/** * Set Environment key to value * * @param key variable name ('#' will be converted to '_') * @param stringValue try to convert to Object */ public void setEnvironment(String key, String stringValue) { if (key == null || key.length() == 0) return; // log.fine( "Scriptlet.setEnvironment " + key, stringValue); if (stringValue == null) { m_ctx.remove(key); return; } // Boolean if (stringValue.equals("Y")) { m_ctx.put(convertKey(key), Boolean.valueOf(true)); return; } if (stringValue.equals("N")) { m_ctx.put(convertKey(key), Boolean.valueOf(false)); return; } // Timestamp Timestamp timeValue = null; try { timeValue = Timestamp.valueOf(stringValue); m_ctx.put(convertKey(key), timeValue); return; } catch (Exception e) { } // Numeric Integer intValue = null; try { intValue = Integer.valueOf(stringValue); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } Double doubleValue = null; try { doubleValue = Double.valueOf(stringValue); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } if (doubleValue != null) { if (intValue != null) { double di = Double.parseDouble(intValue.toString()); // the numbers are the same -> integer if (Double.compare(di, doubleValue.doubleValue()) == 0) { m_ctx.put(convertKey(key), intValue); return; } } m_ctx.put(convertKey(key), doubleValue); return; } if (intValue != null) { m_ctx.put(convertKey(key), intValue); return; } m_ctx.put(convertKey(key), stringValue); } // SetEnvironment
/** Synchronizes the state of the actions to the current state of this host. */ private void updateActions() { final DeviceController currentDeviceController = getDeviceController(); final boolean deviceControllerSet = currentDeviceController != null; final boolean deviceCapturing = deviceControllerSet && currentDeviceController.isCapturing(); final boolean deviceSetup = deviceControllerSet && !deviceCapturing && currentDeviceController.isSetup(); getAction(CaptureAction.ID).setEnabled(deviceControllerSet); getAction(CancelCaptureAction.ID).setEnabled(deviceCapturing); getAction(RepeatCaptureAction.ID).setEnabled(deviceSetup); final boolean projectChanged = this.projectManager.getCurrentProject().isChanged(); final boolean projectSavedBefore = this.projectManager.getCurrentProject().getFilename() != null; final boolean dataAvailable = this.dataContainer.hasCapturedData(); getAction(SaveProjectAction.ID).setEnabled(projectChanged); getAction(SaveProjectAsAction.ID).setEnabled(projectSavedBefore && projectChanged); getAction(SaveDataFileAction.ID).setEnabled(dataAvailable); getAction(ZoomInAction.ID).setEnabled(dataAvailable); getAction(ZoomOutAction.ID).setEnabled(dataAvailable); getAction(ZoomDefaultAction.ID).setEnabled(dataAvailable); getAction(ZoomFitAction.ID).setEnabled(dataAvailable); final boolean triggerEnable = dataAvailable && this.dataContainer.hasTriggerData(); getAction(GotoTriggerAction.ID).setEnabled(triggerEnable); // Update the cursor actions accordingly... final boolean enableCursors = dataAvailable && this.dataContainer.isCursorsEnabled(); for (int c = 0; c < CapturedData.MAX_CURSORS; c++) { final boolean enabled = enableCursors && this.dataContainer.isCursorPositionSet(c); getAction(GotoNthCursorAction.getID(c)).setEnabled(enabled); } getAction(GotoFirstCursorAction.ID).setEnabled(enableCursors); getAction(GotoLastCursorAction.ID).setEnabled(enableCursors); getAction(SetCursorModeAction.ID).setEnabled(dataAvailable); getAction(SetCursorModeAction.ID) .putValue(Action.SELECTED_KEY, Boolean.valueOf(this.dataContainer.isCursorsEnabled())); boolean anyCursorSet = false; for (int c = 0; c < CapturedData.MAX_CURSORS; c++) { final boolean cursorPositionSet = this.dataContainer.isCursorPositionSet(c); anyCursorSet |= cursorPositionSet; final Action action = getAction(SetCursorAction.getCursorId(c)); action.setEnabled(dataAvailable); action.putValue(Action.SELECTED_KEY, Boolean.valueOf(cursorPositionSet)); } getAction(ClearCursors.ID).setEnabled(enableCursors && anyCursorSet); }
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { String propertyName = e.getPropertyName(); if (e.getPropertyName().equals(Action.NAME)) { String text = (String) e.getNewValue(); menuItem.setText(text); } else if (propertyName.equals("enabled")) { Boolean enabledState = (Boolean) e.getNewValue(); menuItem.setEnabled(enabledState.booleanValue()); } }
/** * Generates handles response. This is were we would pass stuff to cli or gui, etc * * @param n the processed policy object * @return the policyObjected as accepted by user (potentially modified */ public PolicyObject userResponse(PolicyObject n) { if ((parseAct(genProps.getProperty("userResponse", null)) == null) && !Boolean.parseBoolean(genProps.getProperty("blanketAccept", "false"))) { return userInterface.userResponse(n); } else { if (Boolean.parseBoolean(genProps.getProperty("blanketAccept", "false"))) { return n.setAction(n.getAction().setOverride(true)); } else { return n.setAction(parseAct(genProps.getProperty("userResponse", null))); } } }
