public static List<PriceBar> getPriceDatas( String sym, java.util.Date beginDT, java.util.Date endDT, int priceMagnifier, int multiplier) { List<PriceBar> priceDatas = new ArrayList<PriceBar>(); try { PreparedStatement datedRangeBySymbol = DBopsMySql.datedRangeBySymbol( sym, new Timestamp(beginDT.getTime()), new Timestamp(endDT.getTime())); ResultSet res = datedRangeBySymbol.executeQuery(); while ( { PriceBar priceBar = new PriceBar( res.getTimestamp("datetime").getTime(), res.getDouble("open") / priceMagnifier * multiplier, res.getDouble("high") / priceMagnifier * multiplier, res.getDouble("low") / priceMagnifier * multiplier, res.getDouble("close") / priceMagnifier * multiplier, res.getLong("volume")); priceDatas.add(priceBar); } // int i = 1; } catch (SQLException ex) { MsgBox.err2(ex); } catch (Exception ex) { MsgBox.err2(ex); } finally { return priceDatas; } }
public static void main(String[] args) { try { Connection con = DBopsMySql.setuptradesConnection(); con.setAutoCommit(false); String ul = "AUD"; PreparedStatement pstmt = DBopsMySql.getExpirysForUpdate(con, ul, 20090300, 20100700); PreparedStatement upDateStmt = DBopsMySql.updateBeginEndDatesForExpiry(con); ResultSet res = pstmt.executeQuery();; // To get a lastexpiry for loop, so should be one extra early expiry int lastexp = res.getInt("expiry"); while ( { int exp = res.getInt("expiry"); String bdate = DateOps.dbShortFormatString(lastexp - 5); String edate = DateOps.dbShortFormatString(exp - 6); upDateStmt.setString(1, bdate); if (!res.isLast()) { upDateStmt.setString(2, edate); } upDateStmt.setString(3, ul); upDateStmt.setInt(4, exp); upDateStmt.addBatch(); lastexp = exp; } int[] updateCounts = upDateStmt.executeBatch(); upDateStmt.close(); con.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { MsgBox.err2(ex); } }
public static String createCompressionTable(int compressionFactor) { String dbTableName = "quotes" + compressionFactor + "min"; try { PreparedStatement createCompressionTable = DBopsMySql.setuptradesConnection() .prepareStatement( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Trading`.`" + dbTableName + "` (" + "`symbol` VARCHAR( 15 ) NOT NULL , " + "`datetime` DATETIME NOT NULL , " + "`open` DOUBLE NOT NULL , " + "`high` DOUBLE NOT NULL , " + "`low` DOUBLE NOT NULL , " + "`close` DOUBLE NOT NULL , " + "`volume` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY(`symbol`, `datetime`))"); createCompressionTable.execute(); createCompressionTable.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { MsgBox.err2(ex); dbTableName = null; } finally { return dbTableName; } }
public static CallableStatement distinctSymsProc() { CallableStatement ret = null; try { ret = DBopsMySql.setuptradesConnection().prepareCall("CALL distinctQuoteSymbols()"); } catch (SQLException ex) { MsgBox.err2(ex); } finally { return ret; } }
public static PreparedStatement insertIntoCompressionTable(String table) { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; try { pstmt = DBopsMySql.setuptradesConnection() .prepareStatement("REPLACE INTO `" + table + "` VALUES (?, ? , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); } catch (SQLException ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, ex.getMessage(), "SQLException", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } finally { return pstmt; } }
public static void insertIntoPaperTradesTable(PaperTrade paperTrade) { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; try { pstmt = DBopsMySql.setuptradesConnection() .prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO `PaperTrades` " + "(`id`, `EnteredInDB`, `BeginTradeDateTime`, `symbol`, `Position`, " + "`entry`, `stop loss`, `stop risk`, `Stop profit`, " + "`profitpotential`, `Outcome`, `ExitTradeDateTime`) " + "VALUES (NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"); // BeginTradeDateTime if (paperTrade.getBeginTradeDateTime() == null) { pstmt.setNull(1, Types.DATE); } else { pstmt.setTimestamp(1, paperTrade.getBeginTradeTimestamp()); } // symbol if (paperTrade.getSymbol() == null) { pstmt.setNull(2, Types.VARCHAR); } else { pstmt.setString(2, paperTrade.getSymbol()); } // Position if (paperTrade.getPosition() == null) { pstmt.setNull(3, Types.VARCHAR); } else { pstmt.setString(3, paperTrade.getPosition()); } // entry pstmt.setDouble(4, paperTrade.getEntry()); // stop loss pstmt.setDouble(5, paperTrade.getStopLoss()); // stop risk pstmt.setDouble(6, paperTrade.getStopRisk()); // Stop profit pstmt.setDouble(7, paperTrade.getProfitStop()); // profitpotential pstmt.setDouble(8, paperTrade.getProfitpotential()); // Outcome pstmt.setDouble(9, paperTrade.getOutcome()); // ExitTradeDateTime pstmt.setTimestamp(10, paperTrade.getExitTradeTimestamp()); pstmt.execute(); pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { MsgBox.err2(ex); } finally { } }
