public void flush() throws IOException { // Log.i("PackageManager", "flush mPos=" + mPos); if (mPos > 0) { if (mOutputStream != null) { CharBuffer charBuffer = CharBuffer.wrap(mText, 0, mPos); CoderResult result = mCharset.encode(charBuffer, mBytes, true); while (true) { if (result.isError()) { throw new IOException(result.toString()); } else if (result.isOverflow()) { flushBytes(); result = mCharset.encode(charBuffer, mBytes, true); continue; } break; } flushBytes(); mOutputStream.flush(); } else { mWriter.write(mText, 0, mPos); mWriter.flush(); } mPos = 0; } }
/** * Write String using specified encoding * * <p>When this is called multiple times, all but the last value has a trailing null * * @param encoder * @param next * @param i * @param noOfValues * @return * @throws CharacterCodingException */ private ByteBuffer writeString(CharsetEncoder encoder, String next, int i, int noOfValues) throws CharacterCodingException { ByteBuffer bb; if ((i + 1) == noOfValues) { bb = encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(next)); } else { bb = encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(next + '\0')); } bb.rewind(); return bb; }
private void convert(CharBuffer chars) throws IOException { CoderResult result = encoder.encode(chars, bytes, true); while (true) { if (result.isError()) { throw new IOException(result.toString()); } else if (result.isOverflow()) { // flush the output buffer flush(); result = encoder.encode(chars, bytes, true); continue; } break; } }
/** * Decode byte array as specified charset, then convert to UTF-8 by encoding as UTF8 * * @param buf byte array to decode and convert to UTF8 * @param charsetName charset to decode byte array into * @return * @throws CharacterCodingException */ public static synchronized byte[] convertByteArrayToUTF8ByteArray(byte[] buf, String charsetName) throws CharacterCodingException { Charset cset; cset = Charset.forName(charsetName); // detected character set name CharsetDecoder csetDecoder = cset.newDecoder(); Charset utf8 = Charset.forName(Jeeves.ENCODING); CharsetEncoder utf8Encoder = utf8.newEncoder(); ByteBuffer inputBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf); // decode as detected character set CharBuffer data = csetDecoder.decode(inputBuffer); // encode as UTF-8 ByteBuffer outputBuffer = utf8Encoder.encode(data); // remove any nulls from the end of the encoded data why? - this is a // bug in the encoder???? could also be that the file has characters // from more than one charset? byte[] out = outputBuffer.array(); int length = out.length; while (out[length - 1] == 0) length--; byte[] result = new byte[length]; System.arraycopy(out, 0, result, 0, length); // now return the converted bytes return result; }
public static void saveFile(File file, String content, String charsetName) { // if (Utils.isEmpty(fileName) || Utils.isEmpty(content)) { // return; // } //"save file:" + fileName + " charset:" + charsetName); file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); Charset cs; if (null == charsetName || "".equals(charsetName)) { cs = Charset.defaultCharset(); } else { cs = Charset.forName(charsetName); } CharsetEncoder encoder = cs.newEncoder(); FileOutputStream os = null; FileChannel out = null; try { os = new FileOutputStream(file); out = os.getChannel(); out.write(encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(content))); } catch (CharacterCodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { close(out); close(os); } }
public static void write(ICharsetCodec cc, CharBuffer cb, IUnitChain unitChain) { final CharsetEncoder encoder = cc.getEncoder(); try { IUnit unit = Util.lastUnit(unitChain); ByteBuffer bb = unit.getByteBufferForWrite(); boolean flush = false; encoder.reset(); for (; ; ) { CoderResult cr = flush ? encoder.flush(bb) : encoder.encode(cb, bb, true); unit.size(bb.position() - unit.start()); if (cr.isOverflow()) { unit = Util.appendNewUnit(unitChain); bb = unit.getByteBufferForWrite(); continue; } if (!cr.isUnderflow()) cr.throwException(); if (flush) break; else flush = true; } } catch (CharacterCodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { cc.releaseEncoder(encoder); } }
