/** * Сгенерировать файл pipeline.xml необходимый для запуска модуля через run.pl. * * @param moduleName - имя модуля. * @param runOptions - опции запуска. * @return - абсолютный путь к сгенерированному pipeline.xml. */ public File generatePipeline_xml(String moduleName, ArrayList<Option> runOptions) { // Создаем новый файл pipeline.xml в новой директории DocumentBuilder builder = XMLDOMWorker.getDocumentBuilder(); Document pipelineXmlDoc = builder.newDocument(); Element pipelineElement = pipelineXmlDoc.createElement("pipeline"); pipelineXmlDoc.appendChild(pipelineElement); { // Создается элемент <node ...> Element nodeElement = pipelineXmlDoc.createElement("node"); nodeElement.setAttribute("name", moduleName + "_task"); nodeElement.setAttribute("parent", "undef"); nodeElement.setAttribute("program", moduleName); nodeElement.setAttribute("status", "undef"); pipelineElement.appendChild(nodeElement); { ListIterator<IOFile> iter = null; // Помещаются input файлы iter = inputFiles.listIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { IOFile curFile = iter.next(); Element fileElement = pipelineXmlDoc.createElement("file"); fileElement.setAttribute("id", curFile.getName()); fileElement.setAttribute("value", curFile.getAbsolutePath()); nodeElement.appendChild(fileElement); } // Помещаются output файлы iter = outputFiles.listIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { IOFile curFile = iter.next(); Element fileElement = pipelineXmlDoc.createElement("file"); fileElement.setAttribute("id", curFile.getName()); fileElement.setAttribute("value", curFile.getAbsolutePath()); nodeElement.appendChild(fileElement); } // Помещаются опции ListIterator<Option> optionsIter = runOptions.listIterator(); while (optionsIter.hasNext()) { Option curOption = optionsIter.next(); Element optionElement = pipelineXmlDoc.createElement("option"); optionElement.setAttribute("id", curOption.getId()); optionElement.setAttribute("value", curOption.getValue()); nodeElement.appendChild(optionElement); } } } XMLDOMWorker.writeTree(pipelineXmlDoc, pipeline_xml); return pipeline_xml; }
void close() { try { if (mySelector != null) mySelector.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } mySelector = null; // run down open connections and sockets. Iterator<ServerSocketChannel> i = Acceptors.values().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { try { i.next().close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } // 29Sep09: We create an ArrayList of the existing connections, then iterate over // that to call unbind on them. This is because an unbind can trigger a reconnect, // which will add to the Connections HashMap, causing a ConcurrentModificationException. // XXX: The correct behavior here would be to latch the various reactor methods to return // immediately if the reactor is shutting down. ArrayList<EventableChannel> conns = new ArrayList<EventableChannel>(); Iterator<EventableChannel> i2 = Connections.values().iterator(); while (i2.hasNext()) { EventableChannel ec = i2.next(); if (ec != null) { conns.add(ec); } } Connections.clear(); ListIterator<EventableChannel> i3 = conns.listIterator(0); while (i3.hasNext()) { EventableChannel ec = i3.next(); eventCallback(ec.getBinding(), EM_CONNECTION_UNBOUND, null); ec.close(); EventableSocketChannel sc = (EventableSocketChannel) ec; if (sc != null && sc.isAttached()) DetachedConnections.add(sc); } ListIterator<EventableSocketChannel> i4 = DetachedConnections.listIterator(0); while (i4.hasNext()) { EventableSocketChannel ec = i4.next(); ec.cleanup(); } DetachedConnections.clear(); }
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.parseselected); text = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.parsedtext); Intent intent = getIntent(); customerOrder = (Order) intent.getSerializableExtra("com.example.quickserve.Order.class"); burgers = customerOrder.getBurgers(); toppings = customerOrder.getToppings(); sides = customerOrder.getSides(); ListIterator<String> it = burgers.listIterator(); ListIterator<String> it2 = toppings.listIterator(); ListIterator<String> it3 = sides.listIterator(); String a = "enditem"; while (!burgers.isEmpty()) { text.append("Burger: "); text.append(it.next()); // first one it.remove(); // remove it text.append(" "); // space text.append(it.next()); // second one it.remove(); // remove it text.append(" "); // space text.append(it.next()); // third one it.remove(); // remove it text.append(" "); // space text.append("\n"); text.append("Toppings: "); while (!toppings.isEmpty()) { text.append(" "); // space String b = it2.next(); it2.remove(); if (b.compareTo(a) == 0) break; text.append(b); } } // end outter while text.append("\n"); text.append("Sides: "); while (!sides.isEmpty()) { text.append(" "); // space String c = it3.next(); it3.remove(); text.append(c); } }
