/** Method declaration */ private void initGUI() { Panel pQuery = new Panel(); Panel pCommand = new Panel(); pResult = new Panel(); pQuery.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); pCommand.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); pResult.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); Font fFont = new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12); txtCommand = new TextArea(5, 40); txtCommand.addKeyListener(this); txtResult = new TextArea(20, 40); txtCommand.setFont(fFont); txtResult.setFont(new Font("Courier", Font.PLAIN, 12)); butExecute = new Button("Execute"); butClear = new Button("Clear"); butExecute.addActionListener(this); butClear.addActionListener(this); pCommand.add("East", butExecute); pCommand.add("West", butClear); pCommand.add("Center", txtCommand); gResult = new Grid(); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); pResult.add("Center", gResult); pQuery.add("North", pCommand); pQuery.add("Center", pResult); fMain.add("Center", pQuery); tTree = new Tree(); // (ulrivo): screen with less than 640 width Dimension d = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); if (d.width >= 640) { tTree.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(200, 100)); } else { tTree.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(80, 100)); } gResult.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(200, 300)); fMain.add("West", tTree); doLayout(); fMain.pack(); }
public void init() { a = new TextArea("", 15, 50); add(a); Button t = new Button("Translate"); add(t); b = new TextArea("", 15, 50); add(b); t.addActionListener(this); }
public Deta_Ventas_r() { setBackground(Color.gray); setLayout(null); setSize(400, 400); l1 = new Label(" clave "); t1 = new TextField(36); l2 = new Label("Vendedor"); t2 = new TextField(20); l3 = new Label("Cliente"); t3 = new TextField(20); l4 = new Label("Fechas"); t4 = new TextField(5); l5 = new Label("monto_final"); t5 = new TextField(5); t4.setEditable(false); t5.setEditable(false); b = new Button("Registrar"); add(l1); add(t1); add(l2); add(t2); add(l3); add(t3); add(l4); add(t4); add(l5); add(t5); add(b); l1.setBounds(24, 75, 71, 23); l2.setBounds(24, 103, 90, 23); l3.setBounds(24, 131, 90, 23); l4.setBounds(24, 159, 90, 23); l5.setBounds(24, 185, 90, 23); t1.setBounds(114, 75, 270, 23); t2.setBounds(114, 103, 270, 23); t3.setBounds(114, 131, 270, 23); t4.setBounds(114, 159, 270, 23); t5.setBounds(114, 185, 270, 23); b.setBounds(167, 215, 65, 23); b.addActionListener(this); setUndecorated(true); setLocation((Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width / 2) - 200, 50); start(); }
public LoginScreen(final Home hm) { setSize(600, 550); setLayout(null); this.hm = hm; name = new Label("Username : "******"Password :"******"login"); login.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { if (isValidUser()) { hm.removeAll(); hm.userId = nameText.getText(); hm.p2 = new BaseApplet(hm); hm.p2.setBounds(0, 50, 600, 550); hm.add(hm.p2); hm.revalidate(); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Invalid Credentials", "Alert", JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); } } catch (Exception e1) { System.out.println("Error"); } } }); login.setBounds(200, 150, 100, 30); add(login); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { String s1 = ae.getActionCommand(); if (s1.equals("Calendar")) { // DatePicker dp=new DatePicker(f); // dp.displayDate(); // f.getContentPane().add(p); b3.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { t6.setText(new DatePicker(f).setPickedDate()); } }); } else if (s1.equals("LogOut")) { f.dispose(); start p = new start(); p.method(); } else if (s1.equals("Search")) { try { String data = t1.getSelectedItem(); Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:raman1"); Statement stm = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery("select * from mprofile where Manager_Id='" + data + "' "); while (rs.next()) { String a2 = rs.getString(1); t2.setText(a2); String a3 = rs.getString(2); t3.setText(a3); String a4 = rs.getString(3); t4.setText(a4); String a5 = rs.getString(4); t5.setText(a5); String a6 = rs.getString(6); t6.setText(a6); String a7 = rs.getString(7); t7.setText(a7); String a8 = rs.getString(8); t8.setText(a8); String a9 = rs.getString(9); t9.setText(a9); String a10 = rs.getString(10); t10.setText(a10); p.add(l3); p.add(t2); p.add(l4); p.add(t3); p.add(l5); p.add(t4); p.add(l6); p.add(t5); p.add(l7); p.add(c1); p.add(c2); p.add(l8); p.add(t6); p.add(l9); p.add(t7); p.add(l10); p.add(t8); p.add(l11); p.add(t9); p.add(l12); p.add(t10); p.add(b2); p.add(b3); p.add(b4); } } catch (Exception e) { } } else if (s1.equals("Update")) { String y2 = t2.getText(); String y3 = t3.getText(); String update_id = t4.getText(); String y4 = t5.getText(); String y6 = t6.getText(); String y7 = t7.getText(); String y8 = t8.getText(); String y9 = t9.getText(); String y10 = t10.getText(); try { String y = t1.getSelectedItem(); Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:raman1"); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement( "update mprofile set Location=? , E_Mail_Id=? ,Contact_No =?, Address=?, D_O_B=?,Gender=?, Password=?, Manager_Id=?,manager_father=?,manager_name=? where Manager_Id='" + y + "' "); ps.setString(1, y10); ps.setString(2, y9); ps.setString(3, y8); ps.setString(4, y7); ps.setString(5, y6); ps.setString(6, g); ps.setString(7, y4); ps.setString(8, update_id); ps.setString(9, y3); ps.setString(10, y2); ps.executeUpdate(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(p, "data has been updated"); f.dispose(); project p = new project(); p.method(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } } else if (s1.equals("Close")) { f.dispose(); } else { f.dispose(); project p = new project(); p.method(); } }