private static void writeEntry( OutputStream os, Attributes.Name name, String value, CharsetEncoder encoder, ByteBuffer bBuf) throws IOException { byte[] out = name.getBytes(); if (out.length > LINE_LENGTH_LIMIT) { throw new IOException( Messages.getString( "archive.33", name, Integer.valueOf(LINE_LENGTH_LIMIT))); // $NON-NLS-1$ } os.write(out); os.write(VALUE_SEPARATOR); encoder.reset(); bBuf.clear().limit(LINE_LENGTH_LIMIT - out.length - 2); CharBuffer cBuf = CharBuffer.wrap(value); CoderResult r; while (true) { r = encoder.encode(cBuf, bBuf, true); if (CoderResult.UNDERFLOW == r) { r = encoder.flush(bBuf); } os.write(bBuf.array(), bBuf.arrayOffset(), bBuf.position()); os.write(LINE_SEPARATOR); if (CoderResult.UNDERFLOW == r) { break; } os.write(' '); bBuf.clear().limit(LINE_LENGTH_LIMIT - 1); } }
private void updateWithCharBuf() { final int reqSize = (int) charEncoder.maxBytesPerChar() * charBuff.position(); if (byteBuff.capacity() < reqSize) { byteBuff = java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocate(2 * reqSize); } // Make ready for read charBuff.flip(); final CoderResult cr = charEncoder.encode(charBuff, byteBuff, true); try { if (cr.isError()) cr.throwException(); // Make ready for read byteBuff.flip(); final byte[] byts = byteBuff.array(); final int len = byteBuff.remaining(); final int strt = byteBuff.arrayOffset(); digest.update(byts, strt, len); } catch (final CharacterCodingException e) { throw new OXFException(e); } catch (java.nio.BufferOverflowException e) { throw new OXFException(e); } catch (java.nio.BufferUnderflowException e) { throw new OXFException(e); } finally { // Make ready for write charBuff.clear(); byteBuff.clear(); } }
/** * Adds an authentication header for basic authentication * * @param con the connection * @throws OsmTransferException thrown if something went wrong. Check for nested exceptions */ protected void addBasicAuthorizationHeader(HttpURLConnection con) throws OsmTransferException { CharsetEncoder encoder = Charset.forName("UTF-8").newEncoder(); CredentialsManagerResponse response; String token; try { synchronized (CredentialsManagerFactory.getCredentialManager()) { response = CredentialsManagerFactory.getCredentialManager() .getCredentials( RequestorType.SERVER, false /* don't know yet whether the credentials will succeed */); } } catch (CredentialsManagerException e) { throw new OsmTransferException(e); } if (response == null) { token = ":"; } else if (response.isCanceled()) { cancel = true; return; } else { String username = response.getUsername() == null ? "" : response.getUsername(); String password = response.getPassword() == null ? "" : String.valueOf(response.getPassword()); token = username + ":" + password; try { ByteBuffer bytes = encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(token)); con.addRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + Base64.encode(bytes)); } catch (CharacterCodingException e) { throw new OsmTransferException(e); } } }
private void fillByteBuffer(Reader reader) throws IOException { CharBuffer cbuf = CharBuffer.allocate(DEFAULT_CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE); ByteBuffer bbuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(DEFAULT_BYTE_BUFFER_SIZE); List<byte[]> list = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); while (true) { cbuf.clear(); int size =; if (size <= 0) { break; } cbuf.limit(cbuf.position()); cbuf.rewind(); boolean eof = false; while (!eof) { CoderResult cr = encoder.encode(cbuf, bbuf, eof); if (cr.isError()) { cr.throwException(); } else if (cr.isUnderflow()) { appendBytes(list, bbuf); eof = true; } else if (cr.isOverflow()) { appendBytes(list, bbuf); bbuf.clear(); } } } getByteArray(list); }
