@Test public void testPreparedStatementWithBatch() throws Exception { Connection connection = proxyDataSource.getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("update emp set name = ? where id = ?"); statement.setString(1, "BAZ"); statement.setInt(2, 3); statement.addBatch(); statement.clearBatch(); statement.setString(1, "FOO"); statement.setInt(2, 1); statement.addBatch(); statement.setString(1, "BAR"); statement.setInt(2, 2); statement.addBatch(); statement.executeBatch(); final InMemoryLog log = getInMemoryLog(); verifyMessage(CommonsLogLevel.DEBUG, log, "update emp set name = ? where id = ?"); verifyMessage(CommonsLogLevel.DEBUG, log, "[(FOO,1),(BAR,2)]"); }
@Override protected void starting(Description description) { try (PreparedStatement ps = spliceClassWatcher.prepareStatement( String.format("insert into %s (a,b) values (?,?)", baseTable))) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ps.setInt(1, i); ps.setInt(2, 2 * i); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } try (PreparedStatement ps = spliceClassWatcher.prepareStatement( String.format("insert into %s (b,c) values (?,?)", rightTable))) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ps.setInt(1, 2 * i); ps.setInt(2, i); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
@Test public void retainKeysInBatch() throws SQLException { stat.executeUpdate("create table test (c1, c2);"); PreparedStatement prep = conn.prepareStatement("insert into test values (?, ?);"); prep.setInt(1, 10); prep.setString(2, "ten"); prep.addBatch(); prep.setInt(1, 100); prep.setString(2, "hundred"); prep.addBatch(); prep.setString(2, "one hundred"); prep.addBatch(); prep.setInt(1, 1000); prep.setString(2, "thousand"); prep.addBatch(); prep.executeBatch(); prep.close(); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("select * from test;"); assertTrue(rs.next()); assertEquals(10, rs.getInt(1)); assertEquals("ten", rs.getString(2)); assertTrue(rs.next()); assertEquals(100, rs.getInt(1)); assertEquals("hundred", rs.getString(2)); assertTrue(rs.next()); assertEquals(100, rs.getInt(1)); assertEquals("one hundred", rs.getString(2)); assertTrue(rs.next()); assertEquals(1000, rs.getInt(1)); assertEquals("thousand", rs.getString(2)); assertFalse(rs.next()); rs.close(); }
public void doSQL() throws Exception { Class.forName("org.sqlite.JDBC"); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:test.db"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.executeUpdate("drop table if exists people;"); stat.executeUpdate("create table people (name, occupation);"); PreparedStatement prep = conn.prepareStatement("insert into people values (?, ?);"); prep.setString(1, "Gandhi"); prep.setString(2, "politics"); prep.addBatch(); prep.setString(1, "Turing"); prep.setString(2, "computers"); prep.addBatch(); prep.setString(1, "Wittgenstein"); prep.setString(2, "smartypants"); prep.addBatch(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); prep.executeBatch(); conn.setAutoCommit(true); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("select * from people;"); while (rs.next()) { System.out.println("name = " + rs.getString("name")); System.out.println("job = " + rs.getString("occupation")); } rs.close(); conn.close(); }
@Test public void testAddBatch() throws SQLException { TGroupConnection conn = null; PreparedStatement stat = null; try { conn = tgds.getConnection(); stat = conn.prepareStatement("update test set type=? where id = ?"); stat.setInt(1, 1); stat.setString(2, "2askjfoue33"); stat.addBatch(); stat.setInt(1, 2); stat.setString(2, "retrtorut48"); stat.addBatch(); int[] affectedRow = stat.executeBatch(); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(affectedRow)); MockDataSource.showTrace(); Assert.assertTrue(MockDataSource.hasMethod("db", "db1", "executeBatch")); } finally { if (conn != null) { try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } if (stat != null) { try { stat.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } } } }
