public static File directoryOf(Class clazz) { File location = locationOf(clazz); if (location.isDirectory()) { return location; } return location.getParentFile(); }
private void copy(File workspaceDir, InputStream in, Pattern glob, boolean overwrite) throws Exception { Jar jar = new Jar("dot", in); try { for (Entry<String, Resource> e : jar.getResources().entrySet()) { String path = e.getKey(); bnd.trace("path %s", path); if (glob != null && !glob.matcher(path).matches()) continue; Resource r = e.getValue(); File dest = Processor.getFile(workspaceDir, path); if (overwrite || !dest.isFile() || dest.lastModified() < r.lastModified() || r.lastModified() <= 0) { bnd.trace("copy %s to %s", path, dest); File dp = dest.getParentFile(); if (!dp.exists() && !dp.mkdirs()) { throw new IOException("Could not create directory " + dp); } IO.copy(r.openInputStream(), dest); } } } finally { jar.close(); } }
public String _dir(String args[]) { if (args.length < 2) { domain.warning("Need at least one file name for ${dir;...}"); return null; } String del = ""; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { File f = domain.getFile(args[i]); if (f.exists() && f.getParentFile().exists()) { sb.append(del); sb.append(f.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath()); del = ","; } } return sb.toString(); }
public void init() throws IOException { URL s = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(SERVICE_JAR_FILE); if (s == null) if (underTest) return; else throw new Error("No " + SERVICE_JAR_FILE + " resource in jar"); service.getParentFile().mkdirs(); IO.copy(s, service); }
private void checkForGzippedVcf() { String vcfName = finalVcf.getName(); if (vcfName.endsWith(".gz")) { File uncomp = new File(finalVcf.getParentFile(), vcfName.substring(0, vcfName.length() - 3)); if (uncomp.exists() == false) { deleteTempVcf = true; if (IO.uncompress(finalVcf, uncomp) == null) Misc.printErrAndExit("ERROR: failed to uncompress -> " + finalVcf); } finalVcf = uncomp; } }
@Nonnull private static File getOutputFileCreatingDirIfNeeded( @Nonnull String outputDir, @Nonnull String sourceFilePath) { File outputFile = getOutputFile(outputDir, sourceFilePath); File parentDir = outputFile.getParentFile(); if (!parentDir.exists()) { boolean outputDirCreated = parentDir.mkdirs(); assert outputDirCreated : "Failed to create output dir: " + outputDir; } return outputFile; }
/** * Locate root path. * * @param root The user-specified root path. */ private void locateRoot(String root) { // Locate default root folder. if (root == null) { File pwd = new File(".").getAbsoluteFile(); File f = pwd; String[] l = null; // Detect intl-style/xxx/htdocs by finding "js" and "css" in sub folders. do { f = f.getParentFile(); if (f == null) { break; } l = f.list( new FilenameFilter() { private Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^(?:js|css)$"); public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return pattern.matcher(name).matches(); } }); } while (l.length != 2); // If present, use intl-style/xxx/htdocs as root folder for Alibaba. if (f != null) { this.root = canonize(f); // Else use present working folder as root folder. } else { this.root = canonize(pwd); } // Use user-specified root folder. } else { File f = new File(root); if (f.exists()) { this.root = canonize(f); } else { App.exit("The user-specified root folder " + root + " does not exist."); } } }
public void _workspace(WorkspaceOptions opts) throws Exception { File base = bnd.getBase(); String name = opts._arguments().get(0); File workspaceDir = Processor.getFile(base, name); name = workspaceDir.getName(); base = workspaceDir.getParentFile(); if (base == null) { bnd.error( "You cannot create a workspace in the root (%s). The parent of a workspace %n" + "must be a valid directory. Recommended is to dedicate a directory to %n" + "all (or related) workspaces.", workspaceDir); return; } if (!opts.anyname() && !Verifier.isBsn(name)) { bnd.error( "You specified a workspace name that does not follow the recommended pattern " + "(it should be like a Bundle Symbolic name). It is a bit pedantic but it " + "really helps hwne you get many workspaces. If you insist on this name, use the -a/--anyname option."); return; } Workspace ws = bnd.getWorkspace((File) null); if (ws != null && ws.isValid()) { bnd.error( "You are currently in a workspace already (%s) in %s. You