@Override public void run() { try { boolean running = true; while (running) { try { // block on event availability ThreadBoundEvent event = queue.take(); // add to the batch, and see if we can add more batch.add(event); if (maxBatchSize > 0) { queue.drainTo(batch, maxBatchSize); } // check for the stop condition (and remove it) // treat batches of 1 (the most common case) specially if (batch.size() > 1) { ListIterator<ThreadBoundEvent> itr = batch.listIterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { ThreadBoundEvent next = itr.next(); if (next.getClass().equals(ShutdownTask.class)) { running = false; ((ShutdownTask) next).latch.countDown(); itr.remove(); } } eventProcessor.process(batch); } else { // just the one event, no need to iterate if (event.getClass().equals(ShutdownTask.class)) { running = false; ((ShutdownTask) event).latch.countDown(); } else { eventProcessor.process(batch); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn( String.format( "Consumer on queue %s interrupted.", Thread.currentThread().getName())); // ignore } catch (Throwable exception) { LOG.error( String.format( "exception on queue %s while executing events", Thread.currentThread().getName()), exception); } finally { // reset the batch batch.clear(); } } } catch (Throwable unexpectedThrowable) { // we observed some cases where trying to log the inner exception threw an error // don't use the logger here as that seems to be causing the problem in the first place System.err.println("Caught and unexpected Throwable while logging"); System.err.println( "This problem happens when jar files change at runtime, JVM might be UNSTABLE"); unexpectedThrowable.printStackTrace(System.err); } }
/** * Exports the throughput times of all process instances in piList to a comma-seperated text-file. * * @param piList ArrayList: the process instances used * @param file File: the file to which the times are exported * @param divider long: the time divider used * @param sort String: the time sort used * @param fitOption int: the fit option used (how to deal with non-conformance) * @throws IOException */ public void exportToFile(ArrayList piList, File file, long divider, String sort, int fitOption) throws IOException { Writer output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file)); String line = "Log Trace,Throughput time (" + sort + ")\n"; output.write(line); ListIterator lit = piList.listIterator(); while (lit.hasNext()) { ExtendedLogTrace currentTrace = (ExtendedLogTrace) lit.next(); try { double tp = (currentTrace.getEndDate().getTime() - currentTrace.getBeginDate().getTime()) * 1.0 / divider; if (fitOption == 0) { // times based on all traces line = currentTrace.getName() + "," + tp + "\n"; // write line to the file output.write(line); } if (fitOption == 1 && currentTrace.hasProperlyTerminated() && currentTrace.hasSuccessfullyExecuted()) { // times based on fitting traces only line = currentTrace.getName() + "," + tp + "\n"; // write line to the file output.write(line); } } catch (NullPointerException npe) { } } // close the file output.close(); }
public wordCount(String s) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); list = new ArrayList<Node>(); try { in = new Scanner(src = new File(s)); while (in.hasNext()) { String str = in.next(); str = str.replaceAll("\\p{P}", ""); str = str.replaceAll("\\s", ""); if (!str.equals("")) { Node n = new Node(str, 1); if (!exists(n, list)) { list.add(n); } } } iter = list.listIterator(); Node[] orderedNodes = toOrderedArray(list, iter); printList(orderedNodes); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("\nRuntime: " + (((float) (endTime - startTime) / 1000) + "s")); }
/** * Si la fonction {@link #denyExit} a été appelée avant cette fonction, cette * dernière renvoit une {@link SecurityException}. */ public void checkExit(int status) { Iterator iter = exitListeners.listIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ((SystemExitListener) iter.next()).exiting(); } if (!bCanExit) throw new SecurityException((new Integer(status)).toString()); }
public void comparationUndefinedExactHours() { Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); int option = 0; MyComparator myComparator = new MyComparator(); exactHours = new ArrayList<ExactHour>(); do { exactHour = new ExactHour(0, 0, 0); takeExactHour(exactHour); exactHours.add(exactHour); System.out.println("Introduce another hour? (Yes(1)/No(0)): "); option = keyboard.nextInt(); keyboard.nextLine(); } while (option != 0); Collections.sort(exactHours, myComparator); exactHoursIt = exactHours.listIterator(); while (exactHoursIt.hasNext()) { System.out.println(exactHoursIt.next().toString()); } }
