/** delete all links to ThingReferences */ public void removeAllReferences() throws VisADException, RemoteException { if (AdaptedAction == null) { throw new RemoteVisADException( "RemoteActionImpl.removeAllReferences: " + "AdaptedAction is null"); } AdaptedAction.removeAllReferences(); }
// WLH 4 Dec 98 // public void thingChanged(ThingChangedEvent e) public boolean thingChanged(ThingChangedEvent e) throws VisADException, RemoteException { if (AdaptedAction == null) { throw new RemoteVisADException("RemoteActionImpl.thingChanged: " + "AdaptedAction is null"); } // WLH 4 Dec 98 // AdaptedAction.thingChanged(e); return AdaptedAction.thingChanged(e); }
/** delete link to a ThingReference must be RemoteThingReference */ public void removeReference(ThingReference ref) throws VisADException, RemoteException { if (!(ref instanceof RemoteThingReference)) { throw new RemoteVisADException( "RemoteActionImpl.removeReference: requires " + "RemoteThingReference"); } if (AdaptedAction == null) { throw new RemoteVisADException( "RemoteActionImpl.removeReference: " + "AdaptedAction is null"); } AdaptedAction.adaptedRemoveReference((RemoteThingReference) ref); }
/** create link to ThingReference; must be RemoteThingReference */ public void addReference(ThingReference ref) throws VisADException, RemoteException { if (!(ref instanceof RemoteThingReference)) { throw new RemoteVisADException( "RemoteActionImpl.addReference: requires " + "RemoteThingReference"); } if (AdaptedAction == null) { throw new RemoteVisADException("RemoteActionImpl.addReference: " + "AdaptedAction is null"); } // WLH - will 'this' be passed to RemoteThingReference ref as a RemoteAction? AdaptedAction.adaptedAddReference((RemoteThingReference) ref, (RemoteAction) this); }
/** return name of this Action */ public String getName() throws VisADException { if (AdaptedAction == null) { throw new RemoteVisADException("RemoteActionImpl.getName: " + "AdaptedAction is null"); } return AdaptedAction.getName(); }