private void testContinueBatch01() throws SQLException { trace("testContinueBatch01"); int[] batchUpdates = {0, 0, 0}; int buCountLen = 0; try { String sPrepStmt = COFFEE_UPDATE_SET; trace("Prepared Statement String:" + sPrepStmt); prep = conn.prepareStatement(sPrepStmt); // Now add a legal update to the batch prep.setInt(1, 1); prep.setString(2, "Continue-1"); prep.setString(3, "COFFEE-1"); prep.addBatch(); // Now add an illegal update to the batch by // forcing a unique constraint violation // Try changing the key_id of row 3 to 1. prep.setInt(1, 1); prep.setString(2, "Invalid"); prep.setString(3, "COFFEE-3"); prep.addBatch(); // Now add a second legal update to the batch // which will be processed ONLY if the driver supports // continued batch processing according to // of the J2EE platform spec. prep.setInt(1, 2); prep.setString(2, "Continue-2"); prep.setString(3, "COFFEE-2"); prep.addBatch(); // The executeBatch() method will result in a // BatchUpdateException prep.executeBatch(); } catch (BatchUpdateException b) { trace("expected BatchUpdateException"); batchUpdates = b.getUpdateCounts(); buCountLen = batchUpdates.length; } if (buCountLen == 1) { trace("no continued updates - OK"); return; } else if (buCountLen == 3) { trace("Driver supports continued updates."); // Check to see if the third row from the batch was added String query = COFFEE_SELECT_CONTINUED; trace("Query is: " + query); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery(query); rs.next(); int count = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); stat.close(); trace("Count val is: " + count); // make sure that we have the correct error code for // the failed update. if (!(batchUpdates[1] == -3 && count == 1)) { fail("insert failed"); } } }
/** Test batched prepared statements. */ public void testPrepStmtBatch() throws Exception { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.execute("create table #testbatch (id int, data varchar(255))"); PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO #testbatch VALUES (?, ?)"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (i == 2) { pstmt.setString(1, "xxx"); } else { pstmt.setInt(1, i); } pstmt.setString(2, "This is line " + i); pstmt.addBatch(); } int x[]; try { x = pstmt.executeBatch(); } catch (BatchUpdateException e) { x = e.getUpdateCounts(); } if (con.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName().toLowerCase().startsWith("microsoft")) { assertEquals(5, x.length); assertEquals(1, x[0]); assertEquals(1, x[1]); assertEquals(EXECUTE_FAILED, x[2]); assertEquals(EXECUTE_FAILED, x[3]); assertEquals(EXECUTE_FAILED, x[4]); } else { // Sybase - Entire batch fails due to data conversion error // detected in statement 3 assertEquals(5, x.length); assertEquals(EXECUTE_FAILED, x[0]); assertEquals(EXECUTE_FAILED, x[1]); assertEquals(EXECUTE_FAILED, x[2]); assertEquals(EXECUTE_FAILED, x[3]); assertEquals(EXECUTE_FAILED, x[4]); } // Now without errors stmt.execute("TRUNCATE TABLE #testbatch"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { pstmt.setInt(1, i); pstmt.setString(2, "This is line " + i); pstmt.addBatch(); } x = pstmt.executeBatch(); assertEquals(5, x.length); assertEquals(1, x[0]); assertEquals(1, x[1]); assertEquals(1, x[2]); assertEquals(1, x[3]); assertEquals(1, x[4]); }
private void testClearBatch01() throws SQLException { trace("testClearBatch01"); String sPrepStmt = COFFEE_UPDATE; trace("Prepared Statement String:" + sPrepStmt); prep = conn.prepareStatement(sPrepStmt); prep.setInt(1, 2); prep.addBatch(); prep.setInt(1, 3); prep.addBatch(); prep.setInt(1, 4); prep.addBatch(); prep.clearBatch(); assertEquals(0, prep.executeBatch().length); }
