级别) */ public static Date[] weeks(long base, int offL, int offR) { int from = Math.min(offL, offR); int len = Math.abs(offL - offR); // 现在 Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTimeInMillis(base); Date[] re = new Date[2]; // 计算开始 c.setTimeInMillis(c.getTimeInMillis() + MS_WEEK * from); c.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.SUNDAY); c.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); c.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); re[0] = c.getTime(); // 计算结束 c.setTimeInMillis(c.getTimeInMillis() + MS_WEEK * (len + 1) - 1000); c.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23); c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59); c.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59); re[1] = c.getTime(); // 返回 return re; }
private void initOtherComponents() { Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); toDatejSpinner.setValue(now.getTime()); now.add(Calendar.MONTH, -6); fromDatejSpinner.setValue(now.getTime()); exchangeJComboBox.setModel( new DefaultComboBoxModel(mainJFrame.mappingExchangeID_Assets.keySet().toArray())); exchangeComboKeyHandler = new ComboKeyHandler(exchangeJComboBox); JTextField fieldExchange = (JTextField) exchangeJComboBox.getEditor().getEditorComponent(); fieldExchange.addKeyListener(exchangeComboKeyHandler); assetJComboBox.setModel( new DefaultComboBoxModel( mainJFrame.mappingExchangeID_Assets.get( (ExchangeEntity) exchangeJComboBox.getSelectedItem()))); assetComboKeyHandler = new ComboKeyHandler(assetJComboBox); JTextField fieldSymbol = (JTextField) assetJComboBox.getEditor().getEditorComponent(); fieldSymbol.addKeyListener(assetComboKeyHandler); asset = (AssetEntity) assetJComboBox.getSelectedItem(); toDate = (Date) toDatejSpinner.getValue(); fromDate = (Date) fromDatejSpinner.getValue(); newAddDecAlgJDialog(); newAddCriteriaJDialog(); newImportPortfolioJDialog(); }
private List<Long> getPayUsers(Calendar calendar) { List<Long> payUserIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); Calendar calendar1 = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar1.setTime(calendar.getTime()); calendar1.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); calendar1.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); calendar1.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); Calendar calendar2 = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar2.setTime(calendar.getTime()); calendar2.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23); calendar2.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59); calendar2.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59); try { PreparedStatement pstmt = orderCon.prepareStatement( "select distinct(uid) from ordersqq where time between ? and ? and cmd=7"); pstmt.setLong(1, calendar1.getTimeInMillis()); pstmt.setLong(2, calendar2.getTimeInMillis()); ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { payUserIds.add(rs.getLong(1)); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("", e); } return payUserIds; }
private void caricaPubblicazioni() { String testo = "Antichi palazzi costruiti su un'alta collina, un intreccio di viuzze e scalinate, diverse piazzette caratteristiche, un paronama incantevole, unico, l'aria salubre, fresca, questa è Colonnella." + "Le mie \"estati\" sono abruzzesi e quindi conosco bene " + "dell'Abruzzo il colore e il senso dell'estate, quando " + "dai treni che mi riportavano a casa da lontani paesi, " + "passavano per il Tronto e rivedevo le prime case coloniche " + "coi mazzi di granturco sui tetti, le spiagge libere ancora, " + "i paesi affacciati su quei loro balconi naturali di colline, " + "le più belle che io conosca."; Calendar dal = Calendar.getInstance(); dal.setTime(new Date()); dal.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1); Calendar al = Calendar.getInstance(); al.setTime(new Date()); al.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); TipoPubblicazione tipo = tipoPubblicazioneRepository.find(new Long(4)); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { Pubblicazione pubblicazione = new Pubblicazione(); pubblicazione.setAl(al.getTime()); pubblicazione.setDal(dal.getTime()); pubblicazione.setAttivo(true); pubblicazione.setAutore("flower"); pubblicazione.setDescrizione(testo); pubblicazione.setNome("pubblicazione" + i); pubblicazione.setTitolo("pubblicazione" + i); pubblicazione.setData(new Date()); pubblicazione.setTipo(tipo); String idTitle = PageUtils.createPageId(pubblicazione.getNome()); String idFinal = testPubbId(idTitle); pubblicazione.setId(idFinal); pubblicazioniRepository.persist(pubblicazione); } }
