public void atext(String text, Coord c, double ax, double ay) { Text t = Text.render(text); Tex T = t.tex(); Coord sz =; image(T, c.add((int) ((double) sz.x * -ax), (int) ((double) sz.y * -ay))); T.dispose(); checkerr(); }
/* Draw texture at c, clipping everything outside ul to ul + sz. */ public void image(Tex tex, Coord c, Coord ul, Coord sz) { if (tex == null) return; st.set(cur2d); ul = ul.add(this.tx); Coord br = ul.add(sz); if (ul.x < this.ul.x) ul.x = this.ul.x; if (ul.y < this.ul.y) ul.y = this.ul.y; if (br.x > this.ul.x + br.x = this.ul.x +; if (br.y > this.ul.y + br.y = this.ul.y +; tex.crender(this, c.add(this.tx), ul, br.sub(ul)); checkerr(); }
/* Draw texture at c, with the extra state s applied. */ public void image(Tex tex, Coord c, GLState s) { st.set(cur2d); if (s != null) state(s); tex.crender(this, c.add(tx), ul, sz); checkerr(); }
public void rimage(Tex tex, Coord c, Coord sz) { Coord cc = new Coord(); for (cc.y = c.y; cc.y < c.y + sz.y; cc.y += { for (cc.x = c.x; cc.x < c.x + sz.x; cc.x += image(tex, cc, c, sz); } }
public void rimageh(Tex tex, Coord c, int w) { Coord cc = new Coord(c); Coord sz = new Coord(w,; for (; cc.x < c.x + w; cc.x += image(tex, cc, c, sz); }
public void rimagev(Tex tex, Coord c, int h) { Coord cc = new Coord(c); Coord sz = new Coord(, h); for (; cc.y < c.y + h; cc.y += image(tex, cc, c, sz); }
/* Draw texture at c, scaling it to sz. */ public void image(Tex tex, Coord c, Coord sz) { if (tex == null) return; st.set(cur2d); tex.crender(this, c.add(tx), ul,, sz); checkerr(); }
public void aimage(Tex tex, Coord c, double ax, double ay) { Coord sz =; image(tex, c.add((int) ((double) sz.x * -ax), (int) ((double) sz.y * -ay))); }
public void image(BufferedImage img, Coord c) { if (img == null) return; Tex tex = new TexI(img); image(tex, c); tex.dispose(); }