private void testExecuteBatch01() throws SQLException { trace("testExecuteBatch01"); int i = 0; int[] retValue = {0, 0, 0}; int updCountLength = 0; String sPrepStmt = COFFEE_UPDATE; trace("Prepared Statement String:" + sPrepStmt); // get the PreparedStatement object prep = conn.prepareStatement(sPrepStmt); prep.setInt(1, 1); prep.addBatch(); prep.setInt(1, 2); prep.addBatch(); prep.setInt(1, 3); prep.addBatch(); int[] updateCount = prep.executeBatch(); updCountLength = updateCount.length; trace("Successfully Updated"); trace("updateCount Length:" + updCountLength); if (updCountLength != 3) { fail("executeBatch"); } else { trace("executeBatch executes the Batch of SQL statements"); } // 1 is the number that is set First for Type Id in Prepared Statement String query1 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TEST WHERE TYPE_ID=1"; // 2 is the number that is set second for Type id in Prepared Statement String query2 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TEST WHERE TYPE_ID=2"; // 3 is the number that is set Third for Type id in Prepared Statement String query3 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TEST WHERE TYPE_ID=3"; ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery(query1); rs.next(); retValue[i++] = rs.getInt(1); rs = stat.executeQuery(query2); rs.next(); retValue[i++] = rs.getInt(1); rs = stat.executeQuery(query3); rs.next(); retValue[i++] = rs.getInt(1); trace("retValue length : " + retValue.length); for (int j = 0; j < updateCount.length; j++) { trace("UpdateCount Value:" + updateCount[j]); trace("RetValue : " + retValue[j]); if (updateCount[j] != retValue[j]) { fail("j=" + j + " right:" + retValue[j]); } } }
@Override public void saveUsageNetworks(List<UsageNetworkVO> usageNetworks) { Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn(); try { txn.start(); String sql = INSERT_USAGE_NETWORK; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; pstmt = txn.prepareAutoCloseStatement( sql); // in reality I just want CLOUD_USAGE dataSource connection for (UsageNetworkVO usageNetwork : usageNetworks) { pstmt.setLong(1, usageNetwork.getAccountId()); pstmt.setLong(2, usageNetwork.getZoneId()); pstmt.setLong(3, usageNetwork.getHostId()); pstmt.setString(4, usageNetwork.getHostType()); pstmt.setLong(5, usageNetwork.getNetworkId()); pstmt.setLong(6, usageNetwork.getBytesSent()); pstmt.setLong(7, usageNetwork.getBytesReceived()); pstmt.setLong(8, usageNetwork.getAggBytesReceived()); pstmt.setLong(9, usageNetwork.getAggBytesSent()); pstmt.setLong(10, usageNetwork.getEventTimeMillis()); pstmt.addBatch(); } pstmt.executeBatch(); txn.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { txn.rollback(); s_logger.error("error saving usage_network to cloud_usage db", ex); throw new CloudRuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } }
public String addToDB() { if (wordExists()) { return String.valueOf( ChatColor.RED + "The word " + ChatColor.GOLD + word.getName() + ChatColor.RED + " already exists!"); } else { try { Connection con = null; if (sqltype.equals(SQLType.SQLite)) con = sqlite.getConnection(); if (sqltype.equals(SQLType.MySQL)) con = mysql.getConnection(); PreparedStatement p = con.prepareStatement(Query.INSERT_INTO.value()); p.setString(1, word.getName()); p.setString(2, word.getGroup()); p.addBatch(); con.setAutoCommit(false); p.executeBatch(); con.setAutoCommit(true); return String.valueOf( ChatColor.GREEN + "Word " + ChatColor.GOLD + word.getName() + ChatColor.GREEN + " has been successfully added!"); } catch (SQLException e) { plugin.sendErr( "Error while adding the word '" + word.getName() + "' to the database. Error message: " + e.getMessage() + " ERROR CODE: " + e.getErrorCode()); e.printStackTrace(); return String.valueOf( ChatColor.RED + "Error adding the word '" + ChatColor.GOLD + word.getName() + ChatColor.RED + "' Please check the console for more info."); } catch (Exception e) { plugin.sendErr( "Unknown error while adding the word " + word.getName() + " to the database. Stacktrace:"); e.printStackTrace(); return String.valueOf( ChatColor.RED + "Error adding the word '" + ChatColor.GOLD + word.getName() + ChatColor.RED + "' Please check the console for more info."); } } }
public void processHostTaskData() { try { PreparedStatement pstmt = sqlConnection.prepareStatement(Queries.getSqlInsertHostTaskInfo()); AggregationOutput aggregationOutput = mongoTask.getAggregatedOutput("task", Queries.getHostTaskInfoQuery()); for (DBObject obj : aggregationOutput.results()) { String timeStamp = (String) obj.get("timestamp"); String action = (String) obj.get("action"); String target = (String) obj.get("target"); double timeTaken = Double.parseDouble(obj.get("timeTaken").toString()); pstmt.setTimestamp( 1, new java.sql.Timestamp( MongoAggregationHelper.jsonDateFormat.parse(timeStamp).getTime())); pstmt.setString(2, target); pstmt.setString(3, action); pstmt.setDouble(4, timeTaken); pstmt.setInt(5, 1); pstmt.addBatch(); } pstmt.executeBatch(); } catch (SQLException | ParseException s) { s.printStackTrace(); } }
