public void run() { // Create a file channel for the file try { _parent.addToActive(this); file = new RandomAccessFile(Globals.ourHome + outFile, "rwd"); channel = file.getChannel(); // Create a segment downloader for each segment and run them simultaneously for (int i = 0; i < nSeg; i++) { segDownloads.add(new SegDownloader(this, peers.get(i % peers.size()) + "/" + path, i)); (new Thread(segDownloads.get(segDownloads.size() - 1))).start(); } // Wait for a download thread to either finish or fail, and update our bookkeeping try { while (!done) { // Get a new segment downloader off the stopped list. SegDownloader s = bstopped.take(); // Give a new path to every download thread that failed. if (s.status() == Dstatus.FAILED) { synchronized (s) { s.dlPath = getNewPath(); removeStopped(s); s.notify(); } } // Check if that segment finishes off the download. else if (s.status() == Dstatus.FINISHED) { if (nSeg == doneSegs) { done = true; percentDone = 100; System.out.println("Download " + Globals.ourHome + outFile + " Finished!"); // "Notify" the waiters that we're done. while (waiters > 0 && waitToken.take()) { waiters--; } } } else throw new RuntimeException("Impossible"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { status = Dstatus.FAILED; } } catch (IOException e) {"Could not open file for download!"); status = Dstatus.FAILED; } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block status = Dstatus.FAILED; } }
public void removeActive(SegDownloader s) { try { if (doneSegs < nSeg) active.take(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Nothing } }
// Only call this from a downloader thread. // If the active queue is full, the downloader will // block until a spot frees up. public void addActive(SegDownloader s) { try { active.put(s); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
public synchronized void addStopped(SegDownloader s) { try { bstopped.put(s); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
// Wait on this download to finish. Implemented by trying to push something to the // blocking queue. Since the pusher waits until the queue has space, only empty // the queue if the download is finished. public void waitForMe() { waiters++; try { waitToken.put(true); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
ChunkDownload( String dpath, String output, List<String> recentPeers, int segments, Download parent) { done = false; path = dpath; nSeg = segments; peers = recentPeers; segFin = new boolean[nSeg]; doneSegs = 0; status = Dstatus.DOWNLOADING; outFile = output; _parent = parent; segDownloads = new ArrayList<SegDownloader>(segments); bstopped = new ArrayBlockingQueue<SegDownloader>(segments); active = new ArrayBlockingQueue<SegDownloader>(maxThreads); // Helping variables to allow a thread to blocking wait on this download. waitToken = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Boolean>(1); waitToken.add(true); waiters = 0; percentDone = 0; }
public synchronized void removeStopped(SegDownloader s) { bstopped.remove(s); }