public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { List<SystemProperty> properties = SystemPropertiesParser.parse(); System.out.println(NORMAL_GSON.toJson(properties)); Files.write(Paths.get("system_properties_min.json"), NORMAL_GSON.toJson(properties).getBytes()); Files.write(Paths.get("system_properties.json"), PRETTY_GSON.toJson(properties).getBytes()); createReadMe(properties); }
@Test public void should_not_copy_given_file_from_source_directory_if_it_already_exist() throws Exception { write(source.toPath().resolve("pbButton.json"), "contents from source".getBytes()); write(destination.toPath().resolve("pbButton.json"), "contents from destination".getBytes()); visitor.visitFile(source.toPath().resolve("pbButton.json"), null); assertThat(readAllBytes(destination.toPath().resolve("pbButton.json"))) .isEqualTo("contents from destination".getBytes()); }
// Test borrowed from BytesAndLines public void testLines() throws IOException { final Charset US_ASCII = Charset.forName("US-ASCII"); Path tmpfile = Files.createTempFile("blah", "txt"); try { // zero lines assertTrue(Files.size(tmpfile) == 0, "File should be empty"); try (Stream<String> s = Files.lines(tmpfile)) { checkLines(s, Collections.emptyList()); } try (Stream<String> s = Files.lines(tmpfile, US_ASCII)) { checkLines(s, Collections.emptyList()); } // one line List<String> oneLine = Arrays.asList("hi"); Files.write(tmpfile, oneLine, US_ASCII); try (Stream<String> s = Files.lines(tmpfile)) { checkLines(s, oneLine); } try (Stream<String> s = Files.lines(tmpfile, US_ASCII)) { checkLines(s, oneLine); } // two lines using platform's line separator List<String> twoLines = Arrays.asList("hi", "there"); Files.write(tmpfile, twoLines, US_ASCII); try (Stream<String> s = Files.lines(tmpfile)) { checkLines(s, twoLines); } try (Stream<String> s = Files.lines(tmpfile, US_ASCII)) { checkLines(s, twoLines); } // MalformedInputException byte[] bad = {(byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff}; Files.write(tmpfile, bad); try (Stream<String> s = Files.lines(tmpfile)) { checkMalformedInputException(s); } try (Stream<String> s = Files.lines(tmpfile, US_ASCII)) { checkMalformedInputException(s); } // NullPointerException checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.lines(null)); checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.lines(null, US_ASCII)); checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.lines(tmpfile, null)); } finally { Files.delete(tmpfile); } }
@Test public void testFileSystemGet() throws Exception { final File barFile = new File(tmpDir, "bar.html"); final String expectedContentA = "<html/>"; final String expectedContentB = "<html><body/></html>"; Files.write(barFile.toPath(), expectedContentA.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); try (CloseableHttpClient hc = HttpClients.createMinimal()) { final String lastModified; HttpUriRequest req = new HttpGet(newUri("/fs/bar.html")); try (CloseableHttpResponse res = hc.execute(req)) { lastModified = assert200Ok(res, "text/html", expectedContentA); } // Test if the 'If-Modified-Since' header works as expected. req = new HttpGet(newUri("/fs/bar.html")); req.setHeader(HttpHeaders.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, currentHttpDate()); try (CloseableHttpResponse res = hc.execute(req)) { assert304NotModified(res, lastModified, "text/html"); } // Test if the 'If-Modified-Since' header works as expected after the file is modified. req = new HttpGet(newUri("/fs/bar.html")); req.setHeader(HttpHeaders.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, currentHttpDate()); // HTTP-date has no sub-second precision; wait until the current second changes. Thread.sleep(1000); Files.write(barFile.toPath(), expectedContentB.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); try (CloseableHttpResponse res = hc.execute(req)) { final String newLastModified = assert200Ok(res, "text/html", expectedContentB); // Ensure that the 'Last-Modified' header did not change. assertThat(newLastModified, is(not(lastModified))); } // Test if the cache detects the file removal correctly. final boolean deleted = barFile.delete(); assertThat(deleted, is(true)); req = new HttpGet(newUri("/fs/bar.html")); req.setHeader(HttpHeaders.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, currentHttpDate()); req.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONNECTION, "close"); try (CloseableHttpResponse res = hc.execute(req)) { assert404NotFound(res); } } }