public static void invokeSetMethod(Object obj, String prop, String value) throws NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException { Class cl = obj.getClass(); // change first letter to uppercase String setMeth = "set" + prop.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + prop.substring(1); // try string method try { Class[] cldef = {String.class}; Method meth = cl.getMethod(setMeth, cldef); Object[] params = {value}; meth.invoke(obj, params); return; } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { try { // try int method Class[] cldef = {Integer.TYPE}; Method meth = cl.getMethod(setMeth, cldef); Object[] params = {Integer.valueOf(value)}; meth.invoke(obj, params); return; } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsmex) { // try boolean method Class[] cldef = {Boolean.TYPE}; Method meth = cl.getMethod(setMeth, cldef); Object[] params = {Boolean.valueOf(value)}; meth.invoke(obj, params); return; } } }
/** * A constructor permitting a user interface class to launch everything and be in control. * * @param args any commandline arguements * @param ui the known UserIO object * @throws Exception Mostly from loadWeights, but should also happen for loadFromConfig */ public Gio(String[] args, UserIO ui) throws Exception { userInterface = ui; genProps = loadFromConfig("./PrivacyAdviser.cfg"); loadCLO(args); // TODO add method to check validity of genProps (after each file load, clo load, and ui load). if ((genProps.getProperty("genConfig") != null) && (genProps.getProperty("genConfig") != "./PrivacyAdvisor.cfg")) { System.err.println("clo config call"); genProps = loadFromConfig(genProps.getProperty("genConfig")); // TODO merge, not override loadCLO(args); } // start the logger logger = startLogger( genProps.getProperty("loglocation", "./LOG.txt"), genProps.getProperty("loglevel", "INFO")); if (userInterface == null) { selectUI(genProps.getProperty("userIO")); } selectPDB(genProps.getProperty("policyDB")); // load the weights configuration file origWeights = new Properties(); origWeights = loadWeights(); if (Boolean.parseBoolean(genProps.getProperty("useNet", "false"))) { startNetwork(); } else { nr = null; } }
public static void fetchDeviceNames() { String nametable = System.getProperty("hm2mqtt.hm.jsonNameTable"); if (nametable != null) { fetchDeviceNamesFromNameTable(nametable); return; } if (Boolean.getBoolean("hm2mqtt.hm.disableReGa")) return; fetchDeviceNamesFromReGa(); }
/** * Loads the case history into cache. This is where the background database chosen. * * @param dLoc the location of the database */ public void loadDB() { try { // TODO what about if we want to create a new db? if (!Boolean.parseBoolean(genProps.getProperty("newDB"))) { pdb.loadDB(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Something wrong with loading DB"); } try { loadCLPolicies(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error. Probably wrong path to P3P folder"); } }
private void doReincarnation() throws RDCException { try { // TODO JavaClassRunner is very simple and primitive. // Feel free to beef it up... String[] props = normalProps; if (Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getenv("AS_SUPER_DEBUG"))) props = debuggerProps; // very very difficult to debug this stuff otherwise! new JavaClassRunner(classpath, props, classname, args); } catch (Exception e) { logger.severe(strings.get("restart.server.jvmError", e)); throw new RDCException(); } }
@SuppressWarnings("OverridableMethodCallInConstructor") Notepad() { super(true); // Trying to set Nimbus look and feel try { for (LookAndFeelInfo info : UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels()) { if ("Nimbus".equals(info.getName())) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(info.getClassName()); break; } } } catch (Exception ignored) { } setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder()); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // create the embedded JTextComponent editor = createEditor(); // Add this as a listener for undoable edits. editor.getDocument().addUndoableEditListener(undoHandler); // install the command table commands = new HashMap<Object, Action>(); Action[] actions = getActions(); for (Action a : actions) { commands.put(a.getValue(Action.NAME), a); } JScrollPane scroller = new JScrollPane(); JViewport port = scroller.getViewport(); port.add(editor); String vpFlag = getProperty("ViewportBackingStore"); if (vpFlag != null) { Boolean bs = Boolean.valueOf(vpFlag); port.setScrollMode(bs ? JViewport.BACKINGSTORE_SCROLL_MODE : JViewport.BLIT_SCROLL_MODE); } JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); panel.add("North", createToolbar()); panel.add("Center", scroller); add("Center", panel); add("South", createStatusbar()); }