@JRubyMethod public IRubyObject convert(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject srcBuffer) { if (!(srcBuffer instanceof RubyString)) { throw context.runtime.newTypeError(srcBuffer, context.runtime.getString()); } RubyString srcString = (RubyString) srcBuffer; ByteList srcBL = srcString.getByteList(); if (srcBL.getRealSize() == 0) return context.runtime.newSymbol("source_buffer_empty"); ByteBuffer srcBB = ByteBuffer.wrap(srcBL.getUnsafeBytes(), srcBL.begin(), srcBL.getRealSize()); try { CharBuffer srcCB = CharBuffer.allocate((int) (srcDecoder.maxCharsPerByte() * srcBL.getRealSize()) + 1); CoderResult decodeResult = srcDecoder.decode(srcBB, srcCB, true); srcCB.flip(); ByteBuffer destBB = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) (destEncoder.maxBytesPerChar() * srcCB.limit()) + 1); CoderResult encodeResult = destEncoder.encode(srcCB, destBB, true); destBB.flip(); byte[] destBytes = new byte[destBB.limit()]; destBB.get(destBytes); srcDecoder.reset(); destEncoder.reset(); return context.runtime.newString(new ByteList(destBytes, destEncoding.getEncoding(), false)); } catch (Exception e) { throw context.runtime.newRuntimeError(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } }
static byte[] encode(char[] cc, Charset cs, boolean testDirect, Time t) throws Exception { ByteBuffer bbf; CharBuffer cbf; CharsetEncoder enc = cs.newEncoder(); String csn =; if (testDirect) { bbf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(cc.length * 4); cbf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(cc.length * 2).asCharBuffer(); cbf.put(cc).flip(); } else { bbf = ByteBuffer.allocate(cc.length * 4); cbf = CharBuffer.wrap(cc); } CoderResult cr = null; long t1 = System.nanoTime() / 1000; for (int i = 0; i < iteration; i++) { cbf.rewind(); bbf.clear(); enc.reset(); cr = enc.encode(cbf, bbf, true); } long t2 = System.nanoTime() / 1000; t.t = (t2 - t1) / iteration; if (cr != CoderResult.UNDERFLOW) { System.out.println("ENC-----------------"); int pos = cbf.position(); System.out.printf(" cr=%s, cbf.pos=%d, cc[pos]=%x%n", cr.toString(), pos, cc[pos] & 0xffff); throw new RuntimeException("Encoding err: " + csn); } byte[] bb = new byte[bbf.position()]; bbf.flip(); bbf.get(bb); return bb; }
/** * Write a string to the network. The length header of the string is written automatically and its * encoded to the correct CharSet automatically. * * @param value the string that shall be send to the server */ @Override public void writeString(@Nonnull String value) throws CharacterCodingException { int startIndex = buffer.position(); buffer.putShort((short) 0); encodingBuffer.clear(); encodingBuffer.put(value, 0, Math.min(encodingBuffer.capacity(), value.length())); encodingBuffer.flip(); do { CoderResult encodingResult = encoder.encode(encodingBuffer, buffer, true); if (!encodingResult.isError()) { break; } if (encodingResult.isUnmappable()) { log.warn( "Found a character that failed to encode for the transfer to the server: {} - SKIP", encodingBuffer.get()); } else { encodingResult.throwException(); } } while (encodingBuffer.hasRemaining()); int lastIndex = buffer.position(); buffer.position(startIndex); writeUShort(lastIndex - startIndex - 2); buffer.position(lastIndex); }
/** * Find potential matches for a query * * @param query The query string * @return Search results object */ public EdictSearchResults search(String query) { CharsetEncoder encoder = this.dictionary.getCharacterHandler().getCharsetEncoder(); ByteBuffer encodedQuery = null; try { encodedQuery = encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(query)); } catch (CharacterCodingException e) { // If we can't encode it we can't search for it here // TODO some sort of exception return null; } try { EdictComparator comparator = this.dictionary.comparator(); int start = 0; int end = this.dictionary.getIndexSize() - 1; int match = -1; do { int current = start + ((end - start) / 2); int character = comparator.compareLeft(encodedQuery, this.dictionary.getIndexEntry(current)); if (character > 0) { start = current + 1; } else if (character < 0) { end = current - 1; } else { match = current; } } while ((start <= end) && (match == -1)); if (match != -1) { end = this.dictionary.getIndexSize() - 1; int min = match; int max = match; while ((min > 0) && (comparator.compareLeft(encodedQuery, this.dictionary.getIndexEntry(min - 1)) == 0)) { min--; } while ((max < end) && (comparator.compareLeft(encodedQuery, this.dictionary.getIndexEntry(max + 1)) == 0)) { max++; } return new EdictSearchResults(this.dictionary, encodedQuery, min, max); } } catch (CharacterCodingException e) { // Shouldn't happen. If any entries of the dictionary were broken, the term index should omit // all terms from that entry e.printStackTrace(); } return new EdictSearchResults(this.dictionary, encodedQuery, null, null); }