public static void main2(String[] args) { AdjacentLocListGenerator generator = new AdjacentLocListGenerator(); Connection conn; try { conn = DataLoader.getBeijingConn(); AdjacentLocList list = generator.getListFromDB(conn); conn.setAutoCommit(false); PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO AdjacentLocation_Clustered" + "(SiteId1, SiteId2, UserCount, TotalCount)" + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"); for (Site loc : list.getSites().values()) { for (AdjacentLocPair pair : loc.getNextSites()) { int siteId1 = pair.getSite1().getSiteId(); int siteId2 = pair.getSite2().getSiteId(); if (pair.getUsersCount() == 0) continue; stmt.setInt(1, siteId1); stmt.setInt(2, siteId2); stmt.setInt(3, pair.getUsersCount()); stmt.setInt(4, pair.getTotalCount()); stmt.addBatch(); } stmt.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); System.out.println(loc.getSiteId() + " succeed."); } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Override public void saveAchievements(Set<AchievementStore> achievements) throws DataStoreException { try { HashSet<OfflinePlayer> names = new HashSet<OfflinePlayer>(); for (AchievementStore achievement : achievements) names.add(achievement.player); Map<UUID, Integer> ids = getPlayerIds(names); for (AchievementStore achievement : achievements) { mRecordAchievementStatement.setInt(1, ids.get(achievement.player.getUniqueId())); mRecordAchievementStatement.setString(2, achievement.id); mRecordAchievementStatement.setDate(3, new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); mRecordAchievementStatement.setInt(4, achievement.progress); mRecordAchievementStatement.addBatch(); } mRecordAchievementStatement.executeBatch(); mConnection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { rollback(); throw new DataStoreException(e); } }
protected void writeTile(int x, int y, int z, byte[] tileData) throws SQLException, IOException { prepStmt.setInt(1, x); prepStmt.setInt(2, y); prepStmt.setInt(3, 17 - z); prepStmt.setBytes(4, tileData); prepStmt.addBatch(); }
/* goodB2G1() - use badsource and goodsink by changing second IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE==5 to IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE!=5 */ private void goodB2G1() throws Throwable { String data; if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE == 5) { /* get environment variable ADD */ /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Read data from an environment variable */ data = System.getenv("ADD"); } else { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run * but ensure data is inititialized before the Sink to avoid compiler errors */ data = null; } if (IO.STATIC_FINAL_FIVE != 5) { /* INCIDENTAL: CWE 561 Dead Code, the code below will never run */ IO.writeLine("Benign, fixed string"); } else { if (data != null) { String names[] = data.split("-"); int successCount = 0; Connection dbConnection = null; PreparedStatement sqlStatement = null; try { /* FIX: Use prepared statement and executeBatch (properly) */ dbConnection = IO.getDBConnection(); sqlStatement = dbConnection.prepareStatement("update users set hitcount=hitcount+1 where name=?"); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { sqlStatement.setString(1, names[i]); sqlStatement.addBatch(); } int resultsArray[] = sqlStatement.executeBatch(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (resultsArray[i] > 0) { successCount++; } } IO.writeLine("Succeeded in " + successCount + " out of " + names.length + " queries."); } catch (SQLException exceptSql) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error getting database connection", exceptSql); } finally { try { if (sqlStatement != null) { sqlStatement.close(); } } catch (SQLException exceptSql) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing PreparedStatement", exceptSql); } try { if (dbConnection != null) { dbConnection.close(); } } catch (SQLException exceptSql) { IO.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing Connection", exceptSql); } } } } }