// prints a list of Strings at the specified page public void list(CommandSender sender, ArrayList<String> strings, int page) { int pages = (int) Math.ceil(strings.size() / 7F); if (page > pages || page < 1) { page = 1; } sender.sendMessage( color( "&7-------------- &f" + languageReader.get("Etc_Page") + " &6" + page + "&f/&6" + pages + " &7--------------")); ListIterator<String> iter = strings.listIterator((page - 1) * 7); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (iter.hasNext()) { sender.sendMessage(color(iter.next())); } else { break; } } }
public static void main(String args[]) { ArrayList<Integer> numList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { numList.add(i); } System.out.println("Size of Array List is " + numList.size()); System.out.println("List elements"); ListIterator<Integer> li = numList.listIterator(); for (; li.hasNext(); ) { Integer num = li.next(); System.out.println(num); } System.out.println("List elements in reverse"); for (; li.hasPrevious(); ) { Integer num = li.previous(); System.out.println(num); } LinkedList<String> strList = new LinkedList<String>(); strList.add("abc"); strList.add("def"); strList.add("abc"); strList.add("ghi"); System.out.println("Index of abc is: " + strList.indexOf("abc")); System.out.println("Size of Linked List is " + strList.size()); strList.remove("abc"); for (ListIterator<String> ls = strList.listIterator(); ls.hasNext(); ) { String str = ls.next(); System.out.println(str); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner teclado = new Scanner(System.in); String nombre, pregunta; boolean continuar = true; ArrayList<String> cadenaNombres = new ArrayList<String>(); do { System.out.println("Introduce el nombre: "); nombre = teclado.next(); cadenaNombres.add(nombre); do { System.out.println("¿Quiere insertar otro nombre?(n|s)"); pregunta = teclado.next(); if (pregunta.equals("n")) continuar = false; else if (pregunta.equals("s")) continuar = true; } while (!pregunta.equals("s") && !pregunta.equals("n")); } while (continuar); ListIterator<String> ite = cadenaNombres.listIterator(); System.out.println("Orden introducidos: "); while (ite.hasNext()) { System.out.println(ite.next()); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Contrario: "); while (ite.hasPrevious()) { System.out.println(ite.previous()); } }
/** * Send an event to all registered listeners, except the named one. * * @param event the event to be sent: public void method_name( event_class event) */ public void sendEventExcludeSource(java.util.EventObject event) { if (!hasListeners) { return; } Object source = event.getSource(); Object[] args = new Object[1]; args[0] = event; // send event to all listeners except the source ListIterator iter = listeners.listIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object client = iter.next(); if (client == source) { continue; } try { method.invoke(client, args); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { iter.remove(); System.err.println("ListenerManager IllegalAccessException = " + e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { iter.remove(); System.err.println("ListenerManager IllegalArgumentException = " + e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { iter.remove(); System.err.println("ListenerManager InvocationTargetException on " + method); System.err.println(" threw exception " + e.getTargetException()); e.printStackTrace(); } } }
/** * Очистка и удаление директории текущего запроса. Удаляются только файлы связанные с выполнением * запроса. Если в директории остались другие файлы, временная директория удалена не будет. * * @param onExit - true для очистки и удалении по завершению работы JavaVM или false - для очистки * и удалении немедленно. */ public void clean(boolean onExit) { if (tmpRqstDir.exists()) { ListIterator<IOFile> iterator = null; // Удаляем intput файлы iterator = inputFiles.listIterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) if (onExit) iterator.next().deleteOnExit(); else iterator.next().delete(); // Удаляем output файлы iterator = outputFiles.listIterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) if (onExit) iterator.next().deleteOnExit(); else iterator.next().delete(); } }
public void render() { ListIterator<Wall> it; Wall w; for (it = walls.listIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { w = it.next(); w.render(); } }
@Override public ListIterator<ServiceReference> listIterator(int arg0) { if (serviceSet != null) { ArrayList<ServiceReference> list = new ArrayList<ServiceReference>(serviceSet); return list.listIterator(arg0); } return null; }