void launch() { f.setSize(800, 800); p.setLayout(null); l1.setBounds(600, 10, 150, 36); l2.setBounds(100, 30, 400, 70); l13.setBounds(2, 90, 1200, 20); l14.setBounds(80, 150, 250, 30); t1.setBounds(330, 150, 150, 30); b1.setBounds(500, 150, 100, 30); l15.setBounds(2, 200, 1200, 20); b6.setBounds(600, 50, 100, 30); l3.setBounds(100, 250, 100, 30); t2.setBounds(300, 250, 150, 30); l4.setBounds(100, 300, 150, 30); t3.setBounds(300, 300, 150, 30); l5.setBounds(100, 350, 150, 30); t4.setBounds(300, 350, 150, 30); l6.setBounds(100, 400, 100, 30); t5.setBounds(300, 400, 150, 30); l7.setBounds(100, 450, 100, 30); c1.setBounds(300, 450, 60, 30); c2.setBounds(400, 450, 60, 30); l8.setBounds(100, 500, 100, 30); t6.setBounds(300, 500, 150, 30); l9.setBounds(100, 550, 100, 30); t7.setBounds(300, 550, 150, 30); l10.setBounds(100, 600, 120, 30); t8.setBounds(300, 600, 150, 30); l11.setBounds(100, 650, 100, 30); t9.setBounds(300, 650, 150, 30); l12.setBounds(100, 700, 150, 30); t10.setBounds(300, 700, 150, 30); b2.setBounds(500, 400, 100, 30); b3.setBounds(500, 500, 100, 30); b4.setBounds(500, 600, 100, 30); b5.setBounds(650, 150, 100, 30); b1.addActionListener(this); b2.addActionListener(this); b3.addActionListener(this); b4.addActionListener(this); b5.addActionListener(this); b6.addActionListener(this); c1.addItemListener(this); c2.addItemListener(this); p.add(l1); p.add(l2); p.add(l13); p.add(l14); p.add(t1); p.add(b1); p.add(l15); p.add(b5); p.add(b6); f.add(p); f.setVisible(true); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); }
/** * Handles when aides cover each other. They must tell * us who they're covering so that that poor person * doesn't get a missed shift. This of course means i * have to work on MyHours some more... If they select * a valid userid to cover for makes the appropriate * entry in AIDELOG. * * @param An SaoWorker who is covering someone else */ public void WhoRUCovering(final SaoWorker w) { int i = 0; int h = bd.getHours(); int m = bd.getMinutes(); if (((m >= 20) && (m < 30)) || ((m >= 50) && (m < 60))) { if (m < 30) { m = m + 10; } else { m = m + 10 - 60; h = h + 1; } } int dopp = bd.getDoPP(); if (dopp > 7) { dopp = dopp - 7; } String slotid = bd.getSlot(h, m, dopp); String q = "select * from AIDESCHED where " + slotid + "=1"; final String[] userids = {"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""}; final BatSQL bSQL = new BatSQL(); ResultSet rs = bSQL.query(q); try { boolean more = rs.next(); if (more) //because there might be only one person for this slot { while (more) { userids[i] = rs.getString(1); i++; more = rs.next(); } } //end of if more } //end of try catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println("!*******SQLException caught*******!"); System.out.println("WhoRUCovering"); while (ex != null) { System.out.println ("SQLState: " + ex.getSQLState ()); System.out.println ("Message: " + ex.getMessage ()); System.out.println ("Vendor: " + ex.getErrorCode ()); ex = ex.getNextException (); System.out.println (""); } System.exit(0); } //end catching SQLExceptions catch (java.lang.Exception ex) { System.out.println("!*******Exception caught*******!"); System.out.println("WhoRUCovering"); System.exit(0); } //end catching other Exceptions final Frame coverF = new Frame("Covering?"); final Panel p = new Panel(); final Panel btnP = new Panel(); final List coverL = new List(); Button ok = new Button("Cover"); Button nok = new Button("Cancel"); final int i2 = i; ok.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String id = coverL.getSelectedItem(); BatSQL bS = new BatSQL(); String a = "insert into aidelog values ('C', \"" + id + "\", \"" + bd.getDate() + "\", " + bd.getStringHours() + bd.getStringMinutes() + ", 'I')"; bS.update(a); a = "update AIDEDIN set COVERING='" + id + "' where USERID='" + w.getUserID() + "'"; bS.update(a); bS.disconnect(); coverF.dispose(); } }); nok.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { coverF.dispose(); } }); btnP.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); btnP.add(ok); btnP.add(nok); p.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); p.add(new Label("Who are you covering for?"), BorderLayout.NORTH); int j; for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) { coverL.add(userids[j]); } p.add(coverL, BorderLayout.CENTER); p.add(btnP, BorderLayout.SOUTH); coverL.select(0); coverF.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); coverF.add(p); coverF.pack(); coverF.setLocation(200, 200); coverF.show(); } //end of WhoRUCovering