public static void invokeSetMethodCaseInsensitive(Object obj, String prop, String value) throws NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException { String alternateMethodName = null; Class cl = obj.getClass(); String setMeth = "set" + prop; Method[] methodsList = cl.getMethods(); boolean methodFound = false; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < methodsList.length; ++i) { if (methodsList[i].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(setMeth) == true) { Class[] parameterTypes = methodsList[i].getParameterTypes(); if (parameterTypes.length == 1) { if (parameterTypes[0].getName().equals("java.lang.String")) { methodFound = true; break; } else alternateMethodName = methodsList[i].getName(); } } } if (methodFound == true) { Object[] params = {value}; methodsList[i].invoke(obj, params); return; } if (alternateMethodName != null) { try { // try int method Class[] cldef = {Integer.TYPE}; Method meth = cl.getMethod(alternateMethodName, cldef); Object[] params = {Integer.valueOf(value)}; meth.invoke(obj, params); return; } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsmex) { // try boolean method Class[] cldef = {Boolean.TYPE}; Method meth = cl.getMethod(alternateMethodName, cldef); Object[] params = {Boolean.valueOf(value)}; meth.invoke(obj, params); return; } } else throw new NoSuchMethodException(setMeth); }
/** * Returns whether or not the capture size is bound to the number of channels. * * @return <code>true</code> if the capture size is bound to the number of channels, <code>false * </code> otherwise. */ public boolean isCaptureSizeBoundToEnabledChannels() { final String value = this.properties.get(DEVICE_CAPTURESIZE_BOUND); return Boolean.parseBoolean(value); }
private void initConsoleLog() { String consoleLogStr = getProperty(consoleLogKey, "false"); consoleLog = Boolean.parseBoolean(consoleLogStr); }
/** * Returns whether or not the device supports triggers. * * @return <code>true</code> if the device supports triggers, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public boolean isTriggerSupported() { final String value = this.properties.get(DEVICE_FEATURE_TRIGGERS); return Boolean.parseBoolean(value); }
/** * Returns whether or not the device supports a testing mode. * * @return <code>true</code> if testing mode is supported by the device, <code>false</code> * otherwise. */ public boolean isTestModeSupported() { final String value = this.properties.get(DEVICE_FEATURE_TEST_MODE); return Boolean.parseBoolean(value); }
/** * Returns whether the device send its samples in "reverse" order. * * @return <code>true</code> if samples are send in reverse order (= last sample first), <code> * false</code> otherwise. */ public boolean isSamplesInReverseOrder() { final String rawValue = this.properties.get(DEVICE_SAMPLE_REVERSE_ORDER); return Boolean.parseBoolean(rawValue); }
/** * Returns whether or not the device supports RLE (Run-Length Encoding). * * @return <code>true</code> if a RLE encoder is present in the device, <code>false</code> * otherwise. */ public boolean isRleSupported() { final String value = this.properties.get(DEVICE_FEATURE_RLE); return Boolean.parseBoolean(value); }
/** * Returns whether upon opening the DTR line needs to be high (= <code>true</code>) or low (= * <code>false</code>). * * <p>This method has no meaning if the used interface is <em>not</em> {@link * DeviceInterface#SERIAL}. * * @return <code>true</code> if the DTR line needs to be set upon opening the serial port, <code> * false</code> if the DTR line needs to be reset upon opening the serial port. */ public boolean isOpenPortDtr() { final String value = this.properties.get(DEVICE_OPEN_PORT_DTR); return Boolean.parseBoolean(value); }
/** * Returns whether or not the device supports a noise filter. * * @return <code>true</code> if a noise filter is present in the device, <code>false</code> * otherwise. */ public boolean isNoiseFilterSupported() { final String value = this.properties.get(DEVICE_FEATURE_NOISEFILTER); return Boolean.parseBoolean(value); }