static byte[] encode(Charset cs, char[] ca, int off, int len) { CharsetEncoder ce = cs.newEncoder(); int en = scale(len, ce.maxBytesPerChar()); byte[] ba = new byte[en]; if (len == 0) return ba; boolean isTrusted = false; if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) { if (!(isTrusted = (cs.getClass().getClassLoader0() == null))) { ca = Arrays.copyOfRange(ca, off, off + len); off = 0; } } ce.onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE) .onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE) .reset(); if (ce instanceof ArrayEncoder) { int blen = ((ArrayEncoder) ce).encode(ca, off, len, ba); return safeTrim(ba, blen, cs, isTrusted); } else { ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(ba); CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.wrap(ca, off, len); try { CoderResult cr = ce.encode(cb, bb, true); if (!cr.isUnderflow()) cr.throwException(); cr = ce.flush(bb); if (!cr.isUnderflow()) cr.throwException(); } catch (CharacterCodingException x) { throw new Error(x); } return safeTrim(ba, bb.position(), cs, isTrusted); } }
public static int encode( final CharsetEncoder ce, final char[] ca, final int off, final int len, final byte[] targetArray) { if (len == 0) { return 0; } if (ce instanceof ArrayEncoder) { return ((ArrayEncoder) ce).encode(ca, off, len, targetArray); } else { ce.reset(); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(targetArray); CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.wrap(ca, off, len); try { CoderResult cr = ce.encode(cb, bb, true); if (!cr.isUnderflow()) { cr.throwException(); } cr = ce.flush(bb); if (!cr.isUnderflow()) { cr.throwException(); } } catch (CharacterCodingException x) { throw new Error(x); } return bb.position(); } }
byte[] encode(char[] ca, int off, int len) { int en = (int) (ce.maxBytesPerChar() * len); byte[] ba = new byte[en]; if (len == 0) return ba; ce.reset(); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(ba); CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.wrap(ca, off, len); try { CoderResult cr = ce.encode(cb, bb, true); if (!cr.isUnderflow()) cr.throwException(); cr = ce.flush(bb); if (!cr.isUnderflow()) cr.throwException(); } catch (CharacterCodingException x) { // Substitution is always enabled, // so this shouldn't happen throw new Error(x); } return trim(ba, bb.position()); }
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { String inputFile = "samplein.txt"; String outputFile = "sampleout.txt"; RandomAccessFile inf = new RandomAccessFile(inputFile, "r"); RandomAccessFile outf = new RandomAccessFile(outputFile, "rw"); long inputLength = new File(inputFile).length(); FileChannel inc = inf.getChannel(); FileChannel outc = outf.getChannel(); MappedByteBuffer inputData =, 0, inputLength); Charset latin1 = Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1"); CharsetDecoder decoder = latin1.newDecoder(); CharsetEncoder encoder = latin1.newEncoder(); CharBuffer cb = decoder.decode(inputData); // Process char data here ByteBuffer outputData = encoder.encode(cb); outc.write(outputData); inf.close(); outf.close(); }
@Override protected void onTextMessage(CharBuffer message) throws IOException { String temp = message.toString(); JSONObject json = (JSONObject) JSONSerializer.toJSON(temp); String type = json.getString("type").toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", ""); String location = json.getString("location"); String lat = json.getString("lat"); String lng = json.getString("lng"); String radius = json.getString("radius"); String keywords = json.getString("keywords"); String result = null; try { if (type.equals("overview")) result = getOverViewData(location, lat, lng, radius, keywords); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject(); jsonResult.put("error", "true"); result = jsonResult.toString(); } if (result == null || result.equals("")) { JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject(); jsonResult.put("error", "true"); result = jsonResult.toString(); } Charset charset = Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1"); CharsetDecoder decoder = charset.newDecoder(); CharsetEncoder encoder = charset.newEncoder(); CharBuffer uCharBuffer = CharBuffer.wrap(result); ByteBuffer bbuf = encoder.encode(uCharBuffer); CharBuffer cbuf = decoder.decode(bbuf); getWsOutbound().writeTextMessage(cbuf); }
