예제 #1
   * Construct a GraphicsModeControlJ3D associated with the input display
   * @param d display associated with this GraphicsModeControlJ3D
  public GraphicsModeControlJ3D(DisplayImpl d) {
    lineWidth = 1.0f;
    pointSize = 1.0f;
    lineStyle = SOLID_STYLE;
    pointMode = false;
    textureEnable = true;
    scaleEnable = false;
    // NICEST, FASTEST and BLENDED do not solve the depth precedence problem
    // note SCREEN_DOOR does not seem to work with variable transparency
    // transparencyMode = TransparencyAttributes.NICEST;
    transparencyMode = TransparencyAttributes.FASTEST;
    // transparencyMode = TransparencyAttributes.BLENDED;
    // transparencyMode = TransparencyAttributes.SCREEN_DOOR;
    polygonMode = PolygonAttributes.POLYGON_FILL;
    polygonOffset = Float.NaN;
    polygonOffsetFactor = 0f;
    adjustProjectionSeam = true;
    texture3DMode = STACK2D;

    projectionPolicy = View.PERSPECTIVE_PROJECTION;
    DisplayRendererJ3D displayRenderer = (DisplayRendererJ3D) getDisplayRenderer();
    if (displayRenderer != null) {
      if (displayRenderer.getMode2D()) {
        projectionPolicy = View.PARALLEL_PROJECTION;
        // for some strange reason, if we set PERSPECTIVE_PROJECTION at this
        // point, we can never set PARALLEL_PROJECTION