private void registerFailure(Object caller, int index, boolean last) { failureCounters.incrementAndGet(index); if (policy == LoadBalancerPolicy.LATENCY_LAST) { // Make sure we don't pick a backend with a failed request next time latencyTimes.set(index, Long.MAX_VALUE - 1); } if (suspensionTime > 0) { // Try to save the failure time in the failureTimes array long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long oldestFailureTime = now - failureRateTimeUnit.toMillis(failureRateTime); int i; for (i = 0; i < failureTimes[index].length(); i++) { if (failureTimes[index].get(i) < oldestFailureTime) { failureTimes[index].set(i, now); break; } } // If all failureTimes slots are used then we can suspend the endpoint if (failureTimes[index].length() == 0 || i == failureTimes[index].length() - 1) { suspensionTimes.set(index, now + suspensionTimeUnit.toMillis(suspensionTime)); } } // Remove the caller if (last) { retryCounters.remove(caller); } }
/** * Assign a predefined ordinal to a serialized representation. * * <p>WARNING: THIS OPERATION IS NOT THREAD-SAFE. * * <p>This is intended for use in the client-side heap-safe double snapshot load. */ public void put(ByteDataBuffer serializedRepresentation, int ordinal) { if (size > sizeBeforeGrow) growKeyArray(); int hash = SegmentedByteArrayHasher.hashCode(serializedRepresentation); int modBitmask = pointersAndOrdinals.length() - 1; int bucket = hash & modBitmask; long key = pointersAndOrdinals.get(bucket); while (key != EMPTY_BUCKET_VALUE) { if (compare(serializedRepresentation, key)) return; bucket = (bucket + 1) & modBitmask; key = pointersAndOrdinals.get(bucket); } int pointer = byteData.length(); VarInt.writeVInt(byteData, serializedRepresentation.length()); serializedRepresentation.copyTo(byteData); key = ((long) ordinal << 32) | pointer; size++; pointersAndOrdinals.set(bucket, key); }
private void registerSuccess(Object caller, int index, long start) { successCounters.incrementAndGet(index); retryCounters.remove(caller); if (policy == LoadBalancerPolicy.LATENCY_LAST) { latencyTimes.set(index, System.currentTimeMillis() - start); } }
/** * This is used to store the server's SerializationState, so that it may resume the delta chain * after a new server is brought back up. * * @param os * @throws IOException */ public void serializeTo(OutputStream os) throws IOException { /// write the hashed key array size VarInt.writeVInt(os, pointersAndOrdinals.length()); /// write the keys in sorted ordinal order to the stream long keys[] = new long[size]; int counter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pointersAndOrdinals.length(); i++) { long key = pointersAndOrdinals.get(i); if (key != EMPTY_BUCKET_VALUE) { keys[counter++] = key; } } Arrays.sort(keys); VarInt.writeVInt(os, keys.length); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { VarInt.writeVInt(os, (int) (keys[i] >> 32)); VarInt.writeVInt(os, (int) (keys[i])); } /// write the byte data to the stream VarInt.writeVInt(os, byteData.length()); for (int i = 0; i < byteData.length(); i++) { os.write(byteData.get(i) & 0xFF); } /// write the freeOrdinalTracker to the stream freeOrdinalTracker.serializeTo(os); }
/** * Remove all entries from this map, but reuse the existing arrays when populating the map next * time. * * <p>This is intended for use in the client-side heap-safe double snapshot load. */ public void clear() { for (int i = 0; i < pointersAndOrdinals.length(); i++) { pointersAndOrdinals.set(i, EMPTY_BUCKET_VALUE); } byteData.reset(); size = 0; }
/** * Create an array mapping the ordinals to pointers, so that they can be easily looked up when * writing to blob streams. * * @return the maximum length, in bytes, of any byte sequence in this map. */ public int prepareForWrite() { int maxOrdinal = 0; int maxLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pointersAndOrdinals.length(); i++) { long key = pointersAndOrdinals.get(i); if (key != EMPTY_BUCKET_VALUE) { int ordinal = (int) (key >> 32); if (ordinal > maxOrdinal) maxOrdinal = ordinal; } } pointersByOrdinal = new int[maxOrdinal + 1]; Arrays.fill(pointersByOrdinal, -1); for (int i = 0; i < pointersAndOrdinals.length(); i++) { long key = pointersAndOrdinals.get(i); if (key != EMPTY_BUCKET_VALUE) { int ordinal = (int) (key >> 32); pointersByOrdinal[ordinal] = (int) key; int dataLength = VarInt.readVInt(byteData.getUnderlyingArray(), pointersByOrdinal[ordinal]); if (dataLength > maxLength) maxLength = dataLength; } } return maxLength; }