private void initDebug() { debug = Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty(debugKey, Boolean.toString(debug))); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////// ALL PRIVATE BELOW //////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void init(AdminCommandContext context) throws IOException { logger = context.getLogger(); props = Globals.get(StartupContext.class).getArguments(); verbose = Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("-verbose", "false")); logger.info(strings.get("restart.server.init")); }
/** * call the user interface's general configuration method if the userInit option is true, and a * user interface exists */ public void configUI() { if (Boolean.parseBoolean(genProps.getProperty("userInit", "false")) && !(userInterface == null)) { userInterface.user_init(genProps); } }
/** * A central location for holding all runtime configurable properties as well as logging * configuration. * * <p>Ideally we will find all properties used by <code>Aparapi</code> here. Please consider * updating this class if you wish to add new properties which control <code>Aparapi</code>s * behavior. * * @author gfrost */ public class Config extends ConfigJNI { // Logging setup private static final String logPropName = propPkgName + ".logLevel"; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Config.getLoggerName()); /** * Allows the user to request to use a jvmti agent to access JNI code rather than loading * explicitly. * * <p>Usage -agentpath=/full/path/to/agent.dll -Dcom.amd.aparapi.useAgent=true */ public static final boolean useAgent = Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".useAgent"); /** Disable Unsafe */ public static final boolean disableUnsafe = Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".disableUnsafe"); /** * Allows the user to request a specific Kernel.EXECUTION_MODE enum value for all Kernels. * * <p>Usage -Dcom.amd.aparapi.executionMode={SEQ|JTP|CPU|GPU|ACC} * * @see com.amd.aparapi.Kernel.EXECUTION_MODE */ public static final String executionMode = System.getProperty(propPkgName + ".executionMode"); /** * Allows the user to request that the execution mode of each kernel invocation be reported to * stdout. * * <p>Usage -Dcom.amd.aparapi.enableExecutionModeReporting={true|false} */ public static final boolean enableExecutionModeReporting = Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".enableExecutionModeReporting"); /** * Allows the user to request that generated OpenCL code is dumped to standard out. * * <p>Usage -Dcom.amd.aparapi.enableShowGeneratedOpenCL={true|false} */ public static final boolean enableShowGeneratedOpenCL = Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".enableShowGeneratedOpenCL"); /** * Upon exiting the JVM, dumps kernel profiling info to standard out. * * <p>Usage -Dcom.amd.aparapi.dumpProfilesOnExit={true|false} */ public static final boolean dumpProfilesOnExit = Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".dumpProfilesOnExit"); /** * Dumps profiling info (for a single execution) after every Kernel execution. * * <p>Usage -Dcom.amd.aparapi.dumpProfileOnExecution={true|false} */ public static final boolean dumpProfileOnExecution = Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".dumpProfileOnExecution"); // Pragma/OpenCL codegen related flags public static final boolean enableAtomic32 = Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".enableAtomic32"); public static final boolean enableAtomic64 = Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".enableAtomic64"); public static final boolean enableByteWrites = Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".enableByteWrites"); public static final boolean enableDoubles = Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".enableDoubles"); // Debugging related flags public static final boolean verboseComparitor = Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".verboseComparitor"); public static final boolean dumpFlags = Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".dumpFlags"); // Individual bytecode support related flags public static final boolean enablePUTFIELD = Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".enable.PUTFIELD"); public static final boolean enableARETURN = !Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".disable.ARETURN"); public static final boolean enablePUTSTATIC = Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".enable.PUTSTATIC"); // Allow static array accesses public static final boolean enableGETSTATIC = true; // Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".enable.GETSTATIC"); public static final boolean enableINVOKEINTERFACE = Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".enable.INVOKEINTERFACE"); public static final boolean enableMONITOR = Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".enable.MONITOR"); public static final boolean enableNEW = Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".enable.NEW"); public static final boolean enableATHROW = Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".enable.ATHROW"); public static final boolean enableMETHODARRAYPASSING = !Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".disable.METHODARRAYPASSING"); public static final boolean enableARRAYLENGTH = Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".enable.ARRAYLENGTH"); public static final boolean enableSWITCH = Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".enable.SWITCH"); public static boolean enableShowFakeLocalVariableTable = Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".enableShowFakeLocalVariableTable"); public static final boolean enableInstructionDecodeViewer = Boolean.getBoolean(propPkgName + ".enableInstructionDecodeViewer"); public static String instructionListenerClassName = System.getProperty(propPkgName + ".instructionListenerClass"); public static InstructionListener instructionListener = null; public interface InstructionListener { void showAndTell(String message, Instruction _start, Instruction _instruction); } static { try { final Level level = Level.parse(System.getProperty(getLoggerName(), "WARNING")); final Handler[] handlers = Logger.getLogger("").getHandlers(); for (final Handler handler : handlers) { handler.setLevel(level); } logger.setLevel(level); } catch (final Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception " + e + " in Aparapi logging setup"); e.printStackTrace(); } }; static { if (enableInstructionDecodeViewer && ((instructionListenerClassName == null) || instructionListenerClassName.equals(""))) { instructionListenerClassName = InstructionViewer.class.getName(); } if ((instructionListenerClassName != null) && !instructionListenerClassName.equals("")) { try { final Class<?> instructionListenerClass = Class.forName(instructionListenerClassName); instructionListener = (InstructionListener) instructionListenerClass.newInstance(); } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (final InstantiationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (final IllegalAccessException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } if (dumpFlags) { System.out.println(propPkgName + ".executionMode{GPU|ACC|CPU|JTP|SEQ}=" + executionMode); System.out.println( propPkgName + ".logLevel{OFF|FINEST|FINER|FINE|WARNING|SEVERE|ALL}=" + logger.getLevel()); System.out.println(propPkgName + ".enableProfiling{true|false}=" + enableProfiling); System.out.println(propPkgName + ".enableProfilingCSV{true|false}=" + enableProfilingCSV); System.out.println(propPkgName + ".enableVerboseJNI{true|false}=" + enableVerboseJNI); System.out.println( propPkgName + ".enableVerboseJNIOpenCLResourceTracking{true|false}=" + enableVerboseJNIOpenCLResourceTracking); System.out.println( propPkgName + ".enableShowGeneratedOpenCL{true|false}=" + enableShowGeneratedOpenCL); System.out.println( propPkgName + ".enableExecutionModeReporting{true|false}=" + enableExecutionModeReporting); System.out.println( propPkgName + ".enableInstructionDecodeViewer{true|false}=" + enableInstructionDecodeViewer); System.out.println( propPkgName + ".instructionListenerClassName{<class name which extends com.amd.aparapi.Config.InstructionListener>}=" + instructionListenerClassName); } } public static String getLoggerName() { return logPropName; } }
/** * Creates window with parameters specified by <code>params</code> * * @see #init */ private final void create(XCreateWindowParams params) { XToolkit.awtLock(); try { XSetWindowAttributes xattr = new XSetWindowAttributes(); try { checkParams(params); long value_mask = ((Long) params.get(VALUE_MASK)).longValue(); Long eventMask = (Long) params.get(EVENT_MASK); xattr.set_event_mask(eventMask.longValue()); value_mask |= XlibWrapper.CWEventMask; Long border_pixel = (Long) params.get(BORDER_PIXEL); if (border_pixel != null) { xattr.set_border_pixel(border_pixel.longValue()); value_mask |= XlibWrapper.CWBorderPixel; } Long colormap = (Long) params.get(COLORMAP); if (colormap != null) { xattr.set_colormap(colormap.longValue()); value_mask |= XlibWrapper.CWColormap; } Long background_pixmap = (Long) params.get(BACKGROUND_PIXMAP); if (background_pixmap != null) { xattr.set_background_pixmap(background_pixmap.longValue()); value_mask |= XlibWrapper.CWBackPixmap; } Long parentWindow = (Long) params.get(PARENT_WINDOW); Rectangle bounds = (Rectangle) params.get(BOUNDS); Integer depth = (Integer) params.get(DEPTH); Integer visual_class = (Integer) params.get(VISUAL_CLASS); Long visual = (Long) params.get(VISUAL); Boolean