/** * rpc - 4/18/10 1:19 PM Get the min and max Date in DB by UL * * @param sym - UL * @return The relevant PreparedStatement. */ public static PreparedStatement minMaxDatesBySym(String sym) { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; try { pstmt = DBopsMySql.setuptradesConnection() .prepareStatement( "SELECT min(`datetime`), max(`datetime`) FROM `Trading`.`quotes1min` where symbol=?"); pstmt.setString(1, sym); } catch (SQLException ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, ex.getMessage(), "SQLException", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } finally { return pstmt; } }
public static int getNextPaperOrderID() { int id = -1; try { PreparedStatement pstmt = DBopsMySql.setuptradesConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT max(`OrderID`) FROM `PaperOrders`"); ResultSet res = pstmt.executeQuery();; // To get a lastexpiry for loop, so should be one extra early expiry id = res.getInt(1); } catch (SQLException ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, ex.getMessage(), "SQLException", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } finally { return (id + 1); } }
public static PreparedStatement distinctSymbolInfos() { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; try { pstmt = DBopsMySql.setuptradesConnection() .prepareStatement( "SELECT distinct symbol, `exchange`, multiplier, " + "`priceMagnifier`, `minTick`, `fullName` " + "FROM `Trading`.`futuresContractDetails`"); } catch (SQLException ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, ex.getMessage(), "SQLException", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } finally { return pstmt; } }
public static PreparedStatement exchangeBySymbolandExpiry(String symbol, int expiry) { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; try { pstmt = DBopsMySql.setuptradesConnection() .prepareStatement( "SELECT `exchange` FROM `futuresContractDetails` WHERE " + "`symbol`= ? and `expiry`= ?"); pstmt.setString(1, symbol); pstmt.setInt(2, expiry); } catch (SQLException ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, ex.getMessage(), "SQLException", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } finally { return pstmt; } }
public static PreparedStatement MultiplierAndMagnifier(String sym) { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; try { pstmt = DBopsMySql.setuptradesConnection() .prepareStatement( "SELECT distinct `multiplier`, `priceMagnifier` " + "FROM `futuresContractDetails` WHERE `symbol` = '" + sym + "'"); } catch (SQLException ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, ex.getMessage(), "SQLException", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } finally { return pstmt; } }
public static PreparedStatement minMaxDateBySymbolAndExpiry(String symbol, int expiry) { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; try { pstmt = DBopsMySql.setuptradesConnection() .prepareStatement( "SELECT min(`datetime`) as minDate, max(`datetime`) as maxDate FROM `quotes1min` " + "WHERE `symbol`= ? and `expiry`= ?"); pstmt.setString(1, symbol); pstmt.setInt(2, expiry); } catch (SQLException ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, ex.getMessage(), "SQLException", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } finally { return pstmt; } }
/** * rpc - 3/7/10 10:26 AM - This works because the last symbol in the quotes1min table is assumed * to be the current working expiry. If it isn't, this could be a problem, * * @param symbol the UL * @return a PreparedStatement that has 1 row, 1 column, with int max(`expiry`) */ public static int maxExpiryWithDataBySymbol(String symbol) { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; int expiry = 0; try { pstmt = DBopsMySql.setuptradesConnection() .prepareStatement("SELECT max(`expiry`) FROM `quotes1min` WHERE `symbol`= ?"); pstmt.setString(1, symbol); ResultSet res = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { expiry = res.getInt(1); } else { throw new Exception("No result set returned."); } } catch (SQLException ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, ex.getMessage(), "SQLException", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } finally { return expiry; } }
/** * rpc - 3/7/10 9:37 AM - Get a dated range by symbol, only for continuous contract * * @param sym * @param beginDate * @param endDate * @return */ public static PreparedStatement datedRangeBySymbol( String sym, Timestamp beginDate, Timestamp endDate) { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; try { pstmt = DBopsMySql.setuptradesConnection() .prepareStatement( "SELECT `datetime`, `open`, `high`,`low`, `close`, " + "`volume` FROM `Trading`.`quotes1min`" + "where symbol=? and " + "`datetime` >= ? and " + "`datetime` <= ? order by `datetime`;"); pstmt.setString(1, sym); pstmt.setTimestamp(2, beginDate); pstmt.setTimestamp(3, endDate); } catch (SQLException ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, ex.getMessage(), "SQLException", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } finally { return pstmt; } }