/** * Grow the key array. All of the values in the current array must be re-hashed and added to the * new array. */ private void growKeyArray() { AtomicLongArray newKeys = emptyKeyArray(pointersAndOrdinals.length() * 2); long valuesToAdd[] = new long[size]; int counter = 0; /// do not iterate over these values in the same order in which they appear in the hashed array. /// if we do so, we cause large clusters of collisions to appear (because we resolve collisions // with linear probing). for (int i = 0; i < pointersAndOrdinals.length(); i++) { long key = pointersAndOrdinals.get(i); if (key != EMPTY_BUCKET_VALUE) { valuesToAdd[counter++] = key; } } Arrays.sort(valuesToAdd); populateNewHashArray(newKeys, valuesToAdd); /// 70% load factor sizeBeforeGrow = (newKeys.length() * 7) / 10; pointersAndOrdinals = newKeys; }
/** * Create an AtomicLongArray of the specified size, each value in the array will be * EMPTY_BUCKET_VALUE */ private AtomicLongArray emptyKeyArray(int size) { AtomicLongArray arr = new AtomicLongArray(size); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); i++) { arr.set(i, EMPTY_BUCKET_VALUE); } return arr; }
/** * @return the largest value that could have been added to this histogram. If the histogram * overflowed, returns Long.MAX_VALUE. */ public long max() { int lastBucket = buckets.length() - 1; if (buckets.get(lastBucket) > 0) return Long.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = lastBucket - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (buckets.get(i) > 0) return bucketOffsets[i]; } return 0; }
/** * @param reset zero out buckets afterwards if true * @return a long[] containing the current histogram buckets */ public long[] getBuckets(boolean reset) { final int len = buckets.length(); long[] rv = new long[len]; if (reset) for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) rv[i] = buckets.getAndSet(i, 0L); else for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) rv[i] = buckets.get(i); return rv; }
private void resetConsumer(Consumer<S> consumer) { Consumer<S>[] consumers = this.consumers; AtomicLongArray outUse = this.outUse; for (int i = 0; i < consumers.length; i++) { if (consumer != consumers[i]) continue; outUse.lazySet(i, 0); return; } }
/** * Hash all of the existing values specified by the keys in the supplied long array into the * supplied AtomicLongArray. */ private void populateNewHashArray(AtomicLongArray newKeys, long[] valuesToAdd) { int modBitmask = newKeys.length() - 1; for (int i = 0; i < valuesToAdd.length; i++) { if (valuesToAdd[i] != EMPTY_BUCKET_VALUE) { int hash = rehashPreviouslyAddedData(valuesToAdd[i]); int bucket = hash & modBitmask; while (newKeys.get(bucket) != EMPTY_BUCKET_VALUE) bucket = (bucket + 1) & modBitmask; newKeys.set(bucket, valuesToAdd[i]); } } }
/** * @param percentile * @return estimated value at given percentile */ public long percentile(double percentile) { assert percentile >= 0 && percentile <= 1.0; int lastBucket = buckets.length() - 1; if (buckets.get(lastBucket) > 0) throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to compute when histogram overflowed"); long pcount = (long) Math.floor(count() * percentile); if (pcount == 0) return 0; long elements = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lastBucket; i++) { elements += buckets.get(i); if (elements >= pcount) return bucketOffsets[i]; } return 0; }
/** * @return the mean histogram value (average of bucket offsets, weighted by count) * @throws IllegalStateException if any values were greater than the largest bucket threshold */ public long mean() { int lastBucket = buckets.length() - 1; if (buckets.get(lastBucket) > 0) throw new IllegalStateException( "Unable to compute ceiling for max when histogram overflowed"); long elements = 0; long sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lastBucket; i++) { long bCount = buckets.get(i); elements += bCount; sum += bCount * bucketOffsets[i]; } return (long) Math.ceil((double) sum / elements); }