// Writes a C string and expands the frame if necessary // FIXME: Property strings containing nul ('\0') characters will corrupt the frame when they are // written. // Figure out how to throw an exception here if any nul chars are encountered private static ByteBuffer writeCString(ByteBuffer frame, String string) { Byte b = propertyAbbreviations.get(string); if (b != null) { if (frame.remaining() < 2) frame = ByteBuffer.allocate(frame.capacity() << 1).put((ByteBuffer) frame.rewind()); frame.put(b); frame.put((byte) 0); } else { CharsetEncoder cStringEncoder = cStringCharset.newEncoder(); CharBuffer chars = CharBuffer.wrap(string); for (int size = frame.capacity(); ; cStringEncoder.flush(frame)) { cStringEncoder.reset(); if (cStringEncoder.encode(chars, frame, true) == CoderResult.OVERFLOW) { // debug output // System.out.println("overflow, reallocating to size " + (size << 1) + " (printing \"" + // string + "\")"); frame = ByteBuffer.allocate(size = (size << 1)).put((ByteBuffer) frame.rewind()); } else break; } cStringEncoder.flush(frame); frame.put((byte) 0); } return frame; }
public ByteBuffer flush(ByteBuffer dst) throws SVNException { if (myCharBuffer != null) { CoderResult result; while (true) { result = myDecoder.flush(myCharBuffer); if (result.isError()) { throwException(result); } if (result.isUnderflow()) { break; } } myCharBuffer.flip(); dst = allocate(dst, (int) (myEncoder.maxBytesPerChar() * myCharBuffer.remaining())); result = myEncoder.encode(myCharBuffer, dst, true); if (result.isError()) { throwException(result); } while (true) { result = myEncoder.flush(dst); if (result.isError()) { throwException(result); } if (result.isUnderflow()) { break; } } } reset(); return dst; }
public ByteBuffer convertChunk( byte[] b, int offset, int length, ByteBuffer dst, boolean endOfInput) throws SVNException { myInputByteBuffer = allocate(myInputByteBuffer, length); myInputByteBuffer.put(b, offset, length); myInputByteBuffer.flip(); myCharBuffer = allocate(myCharBuffer, (int) (myDecoder.maxCharsPerByte() * myInputByteBuffer.remaining())); CoderResult result = myDecoder.decode(myInputByteBuffer, myCharBuffer, endOfInput); if (result.isError()) { throwException(result); } else if (result.isUnderflow()) { myInputByteBuffer.compact(); } else { myInputByteBuffer.clear(); } myCharBuffer.flip(); dst = allocate(dst, (int) (myEncoder.maxBytesPerChar() * myCharBuffer.remaining())); result = myEncoder.encode(myCharBuffer, dst, false); if (result.isError()) { throwException(result); } else if (result.isUnderflow()) { myCharBuffer.compact(); } else { myCharBuffer.clear(); } return dst; }
/** * Creates a string in a specfied character set. * * @param value String constant, must not be null * @param charsetName Name of the character set, may be null * @param collation Collation, may be null * @throws IllegalCharsetNameException If the given charset name is illegal * @throws UnsupportedCharsetException If no support for the named charset is available in this * instance of the Java virtual machine * @throws RuntimeException If the given value cannot be represented in the given charset */ public NlsString(String value, String charsetName, SqlCollation collation) { assert value != null; if (null != charsetName) { charsetName = charsetName.toUpperCase(); this.charsetName = charsetName; String javaCharsetName = SqlUtil.translateCharacterSetName(charsetName); if (javaCharsetName == null) { throw new UnsupportedCharsetException(charsetName); } this.charset = Charset.forName(javaCharsetName); CharsetEncoder encoder = charset.newEncoder(); // dry run to see if encoding hits any problems try { encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(value)); } catch (CharacterCodingException ex) { throw RESOURCE.charsetEncoding(value, javaCharsetName).ex(); } } else { this.charsetName = null; this.charset = null; } this.collation = collation; this.value = value; }
