public void listenUDP(EndPoint localEp) { UdpConnection connection = new UdpConnection(); logger_.debug("Starting to listen on " + localEp); try { connection.init(localEp.getPort()); endPoints_.add(localEp); } catch (IOException e) { logger_.warn(LogUtil.throwableToString(e)); } }
public void deregisterAllVerbHandlers(EndPoint localEndPoint) { Iterator keys = verbHandlers_.keySet().iterator(); String key = null; /* * endpoint specific verbhandlers can be distinguished because * their key's contain the name of the endpoint. */ while (keys.hasNext()) { key = (String); if (key.contains(localEndPoint.toString())) keys.remove(); } }
public void listen(EndPoint localEp, boolean isHttp) throws IOException { ServerSocketChannel serverChannel =; ServerSocket ss = serverChannel.socket(); ss.bind(localEp.getInetAddress()); serverChannel.configureBlocking(false); SelectionKeyHandler handler = null; if (isHttp) { handler = new HttpConnectionHandler(); } else { handler = new TcpConnectionHandler(localEp); } SelectionKey key = SelectorManager.getSelectorManager() .register(serverChannel, handler, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); endPoints_.add(localEp); listenSockets_.put(localEp, key); }