private void buildJSImagesList() { String str = "var tinyMCEImageList = new Array(\n"; Path dir = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.home"), ".saas", "app", "ui", "img", "www"); boolean isFirst = true; for (File f : dir.toFile().listFiles()) { if (f.isDirectory()) { continue; } String s = "[\"" + f.getName() + "\", \"img/www/" + f.getName() + "\"]"; if (isFirst) { str += s; isFirst = false; } else { str += ",\n" + s; } } str += "\n);"; Path f = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.home"), ".saas", "app", "ui", "js", "image_list.js"); try { Files.write(f, str.getBytes()); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getGlobal().log(Level.WARNING, str, ex); JSMediator.alert(getSession(), ex.toString()); } }
/* * this tests ensure that MethodParameters produces by javac is packed * correctly. Usually this is not the case as new attributes are available * in the sdk jars, since MethodParameters happens to be an optional * attribute, thus this test. */ static void testMethodParameters() throws Exception { List<String> scratch = new ArrayList<>(); final String fname = "MP"; String javaFileName = fname + Utils.JAVA_FILE_EXT; String javaClassName = fname + Utils.CLASS_FILE_EXT; scratch.add("class " + fname + " {"); scratch.add("void foo2(int j, final int k){}"); scratch.add("}"); File cwd = new File("."); File javaFile = new File(cwd, javaFileName); Files.write(javaFile.toPath(), scratch, Charset.defaultCharset(), CREATE, TRUNCATE_EXISTING); Utils.compiler(javaFile.getName(), "-parameters"); // jar the file up File testjarFile = new File(cwd, "test" + Utils.JAR_FILE_EXT); Utils.jar("cvf", testjarFile.getName(), javaClassName); // pack using --repack File outjarFile = new File(cwd, "out" + Utils.JAR_FILE_EXT); scratch.clear(); scratch.add(Utils.getPack200Cmd()); scratch.add("--repack"); scratch.add("--unknown-attribute=error"); scratch.add(outjarFile.getName()); scratch.add(testjarFile.getName()); Utils.runExec(scratch); Utils.doCompareVerify(testjarFile, outjarFile); }
private static void writeReport(Report report) { if (report == null) { return; } if (!SHOULD_WRITE_REPORT) { return; } report.timestamp = new Date().toString(); report.javaVersion = System.getProperty("java.runtime.version"); report.hardwareConfig = getHwConfigFromEnv(); report.jvmArgs = getNonXenonJvmArgs(); report.xenonArgs = getXenonTestArgs(); = getIdFromEnv(); report.os = System.getProperty("") + " " + System.getProperty("os.version"); Path dest = getReportRootFolder(); dest = dest.resolve(; report.prepare(); Logger logger = Logger.getAnonymousLogger(); try { Files.createDirectories(dest); dest = dest.resolve( + ".json").toAbsolutePath(); String json = Utils.toJsonHtml(report); Files.write(dest, json.getBytes(Utils.CHARSET));"Report for test run %s written to %s",, dest)); } catch (IOException e) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not save test results to " + dest, e); } }
public <T> void exportToCsv(String fileName, Iterator<T> data) { try { Files.createDirectories(Paths.get(DIR)); StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); List<Method> getters = null; while (data.hasNext()) { T t =; if (getters == null) { getters = ReflectionUtil.getAllGetters(t.getClass()); getters.sort((a, b) -> a.getName().length() - b.getName().length()); } for (Method getter : getters) { try { String value = String.valueOf(getter.invoke(t)); content.append(value).append(','); } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } content.append('\n'); } Files.write( Paths.get(DIR + fileName), content.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"), CREATE, WRITE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Test public void testCreateRelativeSymlinkToFilesInRoot() throws IOException { ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem = new ProjectFilesystem(tmp.getRoot()); tmp.newFile("biz.txt"); Path pathToDesiredLinkUnderProjectRoot = Paths.get("gamma.txt"); Path pathToExistingFileUnderProjectRoot = Paths.get("biz.txt"); Path relativePath = MorePaths.createRelativeSymlink( pathToDesiredLinkUnderProjectRoot, pathToExistingFileUnderProjectRoot, projectFilesystem); assertEquals("biz.txt", relativePath.toString()); Path absolutePathToDesiredLinkUnderProjectRoot = projectFilesystem.resolve(pathToDesiredLinkUnderProjectRoot); assertTrue(Files.isSymbolicLink(absolutePathToDesiredLinkUnderProjectRoot)); Path targetOfSymbolicLink = Files.readSymbolicLink(absolutePathToDesiredLinkUnderProjectRoot); assertEquals(relativePath, targetOfSymbolicLink); Path absolutePathToExistingFileUnderProjectRoot = projectFilesystem.resolve(pathToExistingFileUnderProjectRoot); Files.write(absolutePathToExistingFileUnderProjectRoot, "Hello, World!".getBytes()); String dataReadFromSymlink = new String(Files.readAllBytes(absolutePathToDesiredLinkUnderProjectRoot)); assertEquals("Hello, World!", dataReadFromSymlink); }