can only create a new workspace outside an existing workspace", ws, base); return; } File eclipseDir = workspaceDir; workspaceDir.mkdirs(); if (!opts.single()) workspaceDir = new File(workspaceDir, "scm"); workspaceDir.mkdirs(); if (!base.isDirectory()) { bnd.error("Could not create directory for the bnd workspace %s", base); } else if (!eclipseDir.isDirectory()) { bnd.error("Could not create directory for the Eclipse workspace %s", eclipseDir); } if (!workspaceDir.isDirectory()) { bnd.error("Could not create the workspace directory %s", workspaceDir); return; } if (!opts.update() && !opts.force() && workspaceDir.list().length > 0) { bnd.error( "The workspace directory %s is not empty, specify -u/--update to update or -f/--force to replace", workspaceDir); } InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/templates/"); if (in == null) { bnd.error("Cannot find template in this jar %s", "/templates/"); return; } Pattern glob = Pattern.compile("[^/]+|cnf/.*|\\...+/.*"); copy(workspaceDir, in, glob, opts.force()); File readme = new File(workspaceDir, ""); if (readme.isFile()) IO.copy(readme, bnd.out); bnd.out.printf( "%nWorkspace %s created.%n%n" // + " Start Eclipse:%n" // + " 1) Select the Eclipse workspace %s%n" // + " 2) Package Explorer context menu: Import/General/Existing Projects from %s%n" + "%n" + "", // workspaceDir.getName(), eclipseDir, workspaceDir); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (isDirectorySelected()) { File dir = getDirectory(); if (dir != null) { try { // Strip trailing ".." dir = ShellFolder.getNormalizedFile(dir); } catch (IOException ex) { // Ok, use f as is } changeDirectory(dir); return; } } JFileChooser chooser = getFileChooser(); String filename = getFileName(); FileSystemView fs = chooser.getFileSystemView(); File dir = chooser.getCurrentDirectory(); if (filename != null) { // Remove whitespaces from end of filename int i = filename.length() - 1; while (i >= 0 && filename.charAt(i) <= ' ') { i--; } filename = filename.substring(0, i + 1); } if (filename == null || filename.length() == 0) { // no file selected, multiple selection off, therefore cancel the approve action resetGlobFilter(); return; } File selectedFile = null; File[] selectedFiles = null; // Unix: Resolve '~' to user's home directory if (File.separatorChar == '/') { if (filename.startsWith("~/")) { filename = System.getProperty("user.home") + filename.substring(1); } else if (filename.equals("~")) { filename = System.getProperty("user.home"); } } if (chooser.isMultiSelectionEnabled() && filename.length() > 1 && filename.charAt(0) == '"' && filename.charAt(filename.length() - 1) == '"') { List<File> fList = new ArrayList<File>(); String[] files = filename.substring(1, filename.length() - 1).split("\" \""); // Optimize searching files by names in "children" array Arrays.sort(files); File[] children = null; int childIndex = 0; for (String str : files) { File file = fs.createFileObject(str); if (!file.isAbsolute()) { if (children == null) { children = fs.getFiles(dir, false); Arrays.sort(children); } for (int k = 0; k < children.length; k++) { int l = (childIndex + k) % children.length; if (children[l].getName().equals(str)) { file = children[l]; childIndex = l + 1; break; } } } fList.add(file); } if (!fList.isEmpty()) { selectedFiles = fList.toArray(new File[fList.size()]); } resetGlobFilter(); } else { selectedFile = fs.createFileObject(filename); if (!selectedFile.isAbsolute()) { selectedFile = fs.getChild(dir, filename); } // check for wildcard pattern FileFilter currentFilter = chooser.getFileFilter(); if (!selectedFile.exists() && isGlobPattern(filename)) { changeDirectory(selectedFile.getParentFile()); if (globFilter == null) { globFilter = new GlobFilter(); } try { globFilter.setPattern(selectedFile.getName()); if (!