/** * Reclaim space in the byte array used in the previous cycle, but not referenced in this cycle. * * <p>This is achieved by shifting all used byte sequences down in the byte array, then updating * the key array to reflect the new pointers and exclude the removed entries. This is also where * ordinals which are unused are returned to the pool. * * <p> * * @param usedOrdinals a bit set representing the ordinals which are currently referenced by any * image. */ public void compact(ThreadSafeBitSet usedOrdinals) { long populatedReverseKeys[] = new long[size]; int counter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pointersAndOrdinals.length(); i++) { long key = pointersAndOrdinals.get(i); if (key != EMPTY_BUCKET_VALUE) { populatedReverseKeys[counter++] = key << 32 | key >>> 32; } } Arrays.sort(populatedReverseKeys); SegmentedByteArray arr = byteData.getUnderlyingArray(); int currentCopyPointer = 0; for (int i = 0; i < populatedReverseKeys.length; i++) { int ordinal = (int) populatedReverseKeys[i]; if (usedOrdinals.get(ordinal)) { int pointer = (int) (populatedReverseKeys[i] >> 32); int length = VarInt.readVInt(arr, pointer); length += VarInt.sizeOfVInt(length); if (currentCopyPointer != pointer) arr.copy(arr, pointer, currentCopyPointer, length); populatedReverseKeys[i] = populatedReverseKeys[i] << 32 | currentCopyPointer; currentCopyPointer += length; } else { freeOrdinalTracker.returnOrdinalToPool(ordinal); populatedReverseKeys[i] = EMPTY_BUCKET_VALUE; } } byteData.setPosition(currentCopyPointer); for (int i = 0; i < pointersAndOrdinals.length(); i++) { pointersAndOrdinals.set(i, EMPTY_BUCKET_VALUE); } populateNewHashArray(pointersAndOrdinals, populatedReverseKeys); size = usedOrdinals.cardinality(); pointersByOrdinal = null; }
private void checkMonitors() { for (int i = 0; i < endpointCount; i++) { final int index = i; try { monitorFunction .apply(index) .whenComplete( (result, ex) -> { if (result && ex == null) { // Unset suspension time when we hit the healthy threshold if (monitorHealthyCounters.incrementAndGet(index) >= monitorHealthyThreshold) { suspensionTimes.set(index, 0); monitorHealthyCounters.set(index, 0); } // Reset unhealthy counter if (monitorUnhealthyCounters.get(index) > 0) { monitorUnhealthyCounters.set(index, 0); } } else { // Set suspension time when we hit the unhealthy threshold if (monitorUnhealthyCounters.incrementAndGet(index) >= monitorUnhealthyThreshold) { suspensionTimes.set(index, Long.MAX_VALUE); monitorUnhealthyCounters.set(index, 0); } // Reset healthy counter if (monitorHealthyCounters.get(index) > 0) { monitorHealthyCounters.set(index, 0); } } }); } catch (Exception ex) { // Got exception trying to create the future // Set suspension time when we hit the unhealthy threshold if (monitorUnhealthyCounters.incrementAndGet(index) >= monitorUnhealthyThreshold) { suspensionTimes.set(index, Long.MAX_VALUE); monitorUnhealthyCounters.set(index, 0); } // Reset healthy counter if (monitorHealthyCounters.get(index) > 0) { monitorHealthyCounters.set(index, 0); } } } }
public synchronized void removeTask(TaskHandle taskHandle) { taskHandle.destroy(); tasks.remove(taskHandle); // record completed stats long threadUsageNanos = taskHandle.getThreadUsageNanos(); int priorityLevel = calculatePriorityLevel(threadUsageNanos); completedTasksPerLevel.incrementAndGet(priorityLevel); }
/** * Increments the count of the bucket closest to n, rounding UP. * * @param n */ public void add(long n) { int index = Arrays.binarySearch(bucketOffsets, n); if (index < 0) { // inexact match, take the first bucket higher than n index = -index - 1; } // else exact match; we're good buckets.incrementAndGet(index); }
/** * Add a sequence of bytes to this map. If the sequence of bytes has already been added to this * map, return the originally assigned ordinal. If the sequence of bytes has not been added to * this map, assign and return a new ordinal. This operation is thread-safe. */ public int getOrAssignOrdinal(ByteDataBuffer serializedRepresentation) { int hash = SegmentedByteArrayHasher.hashCode(serializedRepresentation); int modBitmask = pointersAndOrdinals.length() - 1; int bucket = hash & modBitmask; long key = pointersAndOrdinals.get(bucket); /// linear probing to resolve collisions. while (key != EMPTY_BUCKET_VALUE) { if (compare(serializedRepresentation, key)) { return (int) (key >> 32); } bucket = (bucket + 1) & modBitmask; key = pointersAndOrdinals.get(bucket); } return assignOrdinal(serializedRepresentation, hash); }
