// debuging: Intellij issue to see variable: // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26895708/debugger-cannot-see-local-variable-in-a-lambda /// vs anon class: variable visible. new instances?? // stack traces: we see "lambda" as method name. maybe meth reference? but closures are not // possible ... ////////////////// read further: // http://baddotrobot.com/blog/2014/02/18/method-references-in-java8/ @GET public void findById(@QueryParam("id") int id, @Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResponse) { asyncResponse.setTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); final CompletableFuture<Product> product = productDao.findNameById(id); final CompletableFuture<ProductWithGroups> finalResult = product.thenCompose( productFound -> { if (asyncResponse.isDone()) { final CompletableFuture<ProductWithGroups> error = new CompletableFuture<>(); error.completeExceptionally(new IllegalStateException("Response already done")); return error; } else { final CompletableFuture<List<ProductGroup>> productGroups = productDao.findProductGroupsById(id); return productGroups.thenApply( productGroupsFound -> ProductWithGroups.createProductWithGroups( productFound, productGroupsFound)); } }); finalResult.whenCompleteAsync( (productWithGroups, error) -> { consumeProductWithGroupOrError(asyncResponse, productWithGroups, error); }, executorToCompleteCalls); }
@Override public CompletableFuture<Void> transactionDataFuture(int expectedTopologyId) { if (transactionDataTopologyId >= expectedTopologyId) return CompletableFutures.completedNull(); if (trace) { log.tracef( "Waiting for transaction data for topology %d, current topology is %d", expectedTopologyId, transactionDataTopologyId); } synchronized (this) { if (transactionDataTopologyId >= expectedTopologyId) { return CompletableFutures.completedNull(); } else { return transactionDataFuture.thenCompose(nil -> transactionDataFuture(expectedTopologyId)); } } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { CreateFunctionalMaps.main(args); FunctionalMap.ReadOnlyMap<String, String> readOnlyMap = CreateFunctionalMaps.ro; FunctionalMap.WriteOnlyMap<String, String> writeOnlyMap = CreateFunctionalMaps.wo; FunctionalMap.ReadWriteMap<String, String> readWriteMap = CreateFunctionalMaps.rw; CompletableFuture<Void> f0 = writeOnlyMap.eval( "key", "value1", (v, writeView) -> writeView.set( v, new MetaParam.MetaEntryVersion<>(new EntryVersion.NumericEntryVersion(1)))); CompletableFuture<Boolean> f1 = f0.thenCompose( x -> readWriteMap.eval( "key", "value2", (v, readWriteView) -> { // .class does not give generics, so use a helper type() method Class<MetaParam.MetaEntryVersion<Long>> clazz = MetaParam.MetaEntryVersion.type(); Optional<MetaParam.MetaEntryVersion<Long>> metaParam = readWriteView.findMetaParam(clazz); return metaParam .map( metaVersion -> { if (metaVersion .get() .compareTo(new EntryVersion.NumericEntryVersion(1)) == EQUAL) { readWriteView.set( "uno", new MetaParam.MetaEntryVersion<>( new EntryVersion.NumericEntryVersion(200))); return true; // version matches } return false; // version does not match }) .orElse(false); // version not present })); System.out.println(f1.get()); }
private static void test(ExecutorService executor) throws Throwable { Thread.currentThread().setName("mainThread"); // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // supplyAsync tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------- try { CompletableFuture<String> cf = supplyAsync(() -> "a test string"); checkCompletedNormally(cf, cf.join()); cf = supplyAsync(() -> "a test string", commonPool()); checkCompletedNormally(cf, cf.join()); cf = supplyAsync(() -> "a test string", executor); checkCompletedNormally(cf, cf.join()); cf = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf); cf = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }, commonPool()); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf); cf = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }, executor); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf); } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // runAsync tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------- try { CompletableFuture<Void> cf = runAsync(() -> {}); checkCompletedNormally(cf, cf.join()); cf = runAsync(() -> {}, commonPool()); checkCompletedNormally(cf, cf.join()); cf = runAsync(() -> {}, executor); checkCompletedNormally(cf, cf.join()); cf = runAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf); cf = runAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }, commonPool()); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf); cf = runAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }, executor); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf); } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // explicit completion // ---------------------------------------------------------------- try { final Phaser phaser = new Phaser(1); final int phase = phaser.getPhase(); CompletableFuture<Integer> cf; cf = supplyAsync( () -> { phaser.awaitAdvance(phase); return 1; }); cf.complete(2); phaser.arrive(); checkCompletedNormally(cf, 2); cf = supplyAsync( () -> { phaser.awaitAdvance(phase + 1); return 1; }); cf.completeExceptionally(new Throwable()); phaser.arrive(); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf); cf = supplyAsync( () -> { phaser.awaitAdvance(phase + 2); return 1; }); cf.cancel(true); phaser.arrive(); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf, true); cf = supplyAsync( () -> { phaser.awaitAdvance(phase + 3); return 1; }); check(cf.getNow(2) == 2); phaser.arrive(); checkCompletedNormally(cf, 1); check(cf.getNow(2) == 1); } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // thenApplyXXX tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------- try { CompletableFuture<Integer> cf2; CompletableFuture<String> cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> "a test string"); cf2 = cf1.thenApply( (x) -> { if (x.equals("a test string")) return 1; else return 0; }); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, "a test string"); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 1); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> "a test string"); cf2 = cf1.thenApplyAsync( (x) -> { if (x.equals("a test string")) return 1; else return 0; }); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, "a test string"); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 1); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> "a test string"); cf2 = cf1.thenApplyAsync( (x) -> { if (x.equals("a test string")) return 1; else return 0; }, executor); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, "a test string"); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 1); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf2 = cf1.thenApply( (x) -> { return 0; }); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf1); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf2); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf2 = cf1.thenApplyAsync( (x) -> { return 0; }); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf1); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf2); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf2 = cf1.thenApplyAsync( (x) -> { return 0; }, executor); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf1); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf2); } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // thenAcceptXXX tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------- try { CompletableFuture<Void> cf2; int before = atomicInt.get(); CompletableFuture<String> cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> "a test string"); cf2 = cf1.thenAccept( (x) -> { if (x.equals("a test string")) { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); return; } throw new RuntimeException(); }); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, "a test string"); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, null); check(atomicInt.get() == (before + 1)); before = atomicInt.get(); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> "a test string"); cf2 = cf1.thenAcceptAsync( (x) -> { if (x.equals("a test string")) { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); return; } throw new RuntimeException(); }); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, "a test string"); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, null); check(atomicInt.get() == (before + 1)); before = atomicInt.get(); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> "a test string"); cf2 = cf1.thenAcceptAsync( (x) -> { if (x.equals("a test string")) { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); return; } throw new RuntimeException(); }, executor); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, "a test string"); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, null); check(atomicInt.get() == (before + 1)); before = atomicInt.get(); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf2 = cf1.thenAccept( (x) -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf1); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf2); check(atomicInt.get() == before); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf2 = cf1.thenAcceptAsync( (x) -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf1); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf2); check(atomicInt.get() == before); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf2 = cf1.thenAcceptAsync( (x) -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }, executor); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf1); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf2); check(atomicInt.get() == before); } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // thenRunXXX tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------- try { CompletableFuture<Void> cf2; int before = atomicInt.get(); CompletableFuture<String> cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> "a test string"); cf2 = cf1.thenRun( () -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, "a test string"); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, null); check(atomicInt.get() == (before + 1)); before = atomicInt.get(); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> "a test string"); cf2 = cf1.thenRunAsync( () -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, "a test string"); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, null); check(atomicInt.get() == (before + 1)); before = atomicInt.get(); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> "a test string"); cf2 = cf1.thenRunAsync( () -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }, executor); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, "a test string"); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, null); check(atomicInt.get() == (before + 1)); before = atomicInt.get(); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf2 = cf1.thenRun( () -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf1); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf2); check(atomicInt.get() == before); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf2 = cf1.thenRunAsync( () -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf1); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf2); check(atomicInt.get() == before); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf2 = cf1.thenRunAsync( () -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }, executor); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf1); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf2); check(atomicInt.get() == before); } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // thenCombineXXX tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------- try { CompletableFuture<Integer> cf3; CompletableFuture<Integer> cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); CompletableFuture<Integer> cf2 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf3 = cf1.thenCombine( cf2, (x, y) -> { return x + y; }); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, 2); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf2 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf3 = cf1.thenCombineAsync( cf2, (x, y) -> { return x + y; }); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, 2); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf2 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf3 = cf1.thenCombineAsync( cf2, (x, y) -> { return x + y; }, executor); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, 2); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf2 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf3 = cf1.thenCombine( cf2, (x, y) -> { return 0; }); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf1); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 1); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf3); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf2 