(currentFilter instanceof GlobFilter)) { actualFileFilter = currentFilter; } chooser.setFileFilter(null); chooser.setFileFilter(globFilter); return; } catch (PatternSyntaxException pse) { // Not a valid glob pattern. Abandon filter. } } resetGlobFilter(); // Check for directory change action boolean isDir = (selectedFile != null && selectedFile.isDirectory()); boolean isTrav = (selectedFile != null && chooser.isTraversable(selectedFile)); boolean isDirSelEnabled = chooser.isDirectorySelectionEnabled(); boolean isFileSelEnabled = chooser.isFileSelectionEnabled(); boolean isCtrl = (e != null && (e.getModifiers() & Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask()) != 0); if (isDir && isTrav && (isCtrl || !isDirSelEnabled)) { changeDirectory(selectedFile); return; } else if ((isDir || !isFileSelEnabled) && (!isDir || !isDirSelEnabled) && (!isDirSelEnabled || selectedFile.exists())) { selectedFile = null; } } if (selectedFiles != null || selectedFile != null) { if (selectedFiles != null || chooser.isMultiSelectionEnabled()) { if (selectedFiles == null) { selectedFiles = new File[] {selectedFile}; } chooser.setSelectedFiles(selectedFiles); // Do it again. This is a fix for bug 4949273 to force the // selected value in case the ListSelectionModel clears it // for non-existing file names. chooser.setSelectedFiles(selectedFiles); } else { chooser.setSelectedFile(selectedFile); } chooser.approveSelection(); } else { if (chooser.isMultiSelectionEnabled()) { chooser.setSelectedFiles(null); } else { chooser.setSelectedFile(null); } chooser.cancelSelection(); } }
/** * Method to move files from HDFS to local filesystem * * <p>localPath: Path on the machines filesystem fs:FileSystem object from HDFS pathList:List of * paths for files that might need to be backed up size:max size in bytes to be backed up * * <p>ReturnsDate of the last files backed up if reached size limit, else, zero */ public long backupFiles( String localPath, String preservePath, FileSystem fs, ArrayList<Path> pathList, long size) { Path fsPath; long tmpSize = 0; long tmpDate = 0; // Start iterating over all paths for (Path hdfsPath : pathList) { try { long nFileSize = fs.getContentSummary(hdfsPath).getLength(); tmpSize = tmpSize + nFileSize; if ((tmpSize <= size) || (size == 0)) { FileStatus stat = fs.getFileStatus(hdfsPath); System.err.println( "File " + hdfsPath.toUri().getPath() + " " + nFileSize + " bytes, " + "perms: " + stat.getOwner() + "/" + stat.getGroup() + ", " + stat.getPermission().toString()); tmpDate = stat.getModificationTime() / 1000; String sFsPath = localPath + hdfsPath.toUri().getPath(); fsPath = new Path(sFsPath); File f = new File(sFsPath); // COMMENTED OUT: until a few backup cycles run // and the mtime gets in fact set on all copied // files. // // ignore it if the file exists and has the same mtime // if (f.exists() && f.isFile() && f.lastModified() == stat.getModificationTime()) // { // System.out.println("no need to backup " + f.toString() + ", mtime matches hdfs"); // continue; // } if (false == m_bDryRun) { // check if we need to back up the local file // (not directory), if it already exists. if (f.exists() && f.isFile()) { // ignore files with substrings in the // no-preserve file if (true == doPreserveFile(sFsPath)) { // move it to the backup path String sNewPath = preservePath + hdfsPath.toUri().getPath(); File newFile = new File(sNewPath); // create directory structure for new file? if (false == newFile.getParentFile().exists()) { if (false == newFile.getParentFile().mkdirs()) { System.err.println("Failed to mkdirs " + newFile.getParentFile().toString()); System.exit(1); } } // rename existing file to new location if (false == f.renameTo(newFile)) { System.err.println( "Failed to renameTo " + f.toString() + " to " + newFile.toString()); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("preserved " + f.toString() + " into " + newFile.toString()); } else { System.out.println("skipped preservation of " + f.toString()); } } // copy from hdfs to local filesystem fs.copyToLocalFile(hdfsPath, fsPath); // set the mtime to match hdfs file f.setLastModified(stat.getModificationTime()); // compare checksums on both files compareChecksums(fs, hdfsPath, sFsPath); } // don't print the progress after every file -- go // by at least 1% increments long nPercentDone = (long) (100 * tmpSize / m_nTotalBytes); if (nPercentDone > m_nLastPercentBytesDone) { System.out.println( "progress: copied " + prettyPrintBytes(tmpSize) + ", " + nPercentDone + "% done" + ", tstamp=" + tmpDate); m_nLastPercentBytesDone = nPercentDone; } if (m_nSleepSeconds > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(1000 * m_nSleepSeconds); } catch (Exception e2) { // ignore } } } else { return tmpDate; } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("FATAL ERROR: Something wrong with the file"); System.err.println(e); System.out.println(tmpDate); System.exit(1); return 0; } } return 0; }