void ReceiveFileChunksFromServer() throws Exception, ClassNotFoundException { try { if (flagFilename) { filename = (String) in.readObject(); totalChunks = Integer.parseInt((String) in.readObject()); flagFilename = false; } if (availableChunks == null) availableChunks = new File[totalChunks]; if (requiredChunks == null) requiredChunks = new File[totalChunks]; int partNumber = Integer.parseInt((String) in.readObject()); File partFile = new File("chunks/" + filename + "." + partNumber); byte[] msg = (byte[]) in.readObject(); Files.write(partFile.toPath(), msg); availableChunks[partNumber] = partFile; System.out.println("Received chunk " + partNumber); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { flag = true; } catch (Exception e) { flag = true; } }
public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length < 1 || args.length > 2) { System.out.println("Usage: PosTagger <file_in> [<file_out]"); System.exit(0); } try { CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(args[0]), ';'); // List<String> lstSemanticSkeletons = // BisonAdapter.getStrSemanticSkeletons(Files.lines(Paths.get(args[0]))); List<String> lstSemanticSkeletons = BisonAdapter.getStrSemanticSkeletons(reader.readAll().stream()); if (args.length == 2) { Files.write(Paths.get(args[1]), lstSemanticSkeletons); } else { lstSemanticSkeletons.forEach(System.out::println); } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Problem opening file: " + args[0]); } }
private static void createReadMe(List<SystemProperty> properties) throws IOException { HtmlCanvas html = new HtmlCanvas(); html.table(); html.tbody() .tr() .td() .content("Key") .td() .content("Description") .td() .content("Uses") ._tr() ._tbody(); String githubUrl = ""; String branch = "lollipop-release"; for (SystemProperty property : properties) {;;;; for (SystemProperty.GithubInfo o : property.github) { String url = String.format(githubUrl, o.repo, branch, o.path); html.a(href(url)).content(o.getClassName());; } html._td(); html._tr(); } Files.write(Paths.get(""), html.toHtml().getBytes()); }
/** * Save state. * * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public default void SaveState() throws IOException { final Gson newGsonWriter = new Gson(); final String stringFileinJSON = newGsonWriter.toJson(this); final String path = GetFolder() + "\\" + GetName() + "_" + GetID() + ".txt"; Files.write(Paths.get(path), stringFileinJSON.getBytes()); }
public void setDirectionOut(int i) { try { Files.write(gpioDirection[i], OUT); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
public void setValueLow(int i) { try { Files.write(gpioValue[i], VALUE_LOW); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
public void setDebugCurrentPinmuxMode2(int i) { try { Files.write(gpioDebugCurrentPinMux[i], MODE_2); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
@Test public void processesExternModules() throws IOException { Path extern = path("root/externs/xml.js"); Path module = path("root/source/foo.js"); createDirectories(extern.getParent()); write( extern, lines( "/** @const */", "var xml = {};", "/** @param {string} str", " * @return {!Object}", " */", "xml.parse = function(str) {};", "module.exports = xml;") .getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); CompilerUtil compiler = createCompiler(ImmutableSet.of(extern), ImmutableSet.of(module)); compiler.compile(module, "var xml = require('xml');", "xml.parse('abc');"); assertThat(compiler.toSource()) .contains( lines( "var xml = $jscomp.scope.xml_module;", "var module$root$source$foo = {};", "$jscomp.scope.xml_module.parse(\"abc\");")); }
private synchronized void print( String url, String startTime, String endTime, int fileSize, String cacheBool, int statusCode) { String entry = url + " " + startTime + " " + endTime + " " + fileSize + " " + cacheBool + " " + statusCode + System.lineSeparator(); try { Files.write(Paths.get("log.txt"), entry.getBytes(), StandardOpenOption.APPEND); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(doComms.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