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf3 = cf1.thenCombineAsync( cf2, (x, y) -> { return 0; }); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, 1); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf2); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf3); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf2 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf3 = cf1.thenCombineAsync( cf2, (x, y) -> { return 0; }, executor); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf1); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf2); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf3); } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // thenAcceptBothXXX tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------- try { CompletableFuture<Void> cf3; int before = atomicInt.get(); CompletableFuture<Integer> cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); CompletableFuture<Integer> cf2 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf3 = cf1.thenAcceptBoth( cf2, (x, y) -> { check(x + y == 2); atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, null); check(atomicInt.get() == (before + 1)); before = atomicInt.get(); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf2 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf3 = cf1.thenAcceptBothAsync( cf2, (x, y) -> { check(x + y == 2); atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, null); check(atomicInt.get() == (before + 1)); before = atomicInt.get(); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf2 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf3 = cf1.thenAcceptBothAsync( cf2, (x, y) -> { check(x + y == 2); atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }, executor); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, null); check(atomicInt.get() == (before + 1)); before = atomicInt.get(); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf2 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf3 = cf1.thenAcceptBoth( cf2, (x, y) -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf1); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 1); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf3); check(atomicInt.get() == before); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf2 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf3 = cf1.thenAcceptBothAsync( cf2, (x, y) -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, 1); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf2); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf3); check(atomicInt.get() == before); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf2 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf3 = cf1.thenAcceptBothAsync( cf2, (x, y) -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }, executor); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf1); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf2); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf3); check(atomicInt.get() == before); } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // runAfterBothXXX tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------- try { CompletableFuture<Void> cf3; int before = atomicInt.get(); CompletableFuture<Integer> cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); CompletableFuture<Integer> cf2 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf3 = cf1.runAfterBoth( cf2, () -> { check(cf1.isDone()); check(cf2.isDone()); atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, null); check(atomicInt.get() == (before + 1)); before = atomicInt.get(); CompletableFuture<Integer> cfa = supplyAsync(() -> 1); CompletableFuture<Integer> cfb = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf3 = cfa.runAfterBothAsync( cfb, () -> { check(cfa.isDone()); check(cfb.isDone()); atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }); checkCompletedNormally(cfa, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cfb, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, null); check(atomicInt.get() == (before + 1)); before = atomicInt.get(); CompletableFuture<Integer> cfx = supplyAsync(() -> 1); CompletableFuture<Integer> cfy = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf3 = cfy.runAfterBothAsync( cfx, () -> { check(cfx.isDone()); check(cfy.isDone()); atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }, executor); checkCompletedNormally(cfx, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cfy, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, null); check(atomicInt.get() == (before + 1)); before = atomicInt.get(); CompletableFuture<Integer> cf4 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); CompletableFuture<Integer> cf5 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf3 = cf5.runAfterBothAsync( cf4, () -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }, executor); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf4); checkCompletedNormally(cf5, 1); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf3); check(atomicInt.get() == before); before = atomicInt.get(); cf4 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf5 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf3 = cf5.runAfterBothAsync( cf4, () -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }); checkCompletedNormally(cf4, 1); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf5); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf3); check(atomicInt.get() == before); before = atomicInt.get(); cf4 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf5 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf3 = cf5.runAfterBoth( cf4, () -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf4); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf5); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf3); check(atomicInt.get() == before); } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // applyToEitherXXX tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------- try { CompletableFuture<Integer> cf3; CompletableFuture<Integer> cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); CompletableFuture<Integer> cf2 = supplyAsync(() -> 2); cf3 = cf1.applyToEither( cf2, (x) -> { check(x == 1 || x == 2); return x; }); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, new Object[] {1, 2}); check(cf1.isDone() || cf2.isDone()); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf2 = supplyAsync(() -> 2); cf3 = cf1.applyToEitherAsync( cf2, (x) -> { check(x == 1 || x == 2); return x; }); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, new