/// acquire the lock before writing. private synchronized int assignOrdinal(ByteDataBuffer serializedRepresentation, int hash) { if (size > sizeBeforeGrow) growKeyArray(); /// check to make sure that after acquiring the lock, the element still does not exist. /// this operation is akin to double-checked locking which is 'fixed' with the JSR 133 memory // model in JVM >= 1.5. int modBitmask = pointersAndOrdinals.length() - 1; int bucket = hash & modBitmask; long key = pointersAndOrdinals.get(bucket); while (key != EMPTY_BUCKET_VALUE) { if (compare(serializedRepresentation, key)) { return (int) (key >> 32); } bucket = (bucket + 1) & modBitmask; key = pointersAndOrdinals.get(bucket); } /// the ordinal for this object still does not exist in the list, even after the lock has been // acquired. /// it is up to this thread to add it at the current bucket position. int ordinal = freeOrdinalTracker.getFreeOrdinal(); int pointer = byteData.length(); VarInt.writeVInt(byteData, serializedRepresentation.length()); serializedRepresentation.copyTo(byteData); key = ((long) ordinal << 32) | pointer; size++; /// this set on the AtomicLongArray has volatile semantics (i.e. behaves like a monitor // release). /// Any other thread reading this element in the AtomicLongArray will have visibility to all // memory writes this thread has made up to this point. /// This means the entire byte sequence is guaranteed to be visible to any thread which reads // the pointer to that data. pointersAndOrdinals.set(bucket, key); return ordinal; }
private int getNextIndex(Object caller) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (this.policy == LoadBalancerPolicy.ROUND_ROBIN) { // Try all endpoints if some are suspended int count = endpointCount; int[] tried = new int[endpointCount]; while (count > 0) { // Increment index and convert negative values to positive if need be int index = indexGenerator.getAndIncrement() % endpointCount; if (index < 0) { index += endpointCount; } // Don't retry same index if (tried[index] == 0) { // Return index if endpoint is not suspended if (suspensionTimes.get(index) < now) { return index; } tried[index] = 1; count--; } } } else if (this.policy == LoadBalancerPolicy.LATENCY_LAST) { int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < latencyTimes.length(); i++) { long current = latencyTimes.get(i); long smallest = Long.MAX_VALUE; if (current < smallest && suspensionTimes.get(i) < now) { smallest = current; index = i; } } return index; } return -1; }
Consumer<S> check(long maxTime, PooledFatPipe parent) { if (parent != null && == null) return null; AtomicLongArray outUse = this.outUse; Consumer<S>[] consumers = this.consumers; long now = System.nanoTime(); if (consumers.length > outUse.length()) { logger.warn("skipping check " + outUse.length() + "/" + consumers.length); return null; } try { for (int i = 0; i < consumers.length; i++) { long time = outUse.get(i); if (time == 0) continue; if (time == -1) continue; if (now < time + maxTime * 1_000_000) continue; if (parent != null); return consumers[i]; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("check", e); } return null; }
/** * Combine a portion of this matrix reduction variable with a portion of the given matrix using * the given operation. For each row index <TT>r</TT> from 0 to <TT>rowlen-1</TT> inclusive, and * for each column index <TT>c</TT> from 0 to <TT>collen-1</TT> inclusive, (this matrix * <TT>[dstrow+r,dstcol+c]</TT>) is set to (this matrix <TT>[dstrow+r,dstcol+c]</TT>) <I>op</I> * (<TT>src[srcrow+r,srccol+c]</TT>). * * <p>The <TT>reduce()</TT> method is multiple thread safe <I>on a per-element basis.</I> Each * individual matrix element is updated atomically, but the matrix as a whole is not updated * atomically. * * @param dstrow Row index of first element to update in this matrix. * @param dstcol Column index of first element to update in this matrix. * @param src Source matrix. * @param srcrow Row index of first element to update from in the source matrix. * @param srccol Column index of first element to update from in the source matrix. * @param rowlen Number of rows to update. * @param collen Number of columns to update. * @param op Binary operation. * @exception NullPointerException (unchecked exception) Thrown if <TT>src</TT> is null. Thrown if * <TT>op</TT> is null. * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException (unchecked exception) Thrown if <TT>rowlen</TT> < 0. * Thrown if <TT>collen</TT> < 0. Thrown if any matrix index would be out of bounds. */ public void reduce( int dstrow, int dstcol, long[][] src, int srcrow, int srccol, int rowlen, int collen, LongOp op) { if (rowlen < 0 || collen < 0 || dstrow < 0 || dstrow + rowlen > rows() || dstcol < 0 || dstcol + collen > cols() || srcrow < 0 || srcrow + rowlen > src.length || srccol < 0 || srccol + collen > src[0].length) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } for (int r = 0; r < rowlen; ++r) { AtomicLongArray myMatrix_r = myMatrix[dstrow + r]; long[] src_r = src[srcrow + r]; for (int c = 0; c < collen; ++c) { int dstcol_c = dstcol + c; long src_r_c = src_r[srccol + c]; updateLoop: for (; ; ) { long oldvalue = myMatrix_r.get(dstcol_c); long newvalue = op.op(oldvalue, src_r_c); if (myMatrix_r.compareAndSet(dstcol_c, oldvalue, newvalue)) break updateLoop; } } } }