public static void OLDinsertIntoPaperOrdersTable(Order order) { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; try { pstmt = DBopsMySql.setuptradesConnection() . //// rpc - NOTE:8/15/10 11:35 AM - 22 PARAMS prepareStatement( "REPLACE INTO `PaperOrders` " + "(`idx`,`UL`, `Expiry`, `BuySell`, `TotalQuantity`, `FilledQuantity`, " + "`RemainingQuantity`, `LimitPrice`, `Auxprice`, `AvgFillPrice`, `OrderType`, " + "`TIF`, `TranslatedPrice`, `BarTime`, `LossOrGain`, `OCAGroup`, " + "`OcaType`, `OrderID`, `ParentID`, `PermID`, `EntryDateTime`, " + "`ExecutedDateTime`, `Status`)" + "VALUES (?, ? , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? , ?, ?," + "?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); } catch (SQLException ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, ex.getMessage(), "SQLException", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } finally { } }
public static void insertIntoPaperOrdersTable(Order order) { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; try { pstmt = DBopsMySql.setuptradesConnection() . //// rpc - NOTE:8/15/10 11:35 AM - 22 PARAMS prepareStatement( "REPLACE INTO `PaperOrders` " + "(`idx`,`UL`, `Expiry`, `BuySell`, `TotalQuantity`, `FilledQuantity`, " + "`RemainingQuantity`, `LimitPrice`, `Auxprice`, `AvgFillPrice`, `OrderType`, " + "`TIF`, `TranslatedPrice`, `BarTime`, `LossOrGain`, `OCAGroup`, " + "`OcaType`, `OrderID`, `ParentID`, `PermID`, `EntryDateTime`, " + "`ExecutedDateTime`, `Status`)" + "VALUES (?, ? , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? , ?, ?," + "?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); // IDX if (order.getIdx() == null) { pstmt.setNull(1, Types.INTEGER); } else { pstmt.setInt(1, order.getIdx()); } // UL if (order.getUl() == null) { pstmt.setNull(2, Types.VARCHAR); } else { pstmt.setString(2, order.getUl()); } // Expiry if (order.getExpiry() == null) { pstmt.setNull(3, Types.INTEGER); } else { pstmt.setInt(3, order.getExpiry()); } // BuySell if (order.getExpiry() == null) { pstmt.setNull(4, Types.VARCHAR); } else { pstmt.setString(4, order.getBuySell()); } // TotalQuantity if (order.getTotalQuantity() == null) { pstmt.setNull(5, Types.INTEGER); } else { pstmt.setInt(5, order.getTotalQuantity()); } // FilledQuantity if (order.getFilledQuantity() == null) { pstmt.setNull(6, Types.INTEGER); } else { pstmt.setInt(6, order.getFilledQuantity()); } // RemainingQuantity if (order.getRemainingQuantity() == null) { pstmt.setNull(7, Types.INTEGER); } else { pstmt.setInt(7, order.getRemainingQuantity()); } // LimitPrice if (order.getLimitPrice() == null) { pstmt.setNull(8, Types.DOUBLE); } else { pstmt.setDouble(8, order.getLimitPrice()); } // AuxPrice if (order.getAuxprice() == null) { pstmt.setNull(9, Types.DOUBLE); } else { pstmt.setDouble(9, order.getAuxprice()); } // AvgFillPrice if (order.getAvgFillPrice() == null) { pstmt.setNull(10, Types.DOUBLE); } else { pstmt.setDouble(10, order.getAvgFillPrice()); } // OrderType if (order.getOrderType() == null) { pstmt.setNull(11, Types.VARCHAR); } else { pstmt.setString(11, order.getOrderType()); } // TIF if (order.getTif() == null) { pstmt.setNull(12, Types.VARCHAR); } else { pstmt.setString(12, order.getTif()); } // TranslatedPrice if (order.getTranslatedPrice() == null) { pstmt.setNull(13, Types.DOUBLE); } else { pstmt.setDouble(13, order.getTranslatedPrice()); } // BarTime if (order.getBarTime() == null) { pstmt.setNull(14, Types.DATE); } else { pstmt.setTimestamp(14, (new Timestamp(order.getBarTime().getTime()))); } // Loss or Gain if (order.getLossOrGain() == null) { pstmt.setNull(15, Types.DOUBLE); } else { pstmt.setDouble(15, order.getLossOrGain()); } // OCAGroup if (order.getOCAGroup() == null) { pstmt.setNull(16, Types.VARCHAR); } else { pstmt.setString(16, order.getOCAGroup()); } // OCAType if (order.getOcaType() == null) { pstmt.setNull(17, Types.SMALLINT); } else { pstmt.setShort(17, order.getOcaType()); } // OrderID if (order.getOrderID() == null) { pstmt.setNull(18, Types.INTEGER); } else { pstmt.setInt(18, order.getOrderID()); } // ParentID if (order.getParentID() == null) { pstmt.setNull(19, Types.INTEGER); } else { pstmt.setInt(19, order.getParentID()); } // PermID if (order.getPermID() == null) { pstmt.setNull(20, Types.INTEGER); } else { pstmt.setInt(20, order.getPermID()); } // EntryDateTime if (order.getEntryDateTime() == null) { pstmt.setNull(21, Types.DATE); } else { pstmt.setTimestamp(21, (new Timestamp(order.getEntryDateTime().getTime()))); } // ExecutedDateTime if (order.getExecutedDateTime() == null) { pstmt.setNull(22, Types.DATE); } else { pstmt.setTimestamp(22, (new Timestamp(order.getExecutedDateTime().getTime()))); } // Status if (order.getStatus() == null) { pstmt.setNull(23, Types.VARCHAR); } else { pstmt.setString(23, order.getStatus()); } pstmt.execute(); pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { MsgBox.err2(ex); } finally { } }