private void doRequest(Object info) { try { Response response = this.callPDP(RequestParser.parseRequest(info)); Path resultFile; if (this.output != null) { resultFile = Paths.get( this.output.toString(), "Response." + String.format("%03d", this.num) + ".json"); } else { resultFile = Paths.get(, "results", "Response." + String.format("%03d", this.num) + ".json"); } // // Write the response to the result file //"Response is: " + response.toString()); if (resultFile != null) { Files.write(resultFile, response.toString().getBytes()); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException | DataTypeException | IOException e) { logger.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Given a file and contents, and Charset, attempts to write the entire string provided to the * file using the specified encoding. If the file does not exist, it creates it. If the file * exists, it overwrites the contents, truncating prior to any writing. * * @param path the path of the file to write to * @param contents the data to be written to the file * @param encoding the string encoding method to use */ public static void writeToFile(String path, String contents, Charset encoding) { try { Files.write(Paths.get(path), contents.getBytes(encoding)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** Generate evolutions. */ @Override public void create() { if (!environment.isProd()) { config .serverConfigs() .forEach( (key, serverConfig) -> { String evolutionScript = generateEvolutionScript(servers.get(key)); if (evolutionScript != null) { File evolutions = environment.getFile("conf/evolutions/" + key + "/1.sql"); try { String content = ""; if (evolutions.exists()) { content = new String(Files.readAllBytes(evolutions.toPath()), "utf-8"); } if (content.isEmpty() || content.startsWith("# --- Created by Ebean DDL")) { environment.getFile("conf/evolutions/" + key).mkdirs(); if (!content.equals(evolutionScript)) { Files.write(evolutions.toPath(), evolutionScript.getBytes("utf-8")); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }); } }
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException { Log log = getLog(); String root = project.getBasedir().getPath(); String[] matchingFiles = scan(new File(root)); for (String matchingFile : matchingFiles) {"compiling '" + matchingFile + "'..."); Path sourceFile = Paths.get(matchingFile); try { // Reading template file byte[] fileBytes = Files.readAllBytes(sourceFile); String template = Charset.forName(sourceEncoding).decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(fileBytes)).toString(); // Creating template name int templateNameExtensionIndex = sourceFile.getFileName().toString().lastIndexOf('.'); String templateName = templateNameExtensionIndex > 0 ? sourceFile.getFileName().toString().substring(0, templateNameExtensionIndex) : sourceFile.getFileName().toString(); // Compiling template String result = HoganTemplateCompileHelper.compileHoganTemplate(template, templateName); // Writing output file ByteBuffer bb = Charset.forName(outputEncoding).encode(result); fileBytes = new byte[bb.remaining()]; bb.get(fileBytes); Path outputFilePath = sourceFile.getParent().resolve(templateName + ".js");"writing '" + outputFilePath.toString() + "'"); Files.write(outputFilePath, fileBytes, StandardOpenOption.CREATE); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Error while compiling Hogan Template", e); } } }
/** * save current state into file * * @param file_name filename * @throws IOException */ public void saveToFile(String file_name) throws IOException { assert !"".equals(file_name);"Serialize VM to " + file_name); Path path = Paths.get(file_name); byte[] serialized_vm = this.serialize(); Files.write(path, serialized_vm); }
private void assertFileChangesReflected(String context) throws Exception { if (context.length() > 0 && !context.endsWith("/")) { context = context + "/"; } Path tmpDir = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "src", "main", "webapp", "tmp"); Files.createDirectories(tmpDir); Path newFile = tmpDir.resolve("new-file.txt"); try { Files.write(newFile, "This is new-file.txt.".getBytes()); assertContains(context + "tmp/new-file.txt", "This is new-file.txt."); Files.write(newFile, "This is updated new-file.txt.".getBytes()); assertContains(context + "tmp/new-file.txt", "This is updated new-file.txt."); } finally { Files.deleteIfExists(newFile); } }
@Override public Item item(final QueryContext qc, final InputInfo ii) throws QueryException { checkCreate(qc); final Path path = toPath(0, qc); final B64 archive = toB64(exprs[1], qc, false); final TokenSet hs = entries(2, qc); try (ArchiveIn in = ArchiveIn.get(archive.input(info), info)) { while (in.more()) { final ZipEntry ze = in.entry(); final String name = ze.getName(); if (hs == null || hs.delete(token(name)) != 0) { final Path file = path.resolve(name); if (ze.isDirectory()) { Files.createDirectories(file); } else { Files.createDirectories(file.getParent()); Files.write(file,; } } } } catch (final IOException ex) { throw ARCH_FAIL_X.get(info, ex); } return null; }