public void setList(ArrayList<String> element_path) { element.clear(); ListIterator<String> listIterator = element_path.listIterator(); while (listIterator.hasNext()) { element.add(listIterator.next()); } number_element = element.size(); }
public void reloadStyles() { ListIterator<SectionRecord> k = records.listIterator(); while (k.hasNext()) { SectionRecord record = k.next(); k.remove(); k.add(new SectionRecord(record.getStyleName(), record.getIndex(), record.getIsPhrase())); } }
/** * transpose / 1 Takes a brick and transposes all of its elements up by the difference specified * * @param diff, a long indicating semitones ascending difference */ @Override public void transpose(long diff) { key = (key + diff + 12) % 12; ListIterator<Block> iter = subBlocks.listIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Block block = iter.next(); block.transpose(diff); } }
static ListIterator<XSObject> listIteratorFromXSObjectList(XSObjectList list) { ArrayList<XSObject> objects = new ArrayList<XSObject>(list.getLength()); for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) { if (list.item(i) != null) { objects.add(list.item(i)); } } return objects.listIterator(); }
/** * Returns an iterator of all parameter names of the paramters in the list. Returns the list in * the order the elements were added. */ public ListIterator<String> getParameterNamesIterator() { ArrayList<String> v = new ArrayList<String>(); int size = this.params.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { ParameterAPI obj = (ParameterAPI) params.get(i); v.add(obj.getName()); } return v.listIterator(); }
/** * Поиск файла в списке intput/output файлов модуля по имени. * * @param fileName - имя файла. * @param io - тип файла (intput/output). * @return наденный IOFile или null, если не найден. */ private IOFile search(String fileName, TypeIOFile io) { ListIterator<IOFile> iter = null; // В соответствии типу файла: if (TypeIOFile.INPUT == io) { iter = inputFiles.listIterator(); } else { iter = outputFiles.listIterator(); } while (iter.hasNext()) { IOFile curFile = iter.next(); if (curFile.getName().equals(fileName)) { return curFile; } } return null; }
public void printAllAutomobile() { ListIterator<Automobile> it1 = vehlist.listIterator(); while (it1.hasNext()) { Automobile t = it1.next(); System.out.println( "type:" + t.getClass().getName() + ",engine:" + t.getEngineCc() + ", age:" + t.getAge()); } }
public String generatePieChart( String hitOrdNum, HttpSession session, PrintWriter pw, String courseId, int studentId) { /* int groupId=0; if (groupName.equals("All")){ groupId=0; }else{ groupId = studStatisticBean.getGroupIdByName(groupName); }*/ String filename = null; try { // Retrieve list of WebHits StudentsConceptChartDataSet whDataSet = new StudentsConceptChartDataSet(studStatisticBean, courseId, studentId); ArrayList list = whDataSet.getDataBySection(hitOrdNum); // Throw a custom NoDataException if there is no data if (list.size() == 0) { System.out.println("No data has been found"); throw new NoDataException(); } // Create and populate a PieDataSet DefaultPieDataset data = new DefaultPieDataset(); Iterator iter = list.listIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { StudentsConceptHit wh = (StudentsConceptHit) iter.next(); data.setValue(wh.getSection(), wh.getHitDegree()); } // Create the chart object PiePlot plot = new PiePlot(data); plot.setInsets(new Insets(0, 5, 5, 5)); plot.setURLGenerator(new StandardPieURLGenerator("xy_chart.jsp", "section")); plot.setToolTipGenerator(new StandardPieItemLabelGenerator()); JFreeChart chart = new JFreeChart("", JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, true); chart.setBackgroundPaint(java.awt.Color.white); // Write the chart image to the temporary directory ChartRenderingInfo info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection()); filename = ServletUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(chart, 600, 400, info, session); // Write the image map to the PrintWriter ChartUtilities.writeImageMap(pw, filename, info); pw.flush(); } catch (NoDataException e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); filename = "public_nodata_500x300.png"; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception - " + e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(System.out); filename = "public_error_500x300.png"; } return filename; }