public void print(ThreadContext tc, String s) { try { ByteBuffer buffer = enc.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(s)); write(tc, buffer); } catch (IOException e) { throw ExceptionHandling.dieInternal(tc, e); } }
/** * Write String in UTF-BEBOM format * * <p>When this is called multiple times, all but the last value has a trailing null * * @param next * @param i * @param noOfValues * @return * @throws CharacterCodingException */ private ByteBuffer writeStringUTF16BEBOM(String next, int i, int noOfValues) throws CharacterCodingException { CharsetEncoder encoder = Charset.forName(TextEncoding.CHARSET_UTF_16_BE_ENCODING_FORMAT).newEncoder(); encoder.onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.IGNORE); encoder.onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.IGNORE); ByteBuffer bb = null; // Add BOM if ((i + 1) == noOfValues) { bb = encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap('\ufeff' + next)); } else { bb = encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap('\ufeff' + next + '\0')); } bb.rewind(); return bb; }
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { String s = "abc\uD800\uDC00qrst"; // Valid surrogate char[] c = s.toCharArray(); CharsetEncoder enc = Charset.forName("ISO8859_1").newEncoder().onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE); /* Process the first 4 characters, including the high surrogate which should be stored */ ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(10); CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.wrap(c); cb.limit(4); enc.encode(cb, bb, false); cb.limit(7); enc.encode(cb, bb, true); byte[] first = bb.array(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) System.err.printf("[%d]=%d was %d\n", i, (int) first[i] & 0xffff, (int) c[i] & 0xffff); }
public static ByteBuffer encode(String charsetName, CharBuffer charBuffer) { try { CharsetEncoder charsetEncoder = getCharsetEncoder(charsetName); return charsetEncoder.encode(charBuffer); } catch (CharacterCodingException cce) { throw new Error(cce); } }
/** * Converts the specified property file text to a Properties object. * * @param propFileText the property file text in standard property file format * @return the resulting Properties object * @throws java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException if invalid encoding */ public static Properties toProperties(String propFileText) throws CharacterCodingException { CharsetEncoder encoder = Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1").newEncoder().onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPORT); byte[] bytes = encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(propFileText)).array(); Properties props = new Properties(); try { props.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); // shouldn't happen with BAIS } return props; }
/** Encode a string into a ByteBuffer : on return position is the end of the encoding */ public static int toByteBuffer(CharSequence s, ByteBuffer bb, CharsetEncoder enc) { int start = bb.position(); CharBuffer cBuff = CharBuffer.wrap(s); enc.reset(); CoderResult r = enc.encode(cBuff, bb, true); if (r.isOverflow()) throw new InternalErrorException("Bytes.toByteBuffer: encode overflow (1)"); r = enc.flush(bb); if (r.isOverflow()) throw new InternalErrorException("Bytes.toByteBuffer: encode overflow (2)"); // if ( r.isUnderflow() ) // throw new InternalErrorException("Bytes.toByteBuffer: encode underflow") ; int finish = bb.position(); return finish - start; }
// creates the byte array representing the replacement character in the // "to" character set; we create a new encoder to do this, so that we // don't muck with the state of the "real" encoder (in particular, whether // it will handle a BOM) private static byte[] encodeReplacement(Charset to, char replacement) { try { CharsetEncoder tempEncoder = to.newEncoder(); CharBuffer src = CharBuffer.wrap(new char[] {replacement}); ByteBuffer dst = tempEncoder.encode(src); dst.position(0); byte[] result = new byte[dst.remaining()]; dst.get(result); return result; } catch (CharacterCodingException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal replacement character: " + (int) replacement); } }