Object[] {1, 2}); check(cf1.isDone() || cf2.isDone()); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf2 = supplyAsync(() -> 2); cf3 = cf1.applyToEitherAsync( cf2, (x) -> { check(x == 1 || x == 2); return x; }, executor); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, new Object[] {1, 2}); check(cf1.isDone() || cf2.isDone()); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf2 = supplyAsync(() -> 2); cf3 = cf1.applyToEither( cf2, (x) -> { check(x == 2); return x; }); try { check(cf3.join() == 2); } catch (CompletionException x) { pass(); } check(cf3.isDone()); check(cf1.isDone() || cf2.isDone()); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf2 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf3 = cf1.applyToEitherAsync( cf2, (x) -> { check(x == 1); return x; }); try { check(cf3.join() == 1); } catch (CompletionException x) { pass(); } check(cf3.isDone()); check(cf1.isDone() || cf2.isDone()); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf2 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf3 = cf1.applyToEitherAsync( cf2, (x) -> { fail(); return x; }); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf3); check(cf1.isDone() || cf2.isDone()); final Phaser cf3Done = new Phaser(2); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { cf3Done.arriveAndAwaitAdvance(); return 1; }); cf2 = supplyAsync(() -> 2); cf3 = cf1.applyToEither( cf2, (x) -> { check(x == 2); return x; }); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, 2); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 2); check(!cf1.isDone()); cf3Done.arrive(); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, 2); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf2 = supplyAsync( () -> { cf3Done.arriveAndAwaitAdvance(); return 2; }); cf3 = cf1.applyToEitherAsync( cf2, (x) -> { check(x == 1); return x; }); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, 1); check(!cf2.isDone()); cf3Done.arrive(); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 2); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, 1); } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // acceptEitherXXX tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------- try { CompletableFuture<Void> cf3; int before = atomicInt.get(); CompletableFuture<Integer> cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); CompletableFuture<Integer> cf2 = supplyAsync(() -> 2); cf3 = cf1.acceptEither( cf2, (x) -> { check(x == 1 || x == 2); atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, null); check(cf1.isDone() || cf2.isDone()); check(atomicInt.get() == (before + 1)); before = atomicInt.get(); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf2 = supplyAsync(() -> 2); cf3 = cf1.acceptEitherAsync( cf2, (x) -> { check(x == 1 || x == 2); atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, null); check(cf1.isDone() || cf2.isDone()); check(atomicInt.get() == (before + 1)); before = atomicInt.get(); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf2 = supplyAsync(() -> 2); cf3 = cf2.acceptEitherAsync( cf1, (x) -> { check(x == 1 || x == 2); atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }, executor); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, null); check(cf1.isDone() || cf2.isDone()); check(atomicInt.get() == (before + 1)); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf2 = supplyAsync(() -> 2); cf3 = cf2.acceptEitherAsync( cf1, (x) -> { check(x == 2); }, executor); try { check(cf3.join() == null); } catch (CompletionException x) { pass(); } check(cf3.isDone()); check(cf1.isDone() || cf2.isDone()); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf2 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf3 = cf2.acceptEitherAsync( cf1, (x) -> { check(x == 1); }); try { check(cf3.join() == null); } catch (CompletionException x) { pass(); } check(cf3.isDone()); check(cf1.isDone() || cf2.isDone()); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf2 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf3 = cf2.acceptEitherAsync( cf1, (x) -> { fail(); }); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf3); check(cf1.isDone() || cf2.isDone()); final Phaser cf3Done = new Phaser(2); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { cf3Done.arriveAndAwaitAdvance(); return 1; }); cf2 = supplyAsync(() -> 2); cf3 = cf1.acceptEither( cf2, (x) -> { check(x == 2); }); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, null); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 2); check(!cf1.isDone()); cf3Done.arrive(); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, null); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf2 = supplyAsync( () -> { cf3Done.arriveAndAwaitAdvance(); return 2; }); cf3 = cf1.acceptEitherAsync( cf2, (x) -> { check(x == 1); }); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, null); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, 1); check(!cf2.isDone()); cf3Done.arrive(); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 2); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, null); } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // runAfterEitherXXX tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------- try { CompletableFuture<Void> cf3; int before = atomicInt.get(); CompletableFuture<Void> cf1 = runAsync(() -> {}); CompletableFuture<Void> cf2 = runAsync(() -> {}); cf3 = cf1.runAfterEither( cf2, () -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, null); check(cf1.isDone() || cf2.isDone()); check(atomicInt.get() == (before + 1)); before = atomicInt.get(); cf1 = runAsync(() -> {}); cf2 = runAsync(() -> {}); cf3 = cf1.runAfterEitherAsync( cf2, () -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, null); check(cf1.isDone() || cf2.isDone()); check(atomicInt.get() == (before + 1)); before = atomicInt.get(); cf1 = runAsync(() -> {}); cf2 = runAsync(() -> {}); cf3 = cf2.runAfterEitherAsync( cf1, () -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }, executor); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, null); check(cf1.isDone() || cf2.isDone()); check(atomicInt.get() == (before + 1)); before = atomicInt.get(); cf1 = runAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf2 = runAsync(() -> {}); cf3 = cf2.runAfterEither( cf1, () -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }); try { check(cf3.join() == null); check(atomicInt.get() == (before + 1)); } catch (CompletionException x) { pass(); } check(cf3.isDone()); check(cf1.isDone() || cf2.isDone()); before = atomicInt.get(); cf1 = runAsync(() -> {}); cf2 = runAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf3 = cf1.runAfterEitherAsync( cf2, () -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }); try { check(cf3.join() == null); check(atomicInt.get() == (before + 1)); } catch (CompletionException x) { pass(); } check(cf3.isDone()); check(cf1.isDone() || cf2.isDone()); before = atomicInt.get(); cf1 = runAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf2 = runAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf3 = cf2.runAfterEitherAsync( cf1, () -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }, executor); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf3); check(cf1.isDone() || cf2.isDone()); check(atomicInt.get() == before); final Phaser cf3Done = new Phaser(2); before = atomicInt.get(); cf1 = runAsync( () -> { cf3Done.arriveAndAwaitAdvance(); }); cf2 = runAsync(() -> {}); cf3 = cf1.runAfterEither( cf2, () -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, null); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, null); check(!cf1.isDone()); check(atomicInt.get() == (before + 1)); cf3Done.arrive(); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, null); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, null); before = atomicInt.get(); cf1 = runAsync(() -> {}); cf2 = runAsync( () -> { cf3Done.arriveAndAwaitAdvance(); }); cf3 = cf1.runAfterEitherAsync( cf2, () -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); }); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, null); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, null); check(!cf2.isDone()); check(atomicInt.get() == (before + 1)); cf3Done.arrive(); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, null); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, null); } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // thenComposeXXX tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------- try { CompletableFuture<Integer> cf2; CompletableFuture<Integer> cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf2 = cf1.thenCompose( (x) -> { check(x == 1); return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(2); }); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 2); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf2 = cf1.thenComposeAsync( (x) -> { check(x == 1); return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(2); }); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 2); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf2 = cf1.thenComposeAsync( (x) -> { check(x == 1); return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(2); }, executor); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 2); int before = atomicInt.get(); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf2 = cf1.thenCompose( (x) -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(2); }); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf1); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf2); check(atomicInt.get() == before); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); cf2 = cf1.thenComposeAsync( (x) -> { atomicInt.incrementAndGet(); return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(2); }); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf1); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf2); check(atomicInt.get() == before); cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf2 = cf1.thenComposeAsync( (x) -> { throw new RuntimeException(); }, executor); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, 1); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf2); } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // anyOf tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------- try { CompletableFuture<Object> cf3; for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) { CompletableFuture<Integer> cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); CompletableFuture<Integer> cf2 = supplyAsync(() -> 2); cf3 = CompletableFuture.anyOf(cf1, cf2); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, new Object[] {1, 2}); check(cf1.isDone() || cf2.isDone()); } } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // allOf tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------- try { CompletableFuture<?> cf3; for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) { CompletableFuture<Integer>[] cfs = (CompletableFuture<Integer>[]) Array.newInstance(CompletableFuture.class, 10); for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { final int v = j; cfs[j] = supplyAsync(() -> v); } cf3 = CompletableFuture.allOf(cfs); for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) checkCompletedNormally(cfs[j], j); checkCompletedNormally(cf3, null); } } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // exceptionally tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------- try { CompletableFuture<Integer> cf2; CompletableFuture<Integer> cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf2 = cf1.exceptionally( (t) -> { fail("function should never be called"); return 2; }); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 1); final RuntimeException t = new RuntimeException(); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw t; }); cf2 = cf1.exceptionally( (x) -> { check(x.getCause() == t); return 2; }); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf1); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 2); } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // handle tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------- try { CompletableFuture<Integer> cf2; CompletableFuture<Integer> cf1 = supplyAsync(() -> 1); cf2 = cf1.handle((x, t) -> x + 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf1, 1); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 2); final RuntimeException ex = new RuntimeException(); cf1 = supplyAsync( () -> { throw ex; }); cf2 = cf1.handle( (x, t) -> { check(t.getCause() == ex); return 2; }); checkCompletedExceptionally(cf1); checkCompletedNormally(cf2, 2); } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); } }
/** * Returns videos by user. Shows example of the composing two subsequent asynchronous operations: * at first, the user is retrieved, then his videos are retrieved. * * @param userFuture Completable future of the user. * @return User future. */ public CompletableFuture<List<Video>> getByOwner(CompletableFuture<User> userFuture) { return userFuture.thenCompose(this::getByOwner); }