/** * Get the single CompanyBDO object holding a CompanyDO object that refers to the DO held by this * BDO. * * @return CompanyBDO object. * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database. * @exception NonUniqueQueryException If more than one CompanyBDO object was found. */ public jobmatch.data.CompanyBDO getCompanyBDO() throws DataObjectException, NonUniqueQueryException, QueryException { jobmatch.data.CompanyQuery q = new jobmatch.data.CompanyQuery(); q.setQueryIndustry(DO); q.requireUniqueInstance(); return q.getNextBDO(); }
/** * Get array of CompanyDO objects that refer to the DO held by this BDO. * * @return array of CompanyDO objects. * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database. */ public jobmatch.data.CompanyDO[] getCompanyDOArray() throws DataObjectException, QueryException { jobmatch.data.CompanyDO[] ret = null; try { jobmatch.data.CompanyQuery q = new jobmatch.data.CompanyQuery(); q.setQueryIndustry(DO); ret = q.getDOArray(); } catch (NonUniqueQueryException e) { throw new DataObjectException("INTERNAL ERROR: unexpected NonUniqueQueryException"); } finally { if (null == ret) ret = new jobmatch.data.CompanyDO[0]; } return ret; }
/** * From the many-to-many relationship expressed by CompanyDO, remove (delete) the AdressDO object * that indirectly refers to the DO held by this BDO. * * @param b The AdressBDO to remove from the CompanyDO mapping for this BDO. * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database. */ public void unmapAdress_via_CompanyBDO(jobmatch.data.AdressBDO b, DBTransaction tran) throws DataObjectException, DatabaseManagerException, RefAssertionException, SQLException, DBRowUpdateException, QueryException { jobmatch.data.CompanyQuery q = new jobmatch.data.CompanyQuery(); q.setQueryIndustry(DO); q.setQueryAdress(b.getDO()); q.requireUniqueInstance(); jobmatch.data.CompanyBDO m = null; try { m = q.getNextBDO(); } catch (NonUniqueQueryException e) { throw new DataObjectException( "Multiple mappings for " + DO + " and " + b.getDO() + " in jobmatch.data.Company table."); } m.delete(tran); }