/** * 生成查询参数Map * * @return Map<String, Object> */ private Map<String, Object> genParamMap(String condition) { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if ("default".equals(flag)) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) - 1); String eDate = dateFormat.format(cal.getTime()); cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) - 6); String sDate = dateFormat.format(cal.getTime()); params.put("beginDate", sDate); params.put("endDate", eDate); // 设置日期过滤框默认值 statParams.put("beginDate", sDate); statParams.put("endDate", eDate); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(statParams.get("processType"))) { params.put("processType", statParams.get("processType")); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(statParams.get("beginDate"))) { params.put("beginDate", statParams.get("beginDate")); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(statParams.get("endDate"))) { params.put("endDate", statParams.get("endDate")); } return params; }
public static List<Date[]> getDays(Date from, Date to) { List<Date[]> list = new ArrayList<Date[]>(); Date[] fromto; Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTime(from); Calendar cTo = Calendar.getInstance(); cTo.setTime(to); /*fromto = new Date[2]; fromto[0] = c.getTime(); fromto[1] = cTo.getTime(); list.add(fromto); return list;*/ while (c.before(cTo)) { if (c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.MONDAY || c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.WEDNESDAY) { Date lFrom = c.getTime(); Calendar lCal = Calendar.getInstance(); lCal.setTime(lFrom); lCal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 2); Date lTo = lCal.getTime(); fromto = new Date[2]; fromto[0] = lFrom; fromto[1] = lTo; list.add(fromto); } c.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1); } return list; }
public void testBasicOffsets() { GPCalendarCalc calendar = GPCalendarCalc.PLAIN; Date start = TestSetupHelper.newMonday().getTime(); OffsetBuilder builder = new OffsetBuilderImpl.FactoryImpl() .withStartDate(start) .withViewportStartDate(start) .withCalendar(calendar) .withTopUnit(GPTimeUnitStack.WEEK) .withBottomUnit(GPTimeUnitStack.DAY) .withAtomicUnitWidth(20) .withEndOffset(210) .withWeekendDecreaseFactor(1.0f) .build(); OffsetList bottomUnitOffsets = new OffsetList(); builder.constructOffsets(new ArrayList<Offset>(), bottomUnitOffsets); assertEquals(11, bottomUnitOffsets.size()); assertEquals(20, bottomUnitOffsets.get(0).getOffsetPixels()); assertEquals(220, bottomUnitOffsets.get(10).getOffsetPixels()); Calendar c = (Calendar) Calendar.getInstance().clone(); c.setTime(start); c.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 11); assertEquals(c.getTime(), bottomUnitOffsets.get(10).getOffsetEnd()); c.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -1); assertEquals(c.getTime(), bottomUnitOffsets.get(10).getOffsetStart()); }
public static List<Date[]> getDays(int year, int month) { List<Date[]> list = new ArrayList<Date[]>(); Date[] fromto; Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.clear(); c.set(year, month, 0); int days; if (month >= 0) days = c.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); else days = c.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); for (int i = 0; i < days; i++) { c.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1); if (c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.MONDAY || c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.WEDNESDAY) { Date from = c.getTime(); c.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 2); Date to = c.getTime(); // Date to = new Date(from.getTime() + (INTERVAL_IN_MS * 2)); fromto = new Date[2]; fromto[0] = from; fromto[1] = to; list.add(fromto); } } return list; }
protected void makeGantt() { gantt_ = new GanttTable(makeTableModel(model_)); // System.out.println("model rows:"+model.getTableModel().getRowCount()); TableColumnModel columnModel = gantt_.getColumnModel(1); TableColumn column = columnModel.getColumn(0); // Enable drag and drop TableCellEditor editor = gantt_.getDefaultEditor(1, AbstractDrawingState.class); column.setCellEditor(editor); gantt_ .getDrawingContext() .put(ContextConstants.EDITING_AXIS, ContextResources.OTHER_PROPERTY, GanttTable.TIME_AXIS); gantt_ .getDrawingContext() .put( ContextConstants.EDITING_MODE, ContextResources.OTHER_PROPERTY, EditorDrawingModule.MOVE_RESIZE_EDITOR); // Display timeline at the top column.setHeaderValue(GanttEntryHelper.createCalendar()); gantt_.setTimeRange(start_.getTime(), end_.getTime()); gantt_.addMouseMotionListener(this); /* TODO: Disable row selection? JTable activityTable = gantt_.getTableComponent(1); activityTable.setRowSelectionAllowed(false); activityTable.setColumnSelectionAllowed(false); activityTable.setCellSelectionEnabled(false); */ }