private OpResult addEntities( String query, Collection h, BiFunction<Object, PreparedStatement, PreparedStatement> setFunc) { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; try { connection = getJdbcConnection(); statement = connection.prepareStatement(query); connection.setAutoCommit(false); for (Object entity : h) { setFunc.apply(entity, statement); statement.addBatch(); } statement.executeBatch(); connection.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("error in querying hdfs_sensitivity_entity table", ex); } finally { try { if (statement != null) statement.close(); if (connection != null) connection.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("error in closing database resources", ex); } } return new OpResult(); }
@Override public boolean put(List<TransactionRecord> trs) { PreparedStatement statement = null; try { this.connection.setAutoCommit(false); statement = this.connection.prepareStatement("insert into t_transaction values (?, ?)"); for (TransactionRecord tr : trs) { statement.setLong(1, tr.getOffset()); statement.setString(2, tr.getProducerGroup()); statement.addBatch(); } int[] executeBatch = statement.executeBatch(); this.connection.commit(); this.totalRecordsValue.addAndGet(updatedRows(executeBatch)); return true; } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("createDB Exception", e); return false; } finally { if (null != statement) { try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } } }
public void insertProductList(List<Product> products) throws Throwable { conn.setAutoCommit(false); PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO `yamaloo`.`product`" + " (`ProductName`,`BrandID`, `Description`, `MainPic`, `Price`,`RawSerialNo`)" + " VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?);"); for (Product product : products) { statement.setString(1, product.getName()); statement.setString(2, product.getDescription()); statement.setString(3, product.getBrandID()); statement.setString(4, product.getpictureURL()); statement.setString(5, product.getPrice()); statement.setString(6, product.getRawSerialNumber()); statement.addBatch(); } statement.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); statement.close(); conn.setAutoCommit(true); }
public static void insertBatch() { String sql = "INSERT into order_line (ol_id, ol_o_id, ol_i_id, ol_qty, ol_discount, ol_comments) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; Connection conn = null; if (flag) { conn = IMDGHelper.getConnection(); } else { conn = DBHelper.getConnection(); } try { PreparedStatement pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql); Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); int count = 1000; int range = 10000; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { pst.setInt(1, random.nextInt(range) + 2000); pst.setInt(2, random.nextInt(range) + 2000); pst.setInt(3, random.nextInt(range) + 2000); pst.setInt(4, random.nextInt(range) + 2000); pst.setDouble(5, (double) getRandomInt(0, 30) / 100); pst.setString(6, getRandomAString(20, 100)); pst.addBatch(); } pst.executeBatch(); pst.clearBatch(); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("INSERT time : " + (end - start)); pst.close(); conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { Connection conn = null; try { conn = DataLoader.getBeijingConn(); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); PreparedStatement stmt2 = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO ttttttttt" + "(SiteId, ConnHour)" + " VALUES (?, ?)"); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM FilteredSiteInfo"); while (rs.next()) { int siteid = rs.getInt("SiteId"); for (int i = 0; i < 24; ++i) { stmt2.setInt(1, siteid); stmt2.setInt(2, i); stmt2.addBatch(); } } stmt2.