static { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("(?<=from)"); // from as starting delimiter builder.append("(?: )+"); // at least one space separating builder.append(IDENTIFIER_GROUP); // Entity name, can be qualified (any builder.append("(?: as)*"); // exclude possible "as" keyword builder.append("(?: )+"); // at least one space separating builder.append("(\\w*)"); // the actual alias ALIAS_MATCH = compile(builder.toString(), CASE_INSENSITIVE); builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("(select\\s+((distinct )?(.+?)?)\\s+)?(from\\s+"); builder.append(IDENTIFIER); builder.append("(?:\\s+as)?\\s+)"); builder.append(IDENTIFIER_GROUP); builder.append("(.*)"); COUNT_MATCH = compile(builder.toString(), CASE_INSENSITIVE); Map<PersistentAttributeType, Class<? extends Annotation>> persistentAttributeTypes = new HashMap<PersistentAttributeType, Class<? extends Annotation>>(); persistentAttributeTypes.put(ONE_TO_ONE, OneToOne.class); persistentAttributeTypes.put(ONE_TO_MANY, null); persistentAttributeTypes.put(MANY_TO_ONE, ManyToOne.class); persistentAttributeTypes.put(MANY_TO_MANY, null); ASSOCIATION_TYPES = Collections.unmodifiableMap(persistentAttributeTypes); }
/** * Adds {@literal order by} clause to the JPQL query. * * @param query * @param sort * @param alias * @return */ public static String applySorting(String query, Sort sort, String alias) { Assert.hasText(query); if (null == sort || !sort.iterator().hasNext()) { return query; } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(query); if (!ORDER_BY.matcher(query).matches()) { builder.append(" order by "); } else { builder.append(", "); } Set<String> aliases = getOuterJoinAliases(query); for (Order order : sort) { builder.append(getOrderClause(aliases, alias, order)).append(", "); } builder.delete(builder.length() - 2, builder.length()); return builder.toString(); }
/** * Returns the query string to execute an exists query for the given id attributes. * * @param entityName the name of the entity to create the query for, must not be {@literal null}. * @param countQueryPlaceHolder the placeholder for the count clause, must not be {@literal null}. * @param idAttributes the id attributes for the entity, must not be {@literal null}. * @return */ public static String getExistsQueryString( String entityName, String countQueryPlaceHolder, Iterable<String> idAttributes) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(String.format(COUNT_QUERY_STRING, countQueryPlaceHolder, entityName)); sb.append(" WHERE "); for (String idAttribute : idAttributes) { sb.append(String.format(EQUALS_CONDITION_STRING, "x", idAttribute, idAttribute)); sb.append(" AND "); } sb.append("1 = 1"); return sb.toString(); }
/** * Creates a where-clause referencing the given entities and appends it to the given query string. * Binds the given entities to the query. * * @param <T> * @param queryString * @param entities * @param entityManager * @return */ public static <T> Query applyAndBind( String queryString, Iterable<T> entities, EntityManager entityManager) { Assert.notNull(queryString); Assert.notNull(entities); Assert.notNull(entityManager); Iterator<T> iterator = entities.iterator(); if (!iterator.hasNext()) { return entityManager.createQuery(queryString); } String alias = detectAlias(queryString); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(queryString); builder.append(" where"); int i = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) {; builder.append(String.format(" %s = ?%d", alias, ++i)); if (iterator.hasNext()) { builder.append(" or"); } } Query query = entityManager.createQuery(builder.toString()); iterator = entities.iterator(); i = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { query.setParameter(++i,; } return query; }