/** * Outputs filled with points listOfPointsToBeConnected. Finds the point with the lowest Y - that * will be the first point of the broken line. If It finds several points with equal Ys - makes a * line from the most left (lowest X) point to the most right point, then connects this point with * next point with the lowest Y from the remaining set. The last point of the broken line will be * the point with the highest Y, or if there will be several points with the highest Y - the point * with the highest X from this set. */ void connectPoints() { ArrayList<MyPoint> pointsInOneRow = new ArrayList<MyPoint>(); // will store points with equal Ys. MyPoint currentPoint, nextPoint; ListIterator<MyPoint> itr; while (randomListOfPoints.size() > 0) { pointsInOneRow.clear(); // clear the pointsInOneRow. itr = randomListOfPoints.listIterator(); // initialize list iterator and place it before the first element in the randomListOfPoints. currentPoint = itr.next(); // the first element from the randomListOfPoints. itr.remove(); // delete the first element from the randomListOfPoints. if (itr.hasNext()) { // if it's not the end of the randomListOfPoints. nextPoint = itr.next(); // the second element from the randomListOfPoints. } else { // the point not from the range of possible Xs and Ys, so we can be sure that its' Y won't // be equal to the currentPoints'. nextPoint = new MyPoint(-1, -1); } pointsInOneRow.add( currentPoint); // add current point to a list of points, that lies on one line. // if the currentPoint and the nextPoint are on the same line, that is parallel to the X axis. while (currentPoint.getY() == nextPoint.getY()) { pointsInOneRow.add( nextPoint); // add the nextPoint to a list of points, that lies on one line. itr.remove(); // delete the second element from the randomListOfPoints . currentPoint = nextPoint; // the currentPoint equals to the nextPoint now. if (itr.hasNext()) { // if it's not the end of the randomListOfPoints. nextPoint = itr.next(); // the second element from the randomListOfPoints. } else { // the point not from the range of possible Xs and Ys, so we can be sure that its' Y won't // be equal to the currentPoints'. nextPoint = new MyPoint(-1, -1); } } Collections.sort( pointsInOneRow, new XcoordSorterComparator()); // sort the pointsInOneRow by X /* add all elements from the pointsInOneRow to the end of the listOfPointsToBeConnected. * If the listOfPointsToBeConnected.size == 0 - the first element from the pointsInOneRow will be the start * of the broken line, if the listOfPointsToBeConnected.size != 0 - the first element from the * pointsInOneRow will be connected with the last element from the listOfPointsToBeConnected*/ listOfPointsToBeConnected.addAll(listOfPointsToBeConnected.size(), pointsInOneRow); } System.out.println("\n\nList of connected points:\n" + listOfPointsToBeConnected); }
public void removeAllPets() { Iterator<LivingPet> i = pets.listIterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { LivingPet p = i.next(); saveFileData("autosave", p); ec.SPH.saveToDatabase(p, false); p.removePet(); i.remove(); } }
public Integer getNextSectionIndex(int n) { ListIterator<SectionRecord> k = records.listIterator(); while (k.hasNext()) { int index = k.next().getIndex(); if (index > n) { return index; } } return null; }
boolean intersectsWall(Vector2f a, Vector2f b) { ListIterator<Wall> it; Wall w; // int x = 0; for (it = walls.listIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { w = it.next(); // System.out.println("HEY " + (x++)); if (w.intersectsLine(a, b)) return true; } return false; }
public void removePets(Player player) { Iterator<LivingPet> i = pets.listIterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { LivingPet p = i.next(); if (p.getOwner().getName().equals(player.getName())) { /*saveFileData("autosave", p); ec.SPH.saveToDatabase(p, false);*/ p.removePet(); i.remove(); } } }
public void setValue(Object newSet) { if (newSet instanceof ArrayList) { // convert to set ArrayList newList = (ArrayList) newSet; Set anotherSet = new HashSet(); for (ListIterator i = newList.listIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { anotherSet.add(i.next()); } this.set = anotherSet; } else { this.set = (Set) newSet; } }
public static void main(String[] args) { // 演示列表迭代器。 ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); // 添加元素 al.add("java01"); al.add("java02"); al.add("java03"); sop(al); ListIterator li = al.listIterator(); // sop("hasPrevious():"+li.hasPrevious()); while (li.hasNext()) { Object obj = li.next(); if (obj.equals("java02")) // li.add("java009"); li.set("java006"); } while (li.hasPrevious()) { sop("pre::" + li.previous()); } // sop("hasNext():"+li.hasNext()); // sop("hasPrevious():"+li.hasPrevious()); sop(al); /* //在迭代过程中,准备添加或者删除元素。 Iterator it = al.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { Object obj = it.next(); if(obj.equals("java02")) //al.add("java008"); it.remove();//将java02的引用从集合中删除了。 sop("obj="+obj); } sop(al); */ }