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { } try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void executeBatch(String sql, Object args[][]) throws SQLException, FileNotFoundException { PreparedStatement prep = connection.prepareStatement(sql); int i; for (Object[] a : args) { i = 1; for (Object b : a) { if (b instanceof String) { prep.setString(i, (String) b); } if (b instanceof Integer) { prep.setInt(i, (Integer) b); } if (b instanceof File) { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream((File) b); prep.setBinaryStream(i, fis); } if (b instanceof FileInputStream) { prep.setBinaryStream(i, (InputStream) b); } if (b instanceof BufferedImage) { byte[] buffer = ((DataBufferByte) ((BufferedImage) b).getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(); InputStream ist = new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer); prep.setBinaryStream(i, ist); } i++; } prep.addBatch(); } connection.setAutoCommit(false); prep.executeBatch(); connection.setAutoCommit(true); }
public void processHostData() { try { PreparedStatement pstmt = sqlConnection.prepareStatement(Queries.getSqlInsertHostInfo()); AggregationOutput aggregationOutput = mongoTask.getAggregatedOutput("host", Queries.getHostInfoQuery()); for (DBObject obj : aggregationOutput.results()) { String hostname = (String) obj.get("hostname"); Double cpuUsage = Double.parseDouble(obj.get("cpuusage").toString()); Double cpuMax = Double.parseDouble(obj.get("cpumax").toString()); Double cpuPercent = Double.parseDouble(obj.get("cpupercentage").toString()); Double memUsage = Double.parseDouble(obj.get("memusage").toString()); Double memMax = Double.parseDouble(obj.get("memmax").toString()); Double memPercent = Double.parseDouble(obj.get("mempercentage").toString()); Double upTime = Double.parseDouble(obj.get("uptime").toString()); Double tx = Double.parseDouble(obj.get("tx").toString()); Double rx = Double.parseDouble(obj.get("rx").toString()); pstmt.setTimestamp(1, new java.sql.Timestamp(timeStamp.getTime())); pstmt.setString(2, hostname); pstmt.setDouble(3, cpuUsage); pstmt.setDouble(4, cpuMax); pstmt.setDouble(5, cpuPercent); pstmt.setDouble(6, memUsage); pstmt.setDouble(7, memMax); pstmt.setDouble(8, memPercent); pstmt.setDouble(9, upTime); pstmt.setDouble(10, tx); pstmt.setDouble(11, rx); pstmt.addBatch(); } pstmt.executeBatch(); } catch (SQLException s) { s.printStackTrace(); } }
@Override public void updateAccounts(List<AccountVO> accounts) { Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn(); try { txn.start(); String sql = UPDATE_ACCOUNT; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; pstmt = txn.prepareAutoCloseStatement( sql); // in reality I just want CLOUD_USAGE dataSource connection for (AccountVO acct : accounts) { pstmt.setString(1, acct.getAccountName()); Date removed = acct.getRemoved(); if (removed == null) { pstmt.setString(2, null); } else { pstmt.setString( 2, DateUtil.getDateDisplayString(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"), acct.getRemoved())); } pstmt.setLong(3, acct.getId()); pstmt.addBatch(); } pstmt.executeBatch(); txn.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { txn.rollback(); s_logger.error("error saving account to cloud_usage db", ex); throw new CloudRuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } }
private void saveBuildings(int building_id, String customers, Connection conn) throws Exception { PreparedStatement psDelete = null; PreparedStatement psAdd = null; try { psDelete = conn.prepareStatement("delete from maps.building_to_customers where building_id=?"); psDelete.setInt(1, building_id); psDelete.executeUpdate(); if (customers.length() > 0) { String cusIds[] = customers.split(","); psAdd = conn.prepareStatement( "insert into maps.building_to_customers (building_id,cusid) values (?,?)"); for (String cusId : cusIds) { psAdd.setInt(1, building_id); psAdd.setInt(2, new Integer(cusId)); psAdd.addBatch(); } psAdd.executeBatch(); } } finally { try { psDelete.close(); } catch (Exception e2) { // TODO: handle exception } try { psAdd.close(); } catch (Exception e2) { // TODO: handle exception } } }
