예제 #1
  public void validateReferenceBases(Allele reference, Byte paddedRefBase) {
    if (reference == null) return;

    // don't validate if we're a complex event
    if (!isComplexIndel() && !reference.isNull() && !reference.basesMatch(getReference())) {
      throw new TribbleException.InternalCodecException(
              "the REF allele is incorrect for the record at position %s:%d, fasta says %s vs. VCF says %s",
              getChr(), getStart(), reference.getBaseString(), getReference().getBaseString()));

    // we also need to validate the padding base for simple indels
    if (hasReferenceBaseForIndel() && !getReferenceBaseForIndel().equals(paddedRefBase)) {
      throw new TribbleException.InternalCodecException(
              "the padded REF base is incorrect for the record at position %s:%d, fasta says %s vs. VCF says %s",
              (char) paddedRefBase.byteValue(),
              (char) getReferenceBaseForIndel().byteValue()));
예제 #2
  public void writeBeagleOutput(
      VariantContext preferredVC, VariantContext otherVC, boolean isValidationSite, double prior) {
    GenomeLoc currentLoc =
        VariantContextUtils.getLocation(getToolkit().getGenomeLocParser(), preferredVC);
    StringBuffer beagleOut = new StringBuffer();

    String marker = String.format("%s:%d ", currentLoc.getContig(), currentLoc.getStart());
    if (markers != null)
    for (Allele allele : preferredVC.getAlleles()) {
      String bglPrintString;
      if (allele.isNoCall() || allele.isNull()) bglPrintString = "-";
      else bglPrintString = allele.getBaseString(); // get rid of * in case of reference allele

      beagleOut.append(String.format("%s ", bglPrintString));
      if (markers != null) markers.append(bglPrintString).append("\t");
    if (markers != null) markers.append("\n");

    GenotypesContext preferredGenotypes = preferredVC.getGenotypes();
    GenotypesContext otherGenotypes = goodSite(otherVC) ? otherVC.getGenotypes() : null;
    for (String sample : samples) {
      boolean isMaleOnChrX = CHECK_IS_MALE_ON_CHR_X && getSample(sample).getGender() == Gender.MALE;

      Genotype genotype;
      boolean isValidation;
      // use sample as key into genotypes structure
      if (preferredGenotypes.containsSample(sample)) {
        genotype = preferredGenotypes.get(sample);
        isValidation = isValidationSite;
      } else if (otherGenotypes != null && otherGenotypes.containsSample(sample)) {
        genotype = otherGenotypes.get(sample);
        isValidation = !isValidationSite;
      } else {
        // there is magically no genotype for this sample.
        throw new StingException(
            "Sample "
                + sample
                + " arose with no genotype in variant or validation VCF. This should never happen.");

       * Use likelihoods if: is validation, prior is negative; or: is not validation, has genotype key
      double[] log10Likelihoods = null;
      if ((isValidation && prior < 0.0) || genotype.hasLikelihoods()) {
        log10Likelihoods = genotype.getLikelihoods().getAsVector();

        // see if we need to randomly mask out genotype in this position.
        if (GenomeAnalysisEngine.getRandomGenerator().nextDouble() <= insertedNoCallRate) {
          // we are masking out this genotype
          log10Likelihoods =

        if (isMaleOnChrX) {
          log10Likelihoods[1] = -255; // todo -- warning this is dangerous for multi-allele case
      /** otherwise, use the prior uniformly */
      else if (!isValidation && genotype.isCalled() && !genotype.hasLikelihoods()) {
        // hack to deal with input VCFs with no genotype likelihoods.  Just assume the called
        // genotype
        // is confident.  This is useful for Hapmap and 1KG release VCFs.
        double AA = (1.0 - prior) / 2.0;
        double AB = (1.0 - prior) / 2.0;
        double BB = (1.0 - prior) / 2.0;

        if (genotype.isHomRef()) {
          AA = prior;
        } else if (genotype.isHet()) {
          AB = prior;
        } else if (genotype.isHomVar()) {
          BB = prior;

        log10Likelihoods = MathUtils.toLog10(new double[] {AA, isMaleOnChrX ? 0.0 : AB, BB});
      } else {
        log10Likelihoods =

      writeSampleLikelihoods(beagleOut, preferredVC, log10Likelihoods);

  public static VariantContext createVariantContextWithPaddedAlleles(
      VariantContext inputVC, boolean refBaseShouldBeAppliedToEndOfAlleles) {
    // see if we need to pad common reference base from all alleles
    boolean padVC;

    // We need to pad a VC with a common base if the length of the reference allele is less than the
    // length of the VariantContext.
    // This happens because the position of e.g. an indel is always one before the actual event (as
    // per VCF convention).
    long locLength = (inputVC.getEnd() - inputVC.getStart()) + 1;
    if (inputVC.hasSymbolicAlleles()) padVC = true;
    else if (inputVC.getReference().length() == locLength) padVC = false;
    else if (inputVC.getReference().length() == locLength - 1) padVC = true;
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Badly formed variant context at location "
              + String.valueOf(inputVC.getStart())
              + " in contig "
              + inputVC.getChr()
              + ". Reference length must be at most one base shorter than location size");

    // nothing to do if we don't need to pad bases
    if (padVC) {
      if (!inputVC.hasReferenceBaseForIndel())
        throw new ReviewedStingException(
            "Badly formed variant context at location "
                + inputVC.getChr()
                + ":"
                + inputVC.getStart()
                + "; no padded reference base is available.");

      Byte refByte = inputVC.getReferenceBaseForIndel();

      List<Allele> alleles = new ArrayList<Allele>();

      for (Allele a : inputVC.getAlleles()) {
        // get bases for current allele and create a new one with trimmed bases
        if (a.isSymbolic()) {
        } else {
          String newBases;
          if (refBaseShouldBeAppliedToEndOfAlleles)
            newBases = a.getBaseString() + new String(new byte[] {refByte});
          else newBases = new String(new byte[] {refByte}) + a.getBaseString();
          alleles.add(Allele.create(newBases, a.isReference()));

      // now we can recreate new genotypes with trimmed alleles
      GenotypesContext genotypes = GenotypesContext.create(inputVC.getNSamples());
      for (final Genotype g : inputVC.getGenotypes()) {
        List<Allele> inAlleles = g.getAlleles();
        List<Allele> newGenotypeAlleles = new ArrayList<Allele>(g.getAlleles().size());
        for (Allele a : inAlleles) {
          if (a.isCalled()) {
            if (a.isSymbolic()) {
            } else {
              String newBases;
              if (refBaseShouldBeAppliedToEndOfAlleles)
                newBases = a.getBaseString() + new String(new byte[] {refByte});
              else newBases = new String(new byte[] {refByte}) + a.getBaseString();
              newGenotypeAlleles.add(Allele.create(newBases, a.isReference()));
          } else {
            // add no-call allele
            new Genotype(

      return new VariantContextBuilder(inputVC).alleles(alleles).genotypes(genotypes).make();
    } else return inputVC;