/** * Method is return the academic day count. * * @param attendanceDashboardDto type AttendanceDashboardDto * @return academic days type integer * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when processing. */ private int getAcademicDays(AttendanceDashboardDto attendanceDashboardDto) throws AkuraAppException { Date fDate = null; Date tDate = null; int year = attendanceDashboardDto.getYear(); if (attendanceDashboardDto.getMonth() == 0) { fDate = DateUtil.getFistDayOfSelectedYearMonth(year, 1); tDate = DateUtil.getLastDayOfSelectedYearMonth(year, MONTH_DECEMBER); } else { fDate = DateUtil.getFistDayOfSelectedYearMonth(year, attendanceDashboardDto.getMonth()); tDate = DateUtil.getLastDayOfSelectedYearMonth(year, attendanceDashboardDto.getMonth()); } Calendar firstDateOfPreviousMonth = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar lastDateOfPreviousMonth = Calendar.getInstance(); firstDateOfPreviousMonth.setTime(fDate); lastDateOfPreviousMonth.setTime(tDate); List<Holiday> holidayList = commonService.findHolidayByYear( firstDateOfPreviousMonth.getTime(), lastDateOfPreviousMonth.getTime()); return HolidayUtil.countWorkingDays( firstDateOfPreviousMonth, lastDateOfPreviousMonth, holidayList); }
public void drawString(Graphics g) { Font Amonth = new Font("Century Gothic", Font.PLAIN, 45); g.setColor(Color.gray); g.setFont(Amonth); g.drawString(month.format(today.getTime()), 150, 45); Month = present.format(today.getTime()); }
public void aggregateParameterTest() { EntityManager em = createEntityManager(); ExpressionBuilder builder = new ExpressionBuilder(); ReportQuery query = new ReportQuery( org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.jpa.advanced.Employee.class, builder); query.returnWithoutReportQueryResult(); query.addItem("employee", builder); org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.jpa.advanced.EmploymentPeriod period = new EmploymentPeriod(); Calendar startCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar endCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); startCalendar.set(1901, 11, 31, 0, 0, 0); endCalendar.set(1995, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0); period.setStartDate(new java.sql.Date(startCalendar.getTime().getTime())); period.setEndDate(new java.sql.Date(endCalendar.getTime().getTime())); Expression exp = builder.get("period").equal(builder.getParameter("period")); query.setSelectionCriteria(exp); query.addArgument("period", EmploymentPeriod.class); Vector args = new Vector(); args.add(period); List expectedResult = (Vector) getServerSession().executeQuery(query, args); List result = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.period = :period ") .setParameter("period", period) .getResultList(); Assert.assertTrue( "aggregateParameterTest failed", comparer.compareObjects(expectedResult, result)); }
public int obtenerDiasHabiles(Date fecha, Date fecha2) { Calendar calendario = Calendar.getInstance(); calendario.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT-4:00")); calendario.setTime(fecha2); calendario.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, +1); calendario.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); calendario.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); calendario.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); calendario.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); calendario.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); fecha2 = calendario.getTime(); calendario.setTime(fecha); String fija = formatoFecha.format(fecha2); String hoy = ""; int contador = 0; do { calendario.setTime(fecha); if (calendario.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) != 1 && calendario.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) != 7) contador++; calendario.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, +1); fecha = calendario.getTime(); hoy = formatoFecha.format(fecha); } while (!hoy.equals(fija)); return contador; }
/** * 生成查询参数Map * * @return Map<String, Object> * @throws ParseException */ private Map<String, Object> genParamMap(String condition) throws ParseException { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if ("default".equals(flag)) { calendar.setTime(new Date()); calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) - 1); String eDate = dateFormat.format(calendar.getTime()); calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) - 6); String sDate = dateFormat.format(calendar.getTime()); params.put("beginDate", sDate); params.put("endDate", eDate); // 设置日期过滤框默认值 statParams.put("beginDate", sDate); statParams.put("endDate", eDate); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(statParams.get("beginDate"))) { params.put("beginDate", statParams.get("beginDate")); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(statParams.get("endDate"))) { params.put("endDate", statParams.get("endDate")); } // 订单号 if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(orderCode)) params.put("orderCode", orderCode.trim()); // 物料编码 if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(materialCode)) params.put("materialCode", materialCode.trim()); return params; }