@Override public void updateUserStats(List<UserStatisticsVO> userStats) { Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn(); try { txn.start(); String sql = UPDATE_USER_STATS; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; pstmt = txn.prepareAutoCloseStatement( sql); // in reality I just want CLOUD_USAGE dataSource connection for (UserStatisticsVO userStat : userStats) { pstmt.setLong(1, userStat.getNetBytesReceived()); pstmt.setLong(2, userStat.getNetBytesSent()); pstmt.setLong(3, userStat.getCurrentBytesReceived()); pstmt.setLong(4, userStat.getCurrentBytesSent()); pstmt.setLong(5, userStat.getAggBytesReceived()); pstmt.setLong(6, userStat.getAggBytesSent()); pstmt.setLong(7, userStat.getId()); pstmt.addBatch(); } pstmt.executeBatch(); txn.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { txn.rollback(); s_logger.error("error saving user stats to cloud_usage db", ex); throw new CloudRuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } }
private int[] batch(Config config, Connection conn, String sql, Object[][] paras, int batchSize) throws SQLException { if (paras == null || paras.length == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The paras array length must more than 0."); if (batchSize < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The batchSize must more than 0."); int counter = 0; int pointer = 0; int[] result = new int[paras.length]; PreparedStatement pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql); for (int i = 0; i < paras.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < paras[i].length; j++) { Object value = paras[i][j]; if (config.dialect.isOracle() && value instanceof java.sql.Date) pst.setDate(j + 1, (java.sql.Date) value); else pst.setObject(j + 1, value); } pst.addBatch(); if (++counter >= batchSize) { counter = 0; int[] r = pst.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); for (int k = 0; k < r.length; k++) result[pointer++] = r[k]; } } int[] r = pst.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); for (int k = 0; k < r.length; k++) result[pointer++] = r[k]; DbKit.closeQuietly(pst); return result; }
private int performDeleteBlob(IdFilter filter, Lock lock) throws FeatureStoreException { int deleted = 0; PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = conn.prepareStatement( "DELETE FROM " + blobMapping.getTable() + " WHERE " + blobMapping.getGMLIdColumn() + "=?"); for (ResourceId id : filter.getSelectedIds()) { stmt.setString(1, id.getRid()); stmt.addBatch(); if (fs.getCache() != null) { fs.getCache().remove(id.getRid()); } } int[] deletes = stmt.executeBatch(); for (int noDeleted : deletes) { deleted += noDeleted; } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.debug(e.getMessage(), e); throw new FeatureStoreException(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { JDBCUtils.close(stmt); } LOG.debug("Deleted " + deleted + " features."); return deleted; }
/** * @param chain_id * @param processIds the ids of the processes part of this chain * @param chainID the chainID for the processing chain * @return the success of creating * @throws SQLException */ public boolean addChain(int run_id, int chain_id, Collection<Integer> processIds) throws SQLException { boolean created; try (AutoCloseableDBConnection c = new AutoCloseableDBConnection(false); PreparedStatement queryWorker = c.prepareStatement("SELECT chain_id FROM chain_activities WHERE chain_id=?"); PreparedStatement updateWorker = c.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO chain_activities(run_id,chain_id,process_id) VALUES(?,?,?)", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); ) { queryWorker.setInt(1, chain_id); if (!queryWorker.executeQuery().next()) { for (int aProcessId : processIds) { updateWorker.setInt(1, run_id); updateWorker.setInt(2, chain_id); updateWorker.setInt(3, aProcessId); updateWorker.addBatch(); } updateWorker.executeBatch(); // ResultSet rs = updateWorker.getGeneratedKeys(); created = true; c.commit(); } else { created = false; } } return created; }
public void addBatch() throws SQLException { try { wrapped.addBatch(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UcanaccessSQLException(e); } }