overrideRedirect = (Boolean) params.get(OVERRIDE_REDIRECT); if (overrideRedirect != null) { xattr.set_override_redirect(overrideRedirect.booleanValue()); value_mask |= XlibWrapper.CWOverrideRedirect; } Boolean saveUnder = (Boolean) params.get(SAVE_UNDER); if (saveUnder != null) { xattr.set_save_under(saveUnder.booleanValue()); value_mask |= XlibWrapper.CWSaveUnder; } Integer backingStore = (Integer) params.get(BACKING_STORE); if (backingStore != null) { xattr.set_backing_store(backingStore.intValue()); value_mask |= XlibWrapper.CWBackingStore; } Integer bitGravity = (Integer) params.get(BIT_GRAVITY); if (bitGravity != null) { xattr.set_bit_gravity(bitGravity.intValue()); value_mask |= XlibWrapper.CWBitGravity; } if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.fine("Creating window for " + this + " with the following attributes: \n" + params); } window = XlibWrapper.XCreateWindow( XToolkit.getDisplay(), parentWindow.longValue(), bounds.x, bounds.y, // location bounds.width, bounds.height, // size 0, // border depth.intValue(), // depth visual_class.intValue(), // class visual.longValue(), // visual value_mask, // value mask xattr.pData); // attributes if (window == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Couldn't create window because of wrong parameters. Run with NOISY_AWT to see details"); } XToolkit.addToWinMap(window, this); } finally { xattr.dispose(); } } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } }
/** * exports the data to a CSV file * * @param aFile File object */ private void storeToCsvFile(final File aFile, final UARTDataSet aDataSet) { try { final CsvExporter exporter = ExportUtils.createCsvExporter(aFile); exporter.setHeaders( "index", "start-time", "end-time", "event?", "event-type", "RxD event", "TxD event", "RxD data", "TxD data"); final List<UARTData> decodedData = aDataSet.getData(); for (int i = 0; i < decodedData.size(); i++) { final UARTData ds = decodedData.get(i); final String startTime = Unit.Time.format(aDataSet.getTime(ds.getStartSampleIndex())); final String endTime = Unit.Time.format(aDataSet.getTime(ds.getEndSampleIndex())); String eventType = null; String rxdEvent = null; String txdEvent = null; String rxdData = null; String txdData = null; switch (ds.getType()) { case UARTData.UART_TYPE_EVENT: eventType = ds.getEventName(); break; case UARTData.UART_TYPE_RXEVENT: rxdEvent = ds.getEventName(); break; case UARTData.UART_TYPE_TXEVENT: txdEvent = ds.getEventName(); break; case UARTData.UART_TYPE_RXDATA: rxdData = Integer.toString(ds.getData()); break; case UARTData.UART_TYPE_TXDATA: txdData = Integer.toString(ds.getData()); break; default: break; } exporter.addRow( Integer.valueOf(i), startTime, endTime, Boolean.valueOf(ds.isEvent()), eventType, rxdEvent, txdEvent, rxdData, txdData); } exporter.close(); } catch (final IOException exception) { // Make sure to handle IO-interrupted exceptions properly! if (!HostUtils.handleInterruptedException(exception)) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "CSV export failed!", exception); } } }
/** * Returns whether or not the device supports "complex" triggers. * * @return <code>true</code> if complex triggers are supported by the device, <code>false</code> * otherwise. */ public boolean isComplexTriggersSupported() { final String value = this.properties.get(DEVICE_TRIGGER_COMPLEX); return Boolean.parseBoolean(value); }
/** * Returns whether or not the device supports "double-data rate" sampling, also known as * "demux"-sampling. * * @return <code>true</code> if DDR is supported by the device, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public boolean isDoubleDataRateSupported() { final String value = this.properties.get(DEVICE_SUPPORTS_DDR); return Boolean.parseBoolean(value); }
/** * Gets the value of a specific property as a <tt>boolean</tt>. If the specified property name is * associated with a value, the string representation of the value is parsed into a * <tt>boolean</tt> according to the rules of {@link Boolean#parseBoolean(String)} . Otherwise, * <tt>defaultValue</tt> is returned. * * @param propertyName the name of the property to get the value of as a <tt>boolean</tt> * @param defaultValue the value to be returned if the specified property name is not associated * with a value * @return the value of the property with the specified name as a <tt>boolean</tt>; * <tt>defaultValue</tt> if the property with the specified name is not associated with a * value */ public static boolean getBoolean(String propertyName, boolean defaultValue) { String str = getString(propertyName); return (str == null) ? defaultValue : Boolean.parseBoolean(str); }