private boolean setConsumers(List<Consumer<S>> list) throws InterruptedException { AtomicLongArray oldOutUse = outUse; long[] oldConsumerSeqs = consumerSeqs; long[] useArray = new long[list.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < useArray.length; i++) useArray[i] = -1; long[] seq = new long[list.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < seq.length; i++) seq[i] = Long.MAX_VALUE; Consumer<S>[] oldConsumers = consumers; consumers = list.toArray(new Consumer[0]); outUse = new AtomicLongArray(useArray); consumerSeqs = seq; for (int i = 0; i < consumers.length; i++) { boolean found = false; for (int j = 0; j < oldConsumers.length; j++) { if (consumers[i] != oldConsumers[j]) continue; found = true; long entered = oldOutUse.get(j); setSequence(i, entered, oldConsumerSeqs[j]); break; } if (!found) setSequence(i, 0, 0); // not in use } return true; }
/** * log.debug() every record in the histogram * * @param log */ public void log(Logger log) { // only print overflow if there is any int nameCount; if (buckets.get(buckets.length() - 1) == 0) nameCount = buckets.length() - 1; else nameCount = buckets.length(); String[] names = new String[nameCount]; int maxNameLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) { names[i] = nameOfRange(bucketOffsets, i); maxNameLength = Math.max(maxNameLength, names[i].length()); } // emit log records String formatstr = "%" + maxNameLength + "s: %d"; for (int i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) { long count = buckets.get(i); // sort-of-hack to not print empty ranges at the start that are only used to demarcate the // first populated range. for code clarity we don't omit this record from the maxNameLength // calculation, and accept the unnecessary whitespace prefixes that will occasionally occur if (i == 0 && count == 0) continue; log.debug(String.format(formatstr, names[i], count)); } }
/** @return the count in the given bucket */ long get(int bucket) { return buckets.get(bucket); }
/** @return the total number of non-zero values */ public long count() { long sum = 0L; for (int i = 0; i < buckets.length(); i++) sum += buckets.get(i); return sum; }
/** * @return true if this histogram has overflowed -- that is, a value larger than our largest * bucket could bound was added */ public boolean isOverflowed() { return buckets.get(buckets.length() - 1) > 0; }
/** * @param product * @param sequence * @return false if there is an error */ boolean consume(S product, long sequence, long sleep) { if (product == null) return true; // make copies Consumer<S>[] consumers = this.consumers; AtomicLongArray outUse = this.outUse; long[] consumerSeqs = this.consumerSeqs; if (outUse.length() != consumers.length) return false; for (int j = 0; j < consumers.length; j++) { if (!consumers[j].isConsuming()) continue; long time = System.nanoTime(); if (!outUse.compareAndSet(j, 0, time)) continue; try { if (sequence <= consumerSeqs[j]) { outUse.lazySet(j, 0); if (outUse != this.outUse) resetConsumer(consumers[j]); break; } consumerSeqs[j] = sequence; consumers[j].consume(product, time); if (sleep > 0) Thread.sleep(sleep); outUse.lazySet(j, 0); if (outUse != this.outUse) { resetConsumer(consumers[j]); break; } } catch (Exception e) { if (listener == null) logger.error("consume", e); else listener.exceptionThrown(e); } } finishConsuming(product, sequence); return true; }
/** * Combine this matrix reduction variable at the given row and column with the given value using * the given operation. (This matrix <TT>[r,c]</TT>) is set to (this matrix <TT>[r,c]</TT>) * <I>op</I> (<TT>value</TT>), then (this matrix <TT>[r,c]</TT>) is returned. * * @param r Row index. * @param c Column index. * @param value Value. * @param op Binary operation. * @return (This matrix <TT>[r,c]</TT>) <I>op</I> (<TT>value</TT>). */ public long reduce(int r, int c, long value, LongOp op) { AtomicLongArray myMatrix_r = myMatrix[r]; for (; ; ) { long oldvalue = myMatrix_r.get(c); long newvalue = op.op(oldvalue, value); if (myMatrix_r.compareAndSet(c, oldvalue, newvalue)) { return newvalue; } } }