public static void main(String[] args) { // setup final Path in = getPath("in.txt"); final Path out = getPath("out.txt"); // action try { final byte[] bytes = Files.readAllBytes(in); System.out.println("-->"); System.out.println(new String(bytes)); final byte[] reversed = CollectionUtils.reverse(bytes); Files.write(out, reversed); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } // check try { final byte[] result = Files.readAllBytes(out); System.out.println("<--"); System.out.println(new String(result)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } }
public void event(WatchEvent.Kind kind, Path path) { // System.out.println("Log event"); File file = new File(path.toString()); String ip = "", owner = "unknown"; try { ip = Inet4Address.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { FileOwnerAttributeView ownerAttributeView = Files.getFileAttributeView(path, FileOwnerAttributeView.class); owner = ownerAttributeView.getOwner().getName(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String entry = String.format( "[%s] \"%s\" copied on \"%s\" by \"%s\"\n", new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MMM/YYYY HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()), path.toString(), ip, owner); try { Files.write(Paths.get(logFile), entry.getBytes(), StandardOpenOption.APPEND); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
@BeforeClass(groups = "AllEnv") public void makeTestDirectories() throws IOException { if (Files.exists(Cテスト用ルートディレクトリ)) DirectoryDeleter.delete(Cテスト用ルートディレクトリ); Files.createDirectories(C読み込みテスト用ディレクトリ); Files.createDirectories(C書き込みテスト用ディレクトリ); Files.createDirectories(C読み込める設定ファイルかと思ったらディレクトリだった); Files.createDirectories(C書き込める設定ファイルかと思ったらディレクトリだった); Files.createFile(C存在するけど形式がおかしい設定ファイル); Files.write( C存在して読み込み可能な設定ファイル, Arrays.asList( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>", "<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM \"\">", "<properties>", "<comment>Properties File for Boardgame Server</comment>", "<entry key=\"WINDOW_H\">252</entry>", "<entry key=\"WINDOW_Y\">2</entry>", "<entry key=\"WINDOW_X\">1</entry>", "<entry key=\"WINDOW_W\">251</entry>", "</properties>"), Charset.forName("UTF-8")); Files.createFile(C設定ファイルが書き込み不能だった); C設定ファイルが書き込み不能だった.toFile().setWritable(false); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { assumeThat(TD_API_KEY, not(isEmptyOrNullString())); projectDir = folder.getRoot().toPath().toAbsolutePath().normalize(); config = folder.newFile().toPath(); Files.write(config, asList(" = " + TD_API_KEY)); outfile = projectDir.resolve("outfile"); client = TDClient.newBuilder(false).setApiKey(TD_API_KEY).build(); database = "tmp_" + UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace('-', '_'); client.createDatabase(database); table = "test"; String insertJobId = client.submit( TDJobRequest.newPrestoQuery(database, "create table " + table + " as select 1")); TestUtils.expect(Duration.ofMinutes(5), jobSuccess(client, insertJobId)); String selectCountJobId = client.submit(TDJobRequest.newPrestoQuery(database, "select count(*) from " + table)); TestUtils.expect(Duration.ofMinutes(5), jobSuccess(client, selectCountJobId)); List<ArrayNode> result = downloadResult(selectCountJobId); assertThat(result.get(0).get(0).asInt(), is(1)); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length < 1) { System.out.println("USAGE : java -jar GoEuroTest.jar <CITY_NAME>"); System.exit(1); } String urlStr = ""; urlStr = urlStr + URLEncoder.encode(args[0], "UTF-8"); URL url = new URL(urlStr); String lines = ""; String fileHeader = "_id,name,type,latitude,longitude\r\n"; // out csv file header lines += fileHeader; try { InputStream inputStream = url.openStream(); JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(inputStream); JsonArray results = jsonReader.readArray(); if (results.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("INFO: City '" + args[0] + "' returned 0 results."); return; } for (JsonObject result : results.getValuesAs(JsonObject.class)) { lines += result.getJsonNumber("_id") + ","; lines += result.getString("name") + ","; lines += result.getString("type") + ","; lines += result.getJsonObject("geo_position").getJsonNumber("latitude") + ","; lines += result.getJsonObject("geo_position").getJsonNumber("longitude") + "\r\n"; } Files.write(Paths.get("./out.csv"), lines.getBytes()); System.out.println("INFO: Wrote results to 'out.csv'."); } catch (Throwable e) { System.out.println("ERROR: Could not write CSV File 'out.csv'. Error: " + e); } }